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07-01 投稿




英:[plu:?t??n??m]  美:[plu:?to?n??m]

英:  美:




简写符号: Pu |


1 、A radioisotope thermal generator could provide electricity using heat from plutonium decay, but NASA is leaning against this option because it is expensive and controversial.───另一个提供电力的方法,是利用钸元素衰变放热而生电的放射性同位素热电源,但NASA并不属意这项方案,因为它既昂贵又具争议性。

2 、international plutonium storage───国际钚储存

3 、We're about to have our very own plutonium factory.─── 我们即将拥有自己的钚工厂

4 、North Korea has shut down and is in the process of disabling the Yongbyon reactor complex that produced the plutonium for the nuclear weapon it tested in 2006.───北韩已经关闭同时也在进行拆除宁边核反应堆的工作。北韩2006年进行核武器试验用的钸就是在这里生产的。

5 、Two old plutonium disposal plants damaged at once by some unestablished reason.───两个遗留有钋的星球被一些不明原因突然破坏。

6 、It is possible to use a plutonium foil as a filter to remove the second-order contamination.───可用钚箔作为过滤器消除二级干扰。

7 、The age--dependent metabolic modelsin organ and/or body of Tritium, Iodine--131, Caesium--137, radioactive Strontium,Radium and Plutonium were reported.───已报道了氚、碘-131、铯-137、放射性锶,镭和钚等核素与年龄有关的在体内器官的代谢模型。

8 、The effect of external electric field of excited states for Plutonium dihydride[J].───引用该论文 谢安东,蒙大桥,罗德礼,马美仲,朱正和.

9 、So unseparated plutonium in spent fuel poses a far smaller risk of ending up in the wrong hands.───就算用过燃料中未分离的钸落入坏人之手,所造成的风险也小得多。

10 、There has been a parallel argument about the lax stock-taking procedures for plutonium.───与此同时,还有一种关于钚的仓库盘点程序不严的观点。

11 、UNSC CENTCOM had sent nukes, launched from Slipspace, but plutonium emitted an aura of Cherenkov radiation upon reentering normal space, making all the stealth coatings and lead linings useless.───UNSC司令部曾经从断层空间发送过核武器,但在重返正常空间时,钚发出的切伦科夫辐射使辉光所有的**涂层和铅衬层失效。

12 、Over the next two decades, India began to construct and operate nuclear reactors, mine uranium, fabricate fuel and extract plutonium.───在随后的20年中,印度开始建立和运行核反应堆,开采铀,制造核燃料和堤取钚。

13 、After you have fuel, and then go to the plutonium storage, and finally reach the reactor and rescue in the region.───你先要经过燃料库,然后去到钚储存仓库,最后终于达到反应堆和拯救该区域。

14 、It deals mainly with North Korea's production of plutonium, concentrated at its Yongbyon facility.───北韩的清单主要涉及北韩在宁边的设施生产金属钸的情况。

15 、More than two tons of this plutonium isotope were generated within the Oklo deposit.───在欧克陆矿床中,有超过两公吨的钸同位素形成。

16 、Gallucci, who is now dean of Georgetown Universitys School of Foreign Service, says one priority is to find out whether North Korea has as much plutonium as it says it does.───加卢奇目前是美国乔治敦大学外交学院院长。他说,首先需要解决的一个问题是确认北韩是否拥有他们自己所说的那么多的金属钸。

17 、The computer simulation model for the separation of uranium and plutonium using the electro reduction pulsed column was established.───建立了电还原脉冲柱分离铀钚的模拟计算模型,提出了该模型的数值计算算法。

18 、The aftertreatment includes the metal all round eliminate lack fuel to cover case, fuel of deliquescent in hot acid lack, depart uranous, plutonium and trash chemistry again next.───后处理包括除去乏燃料四周的金属套壳 ,在热酸中溶解乏燃料 ,然后再将铀、钚和废物化学分离。

19 、Iran says it is fiddling with uranium and plutonium to produce more electricity.───伊朗轻描淡写的说利用铀和钚可以更多发电。

20 、Test Method for Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry───控制电势库仑法测定钚的试验方法

21 、Is plutonium in I thinking that news says a nuclear weapon, that Nature is nonexistent , is to refine out just now with the centrifugal machine , the gravity keeping apart?───我看新闻说核武器中的钚,是自然界不存在的,是用离心机,隔离地球引力才提炼出来的?

22 、Plan to do not have legitimate reason and corresponding social benefit to plutonium of L WR proceed departs and execute MOX fuel.───为 L WR继续进行钚分离和实行 MOX燃料计划没有正当的理由及相应的社会效益。

23 、You want your plutonium, this is the price.─── 你想要拿到钚核 这就是代价

24 、Gunner talked like a peacenik but Trout knew “Plutonium Jack” would never hesitate to pull the nuclear trigger if he had to.───刚纳说起话来真很像那帮成天搞反战示威的人,但陶特清楚,只要需要,这个"钚杰克"绝对会眼也不眨地按下核按钮。

25 、Like Galileo, Cassini is powered by the natural decay of the radioactive element plutonium, which generates heat that is then converted to electricity.───如同伽利略号,卡西尼号的能源来自放射性元素钸的自然衰变,产生热后再转换成电。

26 、A longer-term option could involve recycling all the transuranics (plutonium is one example of a transuranic element), perhaps in a so-called fast reactor.───一种比较长远的做法是,在再次循环中使用所有的超铀元素(钸就是一种超铀元素),可能会用在快中子反应器里。

27 、North Korea now saying they will weaponize all of their plutonium, also saying they will enrich uranium.───并称将收集国家所有的钚来增大铀的产量。

28 、If Iran agreed to halt its uranium and plutonium activities, and America agreed not to attack, might that open the way to direct talks that could help finesse the nuclear problem for good?───如果伊朗同意停止提炼铀和钚的活动,而美国也同意不发动攻击,或是打开直接谈判的大门,也许会把这个核问题化害为利。

29 、On the other hand, to 1996 till the end of the year, japan is in abroad already of the aftertreatment but fission plutonium about 10.5 ton, these plutonium still stay in abroad.───另一方面 ,到 1996年年底为止 ,日本在国外已后处理的可裂变钚大约 10 .5吨 ,这些钚仍留在国外。

30 、one tonne of plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel───从废核燃料中提取的一吨

31 、These names come from the fact that the source of energy the nucleus,or core,of the atom,Nuclear fuels much as plutonium and uranium give off heat energy when fission occurs.───当核燃料,例如钋和铀,发生核裂变时释放出热能(这些燃料中原子发生分裂)。

32 、Catalyzed electrolytic plutonium oxide issolution───催化电解溶解钚的氧化物

33 、plutonium reprocessing programme───对钚进行后期处理的项目

34 、Possessed enough plutonium for one or two nuclear weapons───拥有足够制造一至两枚核武的钸

35 、The Yongbyon facilities include a5 MW graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor, including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium.───宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦的石墨慢化反应堆以及后处理厂在内的一些已用乏燃料(过的核燃料后处理)处理设施,还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取的设备。

36 、Pyongyang has already closed one plutonium reactor, but there are now fears it may also be pursuing uranium enrichment.───平壤已经关闭了一个钚反应器,但是当心他们会继续研究铀能源。

37 、From now on, I'm the only one who touches the plutonium.─── 从现在起 只有我可以接触钚


39 、Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, in commenting Iran's true intention to start working on a 40-megawatt heavy water reactor that will make plutonium.───伊朗开始建造一40兆瓦的重水反应堆,以生产钚元素。威斯康辛核武器控制项目主任米尔赫林就其真正意图作了上述评析。

40 、Those who possess a source of plutonium shall register it at the AEC.───其持用者,应向原子能委员会登记。

41 、Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium───危险的辐射物从钚放射出。

42 、tricyclopentadienyl-nicotine plutonium───三(环戊二烯)**钚

43 、The escape of neutrons occurs at the exterior of the uranium(or plutonium)material.───中子的逸漏发生于铀(或钚)块的外表面。

44 、If the Russians can get the "foreign aid" to dispose of their excess Plutonium from the PRC, then Congress won't have to supply it.───如果俄罗斯能够从中国获得“外援”以处理他们过剩的钚,那么国会不会被迫满足俄的要求。

45 、In this paper the power flow, tritium and plutonium fuel cycle and the possibility of earlier application of the hybrid reactor as fusion energy source have been introduce briefly.───对惯性约束混合堆的功率循环,氚钚生产的燃料循环和混合堆作为聚变能源的前期应用的可能性作了简要的介绍。

46 、North Korea has taken significant steps toward stopping and disabling its means of plutonium production under the terms of a deal reached early last year.───北韩按照去年初达成的协议条款,采取有力步骤向中止并废弃金属钸生产设施迈进。

47 、But a stronger impact could have sent both subs and their crews to the bottom and possibly dispersed plutonium into surrounding waters.───但更强烈的冲击可能会把潜艇和船员一起送到海底,并且把钚混进周围的海水里。

48 、Four years ago, President George Bush urged the NSG to bar the sale of uranium and plutonium technologies to any country that at the time did not already possess “full-scale, functioning” plants.───四年前,美国总统乔治布什迫切要求核供应集团禁止向那些暂时未拥有“全能性核处理工厂”的国家提供铀和钚的处理技术。

49 、One possible method of measurement of isotopic composition and mass for plutonium is discussed and its feasibility in theory is demonstrated by the MCNP4B package in this paper.───摘要利用MCNP4B程序,通过一个实例探讨了钚的同位素成分及总质量测量的理论可行性。

50 、The rest of the spent fuel is made of hot fission products (3.4 percent) and long-lived actinides such as plutonium (1 percent).───剩下的核废料是由炽热的裂变产物(占3.4%)和诸如钚元素等衰败期极长的锕系元素(占1%)。

51 、Iranian state media reports Monday's inspection of the Arak facility took five hours. The facility will produce plutonium once it is completed.───伊朗国家媒体报导说,星期一对阿拉克设施的查看进行了5个小时.这座核设施建成后将生产钸。

52 、Abstract The extraction of americium,plutonium and uranium by dicyclohexano 18 crown 6(DCH18C6)/1 octanol from HNO 3 solution and simulated HLLW are studied.───摘要 研究了二环己基18 冠6(DCH18C6)-正辛醇从硝酸溶液和模拟高放废液中镅、钚、铀的萃取。

53 、Processing of spent fuel with high burn-up should take special measure in order to avoid heavy radiolytic degradation of the solvent and the criticality of plutonium.───当处理高燃耗的乏燃料时,应采取特别措施,以避免造成溶剂的严重辐解和钚的临界问题。

54 、The other is to reprocess plutonium -- the method chosen by North Korea.───北韩选择的是第二种方法。

55 、plutonium sulphate tetrahydrate───四水合硫酸钚

56 、If we mankind could ever get to Mars, we might first of all use plutonium to heat up the planet to a more earth-like temperature so as to make it suitable for humans to live on.───如果我们人类一旦登上火星,就可能首先用钚来把火星加热到更像地球的温度,以使火星能适合人类居住。

57 、According to the BBC, the United Nations nuclear monitors, said Vienna's Sebo Seibersdorf laboratory in the south of plutonium in the rising pressure of the leak occurred, a store between pollution.───据英国广播公司报道,联合国核监督人员说,维也纳南部的塞波斯多夫实验室的钚元素在压力不断增高的情况下发生泄漏,污染了一个储存间。

58 、Analysts say that would allow the reclusive Communist state to extract plutonium from the reactor's fuel rods - giving it additional fuel with which to build nuclear weapons.───分析家说那些隐蔽的共产主义国家可以从反应堆的能量棒上提取钚,这样可以提供额外的能量来建立核武器。

59 、No one comes between you and that plutonium.─── 绝不能让任何人阻止你拿到钚核

60 、You have no idea what we'll find out when the plutonium arrives.─── 你不知道等钚到了之后 我们能发现什么

61 、It has shut down, and is well along in the process of permanently disabling, the reactor complex at Yongbyon from which it derived the plutonium for its small arsenal of nuclear weapons.───北韩已经关闭宁边核反应堆,并且正按照进程,达成这个核反应堆的永久终止运转。北韩拥有一个小型的核武军火库,平壤通过宁边核反应堆生产发展核武所需要的钸。

62 、plutonium bearing fuel assembly───含钚燃料组件

63 、President Bush has said he welcomes North Korea's recent declaration of its plutonium enrichment activities, and the destruction of the cooling tower at its Yongbyon reactor.───在首尔,布什将同李明博讨论安全和金融问题。

64 、Reprocessing can potentially recover up to 95% of the remaining uranium and plutonium in spent nuclear fuel, putting it into new mixed oxide fuel.───再处理过程能够在燃烧核燃料时消耗大约95%残留的铀和钚,形成新的氧化物核燃料。

65 、Director branch did not save the complete detailed list of the trash inside shaft, do not be clear about the plutonium in trash and uranous exact content so.───主管部门没有保存竖井内废物的完整清单 ,所以不清楚废物中钚和铀的确切含量。

66 、I'd give him all the plutonium he wants.─── 他要多少钚材料我就给多少

67 、It also submitted a declaration of its nuclear activities, limited mainly to Yongbyon's plutonium production.───北韩也递交了一份核活动清单,主要是关于宁边的钸制造。

68 、It threatens to rebuild Yongbyon and start making weapons-grade plutonium again.───它威胁说要重建宁边核设施并重新开始制造武器级别的钋。

69 、However, the actual weight of uranium or plutonium in such a weapon is greater than this amount.───可是,在一枚那样的核武器中,铀或钚的实际重量要比这个数字大得多。

70 、He said there has been progress, noting North Korea's recent declaration of its plutonium enrichment activities and the destruction of the cooling tower at its Yongbyon reactor.───布什说:“我无法预测北韩**如何决策。我不知道他会怎样做。但是我知道,解决这个问题的最好方式是其他五个国家步调完全一致。”

71 、North Korea officials said they were enriching uranium and would weaponize all plutonium, according to KCNA, the state-run North Korean news agency.───“不管美国如何试图采取何种制裁和封锁,北韩恃核而骄,将更不退缩。”

72 、Both sides are expressing concern over North Korean statements on Friday that Pyongyang is continuing to extract plutonium from spent nuclear fuel for material useable in weapons.───博斯沃思从星期五一直在韩国首都逗留,同包括韩国的首席核谈判代表魏圣洛以及统一部长官在内的官员举行了一系列会谈。

73 、"I know for sure that North Korea has the plutonium that they need for a nuclear weapon," he said.───埃尔巴拉迪说,“我敢肯定地说,北韩拥有制造核武器的钸。

74 、pressed plutonium oxide (PPO)───压制过的氧化钚

75 、He'll be taking over the investigation into the missing plutonium.─── 他会接管调查 寻找失踪的钚

76 、Catalyzed Electrolytic Plutonium Oxide Dissolution───催化电解法溶解钚的氧化物

77 、But the large aftertreatment that no matter the plutonium of which kinds of form asks to use to have strict screen,reclaims factory.───但回收无论哪种形式的钚都要求利用一个有严格屏蔽的大型后处理厂。

78 、North Korea's plutonium program has been by far its largest nuclear effort over many decades, and we believe our policy could verifiably get the regime out of the plutonium-making business.───北韩的钚项目是其几十年来最大规模的核项目,远远超过其他任何项目。我们相信,我们的政策能够以可核实的方式使北韩政权不再生产钚。

79 、The Yongbyon facilities include a 5MW graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor, including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium.───宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦的石墨慢化反应堆以及后处理厂在内的一些已用乏燃料(烧过的核燃料后处理)再处理设施,还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取的设备。

80 、China's main nuclear weapons design facility lies nearby in Mianyang and its main facility for processing plutonium for nuclear weapons in Guangyuan. The quake damaged both cities.───中国主要的核武器设计设施位于绵阳附近,而核武器用钚的处理设施则位于广元。地震对以上两个地区都造成了破坏。

81 、Sugar sugar, which is not exactly plutonium.─── 糖 糖 就是 糖可不是钚

82 、low-enriched uranium and plutonium───低浓缩铀和钚

83 、But first Iran must freeze uranium work at today's level and, if talks progress, suspend its uranium and plutonium effort.───不过前提是伊朗必须在现有基础上冻结铀浓缩技术,如果会谈取得进展,伊朗则需中止铀和钚浓缩的努力。

84 、The detector can been used to determine the burnup, cooling time and the contents of whole plutonium and whole fission material in spent fuel assemblies of the PWR and BWR types at a reprocessing and storage facility.───叉形探测器可用于后处理和贮存工厂中PWR和BWR型的乏燃料组件的燃耗、冷却时间、总钚和总裂变物质含量的测定。

85 、He used her to squeeze the plutonium out of you.─── 他利用她从你这里设法获得钚材料

86 、Produce and use of MOX fuel make the imposition of American taxpayer pay possibly still far outclass the imposition solidify of the plutonium in trash.───MOX燃料的生产和使用还可能使美国纳税人缴纳的税款远远高于将废物中钚固化的税款。

87 、Their next goal is to create element 120 by beaming iron atoms (26 protons) at a plutonium target (which has 94 protons).───他们的下一个目标是创造120号元素,使用铁原子(26个质子)轰击钚(94个质子)。--钚(读音:布)。

88 、I'll give him all the plutonium he wants.─── 他要多少钚材料我就给多少

89 、Analysis of Sub-picogram Plutonium by Isotope Mass Spectrometry───亚皮克量级钚的质谱分析技术

90 、plutonium 238 fueled pacemaker───238钚原子能起搏器



以浙江大学为例,根据《浙江大学本科生第二课堂学分管理办法》第五条 根据《关于制订 2006—2008 级本科专业培养方案和指导性教学计划的原则意见》(浙大发教[2006]1 号)规定,本科学生在完成必修、选修和实践教学环节学分外,必须修读第二课堂活动至少 4 个学分方能毕业。



钚(Plutonium ),原子序数为94,元素符号是Pu,是一种具放射性的超铀元素。半衰期为24万5千年。它属于锕系金属,外表呈银白色,接触空气后容易锈蚀、氧化,在表面生成无光泽的二氧化钚。













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