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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


n. 文斯(人名;Vincent的昵称)


1 、Zina: Don't worry about that, Dave. Look, I have to see Vince now. Think about what said.───吉娜:不用操心,戴夫。听着,我现在要去找文斯。你想想我说的话。

2 、But Vince becomes a hassle when he or she tries living the rock 'n roll lifestyle to go with the hair and hi-tops.───但是如果文斯决定用他或者是她的摇滚风格来处理自己的头发和生活的时候,情况就会变得很棘手。

3 、Zina: I might. Vince knows he needs to keep me happy.───吉娜:我或许会喔。文斯知道他得让我保持快乐。

4 、Whoops, I forgot about Vince Carter.───哎呀,我忘了文斯卡特了。

5 、Vince Carter recorded his third career triple-double with 46 points, 16 rebounds and 10 assists.───卡特以46分16板10助的数据拿下了自己职业生涯的第三双。

6 、That’s what separates him from even the other superstars of the game, in my opinion, the Tracy McGradys, the Vince Carters, whoever else you want to name.───在我看来,这也就是为什么让他跟联盟中其他的超级巨星都不同的地方,麦迪,卡特,随便你说出任何一个人的名字都行。

7 、But when it aired, it was completely about Jennifer and Vince [Vaughn, her current boyfriend]。”───但当播出后,就完全被剪辑成她和男友文斯的话题了。”

8 、And numbers-wise, Vince’s stats are comparable with or flat-out better than Hall of Famers Clyde Drexler, Joe Dumars, Alex English and David Thompson, to name a few.───单论数据,有了克莱德.德雷克斯勒、乔.杜马斯、阿里克斯.英克利什和大卫.汤普森等一些名人堂成员作为先例,文斯至少可以与他们比肩,甚至更胜一筹。

9 、In an interview with a hometown columnist, Vince Carter says the Nets know that the East is "wide open" and that "we do know that we have a chance this season.───卡特在与家乡一位专栏作家的采访中说到,网队意识到东部目前情况很明朗,并且我们知道新赛季很有机会。

10 、Zina: Come on, grow up. Have you seen Vince around?───吉娜:你长大一点行吧。你看到文斯在附近吗?

11 、We should blow them out. Mac and Shane should hold Vince and Jefferson (is he playing?).───我们要打击他们。卡特和杰弗逊发挥时,麦迪和巴蒂尔应控制住他们。

12 、Vince Gill - I Never Knew Lonely───不知寂寞为何物

13 、Vince, don't let anything start up again.─── 文斯 别让事情再重演一次了

14 、When we announced Freeh's appointment in a morning ceremony in the Rose Garden, I noticed Vince Foster standing at the back, near one of the grand old magnolia trees planted by Andrew Jackson.───在玫瑰花园的一个早间仪式上,我们宣布了对弗里的任命。这时,我注意到文斯.福斯特站在花园后部,在一棵硕大的老木兰树旁边。那些木兰树都是安德鲁.杰克逊栽种的。

15 、Dave: Do you think maybe it would be better to just talk to Vince? Explain the situation?───你觉得去跟文斯说会不会好一点?解释这整个情况?

16 、Vince, I can't. I got to stay down here.─── 文斯 不行 我得留在这儿

17 、“High quality professional printing is more accessible,” notes Vince Phelan, Boise Paper marketing director.───“高品质的专业打印更容易, ”伦文指出,博伊斯纸业市场营销总监。

18 、"This guy, Vince Carter, he is amazing with the basketball," Keyon Dooling said."He can shoot from half court.He can shoot sitting down.───“卡特这家伙的球技不可思议,”杜林曾经这么说,“他能从中场跳投,他能坐着投,而且左右手都行;

19 、Zina: No way. I want the satisfaction of 1) squishing this bug myself. Plus, what if it's Vince?───吉娜:门都没有。我要自己享受压扁这只虫子的满足感。而且若文斯就是那小子怎么办?

20 、Dave: Well, Vince dropped off some sales reports for you. Said you signed a big deal with HomeSupplies. Com.───呃,文斯丢了一些销售报告给你。说你签下了。

21 、But how can he prevent Kate from convincing the marketing managers and Marshall president that she was right and that Vince's ad campaign won't work?───但是他如何能阻止凯特说服销售部的经理们和马歇尔公司的总裁相信她是对的,而他的**运动是行不通的?

22 、I didn't realize you were a buddhist,vince.─── 文斯 我以前不知道你是佛教徒

23 、Vince's relationship with him has always concerned me.─── 文斯和他的关系一直让我担心

24 、Like most scientists, Vince Lord was inspired by the challenge of the unknown.───同大多数科学家一样,文斯·洛德也为未知领域的挑战而激动。

25 、Bucks with two eager to shoot their own leaders, two of the Nets star Vince Carter and Harris have the ability to assist and they are willing to create opportunities for teammates passes.───与雄鹿的两个热衷于自己投篮的领袖不同,篮网的两位球星卡特和哈里斯都具备助攻的能力,而且他们也愿意给创造出机会的队友传球。

26 、Vince was going to meet me after my shift.─── 文斯本来要在我换班后来找我

27 、VINCE: We have to clean up the environment.───我们不得不把环境清理干净。

28 、Even a man as tough and great as the legendary football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.───当以利亚求死, 神从天而降给他力量. 第8节提到, 他 就 起 来 吃 了 喝 了 ,仗 著 这 饮 食 的 力 ,走 了 四 十 昼 夜 ,到 了神 的 山 ,就 是 何 烈 山 。

29 、Vince Gill - When I Call Your Name───当我呼唤你的名字

30 、Vince Carter and Jason Kidd became the first teammates with triple-doubles in the same game since 1989 as the Nets beat the Wizards.───在这场篮网胜奇才的比赛中。卡特和基德成为自1989年以来第一对双双在比赛中取得两双的队友。

31 、Official Website Of Vince Carter───卡特官方网站

32 、Zina: Vince, I m better than good. I m the best. I want four percent.───吉娜:文斯,我比厉害还要厉害。我是最棒的。我要百分之四。

33 、He was playing against Vince Spadea.───他跟文斯·斯巴第尔打。

34 、Vince Larkin: If you can't trust a South American drug lord, who can you trust?───如果你连一个南美洲的毒贩都不相信,你还能相信谁呢?

35 、Vince: Don't jump the gun. She's in the driver's seat right now. You have to be patient.───别高兴得太早。现在还是她在作主。你得要沉得住气。

36 、Vince, clear a spot on the back for him.─── 文斯 车上腾出点地方来

37 、Athletes that are notable for wearing shoes with Shox technology include Vince Carter, Jermaine O'Neal, David M.───如果发现有更好的故事网我会第一时间和大家分享的。

38 、Vince Gill - When Love Finds You───当爱找到归宿

39 、Vince is a dangerous man, but he's not crazy.─── 文斯这人很危险 但他还有理智

40 、Q: Hey Vince my name is Adrian I saw you taking all sorts of shots and I just wanted to ask you what your favorite type of shot is?───嘿文斯,我叫Adrian,我看到你做过各种各样的投篮,我想问哪一种是你最喜欢的呢?

41 、He would be like a Vince Carter or a Dominique Wilkins type of player.───不,他会成为像卡特、威尔金斯那种球员。

42 、“Hi Vince” said Claudia holding her brother who was standing in the door.───“嗨,文斯。”克劳迪亚拥抱了站在门口的弟弟。

43 、In his chosen field Vince Lord could, and probably would scale the Parnassus heights.───在文森特·洛德选定的领域中,他或许,甚至很可能登上帕纳萨斯山。

44 、Vince, I told you I'd take care of this.─── 文斯 我说过我会搞定的

45 、"Granted," Vince returned, working the muscles of his massive jaw into a tight-kipped smile. "Welcome home, Scott. "───“同意,”文斯回答道,他那宽大的下巴露出一丝微笑,“欢迎归队,斯科特。”

46 、On June 30, he issued preliminary findings on Vince's death, as well as on the much-ballyhooed conversations between Bernie Nussbaum and Roger Altman.───6月30日,他公布了有关文斯死因的初步调查结果,还有对伯尼.努斯鲍姆和罗杰.奥尔特曼之间那次被夸大了的对话的调查结果。

47 、Peyton Reed said:“Vince and Jen had great chemistry. They worked so well - they were great together。───佩顿.里德:“文斯和珍之间有着很棒的化学反应。他们合作的很好---他们是一个伟大的组合。”

48 、7.Vince Carter - Vince is a tossup.───7卡特卡特是一名投手。

49 、Jean listened closely to Scott's words as everyone settled themselves behind drinks in Vince's quarters.───吉音靠近斯科特,聆听斯科特的话语,而其他人则在文斯宿舍后部喝酒。

50 、Comparative Study of Two Different Drags of Vince for Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer───两种不同长春碱类药物治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的近期疗效比较

51 、The circular chromatic number of a graph is a natural generalization of the chromatic number of a graph introduced by Vince in 1988 under the name " the star chromatic number " .───一个图G的圆色数x_c(G)是图G的色数x(G)的自然**,最初是由Vince于1988年以“星色数”的定义提出来的。

52 、"Vince [Carter] gives us a veteran, go-to scoring presence, especially at the end of games," Magic general manager Otis Smith said in a statement.───“文斯(卡特)是经验丰富的老将,是一个拿过来就能用的老将,特别是在关键的时候能发挥作用。”

53 、Kidd took him into the locker room, gave him sneakers owned by Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson ("They won't miss these," Kidd assured), and showed him the pool, hot tub and weight room.───基德把他带到了球队更衣室,并把卡特和理查德杰弗森的球鞋送给了他。(“他们俩不会想念自己的球鞋的,”基德想尼克保证),并带他参观了游泳池,浴室,和力量训练房。

54 、“Are you ready? Bowie is waiting for you,” said Vince when he released her.───“你准备好了吗?鲍伊在等你。”文斯松开她时说道。

55 、I think it's because they may have some pre-conceived notions that this movie will be full of non-stop laughs given that Vince and Jennifer are both comedic actors.───可能因为故事发生在河南,他特意用了些河南的方言和语式(他自己也是河南人)让我有点不习惯。我强烈推荐这本书的原因是书中的故事太具震撼力了。

56 、"We've got a tentative location on that concentration camp," Vince relayed up to Lisa, "but it's still not dead certain.───“我们找到了一个初步的位置,很可能就是集中营,”文斯转接到与丽莎通话,“但是还没有完全确定。

57 、Zina: When Vince didn't give you what you wanted, you decided to sell some secrets to WebTracker?───吉娜:文斯给不了你要的待遇当时,你就决定卖情报给“网路搜寻家”?

58 、but Vince's gunners and targetting equipment were unsurpassed.───但文斯的炮兵与**设备却无人能比。

59 、Keep your voice down. We'll talk more later. Right now I need to see Vince.───小声点。我们晚点再详谈。我现在得要去找文斯。

60 、Vince is a natural generalization of chromatic number.───Vince定义的星着色数**了一般的着色数的定义 .

61 、Peyton Reed said:“It became very clear on Day 1 that [Jennifer and Vince] had crazy chemistry。───佩顿.里德:“珍妮弗和文斯有着相当疯狂的化学反应,因而那一天变得相当明亮。”

62 、Vince: Be quiet, I'm on the phone with Vikam. [talks on the phone] Right, I understand how it is. OK, goodbye.───安静点。我在跟(对着**说)对,我了解情况。好的,再见。

63 、"What happen Vince? You are the one who tought everyone how to do those problems?"───"怎麽?你不是教大家怎麽解题的人吗?"

64 、Vince: OK. Just keep in mind it has to be somebody who can Don't sweat it. I know just the guy.───你别多虑了。我知道最适合的人选。

65 、NSEL , Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS - Selects a subset of nodes.───NSEL命令选择x=0(左端所有节点)的所有节点出来,

66 、7,David Frankel said:“What she does so brilliantly is play great tennis with the big stars of our day: Ben Stiller, Jim Carrey, Vince Vaughn!”───大卫.弗兰科尔:“她在喜剧方面如此出色,灿烂的表演就像是在我们生活中那些伟大的得喜剧巨星一样:本.斯蒂勒,金.凯瑞,文斯.沃恩!”

67 、Vince: I dont see anything wrong with it. You have been prioritizing career over relationship which in part led to your marriage failure.───我不觉得自己哪里错了。你也一直把事业拍在比感情重要的位置上,这事导致你婚姻失败的部分原因。

68 、Will LiGong address KouYong aggregates into state, with Vince Yong answer know that state.───会交址李公蕴寇邕州,以文思使复知邕州。

69 、Ormond hasn't turned her back on film (the marital home is in LA, and The Prime Gig, a comedy co-starring Vince Vaughn and Ed Harris, is in post-production) but the Hare project was too good to miss.───专家们说,早在18世纪,澳大利亚气象学家突发奇想,开始用女性名给台风起名,作为一种荣誉或纪念,赠予自己的女友、爱妻或是受冷遇的政治家。

70 、In the team boss Vince - Carter's watch, Yi Jianlian's no timid and shy, had a team-high 17 points in the second.───在球队老大文斯-卡特的注视下,易建联没有丝毫的胆怯和羞涩,砍下了全队第二高分17分。

71 、Vince: Just remember. The main thing right now is to make sure Stars. Com is happy.───切记一件事。

72 、Unfortunately, Tony and Vince did not survive the accident.───不幸的,托尼和文森没有从事故中活下来。

73 、The star chromatic number x*(G) of a graph G(sometimes it is also called circular chromatic number Xc(G)) is a natural generation of the chromatic number x(G) of a graph. It was first defined by Vince in [1].───图G的星色数x~*(G)(亦称圈色数),是G的色数x(G)的一个自然**,它最早由Vince在文献[1]中提出.

74 、In early September the Nets started collective training, and Harris, another team leader Vince - always continue to cheer for the team, looks like a big brother.───在九月初就开始的篮网集体训练中,哈里斯和球队另一名领袖文斯-始终不断地为队友加油打气,俨然一副老大哥的样子。

75 、I wish all the haters would realize hwo good a guy Vince is.───希望那些黑们能意识到他是个多么善良的人。

76 、Vince was on file as insisting on a skeleton crew for the test, but he was secretly thankful that the Plenipotentiary Council members had overruled him.───在记录中,文斯坚持要派遣一支骷髅小队进行测试,但是他暗地里感谢全权大使委员会拒绝了他的建议。

77 、"That occurred to me, too," Vince said soberly.───“我也是突然想到这点了。”文斯冷静地说。

78 、Zina: Do you want to know what really motivates Vince to be nice to me?───吉娜:你要知道文斯对我好的动机何在吗?

79 、Vince was an *, but he was one of us.─── 文森是个* 但他是我们的家人

80 、Nets swingman Vince Carter, meanwhile, has been held under 20 points in three of his last four games versus the Cavaliers.───与此同时,网队锋卫摇摆人卡特,在过去四场与骑士的比赛中,三场比赛一直在20分以内。

81 、The attitude resurfaced in 2000 in Sydney, where demonstrative Vince Carter had run-ins with Gaze and Shane Heal, Australia's little point guard, and Aussie fans made derisive chants.───2000年悉尼奥运会上问题再度浮出水面,卡特和盖茨以及希尔(澳大利亚的后卫)在场上发生冲突,此事换来的是奥达利亚球迷的嘲讽。

82 、Agreed. Now get going, Vince!───同意。现在出发,文斯!

83 、It's crazy because I bet that if any of us made as much money as Vince did, only a small percentage would donate to such a community-changing cause.───他做出了惊人之举,我打包票,如果我们当中有谁能赚到他那么多钱,只有一小部分会把钱捐出来,为社区改善作出切实贡献。

84 、Vince has a big player who's cheating.─── 文斯有一个出老千的大玩家

85 、Zina: No way. I want the satisfaction of squishing this bug myself. Plus, what if it's Vince?───吉娜:门都没有。我要自己享受压扁这只虫子的满足感。而且艾斯就是那小子怎么办?


87 、General Situation and Analyses of Personal Dose Monitoring in Guangdong Pro vince in 1999───广东省1999年放射工作人员个人剂量监测的概况与分析

88 、Zina: No way. I want the satisfaction of 1) squishing this bug myself. Plus, what if it"s Vince?───吉娜:门都没有。我要自己享受压扁这只虫子的满足感。而且若文斯就是那小子怎么办?

89 、Potassium-rich Brines Resources in Sichuan Pro vince and its Exploitation Prospect───四川卤水钾资源及其开发利用前景

90 、A former employee of the FSA who wrote to Vince Cable, a Liberal Democrat MP, alleging that regulators had been deaf to warnings about the imprudence of building societies, so far remains anonymous.───前联邦安全署工作人员曾写信给自由民主党议员文斯卡特,信中提到管理者对关于建筑学会草率行为的警告熟视无睹的行为,而这位检举人至今仍为匿名。

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