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06-28 投稿




英:['b?ld??z?(r)]  美:[?b?l?doz?]

英:  美:


n.推土机, 欺凌者


动词第三人称单数: bulldozes | 动词过去分词: bulldozed | 动词现在分词: bulldozing | 动词过去式: bulldozed |


1 、Last week ,He took his bulldozer to the river levee───上周,我弟弟把推土机开到河堤边。

2 、TYS120 LLGP bulldozer is rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for the extra requirement of the ground pressure.───TYS120超湿地推土机系刚性悬挂、械和动力换档变速传动、压操纵的结构型式,是一种能满足使用工况对接地比压有特殊要求的湿地型履带推土机。。

3 、He did find some gold and soon upgraded his equipment -- in 2005, buying the excavator, followed by the bulldozer last year and the front loader this year.───2005年,他终于找到了一些金子,很快就提升了淘金设备,购买了挖掘机,去年又添置了推土机,今年更配备了前端装载机。

4 、Power separating, hydraulic-mechanic drive, single stage torque converter is used in SD8 elevale sprocket bulldozer.───SD8高驱动履带推土机采用输出端外分流液力机械传动单级变矩器。

5 、If dam stacked by coarse waste is flattened automatically by bulldozer at small height, its density and consolidation will be raised and its stability will be strengthened.───堆筑堤坝材料采用粗颗粒的物料,并且采用小段高台阶排土,排土设备自动碾压,提高了堆筑堤坝体的密实度及固结度,以及母坝的稳定性。

6 、The creation of a new firebreak should be done by taking structures down manually or with a bulldozer if available.───建筑可以用人工或者用推土机推倒(如果有条件的话),来建立新的防火障。

7 、Research on key technical parameters of full hydraulic bulldozer───全液压推土机关键技术参数研究

8 、Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us.───我们俩的农场之间本来有一块草地。上周,我弟弟把推土机开到河堤边。现在我们俩之间就有了这条河。

9 、TYS120LLGP bulldozer is rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for the extra requirement of the ground pressure.───TYS120超湿地推土机系刚性悬挂、机械和动力换档变速传动、液压操纵的结构型式,是一种能满足使用工况对接地比压有特殊要求的湿地型履带推土机。。

10 、Control Algorithm of Variable Displacement Pump for All Hydrostatic Bulldozer───全液压推土机变量泵控制算法

11 、Research of dynamic characteristic test of full hydraulic bulldozer───全液压推土机动态性能试验研究

12 、TY165 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type.───TY165推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力机械传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。

13 、For reports relating to the shares Shantui 2,3 bulldozer sales of the month, the company confirmed the basic truth.───对于报道中有关山推股份2、3月份推土机销售情况,公司确认基本属实。

14 、The company continued to strengthen its capability of independent innovation, research and development capacity in the industry leader. Bulldozer's market share steadily.───公司不断加强自身的自主创新能力,技术研发能力业内处于领先地位。公司推土机市场占有率稳步提高。

15 、Overall Design of a Fully Hydraulic Bulldozer───全液压推土机的总体设计

16 、English: What is the total weight of this kind of bulldozer?───中文:这种型号的推土机总重量是多少?

17 、Breakdown of system of pedrail bulldozer hydraulic pressure is analysed;───全液压挖掘机液压系统故障诊断;

18 、Fixed a rare instance where at map level the bulldozer tool could leave a blue hole in the ground.───修正了一个罕见的情况下在地图一级推土机工具可以离开一个蓝色的地洞。

19 、Torque converter used in SD7 bulldozer is power separating hydraulic-mechanic type.───SD7推土机配套用变矩器为功率外分流式液力机械变矩器.

20 、English: What is the distinguishing feature of the bulldozer?───中文:这种推土机有什么特点?

21 、The homes belong to the families of a man who gunned down eight Jewish seminary students in March and the man who killed three Israelis on Wednesday with a bulldozer in the heart of Jerusalem.───其中一人今年三月开**射杀八名犹太神学院学生,另一人上个星期三在耶路撒冷市中心用推土机轧死了三名以色列人。

22 、It must be of a bulldozer operatorconfronted by a dilapidated building,he can say:hi buddy,i need to euthanize youCan this word be connected with a creature?───应该是开推土机的人吧,他可以面对一座危房,然后说“哥们,我得把你人道毁灭了”。能允许这个词和生命体产生链接吗?

23 、Exit topological features is nicer, land leveler grows 61.5% , bulldozer keeps balance basically, fork-lift truck glides 11.7% , detailed sees a table 1.───出口形势较好,平地机增长61.5%,推土机基本持平,装载机下滑11.7%,详见表1。

24 、Statistic and Analysis on Force-to-weight Ratio and Power-to-weight Ratio of Hydraulic Bulldozer───全液压推土机牵引比与比功率的统计分析

25 、The Parameter Design and Adjustment for Driving System Of Full Hydraulic Bulldozer───全液压推土机行驶静压驱动系统参数设计与校核

26 、When you tell me about that bulldozer.─── 你告诉我推土机的事我就不管你了

27 、Bulldozer Chance card enables you to demolish any Hazard that may have been placed on a street you own. Get ready to smash.───一个冒险的运气卡让你建造建筑就像发电站.监狱和污水处理厂.你可将这些放在你朋友们最好的街道上破坏他们的增税价或者他们得乞求你.

28 、Badgers are the bulldozers of the predator world.─── 而獾对于土拨鼠来说就像推土机

29 、Just tell me what happened with that bulldozer.─── 只要告诉我推土机究竟是怎么回事

30 、In the failing grey afternoon light, we stand over a great brown-black pit. A few fir trees and an abandoned bulldozer perch forlornly around the fringes.───在愈趋暗淡的午后光线中,我们站在一大片泛著棕黑色的矿坑上方。几株冷杉树和一台弃置的推土机孤伶伶地栖身在矿坑的边缘。

31 、Research of State Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Technology of Full Hydraulic Bulldozer───全液压推土机状态监测及故障诊断技术的研究

32 、Views of CHINA TIESIJU CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP about bulldozer industry───中铁四局集团与铲运工程机械

33 、TY120 bulldozer is rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for road construction, water and electricity engineering, farmland leveling, port building, mining and other engineering conditions.───TY120推土机系刚性悬挂、机械和动力换档变速传动、液压操纵的履带式推土机,可用于道路修筑、水电工程、农田改造、港口建设、矿山开发及其它建筑工程项目的土石方作业。

34 、We specialized in manufacturing main kinds of undercarriage parts for excavator, bulldozer, such as track rollers, top rollers, idlers assy, sprockets, chain for Komatsu, Cat, Hitachi, Kato etc.───我们专门制造各种主起落架零件,挖掘机,推土机,等径辊,胶辊,闲散总成,链轮,链小松,卡特彼勒,日立,加藤等.

35 、The bulldozer outside the kitchen window was quite a big one.───厨房窗口外的推土机的确是个大家伙。

36 、The match of parameter in the full hydraulic driving system of bulldozer have been analyzed and discussed in this text, and the control of the match has been studied.───对全液压推土机的行走驱动系统参数匹配进行分析探讨,并对匹配控制进行了分析研究。

37 、During the operation of a bulldozer, rapidly changing external resistance results in the decrease of engine speed and the increase of slip, as well as worse working situation.───在推土机作业过程中,急剧变化的外部阻力常常会使发动机转速下降或者使机器滑转率上升,进而导致整机工作状况恶化。

38 、Analysis for roll - over and falling - object protective structure of large bulldozer───大型推土机翻车和落物保护结构受力研究

39 、Development and Trend of Full Hydraulic Bulldozer───全液压推土机研究现状与发展趋势

40 、Fifteen seconds later he was out of the house and lying in front of a big yellow bulldozer that was advancing up his garden path.───十五秒后,他在房子外面,横在一台巨大的**推土机前,这家伙正试图从他花园的小路前开过。

41 、The government would like to bulldoze it.─── 政府想用推土机夷平这块土地

42 、And the bulldozer style that he pushes forward is not going to work in this time.───一开始他的几场比赛成绩不尽理想,许多意见都认为我们应该放弃他;

43 、English: The total weight of the bulldozer is 14 tons.───中文:这种推土机的总重量是十四(14)吨。

44 、A bulldozer broadened the gaps.───一辆推土机将缺口扩大。

45 、Haveing the benefit of vibratory roller and bulldozer, it easily bulldozes and compacts piles of garbage.───将振动压路机和推土机功能有机结合起来,便于把成堆的垃圾推平后压实。

46 、Last week there was a meadow between us, but he took his bulldozer to the river levee, and now there is a creek between us.───上周我们之间还有一片牧场,但他用推土机把河堤推掉了,如今横在我们面前的是一条小溪。

47 、TYS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for watery, soft, viscous soil conditions.───2湿地推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。特别适用于含水比较高、松软、粘性土质工况下作业。

48 、On April 2nd, a bulldozer demolished the two-storey hotpot restaurant that had also once been home to Yang Wu and his wife Wu Ping.───在4月2号,推土机推倒了这座曾经是焖罐饭店的两层小楼,这儿也曾是杨武和妻子吴萍的家。

49 、Key Techniques on Hydraulic Bulldozer Control System───全液压推土机控制系统关键技术研究

50 、Study of the Drive Property of the Full Hydraulic Bulldozer───全液压推土机牵引性能研究

51 、TS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, mechanism transmitted, hydraulically controlled and track-type.───TS165-2推土机系半刚性悬挂、机械传动、液压 操纵、低比压履带推土机。

52 、Can you operate a bulldozer?───你会开推土机吗?

53 、Speaking through a translator, he said Lasseter "turned into a human bulldozer" to assure the American release: "Without him I don't think we'd be sitting here.───借助翻译之口,他说雷斯特“变成了一个推土机”来确保美国对他**的放映:“没有他的话,我不认为我们将坐在这里。”

54 、Yeah, wewe solved that with a bulldozer.─── 但那个我们是直接用推土机推平了

55 、To operate a bulldozer.───开推土机

56 、Plus, I could have bulldozed it, you know.─── 而且 我本可以清理废墟的

57 、A rush order back to the States for 278 additional bulldozer blades was put in, but it would take weeks to fill.───一份278台推土铲刀紧急订单发回国内,但需数周才能供货。

58 、Assembly factory of Shandong Bulldozer Plant───山东推土机总厂总装车间

59 、A vehicle, such as a bulldozer, that moves on continuous belts of metal plates.───履带式车辆推土机之类的在延续的金属履带上移动的车辆

60 、Yet, some maniac with a bulldozer does what he does.─── 但是 一个开着推土机的疯子干了这事情

61 、Or you found it in a bombedout building about to be bulldozed.─── 或者是你在被炸为废墟 将被夷为平地的大楼里找到的

62 、TS165-1 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, mechanism transmitted, hydraulically controlled and track-type.───TS165-1推土机系半刚性悬挂、机械传动、液压操纵、低比压履带推土机。

63 、Bulldoze me down with the house if you want.─── 想赶我走就把我和房子一起推平吧

64 、I can't take any more of her controlling, bulldozing crap.─── 我受不了她那副颐指气使 强人所难的做派了

65 、"I can help you,"said the bulldozer.───“我可以帮助你,”推土机说。

66 、TYS165 bulldozer is of power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It features good performance, flexible operation, good quality, high efficiency, especially used in waterlogged area.───TYS165推土机系液力机械传动、液压操纵、低比压履带推土机。该机性能优良,操作灵活方便,质量可靠,工作效率高,特别适合沼泽地和含水量比较高的松软地带使用。

67 、Transmission System Heat Equilibrium Analysis for Big Power Crawler Bulldozer───对大功率履带式推土机传动系统的热平衡分析

68 、Project equipment: Construct equipment, road equipment, car, loading engine, road roller, bulldozer, bus etc.───工程机械:建筑设备,公路施工设备,工程车辆,装载机,压路机,推土机,大客车等

69 、Analysis compactors using on Shenzhen Waste Landfill Site, the imported compactor is more economical than the bulldozer produced in China.───对深圳市下坪垃圾填埋场使用的压实机械进行了分析比较,说明进口专用的压实机械比国产推土机经济性能良好,适于进行压实作业。

70 、He was carted off for treatment in the scoop of a small bulldozer.───之后,人们用一个小型推土机的铲子将其抬走救治。

71 、a bulldozer with an angled moldboard to push earth to one side───带有成角的犁板把土推到一边的一种推土机

72 、They had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer.───他们用推土机开出了一条小道。

73 、Meanwhile, the sounds of the axe and the chain-saw and the bulldozer continue to be heard throughout the tropical forest lands.───与此同时,在整个热带森林的土地上仍在继续听到斧头、链锯和推土机的响声。

74 、The fractal characteristic of the bulldozer performance distribution is studied with the fractal theory.───应用分形几何理论,研究了推土机性能分布的分形特征。

75 、It must be of a bulldozer operator.confronted by a dilapidated building,he can say:hi buddy,i need to euthanize you.───应该是开推土机的人吧,他可以面对一座危房,然后说“哥们,我得把你人道毁灭了”。

76 、But in his latest adventure,he will drive a bulldozer.───但是在他最后的一次历险中,他将驾驶一辆推土机。

77 、Economy analysis of repairing the moving mechanism of a heavy-duty caterpillar bulldozer───大型履带推土机行走机构修理经济性分析

78 、Briefly analysis of visual appearance of crawler type bulldozer───履带式推土机外观质量浅析

79 、He woke up blearily, got up, wandered blearily round his room, opened a window, saw a bulldozer, found his slippers, and stomped off to the bathroom to wash.───他迷迷糊糊的醒过来,起床,在卧室里迷迷糊糊地晃悠,打开了窗户,看见一台推土机,找到了他的拖鞋,跺着脚走向洗手间准备洗漱。

80 、The rancher tidies it up with the help of a bulldozer, burns what is left, sows grass and raises cattle.───农场主用一台推土机将地整平,把留下的东西都烧光,播下草种然后养牛。

81 、A vehicle,such as a bulldozer,that moves on continuous belts of metal plates.───履带式车辆推土机之类的在延续的金属履带上移动的车辆。

82 、They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.───他们需要一台推土机来挖出岩石。

83 、Above this tableau, at the lip of the ravine, a bulldozer idles.───在这个戏剧性的场景上方,有一辆推土机正停在峡谷边缘。

84 、The International Solidarity Movement, of which she was a member, claimed the bulldozer driver ran her over deliberately.───她所属的国际团结运动组织宣称推土机驾驶员轧死她是故意的。

85 、The T171 bulldozer for the large-scale import folk recipe machinery, factor the and so on working strength, driving operation and spare part own life influence, its firing set breakdown is common.───T171型推土机为大型进口土方机械,受工作强度、驾驶操作和零部件自身寿命等因素的影响,其起动装置故障较为常见。

86 、Only a small district will be retained as a tourist enclave for in Shanghai, the bulldozer rules.───在上海,只有一小块区域被作为旅游区保留下来,这就是“推土机规则”。

87 、9.a bulldozer with an angled moldboard to push earth to one side.───带有成角的犁板把土推到一边的一种推土机。

88 、But as a bulldozer rakes what remains of his neighbours' homes, Sun continues to watch and wait for the first glimpse of an eviction party.───但当一座推土机下仍保留他邻居的房子,孙继续留下来观望动迁(求高手:这句怎么翻译?)

89 、The analysis of the driving property of the full hydraulic bulldozer and the experiment───全液压推土机牵引性能分析及试验研究

90 、Study of DSP Controller of the Driving System on Hydrostatic Transmission Bulldozer───全液压推土机行驶系统DSP控制器的研究


x代表xfr自动超频技术(但后来不带x一样,并且平均体质原因效果一般)。 x更多代表高频率。 g代表核显系列。 u代表超低功耗移动版cpu。 h代表标准功耗移动版cpu。 Zen是AMD于2016年中发表的x86-64微架构,接替Bulldozer微架构及其改进版本。




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