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06-28 投稿




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副词: societally |


1 、Therefore, the administrative division system of the Chinese urban areas needs innovation to accelerate the transforming of the Chinese urban and countryside societ.───分析了我国滨海城市地区地质环境的地域分异规律,研究了它与地质灾害的成生联系。

2 、On societal values,there were three differences. First,71% of the Asians compared to 11% of the Americans emphasized the importance of orderly society.───在社会价值观方面,有三个差别。第一,有71%的亚洲人注重社会秩序,相比之下有11%的美国人注重这一点。

3 、For Since we live in societ ies (the use of the plural means we live in social communities), we have to face up to the reality, and blend in with society.───他要表达的意思应该是,作为生活在社会的人,我们必须要面对现实,要融入社会。

4 、Therefore,the geography teachers are required to strengthen the quali ty teaching to students and foster more high-quality talented people for societ y.───地理教师应提高认识,加强对学生的地理素质教育,为社会培养高素质的人才。

5 、Oden will implement the name-brand strategy all the while, promote enterprise development, strive for more economic benefit and societal benefit, Oden will stick to donate more for society.───公司将始终以实施名牌战略带动和促进企业的不断发展,争创更大的经济效益和社会效益,为社会做出更大贡献。

6 、Discipline building is understructure and core of academic building and development,is platform which carries some functions inclouding brain cultivation、scientific research and societal service.───学科建设是学院建设发展的基础和核心,是承载人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大功能的平台。

7 、Others who remained in the group broke from societal norms.─── 其他还留在团队里的人 则打破了社会常规

8 、Yeah, but because I'm in love with my boo, not because of any societal pressure.─── 是啊 不过那是因为我恋爱了 而不是因为周围人的压力

9 、With all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate is spiraling. Why are there so few stable relationships among heterosexuals?───尽管婚姻得到很大的社会支持,离婚率还是在不断上升。为什么异性恋者中没有多少稳定的配偶关系?

10 、Hitchcock found a surprising degree of congruence between the personal and societal values of Northeast Asians and Southeast Asians.───希治阁意外地发现,东北亚洲人和东南亚州人在个人和社会价值观方面,有相当大的共同点。

11 、As an age old profession, midwifery has demonstrated its ability to face challenges and accommodate to societal and cultural changes.───如同一位资深的专业人员、助产士曾展示她的能力来面对挑战并且照顾到社会和文化的改变。

12 、According to Dewey, good education shoule have boty a societal purpose for the individual student.───一个系统是物质和现存的能量在时间和空间上的一个有组织的结构。

13 、The prosperity and fl wurishing of a societ Women y presupposes that its people bewell-fed and well-clothed.───一个社会的繁荣昌盛是以丰衣足食为前提的。

14 、But those questions have a lot of societal relevance," said Singer, who works with THEMIS but was not involved in the new study.───不过这些谜团相互存在着紧密的联系。”辛尔为“西弥斯”工作,但没有参与此项新研究。

15 、Governments have a mixed record in pushing up birth rates, as economic inducements sometimes fail to overcome other complex societal forces that affect baby-making decisions.───各国政府在推高生育率方面的措施成效参差不齐,因为经济刺激措施的影响力有时候难以超过其他影响决定生育的复杂社会因素。

16 、Societal Features and Its Function of Taichi Hand - push───太极推手的社会特性及其功能

17 、Researches of young delinquents'family status?societal background as well as academic performances are being carried out?which is done between the period after the young offender commit a crime and before sentencing.───其中调查工作是在青少年犯被判刑之前进行,主要包括他们的家庭地位,社会背景以及受教育的程度。

18 、Zhuangzi's theory of harmonious society involved three aspects: harmony between individuals, harmony between societal relations and harmony between human and the nature.───庄子的和谐社会论主要涉及人的个体和谐、社会关系的和谐、人与自然的和谐三个层面。

19 、Therefor, the research and the development of delavirdine mesylate will have great economic and societal significance.───因此,地拉韦啶甲磺酸盐的研发有着巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

20 、The investigation lays a foundation for further amelioration of medical wastes combustion technology, which has notable economic, societal and environmental benefit.───为医疗废物焚烧技术的进一步研究打下了基础,具有显著的经济、社会、环境效益。

21 、Adding to societal changes today is an enormous stockpile of information.───一个累积的庞大的信息库是社会发展至今的新变化。

22 、The commission will look into ways to better equip women for life's challenges and to create a more congenial societal environment for women to develop themselves.───委员会会研究增强妇女个人能力的各种方法,帮助她们面对生活的挑战,以及缔造更有利的社会环境,让妇女得以发挥所长。

23 、You have a brain that doesn't play by normal societal rules.─── 你有一个不按正常社会规则运作的大脑

24 、In terms of societal contribution, Asahi Breweries, Japan's biggest beermaker, hasn't done much to save the whales.───就社会贡献而言,朝日啤酒作为日本最大的啤酒生产商,并未在拯救鲸鱼方面有所作为。

25 、Acutally most social roits are created by "societal underclasses" and people use this group.───可以说美国人是慷慨的,但对于整个美国来说这很难界定。

26 、The name was often spelled Hygeia in the nineteenth century, for example in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ'.───在19世纪健神星的英文名称Hygieia常常被拼写成Hypeia,**天文学会每月通知就是一个例子。

27 、As Bill Rohe of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill puts it, “evidence regarding the societal benefits of home ownership is highly conjectural.───如北卡罗来纳大学查普希尔分校的BillRohe所述“关于自有住房带来社会利益的证据具有高度推测性。”

28 、Second, NIMBY ism represents a barrier not to societal goals but to the goals of capital.───其次,邻避主义并非为阻碍社会目标,而是针对资本家目标衍生的抗争。

29 、China, as a developping societal country, how to defend national security at the ground of economic globalization is a problem that we must take seriously.───中国,作为发展中的社会主义大国,如何在经济全球化背景下维护国家安全,这是我们必须认真对待的一个问题。

30 、men come to me to escape this crippling societal prison.─── 人们来找我是为了逃离这个社会监狱

31 、Which means he's lost any societal or moral restraints.─── 这意味着他已不受社会道德的约束

32 、Both of which involve rigid societal roles and say nothing about his capacity for subterfuge.─── 两个地方都有严格的社会角色 并且根本不在乎他的欺骗能力

33 、Actors are socialized in a particular societal context and adjust their habits to the corresponding institutional mix (Hall and Soskice, 2001; Hodgson, 2003).───在特殊的社会场合和相应的制度混合的调整中,参与者是具有社会性的。

34 、Habermas"s lifeworld theory is one of the most important parts of his theoretical system of communicative action, and consists of his fundamental thinking about western societal rationalization.───哈贝马斯的生活世界理论是其交往行为理论体系的重要部分,是他研究西方社会理性化的基本思路。

35 、The societal recognition of the importance of urban historic culture is becoming more and more popular.───因而,对城市历史文化的保护也越来越受到社会的重视。

36 、The marketing concept sidesteps the potential conflicts among consumer wants, consumer interests, and long-run societal welfare.───市场营销观念有意回避消费者欲望、消费者利益和社会长期福利之间的暗含的冲突。

37 、People can go to shop, bank work with computers. But the danger of the computer is people are getting isolated and losing some societal skills. Do you agree or disagree?───人们可以通过电脑购物,消费,工作,但是危险的是电脑代给人们孤立和丧失社会技能,你同意吗?

38 、"On societal values, there were three differences."───在社会价值观方面,有三个差别。

39 、Enforcement is carried out by the first party (self-imposed codes of conduct), by the second party (retaliation), and/or by a third party (societal sanctions or coercive enforcement by the state).───实施由第一方执行(自我设置的行为规范),由第二方执行(报复),或者由第三方执行(社会制裁或由国家强制执行)

40 、The realms of biomedical research ethics have been a central societal concern during the past 70 years.───在过去的70年中,生物医学研究的伦理学领域已经成为社会关注的中心。

41 、In contrast to the monotony of newly constructed residential areas, people perceive this functional as well as the societal variety as a specific urban characteristic and quality.───与旧的地区相反,新的附近包含只有有关居住的房子而且缺乏旧的村庄配件的吸引。

42 、There are good Asian values and bad Asian values,just as there are good Western values and bad Western values. Very little empirical work has been done to ascertain what personal and societal values East Asians hold in common.───亚洲价值观有好有坏,正如西方价值观也有好有坏一样,确认东亚人所认同的个人和社会价值观的实证研究做得很少。

43 、Just another societal ritual hung up on ancient traditions.─── 有一个和古老的传统有关的社交仪式

44 、Others say a lack of traditional jobs has spurred an interest in entrepreneurial ventures -- and the focus on societal impact is partly a matter of trying to escape the stigma of the 'greedy M.B.A.───其他人说,是传统职位缺乏引发了学生们对创业投资的兴趣,他们注重社会影响一定程度上是为了避免“贪婪MBA学生”的恶名。

45 、The pursuit of sport is for national pride.The motivation is societal, as opposed to capitalistic in the United States.───国家荣誉就是从事体育的追求,这样社会主义性质的动机不同于资本主义下的美国。

46 、On societal values, the respondents agreed on the importance of orderly society, harmony, respect for authority, official accountability and consensus.───在社会价值观方面,受访人士都注重社会的秩序、和谐、对权威的尊敬、政府对人民负责、和共识。

47 、At some point, they fell in step with societal expectations and became robots.─── 在某个时刻 他们 顺着社会的期望发展 变成了机器人

48 、The family is the basic cell of the societ.───家庭是社会的基本单位.

49 、Millennium's fate will be tied to fuel-cell progress and broader societal factors that could eventually lead to the embrace of a nonhydrocarbon fuel.───千禧公司的命运就系于燃料电池的发展,以及社会大众对非碳氢燃料的接受程度。

50 、"This is an example of the broader negative societal stigma that is very frequently targeted to obese individuals," Puhl said."You simply cannot charge people for extra tickets.───“这是整个社会越加广泛针对肥胖人士进行侮辱的又一佐证,”普尔说,“航空公司根本不该向他们收取额外票价。

51 、In this context, let us notice that far from being an elitist19 occupation for the happy few, it is developing in strong relation with the societal demands of humanity.───在这种情况下,我们应注意到,科学远不只是少数幸运儿的优越职业,它与人类的社会需求紧密相连,不断地向前发展。

52 、Debates on this issue are divided as individual problem and societal problem, both of which problematize the excluded status of the homeless.───反省现行两岸婚姻政策的适当性,也思考国家内部殖民问题。

53 、Philanthropism and Societal management of newliberalism───博爱与新自由主义的社会治理

54 、Yeah, she doesn't believe in societal institutions. It sucks.─── 是啊 她不相信社會制度 真糟糕

55 、In Chinese contemporary art, so many works are societal concept art. Why do you choose this path and perspective that seems to bear no relation to conceptual art?───在中国当代艺术有很多作品都是社会性的观念艺术,你为什么选择这种似乎与观念艺术无关的角度和思路?

56 、While the tale reflects wider societal trends, it is also a window on the unique culture of America's high-tech entrepreneurs.───尽管这种故事折射出更广泛的社会趋势,但它也是窥视独特的美国高科技企业家文化的一个窗口。

57 、The model has been applied to forecasting "gross societal output Value", "gross industrial output value" and "gross agricultural output value" in the overall urban planning of Liuzhou City.───将该模型用于柳州市总体规划,对相互关联的社会总产值、工业总产值和农业总产值进行了预测.

58 、There is much greater "societal scorn" heaped on the criminal.───人们对于刑事犯罪有更多的偏见。

59 、While the tale reflects wider societal trends,it is also a window on the unique culture of America's high-tech entrepreneurs.───尽管这种故事折射出更广泛的社会趋势,但它也是窥视独特的美国高科技企业家文化的一个窗口。

60 、If people "fail to meet their targets" or are caught smoking rival brands manufactured in neighboring Chinese provinces, they are fined and subjected to societal shame.───如果民众“无法达成他们的目标”,或被查出抽邻近省份生产的对手品牌香菸,就要处以罚款并受到社会羞辱。

61 、Conservative groups have expressed concern over the "single and alone" trend, calling it a troubling indicator of deeper societal problems.───保守团体对这种“单身独居”的趋势表示担心,说它反映了更深层的社会问题。

62 、There are good Asian values and bad Asian values, just as there are good Western values and bad Western values. Very little empirical work has been done to ascertain what personal and societal values East Asians hold in common.───亚洲价值观有好有坏,正如西方价值观也有好谢怠一样,确认东亚人所认同的个人和社会价值观的实证研究做得很少。

63 、Hitchcock's survey findings confirm my impression that there are significant differences between the personal and societal values of Asians and Americans.───希治阁的调查结果证实了我向来所持有的印象,即亚洲人和美国人的个人和社会价值观之间存在着很大的分歧。

64 、How to use the refectory table garbage has become an important topic to us, the treatment of refectory table garbage is also the societal question being solved urgently.───如何合理地利用“餐桌废物”已经成为摆在人们面前的重要课题,“餐桌废物”的合理处置也是目前急待解决的社会性问题。

65 、The interlocking of party control and societal influences has determined the typical images of “Chinese Women” suited to particular periods of time.───党的领导和社会变革的相互作用最终决定了杂志在不同时期所塑造的典型的中国女性形象。

66 、But I must emphasize the fact that the discourse character and societal role are not counterpoints.They are intersecting and mixed.───但必须强调的是,读者的话语类型与社会角色并非一一对应,而是交叉混和关系。

67 、On societal values, there were three differences. First, 71% of the Asians compared to 11% of the Americans emphasized the importance of orderly society.───在社会价值观方面,有三个差别。第一、有71%的亚洲人注重社会秩序,相比之下有11%的美国人注重这一点。

68 、Huameng Tea Center Group sincerely welcomes all works of societ to leage and cooperate.───华盟茶苑集团竭诚欢迎社会各界人士**合作。

69 、Thus,the enterprises should take into consideration all the possibilities,the government should produce some favorable policies to help those enterprises in trouble and the societ...───因此,企业应该对融资的方方面面进行通盘考虑,政府应该出台切实帮助中小企业解决融资难的政策,社会应该发展中介担保机构。

70 、Insofar as (3) is recognized, it is subsumed under questions of societal organization (cultural lag) or observed as a psychological pathology (alienation, etc.).───在(3)的范围内,它可视为社会组织(文化滞后)或者是心理病理学(疏远之类)的问题。

71 、Although societal circumstance and other factors exist ,but nwqapapering product excerpting management system absence is the major cause.───对此,固然有宏观环境等原因,但报业企业产品转载管理体系缺失是冲突产生的重要原因。

72 、There is a great deal of environmental, economical, societal benefits.───具有广阔的市场前景和很高的经济效益及社会效益。

73 、From a societal point of view, countries with large pastoral populations, where the rangeland deterioration is concentrated, are invariably among the poorest.───从社会角度来看,那些拥有大量牧民、牧场退化相对集中的国家,总要沦为最贫穷的国家。

74 、Chapter three analyzes the principle of laws that setting up medical dispute,particularly analyze economical, societal and juristical background,set up some proper legal ideas.───具体分析了纠纷加剧的经济、社会、法制背景和树立了一些正确处理纠纷的法律理念。

75 、As a result, this is translated into $230 Billion in societal cost each year (NHTSA estimate).───因此造成的社会花费达到2300亿美元。

76 、Societ?Ceramica Italiana Pozzi-Richard Ginori S.p.A.───上一篇文章: Arenco- Maschinenfabrik GmbH v.

77 、It simply takes as a given that societal and personal sicknesses are inextricably intertwined.───它告诉我们一个简单的事实,社会与个人的疾病是不可避免地纠缠在一起的。

78 、Individualism is opposed to collectivism or statism,which stress that communal, community, group, societal, or nationalgoals should take priority over individual goals.───因此个人主义直接的反抗将个人地位置于社会或共同体之下的集体主义。

79 、Postpartum depression divided into physiological,psychological and societal types seriously affects postpartum women s and neonate s healthy in mind and body.───产后抑郁症严重影响产妇身心健康和婴儿生长发育,其发病因素可分为生理和心理社会两大类。

80 、But despite similarities in societal reactions to IVF and cloning, the two technologies are philosophically quite different.───但就算社会对IVF及复制的反应有许多相似之处,这两项科技在哲理上是相当不同的。

81 、In my kids, I've seen our societal tendency to idolize high achievers, then to denigrate them just as energetically when they screw up, plant the seeds of cynicism.───从我的孩子身上,我看到了我们社会的一种不良倾向:我们总是热衷于将取得重大成就的人捧为偶像,然后在他们出现问题后又不遗余力地口诛笔伐,散布冷嘲热讽的种子。

82 、To analyze the two discoveries on Zhang Xue-Cheng would be both interesting and conductive in understanding modern China's societal and academic changes.───分析章学诚两次被“发现”的有趣现象,有助于我们对近代中国学术界、思想界获得更加贴近历史真实的认识。

83 、societal responsibility of corporation───公司社会责任

84 、Human intelligence comes in, perceives the whole situation, and makes changes in the human societal structure.───人类的智能也会进入到这个模型之中,去感知整个形势,然后在人类的社会结构里作出改变。

85 、First, it inaugurated the Chinese league legislation and offered the limited space for the development of folk societal forces of modern times of China.───商会法律制度的创立,开创了中国近代社团立法的先河,为中国近代民间社会力量的发展提供了有限的空间。

86 、The enactment and amendment of the chamber of commerce law are the contestable results between the country and societal forces .───中国近代商会法的制定和修改是国家和社会力量较量的结果,国家和社会之间强弱关系的不同,决定商会法的制定和实施;

87 、BJ-CABBAGIS consists of three subsystems, namely, societal and natural information subsystem, vegetable production information subsystem, and vegetable plant protection information subsystem.───BJ-CABBAGIS由三个子系统构成,即社会自然信息子系统、蔬菜生产信息子系统和蔬菜植保信息子系统。

88 、County-regional economy is one significant constituent of national economy,and a basic unit for coordinating economic and societal development between urban and rural regions.───县域经济是国民经济的重要组成部分,是统筹城乡经济社会发展的基本单元,是全面实现小康社会目标的关键和重点。

89 、The motivation is societal, as opposed to capitalistic in the United States.───动机是社会性的,而不是像美国是被资本主义化了的。


Marianne expressed her belief in a superior force that would hold one accountable for immoral actions, stating, "There's a higher power that will judge you for your indecency."

Her comment seemed to imply a deeper meaning, possibly referring to a spiritual authority or societal expectations. When confronted with this notion, Olive Penderghast, in her questioning tone, suggested, "Tom Cruise?" Clearly, she was curious if Marianne was referring to the well-known actor, known for his roles in various blockbuster films, and wondered if that was the entity she was alluding to.

The exchange between the two characters hinted at a complex discussion about morality, fame, and the role these factors play in shaping public judgment. It was evident that both individuals were pondering the boundaries of propriety and the influence of public figures in society's perception of right and wrong.



societal marketing concept是什么意思

societal marketing concept


The concept and practice of societal marketing will be new tendencies of themarketing development in the world. 




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