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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


adj.珊瑚的, 珊瑚色的



True coral needs no painter's brush.


hermatypic coral
brain coral
single-zoned coral
stony coral
honeycomb coral
dusty coral
fan coral
horny coral


1 、During the night customers are served by the nearby Hotel Estrella Coral.───如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

2 、The son remarked, @It looks like a piece of coral to me.───儿子说:“在我看来那像是一块珊瑚。”

3 、Congratulate on coral become second edition owner,district of IQ area.───恭喜呀珊成为IQ区第二位板主。

4 、More worryingly, sponges, seaweeds and centuries-old coral are destroyed.───更让人担心的,海棉、海草和数世纪才生长出来的珊瑚同样也受到损害。

5 、It is reported that the coral reefs are being destroyed.───据报道,珊瑚礁正遭受破坏。

6 、Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of.───城堡的墙是用珊瑚砌成的,它那些哥特式的长窗是琥珀做成的。

7 、Single-semidouble white pansy/ variable coral patches.───单瓣到半重瓣的白色堇型花,变异时有珊瑚色的斑块。

8 、From Bali to Cali -- far beneath the Coral Sea.───从巴厘岛到卡利--在深深的珊瑚海之下。

9 、The sediment itself is the result of the erosion of the coral skeletons from high above, but also from the remains of coral that parrot fish have munched and excreted and it's slowly drifting down here.─── 沉淀物本身就是 遥远上方的珊瑚虫骨架中腐蚀剥落的 还有被鹦嘴鱼咀嚼和排泄的珊瑚残骸 它们慢慢沉到这里

10 、The so-called coral is actually a bubble, just foam, looks like coralliform.───所谓珊瑚本质上是泡沫,只是泡沫堆积在一路,看上去好像是珊瑚状。

11 、Pacific Islanders are losing coral atolls beneath rising seas.───太平洋岛民因为逐渐上升的海面而失去环珊瑚区;

12 、However, coral and shellfish can be destroyed by heavy boats.───不过,珊瑚及贝壳类,可以被人破坏重型改装的。

13 、Kevin went snorkeling in Kenting to see the beautiful coral.───凯文到垦丁浮潜,看到了美丽的珊瑚礁。

14 、A New Ceramide from the Soft Coral Lobophytum sp.───中的一个新的神经酰胺。

15 、Maybe in five years or so, we will be allowed to place those corals onto a real reef, a disturbed reef and test that and use these selectivelybred corals will be able to restore that reef faster.─── 可能五年后 我们就能把这些珊瑚 植入到真正的珊瑚礁中 被破坏的珊瑚礁中 并进行试验 然后这些选择育种的珊瑚 就能更快地修复好那片珊瑚礁

16 、A humpback whale mother and calf embark on an epic journey from tropical coral paradises to storm ravaged polar seas.───一头母座头鲸带着她的幼鲸开始了一场从热带天堂般的珊瑚海开始的远行,她们的目的地,是布满惊涛骇浪的极地大洋。

17 、Like coral insects multitudinous, the minutes are what of our life is made.───就像无以计数的珊瑚虫那样,我们的一生是由分分秒秒构成的。

18 、Living on a coral reef is a bit like living in a tanning bed.───在珊瑚礁中生存有点象生活在美黑床的光线照射下一样。

19 、Semidouble medium coral star/ thin raspberry band, white edge.───半重瓣花,星型,中珊瑚色/的红梅子色边,白色镶边。

20 、Nature red coral bead necklace.───天然红珊蝴项链。

21 、Like coral incects multitudinous, the minutes are what of our life is made.J.───就像无以计数的珊瑚虫那样,我们的一生是由分分秒秒构成的。英国女作家英格洛

22 、In the Pacific Ocean there are many coral atolls that ringlike islands.───太平洋中有许多环状的珊瑚岛屿。

23 、So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view.───当你说你想看到这个海洋的景色的时候。

24 、Kiessling said the study offeredextra incentive to protect coral reefs.───基斯林说,该研究提供了更多保护珊瑚的动机。

25 、The serene blues and greens of a coral reef blend in with waters off Australia.───意译:这平静的蓝绿色调和的珊瑚礁在澳大利亚水域之外。

26 、The coral gardeners monitor the reef, looking for corals that need a helping hand.─── 珊瑚园丁负责照料珊瑚礁 寻找着需要帮助的珊瑚

27 、Studies on the Secondary Metabolites of the Soft Coral Lobophyton sp.───中的次生代谢产物研究。

28 、Red coral tree brooch Red coral tree brooch.───天然红珊瑚枝,用台玉和珊瑚点缀,富有中国红的传统特色。

29 、From Bali to Cali- far beneath the Coral Sea.───从印尼巴厘岛到哥伦比亚卡利,穿过(大利亚的)瑚海。

30 、But they are under attack from the coraleating starfish.─── 但它们现在遭到了捕食珊瑚的海星攻击

31 、One coral wall can hold more phyla than an entire continent.───一个珊瑚墙能控制许多的类群比全部的大陆。

32 、All right,we`ll name this half Marlin Junior and then this half Coral Junior.───好吧,我们把这一半叫做小莫林,这一半叫做小卡萝.

33 、She put coral paint in the panels of the Strawberry Hill Gothic hall.───她把珊瑚画放在草莓山哥特式走廊墙上的镶板中。

34 、He lay on a coral beach where the cocoanuts grew down to the mellow- sounding surf.───他躺在珊瑚礁的海滩上,那儿的椰树低垂到涛声轻柔的海面,一艘古船的残骸燃烧着,闪出蓝色的火苗。

35 、Spruance had been bemoaning the way they had missed the Coral Sea battle.───斯普鲁恩斯对他们没有赶上参加珊瑚海之战一事表示惋惜。

36 、Palmate antlers;palmate coral.───掌状的鹿角;掌状的珊瑚

37 、I was going to wear a coral dress.───我将穿着珊瑚色的连衣裙。

38 、Rennell,86 km long x15 km wide, is the largest raised coral atoll in the world.───伦内尔岛长八十六公里,宽十五公里,是世界上最大的上升珊瑚环礁。

39 、A tiny, striped coral snake slithers past my boot.───一种小小的、有条纹的银环蛇从我靴子上匆匆滑过。

40 、You can change the structure of coral to change the creatures' direction.───你能够把珊瑚的结构变成变化生物。

41 、A coral reef may build up to the surface of the tropical ocean.───在热带海洋,珊瑚礁可一直筑到海面。

42 、Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow.───我们成长着,如同被大海撞击的珊瑚礁。

43 、Actually, the term coral is much broader and refers to most of the animals in the class Hydrozoa of the Phylum Cnidaria.───其实珊瑚一词所指的动物甚多,包括大多数属珊瑚虫纲及数动属水螅虫纲的刺胞动物。

44 、Paya, Berjaya, Tropical coral inn, etc...───北边的海滩稍微好点。

45 、Two New Steroidal Saponins from the Soft Coral Cladiella sp.───中两个新孕甾醇苷的分离。

46 、None of these creatures would be here were it not for the coral.─── 没有珊瑚 这些生物不可能在这里生存

47 、In our country southern foreland, the habit of useful coral calcine.───在我国南方沿海地区,都有用珊瑚烧成石灰的习惯。

48 、Semidouble medium coral star/thin raspberry band, white edge.───半重瓣花,星型,中珊瑚色/细的红梅子色边,白色镶边。

49 、Kate is wearing a coral necklace.───凯特戴著一条珊瑚项炼。

50 、A group of fish swims by a pristine coral reef along East Timor's East coast.───一群鱼儿游经东帝汶东岸的原始珊瑚礁。

51 、Underwater signs along this 225-yard trail identify coral reef life.───全长两百二十五码,沿途有海底告示牌介绍珊瑚礁生态。

52 、Like coral insects multitudinous. The minutes are whereof our life is made.───就象无以计数的珊瑚虫那样,我们的一生是由分分秒秒构成的。

53 、Coral and sea anemones are in the same family of stinging invertebrates.───意译:珊瑚的图片集。珊瑚和海葵是相似的家庭的有刺的无脊椎动物。

54 、He wore a suit and tie, she a coral knit dress.───他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。

55 、True coral needs no painter's brush.───[谚]真珊瑚不用上红漆(本质好的东西无需装饰)。

56 、Coral reefs are troves of the sea.───暗沙是海洋中的宝藏。

57 、It is also good for protection against coral cuts, jelly fish stings.───同时这种紧身衣裤又可以防止被珊瑚刮伤和被水母蛰到。

58 、Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about.───卡萝,亲爱的,我们在说我们的孩子们。

59 、And we also sell coral beads by kilo, then it can save you money.───我们也出售珊瑚珠,由基洛,那么它可以助您节省金钱。

60 、As the boy went out the door and down the worn coral rock road he was crying again.───孩子出了门,顺着那磨损的珊瑚石路走去,他又在哭了。

61 、Patterns and processes of brachyuran crab settlement to Caribbean coral reefs.───新竹香山潮间带的螃蟹。

62 、Double stars twinkle with Moon Coral earing,focus on red coral bead!───双星捧月珊瑚水钻银耳钉,耳钉款,银镀白。表现珊瑚的焦点!

63 、She was trifling with a string of coral beads which her mother had just given her.───她正在玩耍一串她母亲刚才给她的珊瑚珠琏。

64 、In the Pacific Ocean there are many coral atolls that are ring like islands.───在太平洋中,有许多如岛屿般成环形排列的环状珊瑚礁。

65 、When you went down the face of a coral reef, you could see how corals fed, how they fought each other, how they reproduced and still, we're only just scratching the surface.─── 当你潜到水下观察珊瑚礁表面时 你能看到珊瑚是如何进食 如何互相打斗 如何繁殖 然而我们仍然只知皮毛

66 、A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau.───在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。

67 、Semidouble coral star/ raspberry fantasy, band; thin white-green edge.───半重瓣珊瑚色星形花,梅子色喷点宽镶边,细的白绿色细边。

68 、A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea.───巴布亚湾珊瑚海的一个位于新几内亚东南岸的大海湾

69 、Wreathed by coral reefs, Bora-Bora is the sunken remnant of an extinct volcano.───意译:鸟瞰岛屿在自然界的模式。由珊瑚礁环绕盘旋,宝来-宝来是沉没的残迹一个灭绝的火山。

70 、The scuba diver submerged and swarm toward a coral reef.───戴着呼吸器的潜水员潜入水底,朝珊瑚礁游了过去。

71 、Brotherhood shop at Vesit Delurna Coral.───有兄弟会商店。

72 、From Bali to Cali - far beneath the Coral Sea.───从印尼巴厘岛到哥伦比亚卡利,穿过(澳大利亚的)珊瑚海。

73 、S/ s-d coral red pansy, darker fantasy. Variegated.───单瓣到半重瓣的珊瑚红色堇型花,有深色的喷点。斑叶。

74 、Each of these tanks contains a miniature coral reef with the same species of coral.─── 每一个这样的水缸都装着一块缩小的珊瑚礁 里面的珊瑚种类都是一样的

75 、Butterfly brooch by Coral and Jade, Coral and Jade is honorable among Chinese, and butterfly bring loves!───典型的中国式首饰设计,蝴蝶是代表美的化身,用翡翠做成身体,银镀白,间镶嵌水钻。为职业套装和礼服配饰首选,体现高贵的风格。

76 、Structure Characterization of the Secondary Metabolites from the Soft Coral Sinularia sp.───中次生代谢产物的结构鉴定。

77 、The other was a gold coral, called Gerardia.───另一种是黄金礁,叫Gerardia。

78 、Single-semidouble chimera vivid coral star/ purple stripe, fantasy.───单瓣到半重瓣的星形缟花,亮眼的珊瑚色外缟,深紫色内缟及喷点。

79 、Have you ever seen a coral reef? Have you ever seen starfish, sea horses or seaweed? They are beautiful.───你看过珊瑚礁吗?你曾见过海星、海马或海草吗?他们很美。

80 、Coral, she doesn't want your family history.─── 寇儿 她对你的家族史不感兴趣

81 、He was amazed at all the colourful coral reefs, and all the beautiful fish.───他被五颜六色的珊瑚礁和各种美丽的鱼迷住了。

82 、The island has pristine reefs, and so far800 different species of coral have been identified off the coast.───岛上有原始的珊瑚礁,截至目前为止,外海已确认的珊瑚礁品种更有八百种。

83 、Just a two-hour trek from Australia's Queensland coast lies the largest coral reef system in the world.───在离澳大利亚昆士兰海岸两小时路程的地方,有世界上最大的珊瑚礁系。

84 、It is the largest coral formation in the world and is visible from space!───它是全世界最大的珊瑚结构,即使在太空中也看得到!

85 、A partly bleached coral reef is blindingly white next to healthy coral.───一部分珊瑚礁被漂白,白色的另一个是健康的珊瑚。

86 、Coral, this conversation is between you and me.─── 寇儿 现在是我在跟你说话

87 、Orange pulpy soft coral vacillates in the western Pacific Ocean.───意译:珊瑚:在自然界模式。橙色浆状的软珊瑚犹豫在西太平洋。

88 、Big waves hammered at the coral reef.───大浪不断冲击着那珊瑚礁。

89 、My wife will love this jade necklace. And these coral earrings my daughter are so pretty.───我太太会爱死这条镶玉的项链,还有给我女儿的珊瑚耳环真是漂亮。

90 、And it wasn't any propeller. It wasn't any coral reef.─── 既不是螺旋桨 也不是暗礁










海星 starfish、珊瑚 coral、螃蟹 crab、章鱼 octopus、龙虾 lobster、贝类 shell、鲨鱼 shark、海参 sea slug、乌贼 cuttlefish、虾子 prawn、海豚 dolphin、金鱼 gold fish、白带鱼 hair tail fish、牡蛎 oyster、珊瑚coral、海胆sea urchin、虾shrimp、水母jellyfish、海马sea horse、乌贼cuttlefish、章鱼octopus、魟鱼ray、鲸whale、海星starfish。

1、海星 starfish

读音:英 ['stɑːfɪʃ];美 ['stɑːrfɪʃ] 

例句:You can pick up a little starfish.


例句:Have you ever seen a starfish shining on the beach?


2、珊瑚 coral

英 ['kɒrəl];美 ['kɔːrəl]    

n. 珊瑚

adj. 珊瑚的;珊瑚色的

例句:Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.


例句:There are lots of coral in the sea.


3、螃蟹 crab

英 [kræb];美 [kræb]    

n. 蟹;阴虱;爱争吵的人;[植]山楂子

v. 捕蟹;使横行;批评;抱怨

例句:All the shops on the seafront had crab for sale.


例句:A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed.


4、章鱼 octopus

英 ['ɒktəpəs];美 ['ɑːktəpəs]    

例句:One octopus has eight tentacles.


例句:Who can know the woe of my octopus.


5、龙虾 lobster

英 ['lɒbstə(r)] ;美 ['lɑːbstər]    

n. 龙虾

v. 捕龙虾

例句:The lobster is a shellfish.


例句:Lobster has eight legs and two long claws.


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