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06-28 投稿




英:[?'ni:m?k]  美:[??nim?k]

英:  美:



adj. 无活力的

adj. 贫血的, 患贫血症的


副词: anemically |


1 、Red blood cell is proliferous and active, but the parallel with medullary and proliferous degree and anemic rate apparent lack concerns.───红细胞系增生活跃,但骨髓增生程度与贫血程度缺乏明显的平行关系。

2 、Clinical investigation of anemic premature birth infants treated with erythropoietin───促红细胞生成素治疗早产儿贫血的临床研究

3 、Keywords Polignum multiflorum Thunb. polysaccharide;myelosuppression;anemic mice;proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors;───制首乌总多糖;骨髓抑制;贫血小鼠;造血祖细胞增殖;

4 、The serum from anemic rats treated with naked plasmid expressing human EPO showed obvious neutralizing activity to inhibit the proliferation of BEF-2 cells.───在大鼠模型中,表达人EPO基因裸质粒组的血清有明显的中和活性,可抑制BEF-2细胞的增殖。

5 、The clinical observation on testosterone and small dosage EPO treating anemic patients with chronic renal failure───丙酸睾丸酮与小剂量促红细胞生成素治疗慢性肾性贫血

6 、In sheer numbers, iron is the most prevalent micronutrient deficiency, with nearly 1990 million people being anemic and 3600 million iron- deficient───缺铁是微量元素缺乏症最常见的一种病,有近19.9亿人患贫血,有36亿人缺铁。

7 、"We'll have anemic growth for a while, but to me, inflation is the bigger risk," he said.───“我们将有暂时的无活力增长,但是让我来说,通货膨胀是更大的风险,”他说。

8 、Anemic eerebrovascular disease───缺血性脑血管病

9 、an anemic attempt to hit the baseball; an anemic economic recovery.───无力的击球动作;毫无活力的经济复苏

10 、And, because very few Israelis break this self-imposed censorship, items from the Hebrew press that do appear may be much more newsworthy than their anemic English translations indicate.───因为很少有以色列人破坏这一自愿接受的共识,那些竟然出现的希伯莱媒体的内容其新闻价值可能远高于它们患贫血症的英文译文所表明的。

11 、Only 12 of 37 anemic patients received treatment for anemia: 5 (13.5%) with EPO and 7 (18.9%) with iron preparations.───在37名贫血患者中仅12名患者接受了贫血治疗:5名(13.5%)为EPO,7名(18.9%)为铁制剂。

12 、He suffers from the same anemic condition as his mother.─── 他和*一样 患有贫血

13 、While you, anemic, feed on dust and superstition.─── 而你 虚弱不堪 赖以为生的只有烟尘和迷信

14 、Sprinkles: a New Kind of New-typed Method to Treat Anemic Infants───一种防治婴幼儿贫血的新型方法

15 、She can barely take anything by mouth and, well, she's anemic.─── 她几乎无法口服任何东西 还贫血

16 、anemic polyneuritis───[医] 贫血性多神经炎

17 、She looks anemic in my opinion.───我看她像有贫血症。

18 、an anemic economic recovery───毫无活力的经济复苏

19 、anemic decerebration───缺血性去大脑

20 、Exports are still the key to Asian growth, and consumer spending in the U.S., their biggest target market, remains anemic amid high unemployment and a pullback in household credit.───出口依然是亚洲经济增长的重要推动力,而作为亚洲最大出口市场的美国,受高失业率和家庭贷款回落的不利影响,消费者开支依然疲弱。

21 、The most impressive part of this, for me, is that he did so, not with the typical anemic marathoner build, but with a well-muscled mesomorph body.───但是最令我感动不可思议的是他竟然成功了,不是以那种典型的体弱虚虚的表情来完成,而仍然是一身健美的体格。

22 、I'm buzzed already like an anemic tenyearold girl.─── 一瓶酒能让我醉倒 像个十岁小女孩一样

23 、'That's pretty anemic growth, and I believe the market is likely to trade like it's going into a real recession.───柯斯汀指出,增长的确乏力,他认为股市的交易状况也会像陷入了真正的衰退一样。

24 、Regression coefficient (bSLE=-0.0097) and Y-intercept (aSLE=1.6741) of anemic SLE patients were both lower than that of IDA patients (bIDA=-0.0291, aIDA=4.3204).───SLE伴贫血组Hb-sEPO回归直线的斜率(bSLE=-0.0097)与在Y轴上的截距(aSLE=1.6741)均小于IDA组(bIDA=-0.0291,aIDA= 4.3204)。

25 、Many people who have a mild or moderate decrease in red cells, especially if the decrease is gradual, will not realize that they are anemic.───红细胞轻微减少尤其是减少得很缓慢的大多数人都不会认识到他们已经得了贫血。

26 、S. economy remains weak.Ironically, many economists blame America's anemic economic performance, in part, on higher fuel prices.───极具讽刺的是,许多经济学家指责美国在高燃料价格时期的疲软经济表现。

27 、anemic stock market───股票市场“贫血”

28 、The baby's labs show she's anemic and has sickle cell disease.─── 化验结果表明她有贫血 和镰状细胞疾病

29 、In sheer numbers, iron is the most prevalent micronutrient deficiency, with nearly 1990 million people being anemic and 3600 million iron- deficient.───缺铁是微量元素缺乏症最常见的一种病,有近 19.9亿人患贫血,有36亿人缺铁。

30 、anemic economy───经济失血

31 、anemic accentuated───[医] 贫血性杂音

32 、If you're anemic, you must have some iron.───如果贫血,一定要吃些带铁质的食品。

33 、Results Anemic of SLE occurred most commonly, occupied 73.7%, ANA positive occupied 96.5%, anti-ds-DNA positive occupied 57.9%, EAN positive occupied 66.7%.───ANA**占96 .5% ,抗ds -DNA**占 57.9% ,ENA**占 66 .7%。

34 、anemic consumption───消费疲弱

35 、High serum cold agglutinin in 15 patients with anemic───冷凝集素效价增高的贫血患者15例

36 、Erythropoietin therapy for anemic patients with non-small cell lung cancer in combination chemotherapy───促红细胞生成素治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌化疗所致的贫血

37 、TU. G because I am concerned about you and I, or because you fear that I am anemic?───恩。是因为我是G你才关心我,还是因为你怕我贫血?

38 、The Chinese economy is likely to expand 8 percent in 2009, while economists expect the Japanese economy to shrink 3 percent for the year before returning to anemic growth of about 1 percent next year.───中国的经济在2009年的增长率很可能是8%,而经济学家预测日本的经济在今年将会收缩3%,到明年才会回复到疲弱的1%增长率。

39 、anemic urine───[医] 贫血性尿

40 、As anemic as our defense may be,───就像我们贫血的当事人一样

41 、"You're anemic, you must have some iron."───"你贫血,一定要吃些带铁质的食品。"

42 、As a group they were anemic.───作为群体,它们是贫血的。

43 、Will it go the way of Cuba, which has exhibited anemic industrial capacity and recently took steps to open up parts of its controlled economy?───它会走上古巴之路吗?后者工业长期积弱,并不得不于最近开放部分管治下的经济。

44 、Regression coefficient(bCRF=-0.0123) and Y-intercept(aCRF=1.98) of anemic CRF patients were both lower than that of IDA patients(bIDA =-0.0183,aIDA=2.797).───慢性肾衰贫血组Hb-sEPO回归直线的斜率(bCRF=-0.0123)与在Y轴上的截距(aCRF=1.98)均小于IDA组(bIDA=-0.0183,aIDA=2.797)。

45 、anemic gangrene───[医] 贫血性坏疽

46 、Clinical Study of Induction high dose therapy followed by Maintenance with EPO in Anemic Hematological Malignancy Patients───红细胞生成素大剂量冲击维持疗法治疗血液肿瘤贫血的临床研究

47 、If the arteriosclerosis occurs in the cerebrum artery, will have the memory to drop, the power of thought to drop, dizziness and so on, will further develop, may have the anemic apoplexy;───如果动脉硬化发生在大脑动脉,会出现记忆力减退、思维能力下降、头晕等,进一步发展,可发生缺血性脑卒中;

48 、Lacking blood; anemic.───缺血的;贫血的

49 、an anemic military force───一支非常有限的军事力量

50 、Conclusions: Intravenous iron loading improved exercise capacity and symptoms in patients with CHF and evidence of abnormal iron metabolism. Benefits were more evident in anemic patients.───结论:静脉应用铁剂改善症状性慢性心力衰竭合并铁代谢异常患者的运动能力和症状。贫血患者的获益证据更充分。

51 、Especially in this anemic economy, timing is key in asking for a raise.───在经济低迷时期,要求加薪时把握好时机尤其关键。

52 、any of various anemic conditions that are not successfully treated by any means other than blood transfusions (and that are not associated with another primary disease).───各种贫血状态之一除了输血治疗别无他法。

53 、anemic softe───[医] 贫血性脑软化

54 、"There are four types: hypoxemic, from low Blood oxygen content (e.g., in altitude sickness); anemic, from low Blood oxygen-carrying capacity (e.g., in carbon monoxide poisoning);"───有四种类型:一、低氧血型,即血液里含氧量低,如高原病;二、贫血型,血液携氧能力低,如一氧化碳中毒;

55 、TSPG and PNS showed adverse effect on WBC. TSPG could slightly increase the numbers of WBC(P>0.05), while PNS decreased it in anemic mice(P───对白细胞总数(WBC),TSPG与PNS显示相反的作用,TSPG有较弱的提升WBC的作用(P>0.05),PNS则抑制WBC的回升(P

56 、You're anemic, you must have some iron.───你贫血,一定要吃些带铁质的食品。

57 、Positive Coombs test was found in 10 of 58 anemic patients (17.2%), but only 2 of them had hemolytic anemia.───10/58例贫血患者(17.2%)Coombs试验**,但伴溶血性贫血者仅2例。

58 、Philosophy: Impersonal anxiety; refuge among anemic ideas.───哲学:非个人化的焦虑;贫血的思想的避难所。

59 、Let me take your blood pre ure. You look anemic.───我给你量一量血压。你好像贫血。

60 、Why is he so anemic? I'm only seeing cuts and scrapes.─── 他为什么严重贫血 我只看见了割伤和擦伤

61 、Objective to see the anemic complexion of the children living in Chancheng district,and analyze the reason for anemia.───目的了解禅城区独生子女的贫血情况,分析贫血原因。

62 、Keywords Adrenal cortex hormone;Femoral head;anemic necrosis;───肾上腺皮质激素;股骨头;缺血性坏死;

63 、Clinical Evaluation of Erythropoietin Therapy for Anemic Patients with Non-small Cell lung Cancer After Chemotherapy───促红细胞生成素治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌化疗相关贫血的临床观察

64 、FIV-positive cats can also become anemic and can potentially develop certain types of cancer.───FIV**的猫咪也有可能会发生贫血或者是会有某些肿瘤的发生.

65 、Beyond the economic collapse next year, the recovery beyond would be quite anemic.───明年经济出现衰退,但复苏还遥遥无期。

66 、anemic goiter───[医] 贫血性甲状腺肿, 突眼性甲状腺肿

67 、She's still anemic and thrombocytopenic despite multiple transfusions.─── 她还在贫血 跟血小板减少 即使多次输血也没用

68 、acute anemic dropsy───[医] 急性贫血性水肿

69 、anemic performance───死气沉沉的表演

70 、Compared with the general population, anemic patients had worse survival than expected, whereas nonanemic patients had better survival than expected.───与一般群落相比,贫血患者比预期有较差的预后,然而没有贫血的患者则预后比预期的要好。

71 、Women are routinely anemic from menstruation and pregnancy, and so often have significantly less stamina than men.───妇女经常因为月经和**而贫血,所以力气比男人明显地少。

72 、Unless these structural weaknesses are resolved, the global economy may grow in 2010-2011, but at an anemic rate.───如果这些结构性缺陷不能得到解决,那么全球经济或许能在2010-2011年实现增长,但也会是低速增长。

73 、Folic acid deficiency(non anemic)───叶酸缺乏(非贫血性)

74 、Her anemic condition was brought about by chlorosis.─── 她的贫血症状是萎黄病造成的

75 、He was a blond, spiritless man, anemic, and faintly handsome───他这个长相不错的人,苍白的脸上没有血色,无精打采。

76 、"and Ramoth with its outskirts, and anem with its outskirts;"───拉末与其郊野,亚年与其郊野。

77 、an anemic attempt to hit the baseball───无力的击球动作

78 、At present proved that highest dissolves the hitch to the anemic apoplexy curative effect, its success treatment's time window is short, has for 3-6 hours.───目前证明对缺血性脑卒中疗效最高的溶栓,其成功治疗的时间窗非常短暂,只有3-6小时。

79 、Even after Deisler's retirement, the board has stubbornly refused to give this anemic team a desperately needed transfusion of new blood.───小代退役后,董事会依然固执地拒绝为继续新鲜血液的球队购进新人。

80 、But since the recovery in private demand will be weak, the economy is poised to slip back to anemic growth (well below potential) in 2010, posing the risk of a double-dip recession.───但由于私人需求的复苏将会乏力,2010年的经济仍将返回到贫血的增长(增长完全低于潜在趋势)之中,并形成双头衰退的风险。

81 、anemic phlebitis───[医] 贫血性静脉炎

82 、anemic heart disease───缺血性心脏病贫血性心脏病

83 、Anemic infarct of spleen and kidney───脾、肾贫血性梗死

84 、Clinic significance of red blood cell volume distribution width in anemic patients───红细胞体积分布宽度在贫血诊断中的临床意义

85 、Asian companies, facing anemic consumer demand at home, will not be able to sell their products in the region.───亚洲国家的国内需求十分虚弱,面临此景亚洲公司就无法在该地区销售其产品。

86 、Back to the office we went to fill out the paper work and see how anemic my purse was going to be for the next five years or until my daughter finds a job, whichever comes first.───回到售车处后,我们开始填写文档,眼睁睁看到我的钱包如何瘪了下去。除非女儿找到份工作,否则在今后五年之内钱包都会患上贫血症了。

87 、Siana, your labs showed that you're anemic.─── 赛安娜 你的化验结果显示你贫血

88 、You are severely anemic, and we need to find out why.─── 你有很严重的贫血 我们需要查明原因

89 、Even after catching up with current demand levels, anemic production at Asia's factories will limit efficiency and hurt corporate earnings.───在满足了目前的需求水平之后,亚洲工厂生产的低迷将会限制企业效率,损害公司收益。

90 、Study of Correlation between Serum Erythropoietin and Hemoglobin in Anemic Patients of Chronic Renal Failure───慢性肾衰患者促红细胞生成素与血红蛋白的相关性研究







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