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07-01 投稿




英:[d?'z?lvd]  美:[d?'z?lvd]

英:  美:



adj. 溶化的


形容词: dissolvable | 名词: dissolver | 动词第三人称单数: dissolves | 动词现在分词: dissolving | 动词过去分词: dissolved | 动词过去式: dissolved |


soften | end | rust | resolve | liberate | dispel | fade away | evaporate | fade out | melt | fade | pass away | suspend | unthaw | pass | fuse | unfreeze | disappear | break up | dismiss | thaw | cease | adjourn | close | dissipate | run | disband | liquefy | away | melt away




1 、As water is a universal solvent many different compounds are dissolved in it.───因为水有着很强的溶解力,很多不同的成分都溶于了海水中。

2 、An opening on the ocean floor that emits hot water and dissolved minerals.───大洋底部散发热水并溶解矿物质的一个开口

3 、And the acid dissolved all the tissue.─── 酸溶液溶解了所有的肌肉组织

4 、She never saw him again after their marriage was dissolved.───他们离婚后,她再也没见到他。

5 、His childhood memories have dissolved away.───他儿时的记忆已经慢慢地褪色。

6 、Put ingredients (A) into a pot and bring to a boil till sugar have dissolved.───将原料(A)放进锅中煮沸,直到糖全部融化。

7 、Their big family dissolved last year.───他们的大家庭去年解体了。

8 、Tannase was dissolved in RM with inserting RM membrane or adhering to RM.───单宁酶是以嵌入反胶束膜或与反胶束内膜接触的方式增溶的。

9 、The veil that had hung uncertainly between them for so long was dissolved.───在他们之间,长期飘忽不定的那层薄纱现在终于消散了。

10 、The barrier between them had been silently dissolved in the night.───他们之间的障碍在夜里悄悄地消失了。

11 、Within four years, all monasteries in Britain had been dissolved.───在四年之内,英国所有的修士已经消失。

12 、She dissolved a spoonful of sugar in the coffee.───她把一勺糖溶在咖啡里。

13 、She dissolved the sugar in the tea.───她把糖溶在茶里。

14 、Nim's tension of a moment earlier dissolved.───尼姆方才感到的紧张一下子化为乌有了。

15 、These dissolved materials thus pass from the lithosphere to the hydrosphere.───因此,这些溶解了的物质就从岩石圈转移到水圈。

16 、Their marriage was dissolved in 1989.───他们于1989年解除婚姻关系。

17 、Before anyone could reply, she had dissolved into tears and ran upstairs.───大家都没反应过来的时候她已经哭着跑上楼了。

18 、They dissolved their partnership.───他们解除了合伙关系。

19 、The military government dissolved the injunction.───军政府废除了禁令。

20 、They may be liquids, solids, or gases that are dissolved in liquids.───它们可能是液体、固体或溶于液体的气体。

21 、all of the active principles dissolved into that.─── 所有的活性成分子都会溶解其中

22 、He dissolved into anger over the incident.───他对这件事非常愤怒。

23 、In lyophilized form or dissolved in aqueous solution.───在冻干形式或溶解在水溶液中。

24 、As in the case of silicon , phosphorus remains dissolved in solid iron .───像硅那样,**在固体铁中处于溶解状态。

25 、She was dissolved in pleasure.───她快乐得神魂颠倒。

26 、Their relationship has finally dissolved.───他们的关系最终瓦解了。

27 、Q. Why are high dissolved oxygen levels better than air sparging or ORC?───为什么高的溶解氧浓度比空气喷射或ORC更好?

28 、The meeting dissolved in ill humour.───会议不欢而散。

29 、She dissolved the tablet in a glass of water.───她将药片溶解在一杯水中。

30 、Adsorbed pesticide is in equilibrium with that dissolved in the water film around the soil particle.───吸附农药与溶解在土壤颗粒周围水膜中的农药平衡。

31 、Cakes of ice slowly dissolved into puddles.───冰块慢慢融化成一个个小水洼。

32 、When the little girl saw the dead bird she dissolved into tears.───当那个小孩看到那死鸟时,她哭得眼泪汪汪的。

33 、The children dissolved into tears when they heard the sad news.───孩子们听到悲惨的消息时,哭得泪流满面。

34 、The Antigonid kingdom was dissolved, and replaced with four republics.───安提柯王国被解散,代之以四个共和政体。

35 、Heat dissolved the candle into a pool of wax in a few minutes.───不到几分钟热就把蜡烛融化成一摊蜡。

36 、The military government dissolved the country's parliament.───军政府解散了该国的议会。

37 、The election was announced and parliament was dissolved.───宣布选举后,议会解散了。

38 、Their life was dissolved in pleasure.───他们的生活沉浸于欢乐之中。

39 、A girl's piercing scream dissolved into a cacophony of shouts and cries.───一个女生刺耳的尖叫声与杂乱的喊声哭声夹杂混合在一起。

40 、Most of the genuine monopolies were dissolved.───大部分真正的垄断公司被解散了。

41 、The truck dissolved into the blackness.───卡车消失在黑暗中。

42 、Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil.───侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。

43 、You're going to dissolve these under your tongue.─── 含在舌头下面 慢慢溶解

44 、He dissolved the pills in water.───他把药片用水化开。

45 、The major pollution indicators are dissolved oxygen, potassium permanganate, BOD, volatile phenol and petroleum.───主要污染指标为溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、生化需氧量、挥发酚和石油类。

46 、The picture then dissolved into a view of the church from the outside.───影片的画面渐隐而转成一府教堂的外景。

47 、Ice dissolved in the warm weather.───冰在温暖的天气中溶化了。

48 、This layer is rich in dissolved nitrogen and nitrides.───它能有效的分解氮和氮化物。

49 、After mixing with soil 90d, large parts of PbSO4 and PbS were not dissolved.───与土壤混合90d后,大部分PbSO4和PbS仍未溶解.

50 、He dissolved the sugar in a glass of milk.───他将糖溶解在一杯牛奶中。

51 、They dissolved their marriage.───他们已解除婚约。

52 、The Cabinet dissolved the Diet.───内阁解散了议会。

53 、You are trying to dissolve the crouton.─── 你正试图把脆面包片含化掉

54 、The old clear-cut certainties dissolved into an indeterminate haze.───从前那些历历在目的事实如今已化成了模糊的迷雾。

55 、The group dissolved in dissension within a few years.───不到几年,那团体因为内部不和而解散。

56 、His calm response dissolved her anger.───他平静的回答化解了她的怒气。

57 、The dream picture dissolved when she woke up.───她醒来时,梦中美景就消失了。

58 、The king dissolved parliament.───国王解散了议会。

59 、They dissolved the Parliament before a general election.───他们在普选前解散了议会。

60 、Having accomplished its mission, the Metrication Committee was dissolved in January 1998.───委员会终于完成使命,并已于一九九八年一月解散。

61 、A few capsules, dissolved in her drink.─── 将几颗胶囊 溶解在她的饮品里

62 、His Thai Rak Thai party was dissolved.───他的泰爱泰党被解散了。

63 、The dream picture dissolved away when she woke up.───她醒来时,梦中美景即消失了。

64 、Heat the gelatine until dissolved.───加热直到溶解。

65 、The dream picture dissolved away when she woke up .───她醒来时,梦中美景即消失了。

66 、Only a little part of plastic bags can be dissolved completely.───只有一小部份的塑料袋是可被彻底降解的.

67 、If this residue dissolves, it is arsenic.─── 如果残留物能溶解 就是砷化物了

68 、Put out of joint with his past life, turned out, dissolved.───和过去的生活脱了节,被撤了职,毁了。

69 、He dissolved the sugar in his tea.───他把糖放入茶里溶掉。

70 、That they were dissolved and then expelled up out of the ground.─── 他们被溶解了 然后被排泄到上面的地面上

71 、His body is thawing little by little, and mentality is being dissolved.───他的身体一点一点的被溶化,精神逐渐被瓦解。

72 、Weiwu of people gradually turned to Musilin or dissolved into indigene.───其居民或伊斯兰化或融入当地人群。

73 、Ice dissolved in the warm air.───冰在温暖的空气中融化了。

74 、She dissolved in a flood of tears.───她不禁泪如雨下。

75 、If still “gritty” with sugar, continue to whisk until sugar dissolved.───如果仍然有“多沙”的感觉,就得继续打发,直到糖完全融解为止。

76 、The Queen dissolved Parliament.───女王解散了国会。

77 、He dissolved the salt in water .───使盐在水中溶解。

78 、In fact, the legibility of the spring was dissolved only gradually.───事实上,易读的春天才逐渐解散。

79 、Add sugar and muddle until dissolved into lime juice.───加入原糖,搅拌至其融入青柠汁。

80 、After dialysis,Nef protein was dissolved in PBS.───Nef蛋白透析后溶解于PBS缓冲液中。

81 、Brander,” said Jennie, all her diffidence dissolved by sympathy.───她的一切羞怯都被同情溶解了。

82 、Then I'm gonna dissolve you in a sink.─── 然后我会在水槽里溶解你的尸体

83 、The relationship is dissolved, each comes to a parting of the ways.───关系被分解、各人达到了岔路口。

84 、The household with Willa was dissolved.───与威拉组成的家庭破裂了。

85 、Their marriage has finally been dissolved.───他们的婚姻最后还是以离婚告终。

86 、The flux is generally an organic salt dissolved in water and alcohol mixture.───助熔剂通常是一种溶于水和酒精中的有机盐混合物。

87 、that I... I wanted to dissolve the partnership.─── 我...我想和他解除合作伙伴关系

88 、Her control dissolved totally.───她的自我控制全部崩溃了。

89 、The lipid itself has been dissolved out in fixation.───切片制作中,组织在固定时脂滴物质已被溶解除去。

90 、Why am I signing? I'm dissolving it.─── 我为什么要签字 我要解散了



然而is verb+ed系一个格式用来确认系被动句.两者没有予盾. 另外那些followed前面省略了BE(is/am/are)

因为一句英文句子不可以多过一个动词.一句英文句子只可有一个动词.因此无晒IS/AM/ARE 如果多过一个动词那么句子便没有主要的重心

句子的动词系要表达作者心目中想表达的主要意思. 1.Most of the dissolved substance are salts.2.Distllation involves boiling of solution followed by condensation of vapour formed .绿色的字 为什么加-ed ?>>它们都系形容词. 试看看>> the girl is beautiful(形容词).就如the substance is dissolved(形容词). 当然可以写成 a beautiful girl & dissolved substance.如果是passive


are? 省略了而已

因为英文句子不可以多过一个动词.试看看>>Distllation involves boiling of solution_ are_followed by condensation of vapour_is_ formed . 这么句子便有很多动词. 根本很乱. 可能睇起上来仲难明. 因此一个句子只有一个动词.

Most of the dissolved substances are salts. OR Most of the substances (which can be) dissolved are salts. Distillation involves boiling of solution (which is) followed by the condensation of the vapour (which is) formed. According to grammar rules

the words in bracket are optional.

参考: iLang

they are correct. the verbs are not passive; they are adjectives simplified from phrases - to describe the state of the nouns that follow the verbs e.g. substance that is dissolved = dissolved substance vapour that is formed = vapour formed for "followed by"

it is a mon phrase. when you want to say the sequence of events goes like this: A --> B. you say: A followed by B. it me A is followed by B (but the "is" is omitted here)

参考: me


你应该是想说 salute!


英 [səˈluːt] 美 [səˈluːt]





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