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07-01 投稿




英:[?bɑ:b?r?s]  美:[?bɑrb?r?s]

英:  美:


adj.野蛮的, 粗俗的


副词: barbarously | 名词: barbarousness |


brutal | fierce | uncouth | roughshod | savage | violent | uncivilized | fell | vicious | wild | primitive | ferocious | cruel | barbaric | inhuman | ruthless




1 、No, guys, we're here to celebrate the end of a barbaric tradition.─── 不 我们在这是为庆祝 野蛮传统的结束的

2 、I love to sail forbidden seas and land on barbarous coasts───我爱到这些禁海上去航行,到蛮荒的海岸去登陆。

3 、Instead of being liked, he was dead, a bleeding cinder on the barbarous fire pile.───他没有得到人怜爱,反而鲜血淋淋地躺在熊熊燃烧的烈火堆上,化为灰烬,离开了人世。

4 、To use Barbarous people to subjugate their own races───以夷制夷

5 、Don't expect all barbarous tribal people to respect and appreciate foreign cultures.───别当所有蛮荒部落的人都懂得尊重和理解异地文化.

6 、They would have transcribed a word like barbarous as BRBRS───像barbarous这样的一个词他们将会把它标成BRBRS。

7 、the justification of barbarous means by holy ends───以神圣的目的作为粗暴手段的托辞

8 、You think the Hindu custom barbarous--but would you have had the courage to appear here tonight if the Confederacy hadn't needed you?"───你觉得印度的习俗很野蛮----可是,如果不是南部联盟需要你们,你会有勇气这天晚上在这里露面吗?

9 、The bravery exhibited there was almost barbarous and was complicated with a sort of heroic ferocity which began by the sacrifice of self.───勇敢在这里近于野蛮,并夹杂着某种残酷的英雄行为,这首先是来自自我牺牲的精神。

10 、Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage.───他们对犯人的残酷虐待激起了极大的愤怒。

11 、(laughs) No,I don't call it barbarous or uncivilized.───(大笑)不,我不觉得这样做是野蛮或者不文明。

12 、It was barbarous to treat prisoners in that manner.───如此对待犯人,真是太残忍了。

13 、It's a public shaming rack. It's barbaric.─── 这是在羞辱公众 太野蛮了

14 、It was barbaric, but I put a stop to it.─── 那些行为是很野蛮 但我已经制止了

15 、The Chinese government protested strongly against such barbarous aggression.───中国政府强烈抗议这种野蛮的侵略行为。

16 、It was barbarous to be happy when Edmund was suffering.───当埃德蒙痛苦的时候自己却心头高兴是残忍的。

17 、It is only barbarous peoples who undergo rapid growth after a victory.───只有野蛮民族才会凭一战之功突然强盛。

18 、This barbarous enemy policy will be carried deeper into the interior of China.───敌人的这一野蛮政策,还要施之于更深的内地。

19 、7 Therefore I will bring against you foreigners, the most barbarous of nations. They shall draw their swords against your beauteous wisdom, they shall run them through your splendid apparel.───为此,看我要率领外方人,即列国最蛮横的人来攻打你,他们要拔出剑来攻击你以智能所得的美丽,玷污你的光华,

20 、True enough, she did resort to the scheme, but the crisis soon passed, one reason being that the enemy everywhere pursued a barbarous policy and practised naked plunder.───后来果然来了这一手;但是危机随即过去,原因之一是敌人采取了普遍的野蛮政策,实行公开的掠夺。

21 、Abstract : Many Chinese writers hold Shanghai is the most modern westernized city of China while in the imagination of their western counterparts Shanghai is still Oriental, barbarous and uncivilized.───摘要:在中国作家的意识中,上海是最西化、最现代的城市,但在西方作家的想象中,上海仍是东方情调的、原始、野蛮、未开化的城市。

22 、The haircut was then a simple ritual to be performed every two months or so to avoid a barbarous appearance.───为了避免自己形象蛮昧,理发也就成了每两个月左右就要进行一次的简单仪式。

23 、As the drought grew worse, they had witnessed the barbarous rites of their elders, which they had never seen before, the mutilation of their bodies, and their prostration before wood and clay idols.───他们目睹了老年人搞的那一套摧残身体的野蛮仪式,那种对木雕泥塑偶像的顶礼膜拜。他们过去从未见过这种场面。

24 、It's the least barbaric method I could think of.─── 这是我所能想到的最文明的方法

25 、This is barbaric, even by your standards.─── 这太残暴了 即便是出自你手

26 、We can continue living nonchalantly whether because of they are not able to tell us how painful they are, but can some of barbarous behaviors only be mark as "cruel"?───我们又是为什么常常忽略其它生灵的感受?我们的所做所为表现出的又仅仅是忽略吗?

27 、Such are the barbarous innovations of our day.─── 这真是我们时代里野蛮的革新

28 、It is ironic that in troubled times a revaluation of the "barbarous relic" could save the Fed from insolvency.───具有讽刺意义的是,在困难之际,“野蛮的遗迹”的重新估价可以解救美联储以免破产。

29 、sports which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings or bearbaiting.───作者指出任何体育精神的说法纯粹是虚伪。

30 、The more the northern people became pastoralized, militarized, and mobilized, the more they became “barbarous” in the eyes of the sedentary people in the south.───北方人群的移动化、畜牧化、武装化,反映在中国古史上的,就是戎狄华夏之分的概念出现在南方人群中。

31 、Not civilized; barbarous.───不文明的; 野蛮的

32 、As a special language phenomenon, campus fashionable expressions, among which there are fresh and vital words as well as vulgar and barbarous ones, are being built through special ways.───摘要大学校园流行语作为一种特殊的言语现象,有其特殊的产生途径。校园流行语中既有表义新颖、生命力强的词语,也有格调不高、内容粗俗的词语。

33 、2. It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms.───以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。

34 、most are former fighters from the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), once one of Africa's most feared and barbarous rebel outfits.───但他们并不是平常的司机,他们大多数都是革命联合前线(RUF)的退役战士,该团体曾是非洲最让人恐慌并且最残暴的叛军组织。

35 、At his interrogation he protested bitterly against the use of the 155 in Aachen, calling it “barbarous” and claiming it should be outlawed.───在对他的讯问中,上校强烈抗议美军在亚琛城内使用155口径大炮,称其为“野蛮行径”,并宣称此举违反了战争法。

36 、Former I am that a young lady has barbarous temper to have very much.───以前的我 是个**脾气 野蛮不得了 还有 。。。。

37 、The barbarous feudal ethical code literally snuffed out her young life.───万恶的封建礼教把这个年轻的妇女活生生地折磨死了。

38 、I want them to do away with this barbarous custom.───我希望他们废除这种野蛮的习俗。

39 、And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.───2土人看待我们,有非常的情分,因为当时下雨,天气又冷,就生火,接待我们众人。

40 、Mankind step into civilized society from barbarous society, developed civilized society move towards high civilized society of stage never.───人类从野蛮社会步入文明社会,再从不发达的文明社会走向更高阶段的文明社会。

41 、vi) Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.───在你说出任何完全不着调的话之前打破上面的任何一条规则。

42 、barbar dryer───干燥室

43 、The reactionary and barbarous nature of his war, a factor which intensifies both class antagonisms within Japan and the resistance of the Chinese nation, has not yet brought about a situation which radically impedes his advance.───其足以加剧本国阶级对立和中国民族反抗的因素,即战争之退步性和野蛮性一因素,亦尚未造成足以根本妨碍其进攻的情况。

44 、The neoclassical school has not offered a satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon except to point out disparagingly that gold is a “barbarous relic”, “irrelevant” or “dead”.───新古典主义学院派们并未就此现象提出令人满意的解释,除了以轻蔑的态度指出黄金是一种“野蛮的遗迹”、“过时的”或者“死亡的”。

45 、To make or become crude, savage, or barbarous.───使粗俗,使野蛮使或变得无知的、野蛮的或没有教养的

46 、With this advantage, she takes related information from the customers.A rich guy Fai and a barbarous guy Ho want to chase Angie that they always have fight.───富有的客人阿辉和恶客豪哥都向她展开追求,并常为此而争吵。

47 、I know this may seem barbaric to you, but no more so than what you did to me.─── 我知道你会觉得这有些残忍 但远不及你对我做的事

48 、10.a brutal barbarous savage act.───一种残忍、野蛮、原始、的行为。

49 、With the background misic and scenari in “my barbarous girlfriend”, he showed his ability to exchange and synthesize different cultures.───文化交流部,就是能把不同的文化来个完美的交流和综合!

50 、"Yes, it is meet and right that we discipline this man to express the indignation of all living creatures for his barbarous behavior.───"不错,不惩戒一下他的野蛮行径,便不能平息众生的愤怒。

51 、In a dozen ways this barbarous habit, inherited from savage ancestors, stands in the way of practical reforms which are much needed.───光是这个承袭自我们野蛮先祖的肉食习惯,就在各方面阻碍了我们有更实际的革新,而这个革新甚至比肉食更为重要及需要。

52 、And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.───土人看待我们,有非常的情分,因为当时下雨,天气又冷,就生火,接待我们众人。

53 、Or anyone, in short, but your own dear self, mama, and Edward, may be so barbarous to bully me.───总之任何人,只有你自己和妈妈以及爱德华除外,都可能这么无情地欺侮我。

54 、In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man.───在报复和爱情中,女人比男人更为野蛮。

55 、Japan is an barbarous and obscene and shameless and sick country, must eliminate them ! !───日本是个野蛮下流无耻恶心的国家,必须把他们消灭!!

56 、They ridiculed as relics of a barbarous age the images and rituals of the Hindu religion.───他们嘲笑印度宗教的偶像和典礼是一个野蛮时期的崩溃。

57 、In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man .───在报复和爱情之中,女人比男人更为野蛮.---尼采

58 、the barbarous treatment of these prisoners of war───对这些战犯的残酷待遇

59 、Is it not a truth, that refined countries have more vices, but those not so terrible barbarous nations few, and they of the most hideous complexion?───文明的国家罪恶较我,不如此可怕凶残或者不是最可怕的国家罪恶较少,这难道不是事实吗?

60 、From the jungle to the barbarous desert, from the naval air from the smoke of war Corsair to the dark tricky maze;───场景设置从丛林到沙漠荒野,从海盗之战的硝烟到黑暗复杂的迷宫等等等等;

61 、I am not worried about it, if she in time to how to do, it is necessary to know, but her eight classes as "barbarous" one female.───我不由担心起来,万一她这时进教室里来怎么办,要知道,她可是班级八大“野蛮”女生之一。

62 、Japan is a small country, her war is reactionary and barbarous, and she will become more and more isolated internationally;───日本是小国,其战争是退步的和野蛮的,其国际地位将益处于孤立;

63 、Millions of years ago, human beings were in barbarous age.───几百万年前,人类还处在蛮荒时代。

64 、Which is why civilized societies can become barbaric.─── 这就是为什么文明社会会变得野蛮

65 、5.We protested strongly against such barbarous aggression.───我们强烈抗议这种野蛮的侵略行为。

66 、One man's mystical haven for wealth is another's unproductive barbarous relic───一个人的神秘的财富庇护所则是另一个人的不毛的荒凉废墟。

67 、She received the most barbarous treatment.───她受到他们极为残暴的待遇。

68 、"Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent" (Freeman J. Dyson)───“没有道德的技术是野蛮的;道德没有了技术是无力的”(弗里曼J.戴森)

69 、but as I suppos'd, to dress some of their barbarous diet, of humane flesh, which they had brought with them, whether alive or dead I could not know.───我想,他们一定是带来了战俘在烧烤人肉,至于那些战俘带上岛时是活是死,我就不得而知了。

70 、Why are such beautiful things confined to such barbarous countries?───为什么在这么不开化的地方还有这些好东西?

71 、Such a barbarous country is of no importance to me, particularly since it had degraded me by making me become a spy.───我才不关心一个使我堕落成为**的野蛮的国家呢。

72 、People can buy a very nice outfit in just a couple of minutes , and they can change their outward appearances in a few hours by going to a barbar"s shop or a hairdresser"s .───以上只是考生中比较普遍的一些想法和观点。

73 、A bag of salt, among the barbarous tribes, was worth more than a man.───在原始部落里,一袋盐比一个人还要珍贵。

74 、This is not helping, to be honest. I know, it's barbaric.─── 说实话 这可没什么用 我知道 很野蛮

75 、It was considered as a primitive, barbarous and exotic land.American orientalism has its root in Europeans’ distorted impression of the Orient.───在以欧洲移民为主的美国,其东方主义的形成正是根植于欧洲移民对东方扭曲的想象。

76 、The citizen of Oceania is not allowed to know anything of the tenets of the other two philosophies, but he is taught to execrate them as barbarous outrages upon morality and common sense.───大洋国的公民不许知道其他两国的哲学信条,但是却受到憎恨的教育,把它们看作是对道德和常识的野蛮践踏。

77 、From the twenties to eighties in 19th century, Egyptology passed from the early barbarous excavation to the planned survey scientifically, rescue and the protection of cultural relics.───从19世纪20年代到80年代,埃及学走过了从早期的野蛮发掘到有计划的科学勘察、抢救与保护文物的历程。

78 、He condemns the word lesser as a barbarous corruption, though he admits that “it has all the authority which a mode originally erroneous can derive from custom”.───他谴责单词削减是粗野的腐败,虽然他承认“它拥有广泛权威,使一个原来的错误形式可以来源于习惯/习俗。”

79 、fulled of barbarous but didn't lose his kind essence.───充满蛮横但又不失本性的善良;

80 、"Her name Noelani," proudly explained a hawaiian who had shipped on whalers and who had mastered the barbarous pidgin of the seaports───“她,诺伊拉妮,”一个经常接送水手因而学了些似通非通的英语的夏威夷人骄傲地解释说。

81 、But the general trend of events will not permit capitulation; The obstinate and peculiarly barbarous character of Japan's war has decided this aspect of the question.───但是大势所趋,是降不了的,日本战争的坚决性和特殊的野蛮性,规定了这个问题的一方面。

82 、Not civilized;barbarous.───不文明的;野蛮的

83 、The reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war constitutes the primary reason for her inevitable defeat.───日本战争的退步性和野蛮性是日本战争必然失败的主要根据。

84 、4.From Alexander the grammarian, to refrain from fault-finding, and not in a reproachful way to chide those who uttered any barbarous or solecistic or strange-sounding expression;───从文法学家亚历山大那里,我学到了不吹毛求疵,不用责备的语调责骂那些说出任何野蛮的、失礼的或闻所未闻话语的人;

85 、He wanted them to do away with this barbarous custom.───他要他们废除这野蛮的习俗。

86 、It would have been barbarous to have taken the poor wench, and have turned her away as soon as I came to town───如果把这可怜的姑娘带去,一到都城又把她打发走,未免显得野蛮。

87 、Barbarous tribes on the west and the north of ancient China, respectively───戒狄蛮夷

88 、But at no time was marriage a case of purchase, as among other barbarous people.───与其它原始人群不同的是,在这里,婚姻并没有被看作是可以买卖的交易。

89 、All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand.───所有的野蛮征服者总是爱用高压手段。





cruel的名词是:cruelty。adj. 残酷的,残忍的;使人痛苦的,让人受难的;无情的,严酷的

短语有:Beckii Cruel 贝齐·库尔 ;extremely cruel 惨绝人寰 ; 仁至义尽 ; 极其残忍。



brutal, ruthless, savage, fierce, inhuman, barbarous, cruel


brutal 指极端的残忍,强调无情或缺乏同情心,含不择手段的意味。

ruthless 与cruel同义。强调为达到目的,对别人的痛苦毫无怜悯之心。

savage 指缺乏文明人应有的教养,尤指在动怒或冲动时表现出的`粗野蛮横,含野蛮意味。

fierce 指天性凶恶,令人害怕。

inhuman 着重缺乏同情心、仁爱等人类特有的良好的品质。

barbarous 专指只有原始或未开化的人才会有的残忍行为。

cruel 一般用词,指行动或态度的残忍。

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