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07-01 投稿




英:[?n'vest]  美:[?n?v?st]

英:  美:


v.投资, 投入


动词现在分词: investing | 形容词: investable | 动词第三人称单数: invests | 动词过去分词: invested | 动词过去式: invested | 名词: investor |


enable | empower | indue | supply | vest | advance | commission | capitalize | finance | seat | devote | put | arm | endue | venture | enthrone | commit | endow | gift | induct | place | provide | participate | put in | license | authorize | siege | adorn | clothe | stake




invest with
-把...授于(某人); 使(某物)带有...
-使笼罩着, ...被...所包围
invest in


1 、Invest heavily in training and mentoring.───加大培训和辅导方面的投资。

2 、What you invest in depends entirely on your needs.───你投资于什么要完全根据你的需要。

3 、Dalian, welcomes you to invest now!───到大连投资吧!

4 、Don't invest in products; invest in people.─── 应该投资的不是产品 而是人

5 、And what is it that you do for a living? I invest.─── 你到底是干哪一行的 投资

6 、She decided to invest in a fast - food franchise .───她决定投资经营快餐店。

7 、Schools invest the money to earn more.───学校会把这些钱拿来做投资以赚得更多的钱。

8 、He invest all his money in a chinese restaurant.───他倾其所有投资一家中国餐馆。

9 、You might lose money to invest in the project .───你在这项工程上投资,可能要损失钱。

10 、One way to invest is through mutual funds.───一种投资方法是购买共有基金。

11 、How much would you like to invest in this project,anyway?───中方准备出资多少?

12 、Did you invest in a new car?───你买了辆新车吗?

13 、After deliberation, he decided to invest his money in land.───在深思熟虑后,他决定投资买地。

14 、Hi-tech companies invest huge amounts of money into new projects.───各高科技公司投下巨额资金发展新项目。

15 、If you invest in that company, you'll burn your fingers.───如果你投资给那家公司,无异是自寻烦恼。

16 、Why should you invest in real estate in Bulgaria?───你为什么应该投资保加利亚的房地产业?

17 、They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project.───他们不想在这个项目上再增加投资。

18 、Thus, NVIDIA made the decision to invest 2,9 mln.───因此, NVIDIA公司已经决定投资2.9亿元。

19 、He show good judgment in deciding not to invest in the project.───他决定不对那项工程投资,这说明他的判断力很强。

20 、Please honor me with your vote, and I will lead the way, because it is time that we start investing in ourselves, and it is time that we start investing in our future.─── 请用你们的投票支持我 我会带领前路 因为我们该为自己投资了 我们该为自己的未来投资了

21 、Why Do People Invest In Them?───为什么人们投资股票?

22 、JVP-a venture capitalist will invest in China?───JVP的风险资金欲投谁家?

23 、If you invest in that company, you'll burn your fingers; its future is very uncertain.───如果你投资那家公司,你会亏本的,那家公司前途难卜。

24 、A small amount invest in gilt-edged stock.───对金边债券投资了一小笔资金。

25 、With the free flow of funds, foreign businessmen will invest there.───只要资金可以自由出入,外商就会来投资。

26 、Nations should invest in better energy infrastructure.───各国都应该投资建设更好的能源基础设施。

27 、People can invest money in land or mines.───人们可以投资金钱在土地或矿山。

28 、Most people invest in funds because of its low risk level.───大多数人投资基金是因为其较低的风险。

29 、But based on your goals, the investments you made and the investments you left behind to come to us we figured that was your sweet spot.─── 不过基于你的目标 你的投资记录 以及你打算留给我们来做的投资 我们推测这就是你需要的最佳组合

30 、Invest in a telephone headset for your office phone.───在你办公室的**机旁安装一个头戴式耳机。

31 、Swiss people invest in China.───中国投资业务。国际进出口业。

32 、How much do you plan to invest?───你方计划投资多少?

33 、If I were a tycoon, I would invest more money on e-commerce.───如果我是大款,我会投资很多资金在电子商务里。

34 、He showed good judgment in deciding not to invest in the project.───他决定不对那项工程投资,这说明他的判断力很强。

35 、Mr. Chow never told me to invest $2 billion in Dragon stock.───周先生从来没有叫我投资20亿元股票

36 、How do we beneficially invest the land-use right?───怎样投资土地使权才合算?

37 、As things are,I shall not invest any money in the coal mine.───在目前的情形下我不打算投资于煤矿工程。

38 、You should take care not to invest your money in bubble companies.───你应该小心,不要把钱投入泡泡公司。

39 、Why don't you invest in a phone call to find it out?───为什么不打个**问个究竟呢?

40 、And I might have invested some of their money into my highyield investment programme.─── 我可能把他们的一些钱 投资到了我的高收益投资项目里

41 、Nowadays some people invest their money in a safe stock.───今天许多人都把他们的钱投资于一种安全的股票。

42 、He invest a lot of time in trying to help retarded children.───他把大量时间化在设法帮助弱智儿童上。

43 、Your work is why I have invested in your portfolio and why I intend to invest more.─── 你的工作是我投资你生意的原因 也是我想要投资更多的原因

44 、Have you invest in Forex trading?───您有没有外汇投资经验?

45 、How does one invest in the bond market?───如何投资债券市场呢?

46 、You had better not invest so much money at your peril.───你最好不要冒险投资这么多。

47 、How much liquid capital do you have to invest?───您有多少流动资金可以用于投资?

48 、If you invest now, you will be buying at rock bottom. The shares are at their very lowest today.───如果你现在把钱投进去,你将以最低价买进,今天股票行市最低。

49 、He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.───他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。

50 、The advice to invest in those shares turned out to be a bum steer-their value has fallen steadily since I bought them.───买进那些股票的建议结果是错误的——自从我买进后,价格持续下跌。

51 、Geoffrey naturally jumped at the chance to invest in such a promising business.───对于这么有发展前途的生意,杰弗里当然是迫不及待地抓住机会来投资的。

52 、But people over 70 can still invest.───但是超过70岁的人可以继续投资。

53 、Invest it all in that company with the name Microsoft!───全部投到那个叫微软的公司。

54 、The rest of the money is invest in gilt.───其余的钱投资于金边证券。

55 、Do not invest in ventures that only appear to be lucrative.───不要盲目投资那些表面上有利可图的项目。

56 、Where To Invest In The World?───国际投资何处去?

57 、It would be to your disadvantage to invest in the project.───在这个工程上投资对你会十分不利。

58 、But I also know a lot of investors who hardly invest in stocks.───但我也认识许多投资者,他们几乎从不涉足股票。

59 、He selled his shop and invest the proceeds in a computer repair business.───他卖掉了他的商店,并将这笔收入投资于计算机修理业。

60 、BOT is a new kind of private invest.───bot是一种新型的私人直接投资方式。

61 、Why invest time and effort to build the girl up?───为什么要花时间和精力去培养这个女孩?

62 、Invest time and energy in friends and family !───对朋友和家人投注时间和精力。

63 、What capacity of production will you invest in?───你想投入什么能力的生产?

64 、So, what I do is I invest your money exactly the way I invest mine.─── 我做的事情就是 我怎么投资自己的钱 就怎么投资你的

65 、It will be to your disadvantage to invest in the project.───你在这项工程上投资,可能要吃亏。

66 、A: How do you know how to invest your money?───你怎么知道要如何理财?

67 、These are investments that we all benefit from.─── 我们所有人都从这些投资中受益

68 、Would you invest in this industry?───你会在这行业投资吗?

69 、If I ever invest in china,I'll ask you to be my consultant.───假如真有一天我到中国投资,我要请你当我的顾问。

70 、Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing.───如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。

71 、They intended to invest hugely in new technology.───他们打算在新技术方面投入大量资金。

72 、Don't invest in things you don't understand.───别投资你一窍不通的玩意儿。

73 、Level of funds available to invest in the CALFARME business?───可投资佳芳的资金是多少?

74 、He wants to invest in stock.───他想投资股票。

75 、It shall not invest in more than one auto financing company; and.───同一企业法人不得投资一个以上的汽车金融公司。

76 、He will invest in a new company.───他将对一家新公司投资。

77 、That money isn't yours! I invested it.─── 那笔钱不是你的 钱拿去投资了

78 、One can hardly imagine a better place to invest.───人们恐怕难以想象其它更好的地方来投资。

79 、He has invest his spare capital in a computer shop.───他已将其闲置资金投资于一个计算机商店。

80 、The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.───国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。

81 、He refuses to invest in companies without a good social record.───他拒绝向那些社会记录不佳的公司投资。

82 、Eg. Spread the risk. Don't just invest in one thing.───分散风险,不要只投资一样。

83 、He invest all his money in a shop.───他将所有的钱投资于商店。

84 、How much do you intend to invest?───您打算投资多少?

85 、You will be unwise to invest your savings all on stock .───如果您把积蓄全部用来购买股票那就不明智了。

86 、I'm not investing in the code, I'm investing in you.─── 我不是投资这个程序 我是在投资你

87 、It is possible to make some money if you invest wisely.───如果你投资明智的话,你是可能赚些钱的。

88 、To enlist(a person or persons) or invest(capital) in an enterprise.───使从事,投资于列出(一人或多个人)的名单或向企业投(资本)

89 、Ive decided to invest in a new car.───中文:我已决定买一辆新汽车。

90 、Where should we invest or divest in production capacity?───在生产能力方面我们应该投资在哪里?


invest 作不及物动词用时,介词用 in:invest in。


invest in 投资;买进;寄希望于

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