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07-01 投稿




英:[ti:m]  美:[tim]

英:  美:


v.使相配, 使合作, 结成一队


n.队, 组


动词现在分词: teaming | 动词过去式: teamed | 动词第三人称单数: teams | 动词过去分词: teamed |


team up with

1. 与……合作

He didn't want to team up with anybody.



farm team
-[美](棒球联合总会属下培训球员的)棒球分会; 分会的棒球队
team up with
-[口]与...合作[配合, 协力从事]
scratch team
-临时凑成的球队; 乌合之众
full [whole] team
-[美口]有特别才能的人; 气力很大的人


project team
-项目研究小组; 攻关队伍
fielding team
complete team
mutual-aid team
repair team
-修理工组, 修理队
working team
production team
learning team
teaching team
research team
shift and team
economic(al) team
-经济顾问组, 经济咨询组
sound team
survey team
juvenile shock team
support team
-[英](地方教育当局任命的)流动代课教师组; 后进生教师小组
home team
guest team
inspection team
world champion team
second team
batting team
-击球队, 进攻队
chief programmer team
underwater demolition team
zero defect team
offending team
defending team
monitoring team
relay team
corrective action team
maintenance team
-保养组, 修理组
non-offending team
shunting team


1 、He's on my team, that's what the team is for.─── 他是我队上的人 球队就该这么做

2 、The Bull Team is made up of 15 players.───公牛队由十五个运动员组成。

3 、One team on the left, one team on the right, and one team on entry.─── 一队走左边 一队走右边 一队守住入口

4 、It was a happy day when our football team was victorious.───我们很高兴,我们的足球队获得了胜利。

5 、He supports the local team with a fever that borders in idolatry.───他是本地队的球迷,狂热得到了近乎盲目崇拜的程度。

6 、We came in as a team, we are going out as a team.─── 我们是一起的 始终要在一起

7 、I'm part of the team that team is on.─── 我要跟的队伍是走上正规的队伍

8 、The arrival of the national football team hit the headlines in the local press.───国家足球队的到来成为当地报纸的头条新闻。

9 、He scratched up a football team from various sources.───他从各方面找人拼凑成一支足球队。

10 、Many of the players are getting sluggish and what this team needs is some fresh blood.───很多队员渐渐变得动作迟缓了。这支队所需的是一些新鲜血液。

11 、He supports his local team with a fervour that borders on idolatry.───他是本地队的球迷,狂热得到了近乎盲目崇拜的程度了。

12 、The team went all to pieces after the other team had scored three goals.───在另一队踢进3个球后,这个队就垮下来了。

13 、Their team really whipped ours at volleyball.───他们的排球队彻底击败了我们队。

14 、The coach give the team a pep talk before the big game.───大赛之前,教练向队员讲话,给他们打气。

15 、Team or no team, you were supposed to have her back.─── 无论有没有后援队 你都应该保护她的

16 、He is a member of the varsity football team.───他是大学足球代表队的球员。

17 、He was pretty choked about being dropped from the team.───他因为队里未选用他而耿耿于怀。

18 、A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.───一组护士协助医生施行手术。

19 、She spurred on her team to try harder.───她鼓励她的一队人更努力地试着干下去。

20 、The crowd was at fever pitch when the home team scored a goal.───当主队踢进一球时,观众群情激昂。

21 、At the last moment, Tom hit the ball in and so ensure their team's victory.───在最后的关头,汤姆打进了一球,这样就确保了他们球队的胜利。

22 、We are not a team. I don't want you on my team.─── 我们不是一个团队 我不想跟你一个团队

23 、In the basket ball match, their team closed the rear.───在篮球比赛中,他们球队是最后一名。

24 、You won't make the team if you don't try out.───不参加选拔就不能加入这个队。

25 、In the default of one player we have to take the little boy as our team member.───因为缺乏一名运动员我们只好叫这个小男孩做我们的队员。

26 、The Sun Team was washed out in the first round.───太阳队在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了。

27 、The ground was packed out when our local team played its League Cup match.───当我们本地的球队争夺联赛杯时,场内座无虚席。

28 、John blew his top when his team was defeated in the match.───当他的球队在比赛中败北时,约翰大发脾气。

29 、The local team won (the match) hands down.───主队以悬殊比分垂手赢得(这场比赛的)胜利。

30 、Although we lost, we thought our team came out well.───尽管我们输了,但我们认为我们队表现很出色。

31 、The other team won the football game easily because our most skilful player was ordered off the field for fighting.───客队轻易地赢了足球比赛,因为我们队一名技术最好的球员因打架被罚下了场。

32 、We had to scrape the barrel to get a full team, and then we lost 6-1.───我们勉强凑成一个队,结果以6比1输了。

33 、The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory.───他们那一球进得漂亮,鼓舞了全队的士气夺取胜利。

34 、We're a team, and this team is all you'll ever need.─── 我们是个团队 你不需要其他的了

35 、He has a dual interest in the football team; he's the trainer and his son plays for them.───他跟那个足球队有双重关系,他是足球队教练,他的儿子是队员。

36 、He drives the team relentlessly.───他无情地鞭策全队苦练。

37 、A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two-yard line.───主队在球门线前的坚强防御使客队无法在两码之内使球触地得分。

38 、The members of the team always play fair, win or lose.───不论比赛是输是赢,那个队的队员总是规规矩矩的。

39 、After many victories, our team went out in the last part of the competition.───在比赛中,我们队节节胜利,可是在最后一轮却被淘汰了。

40 、They cheered loudly for their football team.───他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。

41 、The other team won the toss and put us in to bat.───另一个队掷钱币猜赢,因此我们轮到击球。

42 、The visiting team was too strong they walked all over us.───客队实力太强了--把我们打得一败涂地。

43 、Our team swept the board in the sports games.───我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。

44 、Our victory over a football team considerably inferior to our own was nothing to make a song and dance about.───我们打赢一个实力比我们差得远的足球队,是没有什么好大吹大擂的。

45 、Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.───安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。

46 、After six months training, the whole team is in superb form.───全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳。

47 、He's a useful member of the team.───他是该队的一名强手。

48 、We were two goals up (ie ahead of the other team) at half-time.───我们在上半场赢了(领先於对方)两个球。

49 、His little son is the mascot for the local football team.───他的小儿子是当地足球队的吉祥人物。

50 、The Cambridge team were too much for the Oxford team in the quiz.───在智力竞赛中,剑桥队远胜牛津队。

51 、The captain of the winning team get all the glory for the victory.───得胜队的队长因获胜而赢得全部荣誉。

52 、Football fever gripped the town when the local team reached the cup final.───在当地的足球队打进了优胜杯的决赛圈后,全市掀起一阵足球热。

53 、The third and fourth grade team up to decorate the gym for the party.───三、四年级的学生一起合作,为联谊会布置体育馆。

54 、He's the kingpin of the whole team.───他是全队的主力。

55 、it's your team and it should remain your team.─── 是你的团队 所以它还是应该属于你

56 、The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side.───俄罗斯队提出正式抗议,反对美国队的战术。

57 、The other team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half.───另一支球队控制了场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。

58 、Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.───他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。

59 、She's a good prospect for the British team.───她很有可能被选入英国队。

60 、They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.───他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。

61 、The chief negotiator keep the report secret from the rest of the government team.───主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的内容。

62 、His brother's example inspired him to try out for the football team.───他哥哥的榜样激励他去接受足球队的选拔测试。

63 、A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.───一个板球队由11名队员组成。

64 、She's part of the team. I don't have a team.─── 她也是团队的一员 我没有什么团队

65 、The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team.───全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋球队。

66 、It's an article of faith among West Indians that they have the best cricket team in the world.───在西印度群岛的人中有这样一个信条,即他们拥有世界上最强的板球队。

67 、We're rooting for the college baseball team.───我们在给学院的棒球队加油。

68 、So far as I know, our football team is more advanced than theirs.───就我所知,我们的足球队比他们的有实力。

69 、The team must hang together in spite of their many losses.───尽管失败多次,这个队一定要同心协力,抱成一团。

70 、Our team came off with flying colours I the football match.───在这次足球比赛中我们队大获全胜。

71 、He's been sulking for days about being left out of the team.───他嗔怪队里没要他,连日生著闷气。

72 、She earned her place in the team by training hard.───她由于刻苦训练而在队里取得了地位。

73 、Their team was eliminated in the first round.───他们队在第一轮就被淘汰了。

74 、She could not help showing her partiality towards her own team.───她禁不住流露出对自己球队的偏爱。

75 、There is an inert management team in our company.───我们公司的管理阶层死气沉沉。

76 、She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team.───她曾经是足球队上每个人的**。

77 、The home team lost to the visitors2 to3.───主队以二比三败于客队。

78 、He is a probable for the national team.───他很有可能被选入国家队。

79 、The choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary.───对队员的挑选似乎完全是主观决定的。

80 、I mean the team that protected its own, because that's what teams do.─── 我是指那个会保护成员的团队 因为团队就应该这样

81 、The home team rack up fifty points in the football game.───主队在那次足球赛中得到五十分。

82 、The host team won the game by a nose.───主队以微弱优势赢得比赛。

83 、The guest team won the game in a breeze.───客队毫不费力地赢得了比赛。

84 、He is a full back of our football team.───他是我们足球队中的后卫。

85 、He has put his shirt on his team winning the trophy.───他孤注一掷,赌自己的队一定能赢得锦标。

86 、Which football team do you support?───你支持哪个足球队?

87 、He boasted of being/boasted that he was the best player in the team.───他自夸是队里的最佳队员。

88 、The Brazilian team is regarded as unbeatable.───巴西队可以说是不可战胜的。

89 、The score was20-10 in the last inning, and our team had the game on ice.───上局积分是20比10, 我们队大有获胜的希望。

90 、The out-of-town team gave us a run for our money.───外地来的队和我们进行了激烈的竞赛。




一般来说,对TEAM最流行的解释是 Together Everyone Achieves More(在一起大家的收获都更多)。


T - trust 信任。

E - equality 平等。

A - acceptance 接纳。

M - meaningful 有意义。

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