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07-01 投稿




英:[f??r?nd???l]  美:[f??r?nd???l, -d??l, ?f?r?n?d???l]

英:  美:




异体字: pharyngal |


1 、Doctor: All the trouble in your throat may be due to a pharyngeal neurasthenia.It's wise to treat your throat ailment through establishing regular daily habits rather than relying on medicines.───医生:你嗓子不舒服可能是由于咽喉部神经官能症引起的,治疗这种嗓子痛的好办法是养成规律良好的生活习惯,这比依赖药物要好得多。

2 、Construction of artificial pharyngeal valve───人工咽瓣建造术

3 、lateral pharyngeal space infection───咽旁间隙感染

4 、Analysis of Clinical Manifestations of Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Amyloidosis───咽喉部淀粉样变性临床特点

5 、inflammation of pharyngeal bursa───咽囊炎

6 、clonic spasm of pharyngeal muscle───咽肌阵挛

7 、salivary gland type pharyngeal mixed tumor───咽涎腺型混合瘤

8 、pharyngeal critical pressure───临界压

9 、Pharyngeal part of pituitary───垂体咽部

10 、Respiratory throat is the gateway pharyngeal tonsils is the largest glands, under normal circumstances, tonsil constant liquid secretion, and can hide in the throat timely removal of the bacteria.───咽喉是呼吸道的门户,扁桃体是咽部最大的腺体,正常情况下,扁桃体不断有液体分泌出来,能将隐藏在咽喉部的细菌及时清除。

11 、Treat Pharyngeal Hemangioma with Nd:YAG Laser───Nd:YAG激光治疗咽部血管瘤

12 、pharyngeal muscles/radiography───咽肌/放射摄影术

13 、The patient was highly febrile and presented with pharyngitis, headaches, and swollen lymph nodes.─── 病人高度发热 并且出现喉咙发炎 头疼 以及淋巴结肿大症状

14 、Keywords Pharyngeal neoplasms;Surgery;Complication;───咽肿瘤;手术;并发症;

15 、Applying ultrasound to observe lateral pharyngeal wall movement has practical value in clinical treatment of cleft palate patient.───应用超声波观察咽侧壁运动,在临床上对腭裂患者治疗方面具有实用价值。

16 、inferior pharyngeal constrictor───咽下缩肌

17 、activities of posterior and lateral pharyngeal wall───咽后壁和咽侧壁活动

18 、cold stimulus at pharyngeal portion───咽部冷刺激

19 、postnatal malformation of the pharyngeal───后天性咽畸形

20 、The pharyngeal teeth and gill raker can be observed clearly in the post-pharyngeal area in the larval grouper of the 26th day.───在26日龄时的仔鱼咽部,明显观察到咽齿及鳃耙,短的食道起源于咽腔,终止于胃,胃分为贲门部和幽门部。

21 、pharyngeal open of auditory tube───咽鼓管咽口

22 、posterior lip of pharyngeal opening of auditory tube───咽鼓管咽口后唇

23 、pharyngeal diseases/diagnosis───咽疾病/诊断

24 、pharyngeal abscess with celostomia───声哑喉痈

25 、closure of pharyngeal fistula───咽瘘闭合术

26 、Posterior pharyngeal flap transplantation───咽成形术

27 、Second pharyngeal arch mesenchyme is thus competent to form teeth if provided with the correct signals.───因此如果给予正确的信号,第二腮弓的间充质有形成牙的能力。

28 、Additional complications include bradycardia, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and apnea owing to pharyngeal stimulation.───其它并发症包括因为咽部刺激导致的心动过缓、喉痉挛、支气管痉挛和呼吸暂停。

29 、However, several days later, stiffness of the neck and profuse night sweating followed.Physical examination on the day of admission revealed pharyngeal redness only.───发现血液像中白血球及嗜伊红性球增高,脑脊髓液细胞数和嗜伊红性球也增高,加以临床有脑神经症状发生,因此诊断其为嗜伊红性脑膜炎。

30 、Repair of pharyngeal fistula───咽瘘修复术

31 、Thus, we consider malignancy to be the most common cause of pseudohemoptysis, due to the pharyngeal and laryngeal lesions.───因此,我们认为恶性肿瘤是咽喉病灶造成假性咳血最常见的原因。

32 、These findings suggest the hypothesis that fluid displacement to the upper body during recumbency may predispose to pharyngeal obstruction during sleep, especially in fluid oerload states, such as heart and renal failure.───上述研究结果提示:平卧位休息时,液体转移至上体,可以引起睡眠过程中咽部梗阻,特别是在体液过多的状态下,比如心衰和肾功能衰竭。

33 、Accessory nerve pharyngeal branch───副神经咽支

34 、bilateral pharyngeal abscess───双喉痈

35 、posterior aspect of the pharyngeal wall───咽壁后面

36 、adenoidal pharyngeal conjunctival virus───增殖腺-咽-结膜病毒

37 、pharyngeal speech aid prosthesis───咽助语器修复体

38 、Keywords pharyngeal diseases;somatoform disorders;depression;───咽疾病;躯体型障碍;抑郁症;

39 、Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids.───咽扁桃体的肥大称为腺状肿大。

40 、Doctor: Your throat is bright red and is markedly swollen. The lymphogranules of your posterior pharyngeal wall show a slight increase in number and size.───医生:您的嗓子鲜红而且明显肿胀。在咽后壁上的淋巴结克里稍有增大和增多。

41 、A highly nutritious secretion of the honeybee's pharyngeal gland.─── 高营养的分泌物 是杀人蜂的咽腺

42 、reducing pharyngeal swelling───利咽消肿

43 、tonsillar fossulae of pharyngeal tonsil───咽扁桃体扁桃体小窝

44 、Excision of pharyngeal bands───咽带切除术

45 、The causes for pharyngeal fistula after total laryngectomy───喉癌全喉切除术后咽瘘的原因分析

46 、Diffuse lesions, herpes zoster, oral and pharyngeal mucosa inflammation and ulceration.───弥漫性丘疹、带状疱疹、口腔和咽部粘膜炎症及溃烂。

47 、"We deeloped a simplified method for increasing pharyngeal pressure by deliering warm and humidified air at a continuous high flow rate through the open nasal cannula," they said.───“我们发现了一种简单的方法通过开放的鼻导管输送加热加湿的空气,以持续高流率提高咽部压力。”他们说。

48 、An analysis of the causes of refractory pharyngeal paraesthesia in 600 cases───600例难治性咽异感症患者病因分析

49 、Seven cases were local primary pharyngeal and laryngeal amyloidosis and no affirm-ative death report was recorded sinc...───与系统性淀粉样变性相比,咽喉部原发性局灶性淀粉样变性预后相对较好,但可能复发,应定期随诊。

50 、pharyngeal air stream mechanism───咽部气流机制

51 、Keywords Posterior pharyngeal flap;Pharyngoplasty Histomorphology;───咽后瓣;腭咽成形;组织形态学;

52 、pharyngeal examination of children───儿童咽部检查

53 、Meningeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery───咽升动脉脑膜支

54 、PSPT PLASMA solidification of pharyngeal tonsils───咽扁桃腺等离子凝固术

55 、pharyngeal diseases/pathology───咽疾病/病理学

56 、Twenty-nine percent underwent pharyngeal surgery at the time of first MTI procedure, and of these, 7.4% (1,096) had pharyngeal surgery in the absence of adenoid or tonsil disease.───29%的病例在首次MTI治疗的同时行咽部手术,其中7.4%的病例(1096例)在咽部手术时缺乏腺样体或扁桃体病变表现。

57 、The superior pharyngeal constrictor assists in gaining velopharyngeal closure, while peristaltic movement of food is facilitated by the middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictors.───咽缩上肌辅助颚咽的闭锁,而咽上缩肌和咽缩中肌使食物蠕动较容易。

58 、pharyngeal section of prosthetic speech aid───修复体样助语器的咽部

59 、Inferior tympanic branch of ascending pharyngeal artery───咽升动脉鼓室下支

60 、pharyngeal conjunctival fever───咽结膜热

61 、In the pharynx of a ring around the tube pharyngeal nerve forward after the separation of six nerve, nerve distribution to the front of the lips, such as papillary and of sensilla.───在咽的周围有一环状的围咽神经环,向前后各分出六条神经,前端的神经分布到唇、乳突及化感器等。

62 、Keywords: Pharyngeal neoplasms Anatomy Surgery, operative,───关键词:咽肿瘤解剖学外科,手术

63 、tonic spasm of the pharyngeal muscle───强直性咽肌痉挛

64 、They sing by striking their flippers against their chests to hit their pharyngeal pouches, balloon-like extensions of the trachea that are unique to Odobenus and that also serve as flotation devices.───牠们用鳍拍胸膛,打击咽囊,也就是气管的延伸,状似汽球,是海象独有的特徵,同时也有漂浮的作用。

65 、Mammalian teeth develop on the oral surface of the first pharyngeal arch by a series of reciprocal interactions between epithelial and mesenchymal cells.───哺乳类动物的牙齿是由上皮和间充质细胞通过一系列相互之间的作用,在第一腮弓的口腔表层发育而成的。

66 、Insertion of artificial pharyngeal valve───人工喉瓣**入术

67 、As for the positions of pharyngeal paresthesia,133 cases were constant and 182 were changeable.───其中133例部位恒定,182例部位游走不定;

68 、The mechanism of this effect may be that pharyngeal stimulation relaxes the LES, as may occur during normal swallowing.───其机制可能为咽部刺激使LES松弛,如正常吞咽时出现的一样。

69 、The strain of gram-negative bacteria, LY-58, was isolated from pharyngeal mucous membranes of healthy Pekin ducklings on a duck farm in Hexian of Anhui province.───从健康鸭咽部分离到一株革兰氏阴性短杆菌,定名为LY-58株。 经培养性状、形态学检查、生理生化试验、血清学鉴定及PCR鉴定,分离株鉴定为鸭疫里氏杆菌2型。

70 、anterior lip of pharyngeal opening of auditory tube───咽鼓管咽口前唇

71 、tonsillar crypts of pharyngeal tonsil───咽扁桃体隐窝

72 、Lamina muscularis of pharyngeal mucous membrane───咽粘膜肌层

73 、Pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery───咽升动脉咽支

74 、Pharyngeal stage of deglutition───吞咽咽期

75 、IV, 205) cases, 234 were originated from pyriform sinus, 21 from postcricoid, 35 from posterior pharyngeal wall and 15 from superior hypopharynx.───IV期205例),其中梨状窝癌234例,环后癌21例,下咽后壁区癌35例,下咽上区癌15例。

76 、Incision and drainage of lateral pharyngeal space───侧咽间隙切开引流

77 、Objective:To explore the bio-psychological factors related to pharyngeal paraesthesia.───咽异感症是临床各科工作中的常见多发病。

78 、pharyngeal crista pharyngea ridge───咽嵴

79 、Parathyroid cysts (PTC) are a rare disease and may also result from malformation of the remnants of the third pharyngeal pouch.───副甲状腺囊肿则是一种罕见疾病,可能起因于胚胎发育时第三咽囊的残存物。

80 、Grisel syndrome has been characterized as a nontraumatic atlantoaxial subluxation associated with pharyngeal infection.───Grisel综合症的特征是发生与咽部感染相关的非创伤性寰枢椎半脱位。

81 、pharyngeal artery, ascending───咽升动脉

82 、Pharyngeal neoplasms/pathology───咽肿瘤/病理学

咽鳃裂(pharyngeal gill slits)




1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 注解

1 拼音

yān náng

2 英文参考

pharyngeal pouches

3 注解

咽囊是脊椎动物胚胎咽侧壁的5对囊体。水栖脊椎动物,这5对囊体向外突,在它相应的外胚层部位向内陷,两者相遇并打通,形成由咽部与外界相通的鳃裂。陆栖脊椎动物用肺呼吸,但在胚胎期也形成5对咽囊,这些咽囊在发育中形成一系列衍生结构:第一对咽囊的远端部膨大形成中耳鼓室,其近端部仍保留着和咽的联系,成为耳咽管;第二对咽囊在哺乳类形成腭扁桃体,在其他陆栖脊椎动物多趋于退化;第三、四对咽囊的上皮形成甲状旁腺(背侧)和胸腺(腹侧);第五对咽囊的上皮形成后鳃体,该腺 *** 于甲状腺旁,分泌的激素称降钙素,其生理作用主要是调节血浆中钙离子的浓度。咽囊的底面中央处发生出甲状腺。

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