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06-28 投稿




英:[sk?:(r)]  美:[sk?r, skor]

英:  美:


vi.得分, 记分, 得胜

vt.得分, 获胜, 刻划, 划线, 批评, 给 ... 谱曲

n.得分, 刻痕, 二十, 乐谱


动词现在分词: scoring | 名词: scorer | 动词过去式: scored | 动词过去分词: scored | 动词第三人称单数: scores |


on that score

1. 在那点上

It's not the color I wanted, but it's no less pretty on that score.

它不是我想要的那种颜色, 但这也无损于它的美。

score out/through

1. 划掉

The article was just too long, so I had to score out twenty words.

文章实在太长了, 所以我只好划掉二十个字。

know the score

1. 了解实情

We've lent him money before, and we know the score.

我们过去曾借钱给他, 所以了解实情。

score off

1. 驳倒

I hate conversations where people try to score off each other.


pay/settle old scores

1. 算旧帐

She was looking for a chance to settle old scores with her brother.



make a score off sb.
-在辩论中占上风; 驳倒某人; 说得某人哑口无言
have an old score [an account] to settle with sb.
-跟某人有帐要算; 向某人报仇雪恨
on the score of
-为了; 因为
on the same score
run up a score
-[scores] to 对...负债累累
score twice before you cut once
level the score
-把比分拉平, 打平
go [run] on [upon]score
-欠账, 借债
go off [set off, start] at (full) score
-全速起跑; 精神抖擞地出发
-失去控制, 情不自禁
rip up [open] old scores
tie the score
score off
-挫败(某人), 驳倒(某人)
-羞辱(某人), 使丢脸
make a good score
-得分多, 成绩好
run in [into] score(s)
-欠账; 借债
on more scores than one
keep (the) score
make a score off one's own bat
-独立干成, 靠自己的力量干
settle scores with sb.
-向某人清算; 算老账, 报复
on that score
-因此; 在那一点上
in score
know the score (=know what the score is)
-知道事情的真相; 精明老练
on a new score
score sth. up [against sb.]
-把...记下, 记住; 计算
by [in] scores
-大批, 许多
play to the score
pay [pay off, clear, quit, wipe off] scores
score out
-划掉, 删去


decile score
critical score
-批判分数; 临[划]界分数
deviation score
running score
derived scores
weight score
full score
highest possible score
criterion score
cutting score
numerical score
factor score
articulation score
D score
-[美]学业成绩第四等, “下”; 表示仅能及格的符号
true score
balloon score
G score G
criteria score
maximum score
error score
level score
em score
chemical score
half-time score
difficulty score
grade equivalent scores
undistributed score
-非分布痕; 无变化的顾客欠账
aggregate score
-总分, 累积分
C score
-[美]学业成绩第三等, “中”
normalized standard score
discrepancy score
herringbone score
flavour score
objective score
lop-sided score
guide score
music score
raw (test) score
vent score
box score
derived score
achievement score
en score
texture score


1 、What was the score at half time?───上半场比分多少?

2 、Do you know who wrote the score for this film?───你知道是谁为这部**写的配乐吗?

3 、Mary always likes to score off people when she can.───只要有机会,玛丽总爱出别人的洋相。

4 、David rs the first to open the score.───大卫是首开纪录者。

5 、She got the highest score in fancy diving.───她在花式跳水中得了最高分。

6 、A score or more were present at the party.───二十多个人出席了聚会。

7 、The good book, if we are to believe it, says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue?───《圣经》上称我们有权活到70岁。如果我们还相信《圣经》, 那还有什么好说的呢?

8 、Today, a score paper showed day!───今天是晾晒分数条的日子!

9 、Famine plagued a score of nations.───二十来个国家遭受饥荒。

10 、Not when there's a score to settle, no.─── 不是在还有账没算清的时候

11 、A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.───(桥牌)区分将价值最高的牌的得分与墩数得分分屏的桥牌记分表上的水平线

12 、Memorable, above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of182.───尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182分之后,仍未被判出场。

13 、She make a score of9.8 at the final vault.───她在最后一次试跳中得了9。8分。

14 、That was all me. I scored that goal.─── 这全是我的功劳 我进的球

15 、He got the highest score in this exam.───他在这次考试中得了最高分。

16 、If he nets the ball, the score will be tied.───只要他再进一个球,比分就会被拉平。

17 、A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.───助杀,助攻在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分

18 、He is very contented at his score.───他对自己的成绩感到很满足。

19 、In the old West people paid off a score with bullets.───在昔日的西部,人们用子弹来进行复仇。

20 、His score is now well into double figures.───他的得分现在已达到两位数了。

21 、A 20game season, you score 20 goals because you've scored one goal a game.─── 一个赛季二十场比赛 进了二十个球 因为你每场比赛进一个球

22 、It's not the color I wanted, but it's no less pretty on that score.───它不是我想要的那种颜色,但这也无损於它的美。

23 、He's made a good score in track and field event.───他正在田径赛中取得好成绩。

24 、Score the card first with a knife.───先用刀在卡片上划出痕迹。

25 、The score was20-10 in the last inning, and our team had the game on ice.───上局积分是20比10, 我们队大有获胜的希望。

26 、Andy Roland bulldozed through to score.───安迪 罗兰强攻得分。

27 、A golf score of two strokes under par on a hole.───低于标准杆两杆比每穴规定击球次数少击两棒的高尔夫成绩

28 、He's win by a score of3-1.───他以3比1获胜。

29 、He can score them off in the debate.───他能够在辩论中驳倒他们。

30 、You don't have to lie to me. I know the score.───你不必瞒我。我知道是怎么回事。

31 、He was always uneasy on this score.───在这方面他总是显得不自然。

32 、He's going to stop before he gets to the final score and we're going to work out if the last team had a higher score or a lower score than the first team.─── 他在念出最终比分之前会停下 我们要猜出后一支球队 得分比前一支球队高还是低

33 、You've got to learn what the score is.───你得弄清楚毛病出在哪里。

34 、The score had been seesawing from the very start.───从一开始比分就成拉锯局面。

35 、Girls usually score highly in language exams.───在语言考试中,女生通常得高分。

36 、He dribbled (the ball) past the goalie to score.───他带球越过守门员射门得分。

37 、A score of plans were teeming in his mind.───他脑子里涌现出许多计划。

38 、Well, I discovered the only thing worse than scoring on your own goal is getting scored into your own goal.─── 我发现唯一比 打进自家球门更糟的事 就是自己被打进自家球门

39 、You are too young to know the score yet.───你太年轻,还不了解人情世故。

40 、It's all or nothing if we don't score now we've lost the match.───一定要全力以赴--如果现在得不到分,我们就输定了。

41 、What will they do when the score reaches 13 all.───如果双方打到13平,那该怎么办?

42 、She couldn't make a score off his opponent, who seemed to know all her arguments already.───她的对手好像对她的论据已了如指掌,因此她无法驳倒他。

43 、If you really did score full marks in every subject today, we must mark the occasion with a white stone.───如果你今天每门功课当真都考满分,那我们一定把这天看成是家里的喜庆吉日。

44 、You've got me out of a score of scrapes.───你帮我渡过几十个难关。

45 、She needs to win this point to level the score.───她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。

46 、He was always trying to score off his teachers.───他老和老师抬杠。

47 、She know how to score off people who ask difficult question.───她很会让那些给她出难题的人自讨没趣。

48 、He get a vicarious thrill out of watch his son score the winning goal.───他看着儿子射入一球获胜,也感到同样兴奋。

49 、All we were doing was evening the score.─── 我们这么做也只是让世界变得更公平罢了

50 、A score of 70 or above will get you an 'A'.───70 分或以上就可以得“优”。

51 、There may be other opinions on that score.───在这个问题上,也许还有别种意见哪!

52 、A golf shot not tallied against the score, granted in informal play after a poor shot especially from the tee.───加击非正式比赛的高尔夫球游戏中,由于击球不好特允许再多打一次,但不为得分,尤指在发球处进行

53 、You need have no worries on that score.───你不必担心那件事。

54 、To score and broil(fish, fowl, or meat).───将(鱼、家禽或肉)划上刀花并炙烤

55 、The army continued to score successes in the south.───军队在南方不断取得胜利。

56 、The score stood 2 to 1 at the half.───上半场的比分为2比1。

57 、To make the score of(a tennis game or set) deuce.───使(网球比赛中)出现平局

58 、She 's made a score of 9.8 at the final vault .───她在最后一次试跳中得了9.8分。

59 、He had a perfect score on the mathematics exam.───他数学考试得满分。

60 、A tied score in tennis in which each player or side has 40 points, or 5 or more games, and one player or side must win 2 successive points to win the game, or 2 successive games to win the set.───局末,平分,盘末平分网球比赛中的一种平局在网球比赛中,比赛对方每方都有40分或者至少有五局,任何一方只有连得两分才算赢一局,或者要连赢两局才算赢一盘。

61 、So the scores, though... I mean, the scores have improved a lot.─── 所以分数 分数上有很大进步

62 、He had to beat several defenders to score.───他要冲破几名後卫的**才能得分.

63 、The score at half-time was two all.───上半场比分为二平。

64 、What I think is incredible is he is the only person who scored high on the intraversion scores.─── 令我惊讶的是 他是唯一一位在性格内向度上得高分的人

65 、He dribbled past the goalie to score.───他带球越过守门员射门得分.

66 、The score was 2 to 1 in the first half.───上半场比分是二比一。

67 、Nancy is not optimistic about her score of the test.───南希觉得她的考试成绩不容乐观。

68 、He bet $2 000 on the final score of the game.───他下 2000 元赌比赛的最后比分。

69 、He left early,leaving his friends to pay the score.───他提前走掉,让朋友们来替他付帐。

70 、They won the game by a score of 4 to 1.───他们以4比1的比分获胜。

71 、Failed to post high score, please try later.───上传分数失败,请稍后再试。

72 、At the end of the first half there's no score.───上半场结束时, 双方均未得分。

73 、How many points did he score in that baseball game?───在那次垒球赛中他得了多少点?

74 、The score in the game on Court One is thirty-love.───一号球场上的比分是三十比零

75 、Careate a view of average score.───创建平均分视图。

76 、How does the referee score a bout?───一场比赛裁判怎样给分。

77 、His opponent was dismissed for a low score.───他的对手因得低分而被迫退场。

78 、So I'm working on a metascoring system to score the scoring systems, but the math is really complicated.─── 于是我又用一个元打分系统 来给各个打分系统打分 但其中的数学太复杂了

79 、The score at half-time was 2-2.───上半场结束时比分为2比2.

80 、Do you think you'll score at the party?───你能不能在聚会上与新伙伴发生性关系?

81 、How does thd referee score a bout?───场比赛裁判怎样给分。

82 、They level the score at two-all at the second half.───下半场他们以2比2打平。

83 、She bragged endlessly about her high score.───她没完没了地夸耀自己的高分数。

84 、His score record was fairly good.───他的成绩还算过得去。

85 、And if you did, this isn't too low a score.─── 就算要评判 也没那么糟吧

86 、His total score was one hundred and fifty-five.───他的总积分是一百五十五。

87 、They watched the football player score a goal.───他们看到足球运动员踢进了一个球。

88 、Score the paper to make it easy to fold.───在纸上先划好印子,以便折叠。

89 、Your score qualifies you for the next class.───你的分数及格了,可以升级。

90 、Hey man, know where I can score some whiff?───嗨,老兄,知道哪儿能买到一些可卡因吗?


score 分数,得分point 得分,要点score主要是指得分,point主要偏要点


score [sk??],n. 分数;二十;配乐;刻痕;vt. 获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下;vi. 得分;记分;刻痕score for 为(某队)进球/得分;为…得分;把…改写成器乐曲score of,二十;…的分数例句:Because we’ve set the point scale to provide with a maximum score of 100 for each element,what we really have is a percentage score. 因为我们已经设置了分值尺度,来为每个元素提供满分为100的分数,我们真正得到的是一个百分比的分数。

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