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06-28 投稿




英:[?sk?v?nd??(r)]  美:[?sk?v?nd??]

英:  美:


n.拾荒者, 食腐动物, 清除剂


动词过去式: scavenged | 动词第三人称单数: scavenges | 动词现在分词: scavenging | 动词过去分词: scavenged |


1 、As a scavenger receptor, CD36 is not only involved in the metabolism of lipids, but also plays a role in the adhesion of negatively-charged macromolecules.───作为一种清道夫受体,CD36既参与脂质的代谢,也在带负电荷的生物大分子黏附中发挥作用。

2 、The Singlet Oxygen Scavenger Sodium Azide in the Treatment of Alkaline Burn of Cornea: An Experimental Study───单态氧猝灭剂叠氮钠治疗角膜碱烧伤实验研究

3 、There's a scavenger hunt, and my team has tasked me with getting a photograph in a whale's suite.───我们在玩寻宝游戏,我们组派我搞一张大腕儿包房的照片。

4 、The present study suggests that extracts of Salvia officinalis are effective and of multifunctional natural antioxidants and radical scavenger, so it is a kind o...───因此鼠尾草叶提取物是有效的、多功能的天然抗氧化剂和自由基清除剂,是值得进一步开发利用的天然产物。

5 、Feasibility of synergistic treatment of iron sulfide laden and stabilized slops simultaneously by use of surfactant and sulfide scavenger was studied.───对表面活性剂和硫化物去除剂协同处理含硫化亚铁颗粒污油的可行性进行了研究。

6 、The formaldehyde scavenger used for wood-based panel───人造板用甲醛捕捉剂

7 、Function of a Detritivorous Fish as Scavenger of Aquaculture Environment───一种腐屑食性鱼类对养殖环境清洁能力研究

8 、However,since the role of its resisting oxidative stress was discovered,lots of experiments show that melatonin is the powerful free radical scavenger.───实验研究表明,褪黑激素不仅本身具有明显的抗氧化作用,且被氧化后的多级代谢产物亦有强大的抗氧化功能;

9 、Furthermore, we provide evidence that the CD36 scavenger receptor and downstream kinases are involved in SYN-mediated microglial activation.───此外,CD36受体和下游的激酶参与SYN介导的小神经胶质的活化。

10 、macrophage scavenger receptor───巨噬细胞消除受体

11 、Proanthocyanidin is a effective natural free radical scavenger.───原花青素是一种天然有效的自由基清除剂。

12 、There are many types of receptors secreted the oxidized low density lipoprotein,especially scavenger receptor A.───介导氧化修饰低密度脂蛋白的受体种类繁多,尤其是清道夫受体A。

13 、God gave them for His people's protection: so no scavenger animals for dinner, no contact with leprous people, and plenty of baths!───如果不接触痲疯病患,就不必沐浴那麽多次!上帝保护百姓的方式可从祂颁布的律法之中窥探一、二。

14 、He was a crafty little scavenger, and knew he had to take one here, one there, to avoid being detected.───他偷食的经验极丰,知道一碗一碟之中不能多取,这才不易为人发觉。

15 、Conclusion The RPE cells can effectively ingest negatively charged macromolecules, possibly by scavenger receptor mediated endocytosis.───受体介导的RPE细胞的内吞作用可能是IPM内大分子物质代谢的重要机制。

16 、Scavenger hunts can be as simple or involved as circumstances dictate.───“拾荒式”搜索能作为例子或课程指引。

17 、Effect of ligustrazine on the human scavenger receptor-AI expressed in Xenopus oocytes───川芎嗪对爪蟾卵母细胞外源清道夫受体基因表达的影响

18 、Effect of free radical scavenger on anterior decompression for cervical spondylotic myelopathy───依达拉奉在脊髓型颈椎病围手术期应用的效果观察

19 、Properities of these reagents,impurities extracted by these reagents and category of scavenger reagent mediated reactions were also introduced.───对清除试剂进行了分类,各类清除试剂参与的液相反应以及被清除的非目标产物类型也作了相应的介绍。

20 、Online scavenger hunts can be used as a whole class activity, as a team activity, or as a means of providing individual students with review or challenge activities.───在网上进行“拾荒式”搜索可用作全班活动,小组活动或作为提供学生个别活动,有助于知识巩固和挑战自我。

21 、scavenger receptor BI (SR- BI)───B族Ⅰ型清道夫受体(SR-BI)

22 、The newly forced lubrication system, to offer all of joins completely lubrication and oil scavenger in small cylinder for increasing the operation speed and machine's life.───全新强制润滑系统,针对细筒内所有活动关节给予强制给油润滑及迴油的系统,能提高转速及增长操作寿命。

23 、The Effect of Exogenous Active Oxygen Scavenger on Seedling Growth and Drought Resistance of Chinese Pine───外源活性氧清除剂对油松幼苗的抗旱性效应

24 、But you promised me a scavenger hunt.─── 但是你跟我说是要玩觅物游戏的

25 、Adding inhibitor CT2-17 and oxygen scavenger Na2SO3, foam corrosion inhibition ability was improved.───在泡沫中添加缓蚀剂CT2-17和除氧剂Na_2SO_3,泡沫缓蚀能力进一步得到提高。

26 、Keywords melamine;etherification;stiffener;formaldehyde scavenger;───三聚氰胺;甲醚化;硬挺剂;捕醛剂;

27 、He was scavenged before they saw what he was.─── 人们没发现他死于霍乱前 有人抢了他的东西

28 、Keywords Oxazolidine;Polyurethane;Coating;Moisture scavenger;Reactive diluent;───唑烷;聚氨酯;涂料;除水剂;活性稀释剂;

29 、Okay, we're not here to pleasure scavenge.─── 好吧 我们不是来这里寻宝的

30 、Therefore, contamination of the operating room suite that invariably occurs when using volatile agents, despite the use of scavenger systems, may be eliminated entirely.───尽管使用了净化系统,挥发性**药或许可以完全清除,但是还是常会污染手术室。

31 、Nitric oxide scavenger ( N-acetylcysteine) could recover the inhibition effect of sodium nilroprusside.───ON清除剂N-**半胱氨酸能明显清除硝普钠的抑制效应。

32 、He is not a scavenger nor just a moving appetite as some sharks are.───它不是食腐动物,也不像有些鲨鱼那样,只知道游来游去满足食欲。


34 、He be just fit for a job as scavenger .───他正好当个清道夫之职。

35 、scavenger receptor class A types Ⅰand Ⅱ───A族Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型清道夫受体

36 、The server could not start the scavenger thread. The server could not be started.───服务器无法启动清除器线程。服务器无法启动。

37 、We scavenge during the day when it's safe.─── 白天安全的时候我们去搜集物资

38 、Joes 3D Scavenger Hunt 1.0 4.888M 275 2007-1-24───一款适合学龄前儿童玩的3D解谜探索游戏。...

39 、He struck at one with his knife lashed to the end of an oar and watched the scavenger sliding down into deep water───他用绑在桨的一头的刀子击中了其中的一条,并看着这条食腐动物滑到深海里去了。

40 、Urea and its monomeric species were as scavenger of formaldehyde in the resin.───尿素及其衍生物对 于该类树脂而言,仅仅起到的是甲醛捕捉剂的作用。

41 、As one of the most potent natural scavenger of free radicals, Pycnogenol? mops-up all kinds of aggressive radicals, before they cause any damage by oxidative stress.───作为自由基的最有效天然清除物质,碧萝芷?除各种各样的有害自由基,否则他们会通过氧化作用引起机体损害。

42 、Scavenger hunts, or treasure hunts, have quickly become one of the most popular tools for teaching students how to access and use the resources and information available on the Internet.───“拾荒式”搜索或称“财富”搜索,已经迅速地成为引导学生访问和使用Internet上可用信息和资源的最流行的一种工具之一。

43 、Photo Scavenger Hunt IdeasIt gets people working and laughing f together, requires little equipment and has lots of room for creativity.───既能使参与者有互动的机会,带给人人欢笑的时光,既省事又不昂贵,还非常能引发创作性。

44 、Internet scavenger hunts are a way for students to practice problem solving, improve their reading and comprehension skills, and learn how to search the Internet.───搜索是让学生学习如何在Internet上进行搜索,是提高学生阅读理解技能,培养学生解决实际问题的一种教学方式。

45 、Hodgins scavenged as much as he could.─── Hodgins已经尽力清理了

46 、suction -type sewer scavenger───吸污车

47 、Antioxidant enzymes play a significant part in reactive oxygen scavenger and antioxidant defense systems.───摘要抗氧化酶在参与活性氧的清除及机体的保护性防御反应中发挥着重要作用。

48 、In addition, there is Amorphophallus blood circulation, reducing anti-cancer, and so on Runchang purge effectiveness, but also as the "GI scavenger", "blood purification agents.───另外,魔芋还有活血化瘀、抗癌消肿、润肠通便等功效,更被誉为“胃肠清道夫”、“血液净化剂”。

49 、Influence of Jiajianxiayuxuetang on Expressing the Scavenger Receptor of Humen Mesangial Cell───加减下瘀血汤对人肾小球系膜细胞清道夫受体表达的影响

50 、A Simple Method for the Screening of Free Radical Scavenger───一种筛选自由基清除剂的简便方法

51 、Scavenger receptor class B type Ⅰ ( SR-BI)───B族I型清道夫受体(SR-BI)

52 、They milled about, anxious to begin, and Igel strode over to my bedside."Were going on a scavenger hunt, Aniday.───他们四处徘徊,只想快些开始,伊格尔大步走到我床前,说:“安尼戴,我们要去拣垃圾。

53 、Natural Anti-oxidants such as vitamin E and gamma-oryzanol which have free-radical scavenger ability and protects the hair from UV Radiation.───天然抗氧化剂如维生素E和强效治愈组织的谷维素具有清除自由基的能力,保护头发免受紫外线辐射。

54 、Abstuct: Edaravone is a new free radical scavenger,which can protect the cells by interrupt ing lipin peroxidation caused by transferring a electron to free radicals.───摘要: 依达拉奉是一种新型自由基清除剂,通过转移一个电子给自由基以打断脂质过氧化反应链来保护神经细胞。

55 、But it doesn't even hunt. It scavenges.─── 但是它甚至都不会猎食 它是食腐动物

56 、Ration what we have, scavenge for what we don't.─── 定量分配我们所拥有的 搜寻我们所没有的

57 、A detailed examination of sodium sulfite as an oxygen scavenger in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)micelle for the RTP determination of acenaphthene in the presence of the heavy atom agent TINO_3 has been described.───本文在Na_2SO_3化学除氧的十二烷基硫酸钠胶束体系中,以TINO_3为重原子微扰剂,进行了苊的室温??夥?RTP)测定。

58 、The 108 U.N. inspectors were sent to conduct -- were not sent to conduct a scavenger hunt for hidden materials across a country the size of California.───108位联合国武器核查人员前往执行的任务并不是在一个面积同加利福尼亚州相当的国家到处搜寻被藏匿的物品。

59 、Scavenger to scavenger, this is my find.─── 都是拾荒者 这是我找到的

60 、Keywords Edaravone;Progressive stroke;Free radical scavenger;───依达拉奉;进展性缺血性脑卒中;自由基清除剂;

61 、The Expression and Role of Scavenger Receptor Class A in Mice with Acute Lung Injury Induced by LPS───内毒素肺损伤小鼠肺内清道夫受体A表达及其作用研究

62 、Scavenger receptor class B type I───B族I型清道夫受体

63 、Effects of a novel free radical scavenger edaravone on acute cerebral infarction───新型自由基清除剂依达拉奉对急性脑梗死的治疗作用

64 、The differentiation process could be inhibited by exogenously added reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs), while catalase (CA), the scavenger of ROIs, stopped the differentiation process too.───以上结果初步表明,葛仙米藻殖段分化是个复杂的、信号转导参与的过程。

65 、large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having enormous teeth with knifelike serrations; may have been a scavenger rather than an active predator; Upper Cretaceous; North America.───大型食肉两足恐龙,巨大的牙齿上有刀一样的锯齿;可能算是食腐动物更胜于一个主动的食肉动物;上白垩纪;北美洲。

66 、The capsule's partner in crime is an extraordinary toxin that works its way into those scavenger cells, or phagocytes, and interferes with their usual bacteriakilling actions.───与荚膜搭档犯罪的毒性因子,就是毒性非比寻常的炭疽毒素,它会想尽办法进入巨噬细胞,干扰正常的杀菌功能。

67 、Application of SL-N Formaldehyde Scavenger in Particleboard Production───SL-N型甲醛捕捉剂在刨花板生产中的应用

68 、ST.LOUIS, Missouri (Reuters) -- New methods of analyzing fossils have scientists arguing more than ever about whether Tyrannosaurus rex was a lumbering scavenger or a swift and agile predator.───圣.路易斯,密苏里州(路透社)----新化石分析方法的发现使得科学家们更加频繁地争论霸王龙究竟是一种巨大而笨拙的食腐动物还是移动迅速的掠食者.

69 、On a molecular level, scavenger receptors on the macrophage surface play a central role in foam-cell formation.───在分子水平,巨噬细胞表面的清除受体在泡沫细胞的形成过程中起到了关键的作用。

70 、I scavenged what I could get from her.─── 我拿走了我能从她那得到的东西

71 、The scavenger activities of methyl salicylate towards the hydroxyl radical and its reaction mechanism were studied using pulse radiolytic technique and general test method.───利用脉冲辐解技术研究了水杨酸甲酯清除羟基自由基反应的瞬态吸收谱,测定了水杨酸甲酯与羟基自由基反应的表观速率常数。

72 、Mulberry red pigment hence was a good kind of natural radical scavenger.───桑椹红色素是一种很好的天然自由基清除剂。

73 、He's just fit for a job as scavenger.───他只配当个清道夫。

74 、uranium is apt to form U 3+ with radius most close to that of Ca 2+ in the presence of PbF 2 as a scavenger.───PbF2 的加入起到氟化去氧作用 ,U倾向于以离子半径最接近于Ca2 + 的U3+ 存在 ,晶体呈红色 .

75 、He's been living here, poaching and scavenging.─── 他一直住在这里 偷猎 觅食

76 、Allmonsters want us dead. In interview with scavenger, a sand monster waseating him or digesting, but the scavenger was clawing its way out. theinterviewer vomitted.───所有的怪物都希望玩家死.一个沙怪吃了一只食腐者或者说正在消化它的时候,这只食腐者从这个沙怪体内挖了一条路跑了出来.目睹了这个场面之后,见证者吐了.

77 、The Study on Application of BL-formaldehyde Scavenger in Production of Environment- friendly Blockboard───BL-甲醛消纳剂在环保细木工板生产中的应用研究

78 、Study of the Scavenger receptor in Smooth Muscle Cells and Pathogenesis of Lipid Collecting.───平滑肌细胞清道夫受体和脂质积聚机制的研究。

79 、Online scavenger hunts are easy to create and the resulting interactive searches are both fun and informative for students.───在网上进行“拾荒式”搜索容易在交互式活动中产生和获得结果,对学生来说既有趣又能增加见闻。

80 、The Diablo 3 Bestiary now features a new creature from the realm of Sanctuary: the ferocious scavenger.───在暗黑3 Bestiary现在增添了一个新的生物从保护领域:在凶猛的清道夫。

81 、According to scavenging principle, scavenger resins are divided into one by covalent bonding and the other by ionic bonding.───根据清除纯化原理,介绍了共价键型和离子键型两类清除树脂。

82 、The methods of sulfide scavenger selection,several commonly used sulfide scavengers and the application how-to were introduced.───对除硫剂的选择原则、几种常用除硫剂产品、除硫剂的加入方法进行了介绍。

83 、Clinical study of Free Radical Scavenger on The Treatment of Acute Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage───急性高血压性脑出血抗自由基治疗临床研究

84 、Caveolae; caveolin1; Scavenger receptor AI; Atherosclerosis; Oxidized lowdensity lipoprotein; cholesterol; macrophage───小凹;蛋白;清道夫受体AI;氧化性低密度脂蛋白;巨噬细胞;泡沫细胞

85 、We had a scavenger hunt at the party.───在聚会上,我们还玩了”寻宝”游戏。

86 、The development of a scavenger which has a function of selective uptake of heavy metal ions from an aqueous solution should be enhanced more.───具有螯合性能的水滑石类材料有可能发展为一种新的处理重金属污染的水体净化剂。

87 、The micro-emulsion scavenger is fit for low temperature oil wells, and oil base fluid scavenger is much fitter for higher oil wells to cleanout asphaltenes than before scavenger.───其中微乳液清除剂主要适用于温度较低的油井中;而油基型清除剂比较适合用在高温的油井中。

88 、Keywords TCDD;free radicals(FRS);biomembrane;toxic mechanisme;free radical scavenger;───二恶英;自由基;生物膜;毒性机理;自由基清除剂;

89 、But then, Klinsmann sent on Sosa, so that scavenger retracement Demichelis, Bayern 352 on this Bian Zhen, then in the end before the opponent was not even tie up two goals.───但在那之后,克林斯曼遣上索萨,让德米凯利斯回撤清道夫,拜仁就此变阵352,随后就在终场前被对手连追两球扳平。

90 、Keywords edaravone;free radical scavenger;cerebral infarction;treatment;───依达拉奉;自由基清除剂;脑梗死;治疗;


真人**2009版中共有七个“挖地虎”作为“大力神”组合部件,简介如下: - 绿色矿用翻斗卡车(变右腿):和“卡车”一模一样,但他不是前面提到的“卡车”角色,因为在“大力神”组合后,“卡车”同时正在其它地方。玩具里他也叫“卡车”(Longhaul)。 - **巨型推土机(变左腿):他是**版的“狂暴”。玩具里他也叫“狂暴”(Rampage)。 - 红色巨型RH400矿用液压挖土机(变主躯干和肩膀):他是红色版的“破坏者”。玩具里叫“清扫机”(Scavenger)。 - 介于下面两种车型之间(变后背):



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