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07-01 投稿




英:[p??]  美:[p??]

英:  美:





动词过去式: pinged | 动词过去分词: pinged | 动词现在分词: pinging | 动词第三人称单数: pings |


1 、"What are you doing with those?" Zhu Ping asked.───"你这是要干什么?"祝平问。

2 、Like all kinds of flowers Ping, Candlestick.───像各种各样得花頩,烛台。

3 、He plays ping - pong better than I .───他打乒乓球比我打得好。

4 、I want to hear a little ping, ping, ping coming from this direction.─── 我要听到这个角落传出来叮叮叮的声音

5 、Right away we heard the very strong "ping, ping," so we carried on down to the river.─── 我们马上听到了强烈的"砰砰"声 所以我们沿河向下继续开

6 、Li Ping isn't in. Can I leave a message for him?───李平不在,我可以给他留口信吗?

7 、Li Ping is not up to his work.───李平不能胜任他的工作。

8 、Yeah, I'm here. I pinged your phone.─── 是的 我在 我已经标记了你的**

9 、Li Ming is a little tall than Wang Ping .───李明比王平稍微高一点儿。

10 、Our ping - pong team is red hot.───我们乒乓队球技超群。

11 、"Take the subway first, " says Li Ping.───“首先乘地铁,”李平说。

12 、Annie: Wang Ping should answer this question.───安妮: 这个问题还得王平来回答。

13 、Li Ming has as much money as Wu Ping.───李明的钱和吴平的钱一般多。

14 、Li Ping is coming tomorrow morning.───李平明天上午来。

15 、Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.───中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司,简称中国平安

16 、What about playing Ping Pang or anything else?───咱们是打乒乓球还是怎么办?

17 、I want to buy some CDs, @ says Li Ping.───“我想买一些光盘,”李平说。

18 、Li Ping: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Harries?───李平:对不起,请问您是哈里斯先生吗?

19 、Why people live in a name Ping table named Ho Ping.───因何姓人居住在一个坪台上,故名何坪。

20 、Annie,Jeff and Wang Ping are talking about the Olympic Games.───安妮、杰夫、王平在谈论奥运会。

21 、Li Ping has gone out. Can I take a message for you?───李平出去了,我可以替你捎口信吗?

22 、Good morning, my name is Wang Ping.───早上好,我是王平。

23 、Li Ping and Li Jing look the same.───李萍和李晶看上去一样。

24 、Jeff,Annie and Wang Ping are discussing about the Chinese football.───杰夫、安妮和王平讨论中国足球。

25 、Jeff: This question should be answered by Wang Ping.───杰夫: 这得让王平来回答。

26 、Two police are pursuing Han Ping in a hurry.───小常识推荐两位警察急忙追着韩平。

27 、She postured like Wang Nan, the ping pong queen.───摆出乒坛皇后王楠的架势。

28 、Welcome Tian Ping Hotel Shanghai.───欢迎光临上海天平宾馆。

29 、This did not ping because of a server.─── 这个程序不是因为服务器而示警

30 、I'm your liaison officer. My name is Li Ping.───我是你们的联络员,我叫李平。

31 、Gin Tao doesn't skate so well as Li Ping.───林涛滑冰不如李平好。

32 、Ping: Hello, Edwin this is Ping.───嗨,爱德文。我是平。

33 、Student A: Wang Ping, do you know ESPN?───学生甲:王平,你知道ESPN吗?

34 、I've pinged his phone; he's in the wind.─── 我**了他的手机 没有踪影

35 、Li Ping is being operated on in that hospital.───李平正在那家医院接受手术。

36 、He is drip ping sweat.───他大汗淋漓。

37 、We played ping pong with the world champion Lao Wa.───我们和世界冠军老瓦交过手。

38 、Student A: Oh, Wang Ping is here.───学生甲: 噢,王平来了!

39 、Near the Lantau Trail at Ngong Ping.───昂坪凤凰径附近。

40 、Test access to each of these network with ping also.───也用ping对每一个网络进行测试访问。

41 、Don't you think Wu Ping was unreasonable?───你说这吴平也真是的。

42 、Annie: I think Wang Ping is joking again.───安妮: 我还以为王平又在开玩笑呢。

43 、Yang Ping must have been at home last night.───杨平昨晚一定在家里。

44 、Tai Ping Insurance Company Ltd.───太平保险公司

45 、Annie: This is due to Wang Ping's edification.───安妮:那还不是王平熏陶的结果。

46 、Annie: Wang Ping, shall we still take bus 365?───安妮:王平,我们还是坐365路公共汽车吗?

47 、The salesperson finds a large size and gives it to Li Ping.───售货员找了一件大号的给了李平。

48 、Li Ping did. He wanted his book back.───李平找你。他想要回他的书。

49 、The salesperson gives Li Ping a medium size.───售货员给李平一个中号试。

50 、The room can't have been cleaned by Li Ping.───房间不可能是李平打扫的。

51 、Tom ran too slowly to catch up with Li Ping.───汤姆跑得太慢,赶不上李平。

52 、Li Ping often does his homework in the afternoon.───李平经常在下午做作业。

53 、Jeff: Wang Ping,Annie's Chinese is getting better and better.───杰夫:王平,安妮的汉语越来越棒了!

54 、Hello, this is my friend Li Ping.───你好,这是我的朋友李平。

55 、Talk to your doctor or Ping An hotline about this.───您可以就这个问题向您的医生或平安热线咨询。

56 、It was yesterday that I met Li Ping.───我是昨天碰上李平的。

57 、Annie: Wang Ping pays the bill, we are sure to go.───安妮: 王平请客,我们当然要去。

58 、The ping - pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent.───乓乒球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。

59 、My basement has a laundry room and a ping pong table.───在我的地下室里有一个洗衣间和一张乒乓球桌。

60 、The world situation is gradually - ping itself.───世界形势在慢慢地转变着。

61 、Jeff and Wang Ping are watching TV in Annie's dormitory.───杰夫、王平在安妮宿舍看电视。

62 、When dou you clean your room, He Ping?───和平,你什么时候打扫你的房间?

63 、Annie: Wang Ping, how is your driving skill?───安妮:王平,你开车技术怎么样?

64 、Li Ping and I shared the same room at college.───上大学时,李平和我同住一室。

65 、I 'm teachin' him how to play ping pong.───比如我们说:"都告诉你几百遍了你还记不住。

66 、Li Ping lives in the centre of the town.───李平住在市中心。

67 、There was a loud ping as the elastic broke.───橡皮带断裂时发出砰的一声巨响.

68 、An exhibition match of Ping Pong will take place next week.───下星期将举行一次乒乓表演赛。

69 、Ping: He is extremely polite and indirect.───乒:他是一个极有礼貌而且含蓄的人。

70 、He will be a scientist when Li Ping grows up.───当李平长大了,他想要成为一位科学家。

71 、Wu Ping responds: The law is my background.───吴苹回答:法律就是我的背景。

72 、Li Ping goes to a police officer.───李平去找一个警察问路。

73 、Hello, I'm Paul. You must be Ping.───你好,我是保罗。你一定是平。

74 、Annie: Wang Ping, look. Jeff did so well.───安妮: 王平你看,杰夫还真像。

75 、Annie: Wang Ping likes to be modest.───安妮: 王平喜欢谦虚。

76 、I like playing basketball, ping pong and swimming.───我喜欢打篮球、乒乓球、游泳。

77 、Your pronunciation is very good, Ping.───你的发音非常好,平。你的英语听起来很好听。

78 、Or, I'm going to beat Josh at ping pong, do or die.───或者是,我要在乒乓球上打败乔希,“要么就做,要么去死”。

79 、We pinged your car to this location.─── 我们**到你的车来过这里

80 、It pinged because of what's attached to it.─── 而是因为附接在服务器上的东西

81 、Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang Ping.───李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。

82 、We play ping pong after school from Monday to Friday.───我们星期一到星期五放学后在学校打桌球。


84 、Let's ping it, see where it came from.─── **一下 看看是从哪儿发出来的

85 、Wang Ping: Let me tell you about the.───先说“耳朵拔河”。

86 、Now and then a ping can get lost in the network .───ping命令会不时地在网络中丢失。

87 、Shanghai kang ping foreign trade corp.───上海康平对外贸易公司。

88 、We've been playing ping pong a lot lately.───最近我们经常打乒乓球。

89 、Riley tracker pings every five minutes, and the last four pings showed her heading this way.─── 莱丽的追踪器每五分钟发一次信号 前四个信号表明她在往这边走

90 、But I have the cell tower it pinged off of.─── 但我查到了发送手机信号的信号塔


ping的用途是测试网络连接是否正常 、测试延迟 ,以及测试网络带宽 。


1、首先打开计算机,然后敲击键盘上的WIN+R 键打开运行界面,在界面内的输入框内输入CMD并敲击回车键。



打开左下角开始-运行,输入cmd回车后在命令行输入ping localhost即可

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