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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


v.到达, 伸出, 达成, 取得联系, 延伸, (伸手)去够

n.范围, 影响力, 河段, 等级


名词: reacher | 动词过去式: reached | 动词现在分词: reaching | 动词第三人称单数: reaches | 动词过去分词: reached | 形容词: reachable |


length | circle | move | land | strain | get to | pass on | progress to | touch | spread | extent | come to | run | span | come | affect | influence | compass | scale | actualize | reaching | extend to | flight | extend | river | go | width | strive | give | get in touch with | effectuate | contact | expanse | scope | grasp | pass | arrive at | attain | distance | latitude | overtake | sheet | hand | impact on | hit | approach | reach out | orbit | arrive | achieve | at | border | way | range | get hold of | accomplish | stretch | get through | turn over | make | to | gain | ambit




1 、Whatever darkness you reached into is reaching back for you.─── 不管你触到了什么样的黑暗 它也向你伸出了手

2 、Not accessible; hard to reach.───不好接近的; 不易达到的

3 、After reaching Florida, Mestas struggled.───到了佛罗里达州,梅斯塔斯生活很艰难。

4 、She had to press through the throng to reach the stage.───她不得不穿过拥挤的人群走上舞台。

5 、He is reaching ofter a more lucrative situation.───他正在努力谋求一个待遇较佳的职位。

6 、They made vain attempts to reach the mountaintop.───他们几次徒然尝试想攀登山顶。

7 、His work does not reach the standard required.───他的工作成绩达不到要求。

8 、He said he regretted their failure to reach an agreement.───他说,他很遗憾,他们没能达成协议。

9 、If you reach back carefully, you can pass me the book from the shelf behind you.───如果你小心向后仰,可以从你身后的书架上将书递给我。

10 、Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard?───你能够到柜顶的那本书吗?

11 、On reaching the city he called up Lao Yang.───一到城里他就给老杨打了一个电。

12 、The meeting dragged on without reaching any conclusion.───会开得很长,也没作出什么结论。

13 、"Come here," he said, reaching out for me.───“到我这儿来,”他说,双手向我伸过来。

14 、If he's trying to reach out to me, there has to be a way to reach him.─── 如果他是在想办法联系我 肯定有办法跟他取得联系

15 、She was reaching into my inner life.───她触到了我的内心世界。

16 、The goods are priced out dour reach.───东西太贵,我们买不起。

17 、Can you reach me (over) my slippers? They're under the bed.───你能把我的拖鞋递给我吗? 拖鞋在床底下呢。

18 、As far as the eye can reach, nothing is to be seen but sand.───在目所能及的地方,除了沙子之外什么都没有。

19 、Don devised a plan for reaching the seashore.───唐计划了一项伸展海岸的方法。

20 、Does sequence wrap around on reaching limit.───在达到限制时序列是否环绕。

21 、Despaired of reaching shore safely.───失去安全到达岸边的希望

22 、They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.───他们钻透了几层岩石以寻找石油。

23 、They argued on and on, never reaching any ultimatum.───他们争论不休,得不出任何结论。

24 、"The grapes are sour", as the fox said when he could not reach them.───[谚]狐狸吃不到葡萄,就说葡萄酸。

25 、If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.───即使所有的经济学家(死后)被排成一列,他们也不会达到一个结论的吧。

26 、In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.───少女大约到18岁时开始社交,通常要为她们举办盛大聚会,从此以后她们就被看做是成人了。

27 、Jim has a whole wealth of reaching experience.───吉姆具有丰富的教学经验。

28 、He was really almost reaching out in imagination.───他几乎已经在舒展他的想象力。

29 、He clutched at the branch but couldn't reach it.───他想抓住树枝,可是没够著。

30 、Sorry, your remittance have not reach us yet.───对不起,您的汇款还没有到我们这儿。

31 、You'd better go slow in reaching a conclusion.───你最好不要急于下结论。

32 、The act of reaching a conclusion or making up one's mind.───决心作出结论或下定决心

33 、He sprinted past the other runners just before reaching the tape.───他在到达终点之前全速冲刺,超越了其他赛跑者。

34 、Solidifying chiefly as a minor intrusion, especially as a dike or sill, before reaching the earth's surface. Used of rocks.───半深成的,浅成的在到达地球表面之前的主要作为小型岩石群固化的,尤其象岩脉或岩床的凝固用于指岩石

35 、For years Mr Brown studied many forms of religion, reaching after the truth.───多年来布朗先生研读了多种形式的宗教,来探求真理。

36 、Her husband is reaching after a more lucrative situation.───她丈夫正在谋求一个待遇较佳的职位。

37 、A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses.───一个干部必须联系群众,同群众打成一片。

38 、Norwegian explorer who in1911 became the first person to reach the South Pole.───亚孟森,罗尔德1872-1928挪威探险家,曾于1911年成为第一个到达南极的人

39 、The people who reached out to my son, they're reaching out to others.─── 那些主动找上我儿子的人 也在主动联系其他人

40 、The plates on the upper shelf were beyond my reach.───上层架子上的盘子我伸手拿不到。

41 、His voice boomed out, reaching the back of the hall.───他的浑厚嗓音响彻大厅。

42 、She reach up and picked a pear off a branch.───她抬起手从一根枝上摘下一颗梨。

43 、He's reaching out to you so you'll reach out to me, once the investigation reopened.─── 他找到你 是为了一旦重启调查 好让你来找我

44 、There are cases that you reach and cases you don't reach.─── 有能解决的案例 就有不能解决的案例

45 、If the two top teams reach the same result, they will have to play off against each other next week.───如果这两个最强的队积分一样,他们就得在下周决一雌雄。

46 、The doctor asked him to reach back and try to recapture the atmosphere of the place in his boyhood.───大夫叫他好好回忆一下,设法重新回忆起他童年时代居住地的环境。

47 、In that dingdong struggle both players were reaching great heights.───在这场旗鼓相当的竞赛中,双方选手都斗志高昂。

48 、The letter was destined never to reach him.───他注定收不到这封信。

49 、Another storm system is barreling in and should reach eastern areas by tomorrow.───又一场暴雨正在袭来,预计明天将到达东部各地区。

50 、We soon saw the impossibility of reaching the city before midnight.───不多久我们便意识到半夜前抵达那个城市是不可能的。

51 、Pull away, boys! A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore.───不停地划呀,孩子们!再加一把劲,我们就要到岸了。

52 、Reaching out, he grasped the hook.───他伸手握住了那个钩子。

53 、Running the length of the field, he was able to touch down just as the opposing players were about to reach him.───他从球场的一端跑到另一端,就在对方球员要接近他时,他带球到了对方的球门线后触地得分。

54 、On reaching the city, she called up Lester.───一到达这个城市她就给莱斯特打**。

55 、A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top.───像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。

56 、They walked three miles farther on before reaching the orchard.───他们又向前走了三英里才到果园。

57 、He put the book up where we could reach it.───他把书举到我们够得着的地方。

58 、He pored on the matter for some days before he was able to reach a decision.───他对此事仔细考虑了好几天,才作出了决定。

59 、They're reaching a global market at normal cost.───他们不用增加成本就取得了在全世界的市场地位。

60 、A new generation is reaching maturity.───一代新人在茁壮成长。

61 、On reaching the city, he called up.───在到达城里时他打来一**。

62 、We reach out and reach out and reach out, flipping and flipping and flipping switches like a goddamn monkey to see if something clicks.─── 我们不断和外界取得联系 不断地切换开关 就像个傻猴子等着看是否有回音

63 、He did his best to reach the station before the train left.───他拼命地赶在火车开出之前到达车站。

64 、A snowstorm is barreling in and should reach southern areas by Monday.───一场暴风雪正呼啸而来,星期一将到达南部地区。

65 、All their attempts at reaching the summit failed.───他们攀登顶峰的一切尝试都失败了。

66 、Every time I reach out to you, you don't reach back.─── 每次我联络你 你都不回复

67 、Reaching 50 ought to be a joyous occasion.───50周年庆本该是一件可喜的事。

68 、I can't reach the pilots. I can't reach anyone.─── 我感受不到飞行员 谁也感受不到

69 、They reached out to me, and I'm reaching out to you.─── 他们找到了我 然后我又找到了你

70 、He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy.───他小心翼翼地沿着突出的檐向那惊惶失措的男孩靠近。

71 、His suggestion is hard to reach to.───他的建议令人难以接受。

72 、They thrashed the matter without reaching a conclusion.───他们对这件事进行了反复研讨还没得出结论。

73 、In the afternoon we made sail, in order to reach the harbour before dark.───下午我们加帆快速航行,以便在天黑前驶抵港口。

74 、On reaching 1000 meters, the pilot leveled off.───到达1000米高度时, 驾驶员便做水平飞行。

75 、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.───它那修长的树叶在风中摇动,好象伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。

76 、On reaching Hongkong, I went to see him.───一到香港我就去看了他。

77 、On reaching 1000 metres,the pilot levelled off.───到达1000公尺高时,那位驾驶员便作水平飞行。

78 、She wore a long dress, reaching down to her feet.───她穿了一件齐脚面的长裙。

79 、Her ideas are difficult to reach to.───她的观点难以为人接受。

80 、Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".───一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,"离开老窝"。

81 、Look! We are reaching a new continent!───克鲁德:你们看!我们就要到大陆了!

82 、Can the two sides reach a compromise?───双方能互让和解吗?

83 、Kofun, can you reach him? I'm reaching out a hand.─── 可风 你能够到他吗 我把手伸出来了

84 、The key question is in focus; why not reach a decision?───主要问题已非常明显,为何不作出结论呢?

85 、The blockade prevented shipments of foreign food from reaching our shores.───封锁使国外食品不能运抵我们的海岸。

86 、The rescuers dig frantically against time to reach the buried miners.───为救出被埋的矿工,营救人员用最快的速度拼命地挖掘。

87 、On reaching the city he called up Julie.───一到城里他就给朱莉打了**。

88 、From what is mentioned above we can reach the conclusion that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.───从以上提到的事实我们可得出能量既不能创造也不能消灭的结论。

89 、She clutched at the branch but could not reach it.───她想抓住树枝,但抓不著。

90 、If by any chance we could reach there before you, we would wait for you.───万一我们比你先到达那儿,我们会等你的。
































1、arrive v. 到达

〔辨析〕不及物动词,表示到达较大的地方(如城市、国家等)时后接介词 in,而到达较小的地方(如机关、学校、商店等)时则后接介词 at。

〔例证〕The American visitors arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon.


2、reach v. 到达


〔例证〕They reached Beijing at nine.




英 [ə'raɪv]  美 [ə'raɪv] 

v. 到达;成功;达成;出生


英 [riːtʃ]  美 [ritʃ] 

vi. 达到;延伸;伸出手;传开

vt. 达到;影响;抵达;伸出

n. 范围;延伸;河段;横风行驶



第三人称单数: arrives 现在分词: arriving 过去式: arrived 过去分词: arrived


第三人称单数: reaches 现在分词: reaching 过去式: reached 过去分词: reached

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