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09-21 投稿


lighterage 发音


英:  美:

lighterage 中文意思翻译



lighterage 词性/词形变化,lighterage变形

动词过去式: lighted/lit |动词过去分词: lighted/lit |形容词比较级: lighter |动词现在分词: lighting |形容词最高级: lightest |动词第三人称单数: lights |

lighterage 短语词组

1、lighterage limit ─── 重量限制

2、lighterage charges ─── [经] 驳船费

3、lighterage free ─── 免费打火机

4、lighterage and lightering ─── 驳运和 ─── 驳运

5、free lighterage ─── [经] 免费驳运

6、lighterage clause ─── [经] 驳运条款

7、lighterage contract ─── 驳运合同

8、Lighterage Control Officer ─── 打火机管制员

9、lighterage to be for charter ─── 驳船费为租船费

lighterage 同义词

luminousness | scant | strike | alight | clear | sluttish | flash | short | light-colored | flare | unclouded | lite | luminosity | illumination | illumine | kindle | igniter | carefree | twinkle | lighter | lightsome | fire | open | sparkle | brightness level | wakeful | low-cal | illuminate | gentle | perch | loose | blaze | beam | idle | fire up | faint | abstemious | brightness |ignite | bright | daylight | spark | lightheaded | unaccented | glitter | pastel | airy | luminance | light up | wanton | tripping | glow | lighting | get off | delicate | illume | calorie-free | set fire to | clean | unhorse | lightly | fall | light source | dismount | lucid | easy | lamp | promiscuous | light-headed | Inner Light | weightless | ignitor | entertaining | set on fire | visible radiation | lightness | flame | glare | get down | visible light | swooning | nimble | weak

lighterage 反义词

dark |heavy | darkness | dim

lighterage 相似词语短语

1、light ale ─── n.淡啤酒,低度啤酒

2、light-face ─── 细体字;细体字的

3、interage ─── 间隔

4、light wave ─── [光]光波

5、light rail ─── 轻轨;轻轨电车

6、lighter ─── n.打火机;驳船;点火者;v.驳运;adj.更明亮的,更光明的;照明更好的,光线更充足的;n.(Lighter)(美、英、俄)利格特尔(人名)

7、light face ─── 细体字;细体字的

8、lighterman ─── n.驳船夫

9、light-rail ─── 轻轨;轻轨电车

lighterage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lighterage Control Officer ─── 驳运控制官

2、Ship Lighterage Control Point ─── 舰船驳运控制站

3、Navy Lighterage Pontoon ─── 海军驳运浮筒

4、lighterage charges ─── [经] 驳船费

5、Discussion on stability checking of lighterage in coastal port ─── 沿海港口驳运船舶稳性核准的探讨

6、But this plan adds transhipment of through cargo and lighterage charge newly to hold proportion of original freight rate taller, longer inside, add fare level newly to drop substantially hard; ─── 但该方案新增换装和驳运费用占原有运价比例较高,较长时间内,新增费用水平难以大幅度下降;

7、Lighterage Control Center ─── 驳运控制中心

8、All lighterage and use of craft in discharging shall be at the risk and expense of the goods. ─── 卸货时一切驳运费和驳运险应由货主承担。

9、All lighterage and use of craft in discharging shall be at the risk and expense of the goods. ─── 卸货时一切驳运费和驳运险应由货主承担。

10、lighterage limit ─── 驳运费限额

11、Joint Lighterage Control Center ─── 联合驳运控制中心

12、Lighterage Skid Mounted Ditching and Laying Unit for Shoal Seabed ─── 驳载拖橇式滩海海底挖沟敷缆装置

13、free lighterage ─── [经] 免费驳运

14、The expense of lighterage at Haitian ports is not included in the steamship freight but is a separate charge to be borne by the shipper and consignee. ─── 海地各港口的驳运费不算在轮船费中,其为由发货人和收货人承担的单列费用。

15、For exploiting chengdao Shoal oilfield in Bohai, Engineering Construction No.1 Company of Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau developed a lighterage skid mounted ditching and laying unit. ─── 针对渤海埕岛滩海油田开发的需要,胜利石油管理局工程建设一公司研制了驳载拖橇式滩海海底挖沟敷缆装置。

16、Oil lighterage at sea might help alleviate the situation of port congestion and tap the potential of logistic development for national crude oil import. ─── 海上原油船对船过驳,是缓解这一矛盾、发掘进口原油物流中发展潜力的新环节。

17、lighterage pier ─── 车船间货物驳运码头

18、Lighterage Skid Mounted Ditching and Laying Unit for Shoal Seabed ─── 驳载拖橇式滩海海底挖沟敷缆装置

19、We hand you below the present rate of lighterage as per request made to our representative today. ─── 今日想我方职员查询有关驳运费事宜,目前行情如下,特此奉告。

20、Beach Lighterage Control Point ─── 海滩驳运控制点

21、Lighterage at the discharge port, if any, shall be at the Seller's risk and expenses. ─── 卸货港驳运所有费用和保险由卖方负担。

22、Was the caisson of 33 2 0 0 0 T that project of grey dam of power plant of island of the bifurcation austral Hong Kong makes 1994, through going partly lighterage is installed to Hong Kong. ─── 1994年为香港南丫岛电厂灰坝工程制作的 33个 2 0 0 0 t沉箱 ,通过半潜驳运到香港安装。

23、Discussion on stability checking of lighterage in coastal port ─── 沿海港口驳运船舶稳性核准的探讨

24、lighterage clause ─── 驳运条款

25、lighterage free ─── 免驳船费,不负责驳船费

26、Lighterage Control Point ─── 驳运控制点

27、f) The term "water carriage" in this section shall not be construed as including lighterage in or across rivers, harbors, or lakes, when performed by or on behalf of rail carrier. ─── 6本条款中“水运”一词不得视为是在铁路承运时的江河,港口、或湖泊中或往来的驳船运输。

28、lighterage and lightening expenses at discharge port/outside discharging port if any, to be for Buyer/Receiver’s account, time used to be counted as laytime. ─── 在卸货港(卸货港以外如果有一并计算)驳运费和灯光费,买家/接收人承担,所需时间视为装卸货时间。

29、For exploiting chengdao Shoal oilfield in Bohai, EngineeringConstruction No.1 Company of Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau developed a lighterage skid mounted ditching and laying unit. ─── 针对渤海埕岛滩海油田开发的需要,胜利石油管理局工程建设一公司研制了驳载拖橇式滩海海底挖沟敷缆装置。

30、Article 4.The port shall, in arranging the lighterage operations,make use of the docks on shallow waters and other facilities, and, inaddition, the docks of the cargo owners and the ports nearby. ─── 第四条港口除应当利用本港浅水码头和其他设施进行过驳作业外,还应当利用货主码头和临近的港口,进行过驳作业。

31、To Wu Gang entrance ore carries the current situation to undertake an analysis, listed two kinds of Jiang Haizhi to amount to lighterage to invest plan. ─── 对武钢进口矿石运输现状进行分析 ,列举了两种江海直达驳运投资方案。

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