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06-28 投稿




英:['dez?t]  美:[?d?z?t]

英:  美:


v.遗弃, 离弃, 放弃, 擅离职守

n.沙漠, 荒地, 应得(的惩罚或奖励)


名词: deserter | 动词第三人称单数: deserts | 动词过去式: deserted | 动词现在分词: deserting | 动词过去分词: deserted |


take off | desolate | walk out on | abandon | forsake | jump ship | arid region | leave | wages | reward | return | abscond | wilderness | waste | defect | quit | discard | recompense | give up | wasteland | just reward




1 、He was a magician from the western desert.───他是来自西边沙漠的一位魔术师。

2 、The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.───商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。

3 、SCULLY:( disbelief) Here? In the Arizona desert?───史高丽:(疑)里?在亚利桑那州的沙漠里?

4 、Don't desert me in my hour of need.───不要在我困难的时候离开我。

5 、He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert.───他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。

6 、The army is on (ie taking part in) manoeuvres in the desert.───军队正在进行沙漠作战演习。

7 、How animal survial in the desert.───动物在沙漠是如何生存的。

8 、I was nearly scalded in the desert.───在沙漠中我几乎被烤焦了。

9 、It is also called the tropical desert zone.───就是我们叫做回归沙漠带的地方。

10 、One godforsaken part of the desert just as good as another godforsaken part of the desert.─── 一个沙漠里被遗忘的荒凉区域 跟另一块荒地也没什么差别

11 、There were prospecting for oil in the desert.───他们那时正在沙漠中勘探石油。

12 、Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert!───她最近心血来潮想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营!

13 、You and Margaret won't desert me; come what will.───你和玛格丽特是决不会抛弃我的; 不管什么事,来吧。

14 、They have built canals to irrigate the desert.───他们建造成水渠以灌溉沙漠。

15 、They were cast up on the shore of a desert island.───他们被冲上荒岛的海岸。

16 、I'm not a deserter, sergeant, I'm not a deserter.─── 我不是逃兵 中士 我不是逃兵

17 、They ventured their lives in exploring the desert.───他们冒了生命危险去沙漠探险。

18 、The explorers entered upon a desert tract.───勘探人员进入了一片沙漠地带。

19 、The desert burned beneath the sun.───太阳把荒漠烧得灼热。

20 、Have you ever visited Mount Desert?───你游览过德泽特山吗?

21 、They plan to pipe oil across the desert.───他们计划铺设穿越沙漠的石油输送管道。

22 、She had a mind to spend her vacation in the desert.───她打算到沙漠度假

23 、They got lost in the desert and starved to death.───他们在沙漠中迷路饿死了。

24 、You are deserting him. I am not deserting him.─── 你抛弃了他 我没有抛弃他

25 、He took many photos of the wide tracts of desert in North Africa.───他拍了许多关于北非的广大沙漠的照片。

26 、Such a barren desert can support very few creatures.───在这样荒瘠的沙漠里,很少生物能够存活。

27 、He was unexpectedly rescued from the desert.───他绝处逢生,从沙漠被救了回来。

28 、People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land.───在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。

29 、He had a lot of adventures in the desert.───他曾在沙漠中经历很多奇异的事件。

30 、Cactus is a type of green desert plant.───仙人掌是一种绿色的沙漠植物。

31 、It is of no use boasting of being rich on a desert island.───在无人岛上夸耀富有也是白费力气。

32 、The convoy was stranded in the desert.───使团在沙漠中陷入了困境

33 、Towns have sprung up in what was a dry desert.───一些城镇在曾经是干旱沙漠的地方出现了。

34 、They were advancing due west into the desert.───他们向正西方向行进,进入沙漠地带。

35 、It is the uncrossed desert and the unclimbed ridge.───它是未经横越的沙漠、未经攀登的峭壁。

36 、Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment.───她一时间似乎失去了勇气。

37 、We had to slake ourselves with rainwater in the desert.───在沙漠中我们不得不用雨水解渴。

38 、There is an oasis on the vast and bare expanse of the desert.───在广漠的沙漠里有一片绿洲。

39 、Once, there was a village in the desert.─── 从前 沙漠里有一个小村庄

40 、The sands in the vast desert look like snow.───大漠沙如雪

41 、Traveling in the desert, he met a woman standing alone and terribly dejected.───在沙漠旅行时他遇见了一个女人,她孤独地站著,非常沮丧。

42 、From desert regions sand was blown in to cover the fields.───从沙漠地区刮来的沙子把田地都盖上了。

43 、Much territory in northwest China is desert.───中国西北地方大部分是沙漠。

44 、Everybody was in the desert for a while.─── 每个人都在沙漠待过一段时间

45 、He survived the crash but died in the desert.───他在飞机坠毁时活下来了,却死在沙漠里。

46 、It is despicable to desert your children.───你抛弃你的孩子是卑劣的。

47 、You know, what you could never understand is that some men lead and some men follow, and when you can't lead and you refuse to follow, you die alone in the desert just not this desert.─── 你永远也不懂 有人生为领袖 有人只能做跟班 做不了领袖 又不愿当跟班 就只能死在沙漠里 当然不是这片沙漠

48 、The sun blazed down on the desert.───太阳炙烤着沙漠。

49 、You and Margaret won't desert me, come what will.───不管有什么事,你和玛格丽特是决不会抛弃我的。

50 、His reputation falls far below his desert.───他的功劳远高于他的名声。

51 、Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.───在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。

52 、It took him six weeks to walk across the desert.───他花了六个星期穿越了沙漠。

53 、They explored this desert region in 1923.───他们於一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。

54 、Surely, you won't desert me in my hour of trouble.───在我困难的时候,你当然不会扔掉我不管。

55 、Save them from the desert sands.───好对付荒漠的沙。

56 、The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.───公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。

57 、Filming a Western on locationin the Mexican desert.───在墨西哥沙漠外景地拍摄一部西部片。

58 、An Arab was travelling in the desert on his camel.───一位阿拉伯人骑着骆驼在沙漠中旅行。

59 、It's dull living on a desert island.───住在荒岛上十分的单调。

60 、Some of them died of thirst in the desert.───他们中有些人在沙漠中渴死了。

61 、They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.───他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了。

62 、He lost his travelling bag when he crossed the desert.───他在穿越沙漠的时候丢失了他的旅行袋。

63 、Scarce: Water is scarce in the desert.───在沙漠里水是很难得到的。

64 、He went forth into the desert to pray.───他向前走到沙漠中祈祷。

65 、The deuce of a house could be seen anywhere in the desert.───在那片荒漠,到处都看不到人家。

66 、The sun beat down (on the desert sand).───太阳曝晒着(沙漠).

67 、Why did you desert teaching for politics?───你为什么弃教从政呢?

68 、They got lost in the desert and starved.───他们在沙漠中迷了路,饿死了。

69 、The army is on manoeuvres in the desert.───军队在沙漠中进行军事演习。

70 、The man lost in the desert was desperate for water.───在沙漠中迷失方向的人极度渴望得到水。

71 、Water is of vital necessity in the desert.───在沙漠地区水是维持生命的必需品。

72 、You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert.───你需要有一辆相当坚固耐用的车子穿越沙漠。

73 、The caravan was caught in the desert.───商队被困在了沙漠里。

74 、He got lost in the desert and starved to death.───他在沙漠中迷路饿死了。

75 、To the desert, men were insignificant.───人类对它来说太渺小了。

76 、Filming a Western on location in the Mexican desert.───在墨西哥沙漠外景地拍摄一部西部片

77 、All his sagacity seemed to desert him.───他似乎完全失去洞察力。

78 、Her virtue is like a pathless desert.───她的品德象一片人迹难到的沙漠。

79 、A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.───好朋友不会在人遭到厄运时弃之不顾。

80 、The sun beat down on the desert sand.───太阳曝晒着沙漠。

81 、After several months of drilling in the desert, the prospectors struck it rich.───勘探者们在沙漠中花了几个月的时间钻井,终于钻出了石油。

82 、They're repainting our mailbox because it's desert sienna instead of desert sage.─── 他们仅仅因为那是褚* 而不是土*就来重新漆我们的信箱

83 、There is no house at all in the desert island.───在这个荒凉的岛屿上无房屋可言。

84 、You've been with an aviator in a desert.─── 你和一个飞行员在沙漠里面度过一段时光

85 、If you get lost in the desert, calculate your direction by the sun and keep moving, them you are sure to get somewhere.───你要是在沙漠中迷了路,就以太阳为方向不断前进,肯定会到达某个地方。

86 、They crossed through the great desert.───他们横穿过大沙漠。

87 、In the desert you must take plenty of liquid to avoid dehydration.───在沙漠中,为防止脱水,你一定得带上足够的水。

88 、And, in doing so, I have deserted my nation.─── 这样一来 我就叛离了自己的国家

89 、Farmers can make the desert bloom like the rose.───农民能使沙漠象玫瑰那样生机盎然。

90 、Okay, where are you? I'm in the desert.─── 找到了 你在哪儿 我在沙漠里





区别: /?dez?t/,/d??z??t/。

n. 沙漠,荒原;沉闷乏味的境况(或地区),冷清的地方;应得的赏罚(常用复数)

v. 遗弃;舍弃,离弃(某地方);(士兵)擅离(部队);逃走;开小差;放弃,撇下不管;背离,使失望;(感觉、品质或技艺)离开,丧失

adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;被抛弃的

Somalia is mostly desert.


The heat in the desert was extreme.


They drove 600 miles across the desert.


No one agrees on what counts as a desert.


He is on a trek through the South Gobi desert.


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