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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


conj.惟恐, 以免, 担心


动词现在分词: lessoning | 动词过去式: lessoned | 动词第三人称单数: lessons | 动词过去分词: lessoned |


1 、Lest I forget them never venture to leave me alone.───他们从不敢冒险离开我,唯恐我将其忘记。

2 、He took his umbrella with him lest it rain.───他带了雨伞,以防下雨。

3 、He ran away lest he might be seen.───他惟恐被别人看见而跑了。

4 、He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain.───他带了雨衣,以防下雨。

5 、He ran away lest he (should/might) be seen.───他怕人家看见他而跑开了.

6 、They decided to retreat lest they would be between two fires.───他们决定撤退, 否则就要受两面夹击。

7 、She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.───她担心她泄露得太多了。

8 、He took his umbrella with him lest it rain .───他带了雨伞,以防下雨。

9 、He was terrified lest he should slip on the icy rocks .───他很怕在结冰的路上滑倒。

10 、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in your eye.───不要往过高的地方砍,以防碎渣落人你的眼睛(勿好高务远)。

11 、Quietly we sat on the river bank lest the fish swim away.───为了防止鱼游走,我们悄悄地在河岸边坐下来。

12 、'lest somebody digs him up and makes out he was killed.─── 免得有人掘出尸体误认是他杀

13 、He talk at a low voice lest they wake the baby up.───他们说话声音低,怕吵醒孩子。

14 、Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should.───在使用这以方法的时候要谨慎小心,以免发生溢流现象。

15 、He got up early that morning lest he should miss the train.───他那天早上起得很早,生怕误了火车。

16 、He wrote the name down for fear that lest.───他写下了这个名字以免以后忘记。

17 、Her fear was lest they should stay for tea.───她惟恐他们留下来喝茶。

18 、They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard by others.───他们小声说话,以免被别人听见。

19 、He 'll go with her lest she shall be afraid .───他和她一起去,免得她害怕。

20 、...lest I should prove the mother of fools.─── 以免别人说我是妈妈生的傻孩子

21 、Lest there be claims of copyright plunder, that's book.─── 为免版权上的争端 那是书的拼音

22 、Lest you learn his ways And get a snare for your soul.───25恐怕你学他的行径,使自己陷在网罗里。

23 、He took his umbrella with him lest it should rain.───他带了雨伞,以免下雨。

24 、Be careful lest you (should) fall from the tree.───小心, 不要从树上掉下来。

25 、They trembled lest their father should hear of it.───他们战战兢兢,唯恐他们的父亲会知道此事。

26 、That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.───使不虔敬的人不得作王,免得有人牢宠百姓。

27 、Lest eyes well---seeing thy foul faults should find!───只因怕明眼把你的丑恶揭发。

28 、He puts on more clothes lest he shall catch cold.───他多穿衣服以免着凉。

29 、She press her hands to her eyes lest she see the terrible scene.───她用手紧紧捂住自己的眼睛,免得看见那可怕的情景。

30 、Lest I should confuse you with the crowd, you stand aside.───只恐我把你和大家混在一起,你独自站在一边。

31 、He went on talking, lest he should expose his uneasiness.───他继续往下谈,唯恐显露出内心的不安来。

32 、I am afraid to kiss her, lest I should make her ill.───她精神恍惚、不言不语,情绪非常不安。对她左也不是,右也不是。

33 、He hid it lest she (should) see it.───他把它藏起来以免她看见。

34 、He walk slowly lest he is slip.───他慢慢地走,怕会滑倒。

35 、She dreaded lest the chambermaid had been mistaken.───她担心旅馆里的待女弄错了。

36 、I don't know if he's gonna lest in 30 minutes.─── 我不知他还能否撑过三十分钟

37 、She was worried lest he should have met some accident.───她担心他出了什么事。

38 、She was afraid lest he might drown .───她担心他会淹死.

39 、She took an umbrella with her lest it should rain.───她带了雨伞,怕下雨。

40 、Lest He come suddenly and find you sleeping.───36恐怕他忽然来到,看见你们睡着了。

41 、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in thine eye.───伐木时不要砍得太高,否则木屑会跑入你的眼睛。(勿好高骛远,应实事求事。)

42 、He took an umbrella with him lest it should rain.───他带上雨伞以免下雨。

43 、Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.───在使用这种方法时要小心谨慎,以免发生溢流现象。

44 、He gave me some money lest I was short of it.───他给了些钱以免我缺钱。

45 、LEST WE FORGET Has Huge Chart Debut!───以免我们有极大的图解初次登场!

46 、Not too crowded, lest he get spotted.─── 人不会太多 以防被发现

47 、Tell me what's been going on since our lest session.─── 跟我说说上次治疗之后的事吧

48 、He tried to conceal the bad news from his wife, lest she worried.───他尽量对他的妻子隐瞒这个坏消息,以免她担心。

49 、He took his umbrella lest it should rain.───他带了雨伞以免下雨。

50 、He hurried on, lest he should drop out in the forced match.───他加紧步伐,生怕在急行军中掉队。

51 、People evacuated the building lest it should collapse.───人们唯恐大楼倒塌,撤离了这幢大楼。

52 、This comment by Joy and Lest is reflective of the general attitude.───乔伊和莱斯特的这一评论反映了普遍的态度。

53 、Lest she should steal a kiss and die forsworn.───否则也难保不偷吻你,把一生的誓言抛。

54 、Lest I seem too sure of my opinions.─── 以免我看起来对我的意见太确定了

55 、She turned her head away lest they should see her tears.───她把头转了过去,免得他们看见她流泪。

56 、He trembled lest he himself should lose a docile pupil.───他担心自己会失去一个听话的学生。

57 、Always she feared lest some louse had escaped her.───她总是害怕有个虱子逃过了他的惩处。

58 、I fear lest I lose you when I am sleeping.───只恐我在睡中把你丢失了。

59 、Read in a good light lest it should hurt your eyes.───到明处来看书,免得搞坏了视力。

60 、She began to be worried lest he should have met with some accident.───她开始担心他出了什么事。

61 、He whispered for fear lest his son should hear.───他悄声耳语,以免给儿子听见。

62 、He was cautious lest he should be discovered by the enemy.───他很小心谨慎,以免被敌人发现。

63 、Keep watch on yourself lest you, too, be tempted.─── 同时也要提高警觉 免得自己也受了诱惑而犯罪

64 、There was danger lest that the plan be known.───如果计划暴露就有危险。

65 、He feared lest something more should enter.───他恐怕还会有什么东西进来。

66 、They were worried lest they should run into fresh troubles.───他们很担心,怕碰到新的麻烦。

67 、Not of works, lest any man should boast.───也不是出于行为、免得有人自夸。

68 、The king did not like to refuse, lest they would desert.───国王担心他们开小差,不想拒绝这个请求。

69 、She was terrified lest they should go on talking about her.───她感到害怕,唯恐他们再说她的事。

70 、They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.───他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。

71 、She took her raincoat with her lest it should rain.───她带上了雨衣以防天下雨。

72 、She stayed up the whole night,lest she might be needed.───她整夜没睡,以防需要她帮忙。

73 、He offered to write it out for her lest she should forget it.───他要给她写出来,以防她忘掉。

74 、"Lest I fail to attain Salvation".───“我担心得不到救赎(拯救).”

75 、I'm leaving too, lest his violence follows me.─── 我也一起去 以免他再对我施暴

76 、He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob.───他紧抓着他兄弟的胳膊,怕他让暴民踩着。

77 、He covered his face with his hand lest he shall be photograph.───他用手遮面以免被人拍照。

78 、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in your eye .───奢望别太高,免得自寻烦恼。

79 、They trembled lest the peasants should hear of it.───他们战战兢兢,唯恐农民会听到这事。

80 、They were worried lest this should involve him in serious trouble.───他们担心这会使他陷入严重的麻烦。

81 、He obeyed his mother lest she should be angry.───他听他妈妈的话,以免妈妈生气。

82 、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in your eyes.───劈树不要太高以免碎片掉进你的眼睛。

83 、She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her.───她一再解释唯恐人们误解。

84 、Take good care of yourself lest you catch cold.───好好照顾你自己,以免受凉。

85 、Lest Han Jia would laugh at me.───免得到时候被韩佳笑话。

86 、He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.───为了预防回来以前天就黑了,所以他带着手电筒。

87 、He hid himself in the bush lest he should be seen.───为了不让别人看见,他躲进了灌木丛。

88 、He took a raincoat with him lest it should rain.───他怕下雨便带了一件雨衣。

89 、Lest I should not prize you, you elude me in a thousand ways.───只恐我不珍爱你,你千方百计地闪避我。

90 、Lest you think I've been avoiding you.─── 请别误会 我没有在躲你


其实你可以查一下一些权威词典,如牛津,看一下单词lest的用法。下面例句源自牛津词典,He gripped his brother’s arm lest he be trampled by the mob.由此可知,其实should可以去掉,当然有也是对的。

That不能去掉,因为 for fear that是固定搭配,所以that不宜省略。




[所连接的状语从句里常用should或原形动词]以免; 生怕; 唯恐

[=that][用于fear, worry等词之后起连接作用, 无实际意义]


Be careful lest you fall from that tree.

要当心, 以免从树上摔下来。

I was afraid lest he might come too late.


I obeyed her lest she should be angry.

第二个问题: for fear that(生怕,唯恐)不能去掉

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