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10-03 投稿


monopoly 发音

英:[m?'n?p(?)l?]  美:[m?'nɑp?li]

英:  美:

monopoly 中文意思翻译



monopoly 词性/词形变化,monopoly变形

形容词: monopolistic |副词: monopolistically |名词: monopolism |名词复数: monopolies |

monopoly 短语词组

1、import&export of government monopoly ─── [经] 国家垄断的进口和出口

2、buyer's monopoly ─── [经] 囤积, 垄断收买

3、capital monopoly ─── [经] 资本独占

4、economic monopoly ─── [法] 经济垄断

5、government monopoly ─── [经] 政府专利, 政府垄断

6、discriminating monopoly ─── [经] 差别垄断

7、monopoly capital ─── [经] 垄断资本

8、monopoly bureau ─── [经] 专卖局

9、bank monopoly capital ─── [经] 银行垄断资本

10、anti-monopoly n. ─── 反垄断

11、monopoly body ─── [经] 垄断团体

12、complete monopoly ─── [经] 完全垄断

13、create a monopoly ─── [经] 垄断专利, 形成垄断

14、monopoly board ─── [网络] 垄断板

15、financial monopoly ─── [经] 金融垄断

16、make a monopoly of ─── [经] 独家经售, 独占

17、bilateral monopoly ─── [经] 双边独占(垄断)

18、fiscal monopoly ─── [经] 财政垄断

19、industrial monopoly capital ─── [经] 工业垄断资本

monopoly 相似词语短语

1、monophony ─── n.单音音乐;单声道;单旋律乐曲

2、monopole ─── n.单极;单极天线;[高能]磁单极子

3、monology ─── n.自言自语;独白(等于monologue)

4、Monopoly ─── n.垄断;垄断者;专卖权

5、monopsony ─── n.买主独家垄断,买方垄断

6、monophyly ─── n.单系统

7、monogony ─── n.[遗]无性生殖;[生物]单性生殖

8、monopody ─── 单脚架

9、monopoles ─── n.单极;单极天线;[高能]磁单极子

monopoly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price. ─── 垄断通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制

2、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on grain! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在谷粒上的垅断!

3、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on wool! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在羊毛上的垅断!

4、But uncertainty beats the LDP's palsied monopoly. ─── 不过这同时也击垮了自民党的无能垄断。

5、During feudal times, emperors had a monopoly on power. ─── 在封建社会中,皇帝独揽大权。

6、Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA, the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade. ─── 在贸易和价格体系方面,经互会国家实行国家垄断的外贸体制,由中央机构控制贸易。

7、But the big monopoly capitalists do not want peace. ─── 但大垄断资本家不愿意要和平。

8、The key tasks for 2001 also called for breaching regional blockade and departmental and trade monopoly. ─── 2001年的整顿和规范市场经济秩序的重点任务中,还有打破地区封锁和部门、行业垄断尚未部署,将在适当时间安排。

9、Ren Zhiqiang, and others" developers alliance," Bureau or for breaking the monopoly of industry? ─── 任志强等人的“开发商联盟”为行业破局还是为垄断?

10、Although Nestle is the backbone of the city's financial revenue, the local government has no right to help it establish a monopoly. ─── 尽管雀巢公司是该市财政收入来源的骨干力量,但是当地政府没有权利帮助它建立垄断地位。

11、If we have our own legions of Coca cola and Nike, ought we to be afraid of foreign company monopoly? ─── 如果我们有众多自己的可口可乐和耐克那样的公司,我们还会怕外国公司的垄断吗?

12、Monica: Could've played Monopoly, but nooooo. ─── 可以自己玩,但是不...

13、In many countries, tobacco is a government monopoly. ─── 在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖事业。

14、Substantive progress was made in restructuring the management system of monopoly industries. ─── 垄断行业管理体制改革迈出实质性步伐。

15、A giant monopoly is really reaching out to enfold it with an octopus-like grip. ─── 一个庞大的垄断公司真正伸出触手来,就象章鱼似的,要把它紧紧地搂

16、The boyish enthusiasm is back, and the gruelling burdens of monopoly lawsuits and dotcom downturns are receding. ─── 他那孩童般的热情又回来了,那场令人身心疲惫的反袭断诉讼案以及网络公司低迷徘徊的局面正接近尾声。

17、To the side sit the rusting pumps of MPPE, the state firm that this year lost its monopoly on fuel sales and distribution. ─── 不远的一旁躺着国有公司MPPE生产的油管,锈迹斑斑,这家公司于今年丧失了其在燃油出售和经销领域的垄断地位。

18、Figure 10. 2 portrays a monopoly or cartel that has managed to extract maximum profits from its buyers. ─── 图10-2展示了一个想方设法向其买主榨取了最大利润的垄断集团或卡特尔的情况。

19、Wait: does it really mean to outlaw STATE monopoly in national economy? ─── 对于电信、铁路、电力、民航、金融等行业的垄断行为,近来公众反映强烈.

20、During the two world wars,the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth. ─── 在两次世界大战期间, 垄断资本家大发横财.

21、Fourth, local protectionism and monopoly of industries must be eliminated. ─── 四是打破地方保护和行业垄断。

22、Monopoly and competition are very generally regarded,not simply as antithetical. ─── 人们普遍认为垄断和竞争不是相对的,而且互补相容。

23、A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. ─── 人们常常将商家与政府进行对比,一个具有竞争性,一个却是独断专行。

24、You can't have a complete monopoly of the car,I need to use it occasionally. ─── 你不能一人独霸这辆汽车,我偶尔也要用.

25、This has made regulation of economic monopoly one of the main roles of governments of any country that adopts market economy. ─── 因此,在任何一个市场经济国家,对经济垄断的规制是当代政府的重要职责之一。

26、In the romantically primed group, the men went wild with the Monopoly money. ─── 在有着浪漫思想导向的小组里,男性们欣喜若狂地想全部花掉这些钞票。

27、The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade. ─── 这家公司实质上已经垄断了这种贸易。

28、However, the public nature of the judicial power determines the judge's monopoly of the fact cognizance and the application of laws. ─── 然而,司法权之公权性决定了在诉讼中法官垄断案件的事实认定权和法律适用权。

29、Monopoly power is determined in part by the number of firms competing in the market. ─── 垄断势力部分由市场中相互竞争的厂商所的数目决定。

30、The State practices monopoly for the purchase and marketing of ephedrine. ─── 国家对麻黄素实行统购统销。

31、A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. ─── 人们常常将商家与政府进行对比,一个具有竞争性,一个却是独断专行。

32、While merging was in vogue abroad, China launched the telecom reform with the aim of breaching monopoly. ─── 在国外忙着吞并的时候,中国却在进行一场以破除垄断为目的的电信改革。

33、Big monopoly capitalist groups swallow up medium and small enterprises. ─── 大垄断资本集团并吞中小企业。

34、By 1914 the era of monopoly in American industry had passed, and a new economic structure was emerging. ─── 到1914年,美国工业的垄断时代已经结束,一种新的经济结构正在出现。

35、It is difficult for a monopoly daily to avoid complacency and establishmentarianism. ─── 垄断的报纸要避免自满和不去拥护既得权利是困难的。

36、The government has a monopoly of oil exploitation in that country. ─── 在那个国家,政府独占石油开采权。

37、The signs say it would)be lucky to use my)Monopoly card now. ─── 号讯说它会)是幸运使用我的)垅断现在的卡。

38、Over the years,he's picked off his competitors so that he now has a virtual monopoly. ─── 几年来,他一个一个地战胜了他的竞争对手,现已实际上成了垄断者。

39、And in 1991, the Franklin Mint issued a collectible edition of Monopoly for $550 that included silver and gold pieces. ─── 1991年,福兰克林钱币公司发行了一套含有金银、价值550美元的“垄断”游戏珍藏版。

40、The nature of neoliberalism is the instrument of interest of international monopoly capitalism. ─── 作为意识形态的新自由主义的本质是代表国际垄断资本主义利益的工具。

41、You can't have a complete monopoly of the car, I need to use it occasionally. ─── 你不能一人独霸这辆汽车--我偶尔也要用。

42、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on ore! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在矿石上的垅断!

43、In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly. ─── 在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖商品。

44、The opening of the insurance market will expand business scale, intensify market competition and break monopoly. ─── 保险市场的开放,将扩大业务规模,加剧市场竞争,打破垄断局面。

45、E.g. In many countries, tobacco is a government monopoly. ─── 在很多国家,烟草是政府的专卖事业.

46、Quite a few developing countries have large enough market shares to exercise some monopoly power. ─── 只有少数的发展中国家在世界市场上占有足够大的份额来发挥一些垄断权。

47、By 1914 the era of monopoly in American industry had passed, and a new ecomonic structure was emerging. ─── 到1914年,美国工业的垄断时代已经结束,一种新的经济结构正在出现。

48、Monopoly and competition are very generally regarded, not simply as antithetical. ─── 人们普遍认为垄断和竞争不是相对的,而且互补相容。

49、It is necessary to note, however, that these services do not require monopoly trading powers. ─── 但须注意的是,这些服务不需要贸易垄断权。

50、The exception of application system of the anti-trust law is based on" the duality" of monopoly. ─── 反垄断法适用除外制度基于对垄断“二重性”的认识而产生。

51、You can' t have a complete monopoly of the car I need to use it occasionally. ─── 你不能一人独霸这辆汽车--我偶尔也要用.

52、Since 1950, the Cocoa Marketing Board has a monopoly on buying, transporting, and exporting cocoa. ─── 1950年以来,可可供销局对采购、运输和出口可可已进行了垄断。

53、He established a government monopoly in the sandalwood trade, and he collected duties (charges) from visiting ships. ─── 他让政府垄断檀香木贸易并对造访船只征税。

54、In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly. ─── 在有些国家烟草是政府的专卖品。

55、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on lumber! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在木材上的垅断!

56、Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations. ─── 在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。

57、In Somalia the monopoly of parastatals in maize, sorghum, and imported foods has been eliminated. ─── 在索马里,在玉米、高梁以及进口粮食交易方面半国营垄断机构已被取消。

58、Money from home looks and feels like "Monopoly" money. ─── 家乡的钱看起来、摸起来都像大富翁的玩具钞票。

59、In 1985 the Chinese government abolished the state monopoly of purchase and marketing of grain. ─── 1985年,中国政府取消了粮食统一收购制度。

60、They have no monopoly on intelligence. ─── 他们对智力不能进行垄断。

61、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on bricks! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在砖块上的垅断!

62、We need to speed up the reform of monopoly industries. ─── 加快推进垄断行业改革。

63、Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly. ─── 如果他那时成功了,他就会获得垄断地位。

64、When you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like. ─── 如果您拥有垄断优势,就可以任意要价。

65、Planters enjoyed a natural monopoly because they had no competitors. ─── 种植园主享受着自然的垄断,因为他们没有竞争者。

66、He thinks he has a monopoly of brains. ─── 他认为自己独具聪明才智。

67、At the other extreme, if the industry is dominated by a single firm, there will be potential to earn monopoly profits. ─── 在另一个极端,如果产业被一家公司所垄断,就有可能赚到垄断利润。

68、A university education shouldn' t be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich. ─── 大学教育不应是少数富家子弟的专利。

69、Roosevelt continued to fight against "Big Business, " and he led a successful crusade to break up the Standard Oil monopoly in 1907. ─── 罗斯福持续对抗那些「大型企业」,而后又在1907年顺利打破标准石油公司(StandardOil)的独占情形。

70、For years Bell Telephone had a monopoly on telephone services in the US. ─── 几年来,贝尔电话公司在美国的电话服务行业中一直处于垄断地位。

71、Two years ago, Hasbro came out with an electronic version of Monopoly. ─── 两年前,孩之宝公司推出了一个电子版的大富翁游戏。

72、Monopoly: Is a Malfunction from Market or Government? ─── 垄断:是市场失灵还是政府失灵?

73、Do you think you have a monopoly on stress at work? ─── 你以为只有你才有工作上的压力吗?

74、FP's petroleum products division has started its ad campaign to take on the long time monopoly, Chinese Petroleum. ─── 台油已经开始啪广告、看板欲及垄断老牌耶中油相拼。

75、An economic life is a blend of competitive and monopoly elements. ─── 一切经济生活都是竞争生活与垄断成分的混合物。

76、In sone markets there may be only one seller. Such a situation is called a monopoly. ─── 在许多市场,可能只有一个销售者,这种情况被称为垄断。

77、His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established. ─── 他对那个国家造船业的垄断已经建立起来。

78、Over the years, he's picked off his competitors so that he now has a virtual monopoly. ─── 几年来, 他一个一个地战胜了他的竞争对手, 现已实际上成了垄断者。

79、Mass advertising steadily destroyed competitive dailies; monopoly became the norm. ─── 大宗广告不断地摧毁竞争日报;垄断成为普遍现象。

80、An inventor has a monopoly on his invention for a certain number of years. ─── 发明者对他的发明享有若干年的专利权。

81、Compared with the monopoly case, the entry price of a competitive firm is identical to that of a monopoly. ─── 与垄断情形比较后发现,由于等待期权与价格上限两种效应相互抵消,完美竞争情形下的进入价格和垄断性企业的进入价格是相同的。

82、A university education shouldn't be the monopoly of those whose parents are rich. ─── 大学教育不应是富家子弟的专利。

83、In the case of monopoly, decreasing costs across the entire foreseen range of output is necessary. ─── 在垄断情况下,必须在整个计划的产出规模内降低成本。

84、A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies' own areas. ─── 对兰开厦和米律兰的经营者来说,略胜一筹之处是他们在各自公司经营范围内所确立的新的垄断地位。

85、He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. ─── 他似乎认为只有他才聪明。

86、The monopoly pricing power is the core meaning. ─── 垄断最核心的意义就是定价权。

87、Cremer,J.and Weitzman,M.L."OPEC and the Monopoly Price of World Oil." European Economic Review,1976,8,pp.155-164. ─── 一些石油输出国通过废除带有让步性质的协议或进一步参与到石油的生产过程中等手段来控制石油的产出.

88、The monopoly capitalists ganged up to raise cotton prices. ─── 垄断资本家们串通一气抬高棉花价格。

89、The exporting country is unlikely to have much monopoly power. ─── 出口国未必具有很大的垄断力量。

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