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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


v.移动, 改变, 换挡, 字型转换

n.轮班, 变化, 移动, 计谋, 轮班职工


动词现在分词: shifting | 动词过去式: shifted | 动词过去分词: shifted | 名词: shifter | 动词第三人称单数: shifts |


1 、An hour later they came off the night shift.───一个钟头之后他们下夜班了。

2 、The shift before you appreciates your punctuality, as I'm sure you do the shift that follows.─── 你要换班的同事希望你能准时到 你们换班后肯定也是这么想

3 、Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?───坟场工人是不是喜欢值大夜班(坟场班)?

4 、Now you've all seen it, shift after shift.─── 每次工作时 你们都看在眼里了

5 、Much of the responsibility for the disaster was shifted onto him. and this was quite undeserved.───人们把这场灾难的大部分责任推在他身上,这实在是冤枉。

6 、Going up the steep hill, the lorry shifted gears.───卡车在爬陡峭的山坡时换档变速。

7 、A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment.───像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。

8 、He shifted the blame onto others to clear himself.───他嫁祸于人,开脱自己。

9 、They shifted about for several years.───他们到处流动了好几年。

10 、He made shift to scramble up its sides.───他设法从它边上爬上去。

11 、The continents shifted, mountains arose.───大洲升起,山岭勃发。

12 、He always try to shift the blame to someone else.───他总是试图将过错推卸给别人

13 、He shifted his suitcase from one hand to the other.───他将手提箱从一只手换到另一只手。

14 、In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.───八月时我们把家俱搬到了都柏林。

15 、Could you help me shift some furniture?───你能帮我挪几件家具吗?

16 、Since morning, the wind has shifted about.───从早晨开始,风向已经转过来了。

17 、He shifted hastily away from the subject.───他匆忙换了题目。

18 、The students shifted restlessly in their seats.───同学们在椅子上不安地移动着。

19 、He shifted his position from the horizontal.───他在单杠上变换了姿势.

20 、They shifted away from the district two years ago.───两年前他们从这个地区搬走了。

21 、She shifted uncomfortably in her chair.───她在椅子上不安地动来动去。

22 、But the country's tectonic plates had shifted.───但是国家的上层建筑已经不再一样了。

23 、Cannot shift nonblank cells off the worksheet.───不能回避工作表中的非空单元格。

24 、A digit, usually zero, produced during the normalizing of a floating-point number, and inserted during a left shift operation into the fixed point part.───在浮点数的规格化过程中产生的,在左移位操作中**入定点部分的数字,该数字通常为零。

25 、Dennis, did you just come off the night shift?───丹尼斯,你刚值完夜班吗?

26 、The family shifted their worship to 11 a.m.───于是全家把宗教活动推迟到11点。

27 、They cut prices drastically to try and shift stock.───他们大幅度降价,试图销出存货。

28 、She works on the night shift.───她上夜班。

29 、He has shifted the rug away from the window.───他已把地毯从窗口搬走了。

30 、Dennis, did you just come off the night shift? Hmm?───丹尼斯,你是否刚下夜班?

31 、Double shift, night shift, whatever they wanted.─── 两班倒 上夜班 悉听尊便

32 、His eyes shifted to the telephone.───他的眼光转向了**机。

33 、Her husband is on the late shift, so she has turned night into day.───她丈夫上晚班,听以她把白天和夜晚颠倒过来。

34 、He shifted the conversation to the situation in the south-west.───他把话题转到西南的局势。

35 、The shift away from manufacturing is also a factor.───劳动力从制造领域的转出也是原因之一。

36 、He shifted his gaze from the child to her.───他把目光从孩子身上移到她身上。

37 、They are taking turns to be on the night shift.───他们轮流做夜班。

38 、He shifted hastily to a new subject.───他匆忙转换一个新的话题。

39 、His emotions became vague and shifted about like vapors.───他的心情则如同一团雾气,变幻无常,捉摸不定。

40 、Do you have any cars with stick shift?───你们有手动换档的车吗?

41 、The plumbline from C7 shifted anteriorly with age.───从C7起,重力线开始随着年龄向前移动。

42 、The night shift has/have just come off duty.───上夜班的刚刚下班。

43 、The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers.───力量均势从工人向雇主倾斜。

44 、Shift the weight, shift the weight, shift the weight.─── 转移重心 转移重心 转移重心

45 、He shifted his luggage up to his flat.───他把行李搬到楼上住所里去。

46 、They shifted about for three years and then settled in New York.───他们有三年的时间东搬西迁,后来才在纽约定居下来。

47 、His mood shifted and he became very serious.───他的情绪变了,变得非常严肃。

48 、The center fielder shifted his position for the next batter.───中坚手为应战下一位打击手而改变防守位置。

49 、He works night or he work the night shift.───他上夜班。

50 、There are two shift keys on the computer keyboard.───在计算机键盘上有两个上档键。

51 、The night shift come/comes off at dawn.───夜班工作人员天亮时下班.

52 、With help, Julian shifted his legs over the side of the bed.───在他们的帮助下,朱利安将双腿从床的一边翻了下来。

53 、The centre of interest shifted from Vienna to Berlin.───人们注意的中心由维也纳转到了柏林。

54 、Has the balance of power in the NBA shifted East?───东西部的实力平衡了么?

55 、He's here, he's doing his shifts. I can't do it.─── 他就在这 老实上班 我不能答应你的要求

56 、His responsibilities have slowly shifted off.───他已在慢慢推卸责任。

57 、The capital was shifted from Almaty in 1997.───1997年首都从阿拉木图迁至此。

58 、It does not suit you to work on the night shift.───你干夜班不合适。

59 、From time to time he shifted his position on the handlebars.───他不断地变换着握把的姿势。

60 、A Modern English-Chinese Dictionary Class shift n.───以特价出售。

61 、He shifted the case from one hand to the other.───他把手提箱从一只手移到另一只手。

62 、Shift five has ended, shift five has ended.─── 第五班结束 第五班结束

63 、You call me at the beginning of your shift, on your break and at the end of your shift.─── 你在上班 休息时和下班时 给我打**

64 、His eyes shifted to the prone body on the couch.───他的眼神转向趴在沙发上的人。

65 、The night shift are arriving.───夜班工人正陆续来到。

66 、He always tries to shift the blame to someone else.───他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。

67 、He shifted the suitcase to the other hand.───他把衣箱换到另一只手上。

68 、He shifted the suitcase from one hand to the other .───他把手提箱从这只手换到另一只手。

69 、He's had to shift for himself since his mother died.───他母亲去世後他只好自谋生计。

70 、He shifted the load onto his other shoulder.───他把担子挪到另一只肩上。

71 、A counter used in the arithmetical unit to count the steps in multiplication, division, and shift operation.───在运算部件中,对乘、除、移位操作中的操作步进行计数所用的一种计数器。

72 、They deliberately shifted off the argument.───他们故意回避这个论点。

73 、As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag.───作为权宜之计,他用塑料袋把漏洞给包上了。

74 、Medical personnel are on duty every shift in the shafts.───在矿井里每个班次都有医务人员值班。

75 、You have to shift as you drive around the corner.───你拐角时要换挡变速。

76 、They have shifted away from this area.───他们从这个地区迁走了。

77 、Political winds shift, I have to shift with them.─── *风向变了 我们也要随之改变

78 、She was made to work for the night shift.───她不得不上夜班。

79 、He had to make a shift with what was on hand.───他只好用现有的东西将就应付。

80 、Don't try to shift the losses on to the customers.───不要企图把损失转嫁到顾客头上。

81 、Shift that box will you; it's in my way.───你移动一下那个箱子好吗,它阻碍着我。

82 、He shifted uncomfortably in his chair.───他在椅子不舒服地动来动去。

83 、No detergent can shift these stains.───任何清洁剂都不能除掉这些污迹。

84 、You should not have shifted the blame to your friend .───你真不该把过错推到你朋友身上。

85 、He shifted the discourse and brought another subject on the carpet.───他将谈话转移到另外一个话题上。

86 、She has shifted off a load of anxiety.───她已消除了忧虑。

87 、You go from shift to the boat and back to shift.─── 下班去修船 修完船上班

88 、Popular opinion has tilted (ie shifted) in favour of the Socialists.───公众舆论已倒向社会党人一边。

89 、He nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot.───他很紧张,重心在双脚之间来回换。

90 、Day shift, night shift, like a cannery.─── 早班 晚班 就像罐头工厂







They faithfully observed the rules.



He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.



She promised faithfully not to tell anyone my secret.


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