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09-21 投稿


micr 中文意思翻译



micr 相似词语短语

1、micr- ─── abbr.磁墨水字符识别(MagneticInkCharacterRecognition)

2、mic ─── abbr.麦克风,话筒(microphone);n.(Mic)(阿、瑞)米克(人名)

3、micra ─── n.微米

4、mich ─── abbr.模块化集成通信头盔(ModularIntegratedCommunicationHelmet);寻呼指示信道

5、micro ─── 微型的

6、mice ─── n.老鼠(mouse的复数);n.(Mice)(塞)米采(人名)

7、mico ─── (microcomputer)微型计算机;n.(Mico)人名;(意、西)米科;(塞)米措

8、mica ─── n.[矿物]云母;n.(Mica)人名;(意、罗、赤几)米卡;(英)迈卡;(塞)米察

9、mic. ─── abbr.麦克风,话筒(microphone);n.(Mic)(阿、瑞)米克(人名)

micr 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Effects of Me and Coatings on SiCp on the Properties and Micr ostructures of Sintered Fe-based Composites ─── 合金元素及SiCp镀覆对铁基复合材料组织性能的影响

2、Conclusion The method is suitable for micr... ─── 结论该方法适合氧氟沙星栓的检查。

3、Conclusion: The micr ostructure characteristics of caulis h erb, as the reference of the micr... ─── 结论:叶类药材横切面组织构造特征,作为其显微鉴定的依据,具有研究价值。

4、This sofware doesn't contains viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious content. You will never find cracks, serial numbers, registration keys, keygens, patches here. MICR CMC7 Font,ISO 1004 ─── 本软件不含有病毒、木马、恶意程式等内容.你永远没有裂缝、编号、登记键,补丁这里.

5、At present, the document is classified, MICR has quickly become a substitute for OCR, this is because OCR information enter your computer faster. ─── 长远,在文件不合类方面,MICR已很迟被OCR替代,这是因为OCR不疑息不输出计算机洋的速率比力迟。

6、SRI and BofA worked together to create ERMA (electronic recording machine - accounting) and to develop the MICR (magnetic-ink character recognition) check coding system. ─── SRI及美银证券共同努力创造厄马(电子记录机-会计),并制定微创(磁性墨水字符识别)检查编码系统。

7、The rise in pasting temperature and the drop in viscosity of high-amylose maize starches were observed and viscosity curve pattern was changed from C to D after micr... ─── 以上表明在淀粉颗粒内无定型区和结晶区的直链淀粉与直链淀粉、直链淀粉与支链淀粉发生交互作用,产生了新的不同稳定性的结晶体,从而导致微波淀粉内部更加有序的结晶排列。

8、Which information channels do you use when choosing hotel or MICR site? ─── 您一般都通过哪些渠道选择酒店或者会议地点?

9、You can capture index data from bar codes OCR zones , or MICR codes while scanning, or key enter data from images or original documents . ─── 您可以在扫描时从条码或OCR区域采集索引数据,或者键入影像或原始文档的数据进行索引编排。

10、PHB depolymerase is a kind of extracellular enzyme which is secreted by micr. ─── PHB解聚酶是由微生物所分泌的一种胞外酶,可以将PHB降解为水溶性小分子物质。

11、MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition ─── 磁墨水字符识别器

12、You can capture index data from bar codes OCR zones, or MICR codes while scanning, or key enter data from images or original documents. ─── 您可以在扫描时从条码或OCR区域采集索引数据,或者键入影像或原始文档的数据进行索引编排。

13、Code of good irradiation practice for control of micr of ora in pickled meat products with distillers grain ─── 糟制肉食品辐照杀菌工艺

14、Study on A PIC Single-Chip Micr ocomputer Intelligent Control System for Temporature ─── 一种温度PIC单片机智能控制系统的研究

15、The MICR is mainly used for business card printing security and information records, and so on. ─── 而MICR则次要使用于制卡防伪和不疑息纪录等方面。

16、MICR characters Special desiged letters for MICR.Each character had its own distinction so that there exist no identical pair of characters. ─── 磁墨字符特别为磁墨字体识别而设计的字体。每一字符有它自己的特点,这样,就没有相似的一对字符。

17、When listening to the micr to dial in the sound, always move the mic around a bit to find the best sound. ─── 当一边听一边推高麦克的音量,总是要在很小的范围内移动麦克以得到最好的声音。


19、Magnetic ink: An ink containing magnetic particles that is detectable by sensors. It is used to print the MICR characters that encode account numbers on bank checks. ─── 磁墨:AA是美国印刷业常用的缩写,表示著作者对内文及插图的修改,以别于承印商的错误。因著者修改需另付费用。

20、Bob Muglia with Frank Gillett of Forrester on Micr... ─── 鲍勃Muglia在与坦诚gillett的Forrester公司对微...

21、used for the online glazing and transparent protective coating and printing ink designed specifically for the Kodak DIGIMASTER digital production system of MICR Toner. ─── 用于联机上光和保护性涂布的透明油墨以及附带用于柯达DIGIMASTER数字不入产编制的MICR墨粉。

22、Thermal Transfer Ribbons, Fax Ink Film, Correction Tape, Micr, office Equipment and Supplies ─── 采购产品热转移色带,传真墨膜,校正磁带,微创,办公设备和用品

23、The machine-readable lower portion of a check, however, must be printed using MICR toner or ink. ─── 该机器可读较低部分的检查,但必须使用微创碳粉打印或墨水。

24、education/experience: 1.university degree or above in science (chemistry, food, pharmaceutical, micr... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:|公司规模:100-499人

25、Conclusion The results implied that 7 - NI had protective effects during the early focal cerebral ischemia in micr . . . ─── 结论从微观病理角度证实7-硝基吲唑对大鼠局灶脑缺血有保护作用。

26、Information processing--Coding of machine readable characters (MICR and OCR) ─── GB/T7515-1987信息处理用机器可读字符编码(磁墨水字符识别和光学字符识别的字符)

27、set includes 14 new Secure Fonts not found in the MICR set. ─── 这套包含14个新的安全字体,没有发现在微定。

28、Real-time encoding of MICR data and imprinting of up to three barcodes on every document to keep pages from the same file together (with optional accessories) ─── (通过使用可选附件)实时编码MICR数据及在每张分档上打印最多三个条码,以使同一份文件的每一页保存在一起

29、Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR): Devices which can identify characters printed in magnetic ink and convert them into digital data. ─── 磁墨字符识别:分辨用磁墨印刷的字符并把它转为数字资料的装置。

30、And when other condition is constant ,with scanning velocity increasing, the rate of dilution discreases, hardness increases;and with wire feed rate increasing, the micr... ─── 当其它条件不变时,随着扫描速度的增加,堆焊层的稀释率下降,硬度增加,随着送丝速度的增加,堆焊层的组织均匀分布,硬度先增加,后下降.

31、Job requirement:Over college graduation with related major, above CET 4,General office, PC skills including Micr...... ... ─── 公司名称:杰克仕太平洋玩具技术(深圳)有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-3

32、The active member was made up of a piezoceramic actuator, a micr o-displacement sensor and a pressure sensor, having the function to output and detect micro-displacement and forces. ─── 该主动元件由压电驱动器、微位移传感器、压力传感器等组成 ,具有输出和实时检测微位移和力的功能。

33、RESS fifth imaging unit solution could be used for spot color, watermarks, glazing, local, MICR security business card printing and membership card making, and so on. ─── RESS第五成像单元解决方案可进行专色、水印、上光、局部上光、MICR安全制卡和会员卡制作等。

34、magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) ─── 磁墨水字符识别机磁性墨水字符识别

35、magnetic ink character recognition [MICR] ─── 磁墨水字元识别

36、Studies on the normal micr flora in feces of young domestically bred rhesus ─── 人工饲养幼猴粪便的正常菌群研究

37、Full indexing of up to 10 index fields from bar codes, OCR zones, MICR codes, or key data entry (only one index field is available in Lite mode) ─── 包括条码、OCR区域,或关键数据输入,最多可达10个索引字段的完整索引编排(Lite模式仅具有一个索引字段)

38、We want to buy Thermal Transfer Ribbons, Fax Ink Film, Correction Tape, Micr, office Equipment and Supplies ─── 我们要采购热转移色带,传真墨膜,校正磁带,微创,办公设备和用品

39、4.Diamond film produced DC arc plasma jet is measured by force driven static measuring ultra micr indentation system UMIS 2000. ─── 使用力驱动静态超微压痕测量仪器(ForceDrivenStaticMeasuringUltraMicro-Inden-tationSystem)-UMIS-2000对由直流等离子体喷射法沉积的金刚石膜进行测量。

40、Keywords Spectrally Sensitized;Photoelectron;Adsorption;Temperature;Micr owave Absorption; ─── 光谱增感;光电子;吸附;温度;微波吸收;

41、FZA1181 are called the MICR encoder of the international standard that leads the performance, price, quality with everything. ─── FZA1181被称为微创编码的国际标准而导致的性能,价格,质量的一切。

42、stroboscopic illumination to freeze the fast motions of the micr. ─── 利用频闪照明来冻结微结构的高速运动。

43、Then Micr osoft has the right resources for you. ─── 原文: Want to get a Windows 7 head start?

44、Automated indexing with Zonal OCR and MICR code reading ─── 使用Zonal OCR和MICR代码读取的自动化索引编排

45、Tissue micr oarray technology has important practical significance and broad application pro spect in pathology. ─── 组织芯片技术有良好的应用价值和广阔的应用前景。

46、.. ...ystem that integrates a number of technologies including the open-source [XNU] [[kernel (computer science)|kernel]], a [[kernel (computer science)#Micr... ─── ...[类Unix]]作业系统,整合数种的技术,包含开放原始码的[XNU]核心,一种以[[微核心]]为基础的核心架构来实作[[Mach ke.

47、Keywords single-chip micr ocomputer;anti-interference;plasma spray ing; ─── 关键词单片机;抗干扰;等离子喷涂;

48、New Technique of Plant Tissue Cultivation Photoautotrophic Micr opropagation ─── 植物组织培养新技术:光独立培养法

49、From a technical perspective, writing over the MICR data will cause items to reject or misread, and may cause manual processing. ─── 字迹覆盖磁性油墨代码会造成退票、错误解读信息和人工处理。

50、MICR See Magnetic ink character recognition. ─── 磁墨字体识别参阅上文。

51、Moving sale dinning room table sofa, bed, micr... aider 132/0 2009/2/15 10:23 ─── 两个转椅,一套盘子,两个不粘锅,一个桌面折叠灯...

52、Conclusion The results implied that 7 -NI had protective effects during the early focal cerebral ischemia in micr... ─── 结论从微观病理角度证实7-硝基吲唑对大鼠局灶脑缺血有保护作用。

53、19. Which information channels do you use when choosing hotel or MICR site? ─── 您一般都通过哪些渠道选择酒店或者会议地点?

54、MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) ─── 磁墨水字符识别

55、The results sho wn that the laser hardened case was divided into three parts according the micr ostructure characteristic. ─── 结果表明其组织分为:淬硬层、过渡层、高温回火区三层。淬硬层主要是由马氏体和残余奥氏体组成;

56、MICR characters: Special designed letters for MICR. Each character had its own distinction so that there exist no identical pair of characters. ─── 磁墨字符:特别为磁墨字体识别而设计的字体。每一字符有它自己的特点,这样,就没有相似的一对字符。

57、MICR [Magnetic Ink Character Recognition] ─── 磁墨字元辨认

58、Keywords nanofiltration;field emission scanning electron micr ograph;energy dispersive X-ray analysis;atomic force microscopy;Fourier trans form infrared spectroscopy;membrane fouling; ─── 纳滤;场发射扫描电镜;能量色散X射线分析;原子力显微镜;傅里叶转换红外光谱;膜污染;

59、Hepatoma cells,especially for G_1 phase cells ,were more capable of surviving in blood circulation,and sequestration in micr ocirculation and more capable of adhering to and getting through basement membra ne,yielding remote metastasis. ─── HTC细胞 ,尤其是其G1期细胞 ,更有可能在血液循环中存活并直接在微循环中滞留粘附 ,并穿透血管基底膜实现远端转移。

60、Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR): Devices which can identify characters printed in magnetic ink and convert them into digital data. ─── 磁墨字符识别:分辨用磁墨印刷的字符并把它转为数字资料的装置。

61、Position: IT Intern Period: 6-12 months Requirements: - Undergraduate student, major in IT, Computer Science or Electronics is preferred; - Good oral and written English, excellent in Micr... ─── 区:中国-浙江|专业领域:IT和计算机科学|行业部门:消防,警察和安保|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类职业工作

62、Note that these are not the same Secure Fonts that come with the MICR font set. ─── 请注意,这些都是不一样的安全字体来与微创字体集。This set includes 14 new Secure Fonts not found in the MICR set.这套包括14个新的安全字体没有发现,在微创成立。


64、MICR code ─── 磁墨水字符阅读器代码

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