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06-28 投稿




英:[d?'s?:r??nt?d]  美:[d?'s?:r?rnt?d]

英:  美:


adj. 分不清方向或目标的;无判断力的



动词第三人称单数: disorients | 动词过去式: disoriented | 动词过去分词: disoriented | 动词现在分词: disorienting |


perplex | cloud | confuse | throw | baffle | befuddle | fox | bamboozle | nonplus | disorientate | flummox | confound | addle | puzzle | fuddle | bewilder | mystify | stupefy




1 、When released from her tiny wooden box, thoroughly disoriented, she finds herself surrounded by similarly young girls, varying in ages from 6 to 12.───当从她的小木盒,彻底迷失方向,她发现自己所包围同样年轻女孩,不同的年龄从6日至12日。

2 、The patient usually sweats profusely, feels clammy to the touch, may complain of a headache or nausea, and may be disoriented and feel weak.───热衰竭患者通常会大量出汗,但摸上去是湿冷的,会有头疼或恶心的症状,分不清方向并感觉虚弱。

3 、Spin around until you become disoriented.───原地打转直到你迷失方向。

4 、The field goes to seek him even if you make great efforts, also may be nowhere then because of inside walks confused and disoriented in the alleyway.───始终躲在胡同里的某一个角落。胡同很深,有很多分支。你找不到他,即使想找到他,也会因为走得晕头转向,然后一无所获。

5 、I felt very disoriented and peculiar for many days afterward and told no one what had happened to me.───我上次只看了英英词典,没有看金山词霸。看到你的提醒后,然后我又查了查,我作了如下改变:

6 、A disoriented deer smashed its way into a suburban hair salon, and a customer wrestled with the animal to keep it from ramming into his 11-year-old son or other youngsters.───一头迷失方向的鹿冲撞进入一家郊区发廊,一名顾客与之扭打成一团,以免这头鹿撞向他11岁大的儿子与其他小孩。

7 、Tuesday and Wednesday are unexpectedly complicated days, and you get a bit disoriented in the maelstrom, but by Thursday you'll be sailing toward smoother waters and clearer skies.───周二、周三,极其复杂的两天,你在漩涡中几乎找不着方向了。

8 、Why do human beings have sufferings and vexations? Because there are three poisons in their mind: excessive desires, resentment and fatuity. They become disoriented, and are suffering, suffering endlessly.───人为什么有苦恼?有了贪、嗔、痴三毒之心,就会迷失自己,就会很苦,就会受苦,苦无止境。

9 、I found myself disoriented, cold and hungry, under the otherwise romantic night sky of East Africa, after 12 hours of stumbling along the alien vegetation.───但在异域的草木中经过步履蹒跚的12小时后,我竟饥寒交迫地伫立在原本应是很浪漫的东非星空下,而一股彷徨无措的感觉不由自主地从心底升起。

10 、Although Teleportation is nearly instantaneous, the Psychic may be disoriented upon arrival at the new location.───虽然心灵运输几乎是瞬间的,在到达新的地方精神可能方向感丧失。

11 、At first Snowball seemed disoriented when she looked around, but she didn't try to uncover the chick. Instead, she flew up to her normal perch and stayed there.───开始,雪球四处张望,好像失去了方向,但她并没有试图揭开盖在“南瓜头”身上的草,而是飞到它惯用的栖木上呆在那儿。

12 、She was “somewhat disoriented,” and her legs looked like they had atrophied, Whipple said.───当时她“有些神志不清,” 而且双腿看起来已经萎缩。

13 、Dr. Foreman: The kid was just taking his AP calculus exam when all of a sudden he got nauseous and disoriented.───福曼:这个孩子,在微积分考试时,突然感到恶心眩晕。

14 、from which and fatheaded person can learn to follow suit only, be blown finally to get confused and disoriented by various pan wind.───而愚钝的人则只能学会跟风,最终被各种各样的淘金风吹得晕头转向。

15 、To have forgotten something; absent-minded, forgetful; mentally disoriented, often from the effects of drugs───忘了某事;心不在焉的,容易忘记的:神智不清楚,通常由于药物的作用

16 、If you feel faint, dizzy, disoriented, have stopped sweating, or your skin is cool and clammy, slow down or stop running.───如果自己感到乏力、眩晕、失去方向感、闭汗,或者皮肤湿冷,则应该减缓速度或者停止跑步。

17 、It could just be a flashbang to disorient the enemy.─── 可能是我们放的闪光弹 用来干扰敌方

18 、Yuku Squadron Attack successful. The enemy's confused and disoriented.───奇袭成功。敌人已经陷入混乱状态。

19 、The smoke catches up so quickly that people are disoriented and do not know what to do.───烟雾很快弥漫,人们辨别不清方向,不知所措。

20 、A night of drinking left a man so disoriented that he hopped into a police patrol car thinking it was a taxi, police said.───警方称,一名男子经过一夜狂饮之后糊里糊涂地把一辆警车当成了出租车。

21 、After a big shopping trip, I sometimes feel disoriented and depressed.───在一次大型的购物之旅后,我有时会感到茫然和沮丧。

22 、This is why traditional cultures value even the most fragile, disoriented elder, why the Navajo carry "Grandmother's bones" with such reverent attention.───这就是为什么传统文化会重视那些最为脆弱、没有方向感的老年人;是为什么纳瓦霍对”我们祖母的骨头"如此虔诚。

23 、Fairly disoriented,I jumped down out of our little loft-bed,and standing stark naked, faced the windshield.───几乎是糊里糊涂地,我从小高架床上跳了下来,光着身子,甚至都没想到穿上衣服,面向挡风玻璃站着。

24 、Disoriented, of course. It's quite a journey.─── 困惑 当然了 长途跋涉嘛

25 、The strange streets disoriented him───生疏的街道使他迷路了。

26 、Business goals represent the direction of enterprise development, there is no equivalent to the right target disoriented.───企业目标代表着企业发展的方向,没有正确的目标就等于迷失了方向。

27 、If you get disoriented easily, these very obvious markers should be able to guide you in the right direction.───如果你轻易地失去了方向感,这些明显的标志应该会把你引导到正确的方向上。

28 、The condition of being confused or disoriented.───困惑处于迷惑或迷失方向的状况

29 、To her defense, she was disoriented by the drug overdose.─── 她当时被下了药 脑子糊涂了 情有可原

30 、She could be disoriented from the crash.─── 可能她因为车祸已经方向混乱了

31 、The malrotation was more disorienting than I expected.─── 旋转不良比我想象的还让人头晕

32 、I have been feeling bitterly disappointed, down and emotionally disoriented for the last couple of days.───最近的日子用磕磕绊绊喜忧参半八个字来形容应该是最为贴切的。

33 、He appears to be decisive and daring but is incapable.He appears guileless but is not trustworthy.He appears confused and disoriented but on the contrary is loyal and substantial.───[那些外貌不扬,而内在品质好的人,]往往为天下人所看不起,却独为圣人所器重,一般人不知道他们内在的才华,非有高明的见 识,是不能看清这些人的实情的。

34 、by that time you will be disoriented by the new environment and there will be far more things to do than you can handle.───到那时,新环境会让你晕头转向,事情也会多得让你应接不暇。"

35 、They became deeply intoxicated and totally disoriented.───他们酩酊大醉,东南西北全然不辨。

36 、disoriented polymer───解取向聚合物

37 、She said the juice probably continued to ferment as the birds digested the berries, causing them to become disoriented and fly into the panes.───她还说,当那些浆果在鸟腹里被消化时,其汁液可能仍处于继续发酵的过程中,这使得燕雀们变得晕头转向,最终扑向玻璃自取灭亡。

38 、A shot taken by the Philippine Coast Guard shows drifting, disoriented dolphins.───图为菲律宾海滩护卫队拍下的漂流迷路的海豚。

39 、The victim of the traffic accident was disoriented.───出车祸的人已丧失判断力。

40 、Standing proved to be a mistake and left me woozy and disoriented.───站起来是个错误,使得我头晕眼花,不辨方向。

41 、Society has been disoriented by changing values.───变化的价值观使社会感到无所适从。

42 、Changes in the market over the past few years as the story of the maze, like countless people repeatedly, folding back in return, disoriented and lost himself.───这几年市场的变化就如同故事中的迷宫一样,无数人在来来回回、折折返返中,迷失了方向,也迷失了自己。

43 、At his ad agency's office, Mr.Doctoroff's staff had gathered around the TV to watch Mr.Liu's performance and were disoriented when he just walked off of the track.───唐锐涛的员工聚集在公司观看了刘翔的出场亮相,当看到刘翔走出赛道后,办公室里一片哗然。

44 、Although her speech was disoriented, Gonzales was amazed that in spite of the seriousness of her injury, she was actually talking to him.───虽然她的话让人听起来不知所云,冈萨雷斯还是非常吃惊,因为她确实是在跟他讲话,尽管伤得很严重。

45 、When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.───当他恢复知觉时感到晕头转向,不确知他是怎么到那儿的。

46 、Luke's face was both worried and relieved as he watched Leia stare at him, still slightly disoriented.───看着莱亚盯着自己,仍然有点恍惚,卢克的脸上既带着担心又带有些解脱。

47 、I was so disoriented that I believed them when they told me I lived here.─── 我十分困惑 所以我相信了他们说的 说我一直住在这里

48 、Fairly disoriented, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing stark naked, faced the windshield.───几乎是糊里糊涂地,我从小高架床上跳了下来,光着身子,甚至都没想到穿上衣服,面向挡风玻璃站着。

49 、That's why I crashed your crib all disoriented, and that's why I snapped.─── 所以我才会晕头转向跑去你家 然后揍你

50 、Is the applicant confused or disoriented (including about proposed journey to, and length of stay in, Australia)?───申请人是否思维混乱或患有定向力障碍(包括计划赴澳的旅行和在澳停留的时间)?

51 、Some patients who receive the drug may become completely disoriented, uncooperative, or even combative.───一些用过药后的病人可能变得毫无判断力,完全不能合作,甚至好斗。

52 、I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway; the anesthetic left her completely disoriented.───每当走出地铁的时候,我常常会感觉迷失了方向;**剂使她完全失去了知觉。

53 、I was confused and disoriented, but you were always kind to me.─── 我很迷茫 很无助 但你一直都待我很好

54 、However there are theories and studies concerning this area are few.As a result, many container liners are disoriented.───但是,目前对这些新兴的运输企业联合的理论研究涉及不多,面对激烈的市场竞争,许多航运公司显得不知所措。

55 、an incubation period of 2 to 3 weeks, affected cattle are distressed, disoriented and mildly febrile.───经过2-3星期的潜伏期之后,病牛感到不适,意识障碍和轻度发热。

56 、That way, if you become disoriented, you can stop, refer to your map and try to reorient yourself.───这样,如果你一旦迷路,你可以停下来,打开地图,并尝试着找到自己所在的位置。

57 、I'm completely disoriented.───我完全迷失方向了。

58 、The mistakes, bad enough by themselves, were compounded when the captain chose to continue the descent even though he was disoriented and had lost sight of the runway.───这些错误本身已经够糟糕了,而机长在迷失方向且无法看到跑道的情况下仍坚持继续下降,造成连串失误。

59 、We got disoriented, which was easy to do.───我们轻易的就失去了一切判断力。

60 、But the bottleneck dolphins, which live in deep offshore waters, had empty stomachs, meaning that they could have been disoriented and were swimming for some time to reorient themselves.───科学家经检查后发现,这些生活在深海地区的海豚,胃里面都是空的。这说明它们可能丧失了辨别方向的能力,并且已经游了一段时间,以便让自己再次确定方位。

61 、The dummies churned out under test oriented education will be totally disoriented and incompetent in a free market economy.───以这种注模方式培养的学生在自由市场经济中会无所适从并且缺乏竞争力。

62 、They now more often appear staring vacantly or seeming disoriented, being psychologically removed from their situation.───她们现在更经常显得目光茫然或者似乎不知所措,心理状态和实际遭遇挂不上钩。

63 、As with clicking, it’s often important to have an escape hatch for users who become disoriented or have made an error.───和单击一样,在用户失去方向或者有失误时,我们要为其提供逃生仓。

64 、We used outflanking tactics and the enemies were confused and disoriented.───我们采用迂回战术,把敌人弄得晕头转向。

65 、I appreciate that all of this is a little disorienting.─── 我很理解你对这一切有些迷茫

66 、I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway; the anesthetic left her completely disoriented───每当走出地铁的时候,我常常会感觉迷失了方向;**剂使她完全失去了知觉

67 、Master, I have seen examples of teachers showing students the light and sound, and those students are not being guided correctly. These students become lost, almost like being disoriented.───师父,我看过老师传授光和音而学生被误导的例子,那些学生迷失了,几乎失去判断力。

68 、Foreman: The kid was just taking his AP calculus exam when all of a sudden he got nauseous and disoriented.───这个孩子在微积分考试当中突然感到恶心眩晕。

69 、Becoming lost or disoriented in familiar surroundings.───在熟悉的环境中迷路或迷了方向。

70 、When Mr Brown goes, as he is expected to, his disoriented party will inherit no obvious successor.───当布朗如人们所预期的那样下台后,失去方向的工党缺乏明显的继承者。

71 、Sometimes, the investors back and forth within a narrow range for the stock price movement, its meaning, a great feeling disoriented.───有时候,投资者对于股价来回窄幅运动,其意,大有迷失方向的感觉。

72 、But Ender was disoriented before he left Earth's gravity.───但是安德却在脱离地球引力前就失去了方向感。

73 、by that time you will be disoriented by the new environment and there will be far more things to do than you can handle."───到那时,新环境会让你晕头转向,事情也会多得让你应接不暇。

74 、Samuel has always lived in an overprotected environment until an unexpected event takes him to Madrid where he will meet Consuelo-a girl in her 20's as disoriented as he is.───直到有一天一件意想不到的事将他意外带到了马德里。在那里,他遇见了一个20岁的女孩孔苏埃尔,和他一样拥有令人迷惑不解的性格。

75 、Disoriented by the influx of miners with their unfamiliar culture, technology and diseases, their self-respect has plummeted as their belief and cultural systems are undermined.───迷失的矿工与陌生涌入文化、科技及疾病自尊一落千丈作为自己的信仰和文化系统被破坏。

76 、When you live in a new country, it is common to feel sad, lonely, or disoriented .───而在卡城积压了几年的破房子,如果没有一点王老虎的魄力,是抢不下来的。

77 、This is where they will turn when they become confused or disoriented.───这是他们在迷惑不解时所求助的对象。

78 、Because most users have learned that links are a navigational idiom, they will be confused and disoriented if clicking a link results in the execution of an action.───由于大多数使用者已经知道链接是一种浏览导航的习惯用法,如果点击一个链接就执行一个操作,这将会是非常令人费解并且混乱的。

79 、Cox told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp that it appeared Molnar had become disoriented in the snowstorm and may have left her vehicle to get help.───考克斯告诉加拿大广播公司,看来莫尔纳是在暴风雪中迷失了方向,就离开她的车去求助。

80 、When he came up out of the subway,he was momentarily disoriented.───当他走出地铁时,他暂时迷失了方向。

81 、cause to be lost or disoriented.───致使迷惑或者失去判断力。

82 、Without Wang and Patricia Wang Xiaolong, Lu Zheng was also the first to market a rival Huang confused and disoriented.───没有了王永珀和王晓龙,吕征竟然也能在前场晃得对手晕头转向。

83 、After arriving home, we were disoriented, overwhelmed and not ready to talk about the experience.───到家后,我们很迷惑,也不知道要干什么,我们也不准备谈论我们的经历。

84 、I arrived at the train station in Paris panicked and disoriented.───我到巴黎火车站时,惶恐不安,无所适从。

85 、Uniform illumination--the sweetheart of the lighting engineers--serves no useful purpose whatsoever. In fact, it destroys the social nature of space, and makes people feed disoriented and unbounded.───均匀照明-照明工程师的佳作-无论如何效果还是差的.事实上,均匀照明破坏空间的社会特性,使人们感到晕头转向和无边无际.

86 、11. If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?───如果您采取一个东方人并且在多次附近转动他,他是否变得迷失方向?

87 、A confused, disoriented state of mind.───晕头转向心境的混乱、迷失方向的状态

88 、On another occasion I saw a group of disoriented, emaciated Amerindians, begging for food by the side of the road.───还有一次我看到了一群迷失了方向的印第安人,他们非常憔悴,站在路边乞讨食物。

89 、A whiteout will disorient you in seconds.─── 环境恶劣瞬间失明 会让你迷失方向

90 、SALUTARY unexpected transitory unhealthy disoriented dilapidated───不健康的迷失方向的破旧倒塌的


晕头转向 拼音 yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng注释 晕:头发昏;转向:辨不清方向。头脑发晕,辨不清方向。形容糊里糊涂或惊惶失措。英语翻译be confussed and disoriented例句突如其来的事,把他弄得晕头转向。


 当前快节奏的生活和无处不在的压力,我们偶尔也需要心灵鸡汤这种激励的“语言艺术治疗”来给自己加油 充电 。下面我为大家带来经典心灵鸡汤美文,希望大家喜欢!


 One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw in it.


 Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine."


 The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was full of scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right, and there were several jagged edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing.


 The young man laughed. "Comparing your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars."


 "Yes," said the old man, "Yours looks perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart.


 But because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared.


 "Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.


 Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"


 The young man walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man.


 The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.


 The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.


 They embraced and walked away side by side.



 The other day as I talked with a friend I recalled a story that I heard this summer. "A compassionate person, seeing a butterfly struggling to free itself from its cocoon, and wanting to help, very gently loosened the filaments to form an opening. The butterfly was freed, emerged from the cocoon, and fluttered about but could not fly. What the compassionate person did not know was that only through the birth struggle can the wings grow strong enough for flight. Its shortened life was spent on the ground; it never knew freedom, never really lived."

 前几天和一位朋友闲聊时,我想起今年夏天听到的一个 故事 :“有个人很富有同情心,看到一只蝴蝶拼命挣扎想冲破茧的束缚,就帮了个忙,轻轻地解开茧丝使其露出一个缺口。蝴蝶得到解放,从茧中出来振翅欲飞,然而却飞不起来。这位富有同情心的人所不知道的是,只有经过挣扎破茧而出,翅膀才能变得强壮,可以飞翔。这只蝴蝶短暂的生命只能在地上度过了,它从未尝过自由的滋味,没有真正享受过生活。”

 I call it learning to love with an open hand. It is a learning which has come slowly to me and has been wrought in the fires of pain and in the waters of patience. I am learning that I must free the one I love, for if I clutch or cling, try to control, I lose what I try to hold.


 If I try to change someone I love because I feel I know how that person should be, I rob him or her of a precious right, the right to take responsibility for one's own life and choices and way of being. Whenever I impose my wish or want or try to exert power over another, I rob him or her of the full realization of growth and maturation. I limit and prevent by my act of possession, no matter how kind my intention.


 I can limit and injure by the kindest acts of protection or concern. Over extended it can say to the other person more eloquently than words, "You are unable to care for yourself; I must take care of you because you are mine. I am responsible for you."


 As I learn and practice more and more, I can say to the one I love: "I love you, I value you, I respect you and I trust that you have the strength to become all that it is possible for you to become — if I don't get in your way. I love you so much that I can set you free to walk beside me in joy and in sadness. I will share your tears but I will not ask you not to cry. I will respond to your needs. I will care and comfort you, but I will not hold you up when you can walk alone. I will stand ready to be with you in your grief and loneliness but I will not take it away from you. I will strive to listen to your meaning as well as your word, but I shall not always agree. Sometimes I will be angry and when I am, I will try to tell you openly so that I need not hate our differences or feel estranged. I can not always be with you or hear what you say for there are times when I must listen to myself and care for myself, and when that happens I will be as honest with you as I can be."


 I am learning to say this, whether it be in words or in my way of being with others and myself, to those I love and for whom I care. And this I call loving with an open hand.


 I cannot always keep my hands off the cocoon, but I am getting better at it!



 You wake up in the morning, feeling groggy and disoriented.


 You look at yourself in the mirror, fearful to look him straight in the eye.


 You back zero tolerance on boredness, stuffing every vacant moment with talks, malls andlaptops!

 你对无聊的零容忍,让你的生活被塞满:闲聊,购物, 笔记本

 You are silent in their eyes, yet the noisiest in yours, for that inner voice you can bearly hear.


 You hang on the rim of the wheel of fortune, going up and down, tasting highs and lows.


 Life goes on but it is out of control!


 Not so soon, nor too late:


 You open your eyes, stretching your muscles and seeing the whole world beckons to you.


 You cheat him no more, smile to him , stare at him, knowing he is with you clear up to theend.


 You celebrate every moment, busy or free; strive not to become a human-doing, be andconsider like a human-being!


 You talk gently, speak forcefully, and argue eloquently, because a mind in peace functions witheffortless ease.


 You break free, make it to the hub, center your life on the bliss. Let it go! Let it flow!


 Life still is, but you got a big role!



 Most people complain of fortune, few of nature; and the kinder they think the latter has beento them, the more they murmur at what they call the injustice of the former.


 Why have not I the riches, the rank, the power, of such and such, is the common expostulationwith fortune; but why have not I the merit, the talents, the wit, or the beauty, of such andsuch others, is a reproach rarely or never made to nature. The truth is, that nature, seldomprofuse, and seldom niggardly, has distributed her gifts more equally than she is generallysupposed to have done. Education and situation make the great difference. Culture improves,and occasions elicit natural talents. I make no doubt but that there are potentially, if I mayuse that pedantic word, many Bacons, Lockes, Newtons, Caesars, Cromwells, and Mariboroughsat the ploughtail, behind counters, and perhaps, even among the nobility; but the soil must becultivated, and the season favourable, for the fruit to have all its spirit and flavour.

 人们常常对命运发出诘难:我为何没有财富、地位、权力以及诸如此类的东西;但人们却很少或从不这样责怪过自然:我为何没有长处、天赋、机智或美丽以及诸如此类的东西。事实是,自然总是将天赋公平地分配给人们,比人们通常认为的还要不偏不倚,很少过分地慷慨,也很少吝啬。人与人之间的巨大差异是由于 教育 和环境使然。 文化 修养改良了天赋,机遇环境诱发了天赋。如果允许我用“潜在的”这个学究味浓重的词的话,我并不怀疑在农田耕作,在柜台后营业,甚至在豪门贵族中间有很多潜在的培根们、洛克们、牛顿们、凯撒们、克伦威尔们和马尔伯勒们,但必须要有耕耘栽培过的泥土,还有适宜的季节,这样生成的果实才能具有它全部的品质和特色。

 If sometimes our common parent has been a little partial, and not kept the scales quite even;if one preponderates too much, we throw into the lighter a due counterpoise of vanity, whichnever fails to set all right. Hence it happens, that hardly any one man would, without reverse,and in every particular, change with any other.


 Though all are thus satisfied with the dispensations of nature, how few listen to her voice! Howto follow her as a guide! In vain she points out to us the plain and direct way to truth, vanity,fancy, affection, and fashion assume her shape and wind us through fairy-ground to folly anderror.



 Everyone has a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. Itcarries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.


 Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the records of the day. If you failto use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.


 There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". You must live in thepresent on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness andsuccess! The clock is running. Make the most of today: "Seize the day!"


 So, you see, time is important, make the most of it. After all, life is either a daring adventureor nothing!


 Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it withsomeone special, special enough to have your time. And remember time waits for none.



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