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07-01 投稿




英:['?lf?]  美:['?lf?]

英:  美:


阿尔法位的, 主导的,首要的,按字母顺序的


primary | dominant | leading | important | chief | first




alpha and omega
-首尾; 始终; 全部; 主要成分; 重要因素


1 、For example, some flu strains that can bind to alpha 2-6 receptors do not infect humans very well.───例如,一些可以与alpha 2-6受体结合的流感毒株并不能很好地感染人类。

2 、To ensure that the alpha channel of Icon values is painted correctly, set this property to true.───为了确保正确绘制Icon值的Alpha通道,请将该属性设置为true。

3 、Revelation22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.───启22:13:我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,我是首先的,我是末后的,我是初,我是终。

4 、What are the sedative effects of alpha 2 agonists?───2受体激动剂的镇静效果机理是什么?

5 、The values used by the FromArgb method represent the alpha, red, green, and blue components of the color.───FromArgb方法使用的值分别表示颜色的alpha、红色、绿色和蓝色分量。

6 、Main providers of fat ARON ALPHA Aron AA Super glue, instant adhesive strength of the wholesale.───主要提供ARON ALPHA 阿隆发AA超能胶,瞬间强力黏合剂的批发。

7 、Now, they know to look for avian viruses that have evolved the ability to bind to umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptors.───如今,他们知道了要寻找那些已经进化出与伞形alpha 2-6受体结合的能力的病毒。

8 、Wheat is the alpha and omega of their diet.───小麦是他们的主要食物。

9 、So I'll do the same for you, but our people need their alpha.─── 所以我会为你做同样的事 但我们族人需要他们的首领

10 、She has mastered the alpha and omega of the new programming language.───她已从头到尾掌握了这种新的编程语言。

11 、The Closed Beta has started and the NDA has been lifted on us Alpha Tester folks.───封测已经开始,然后NDA(保密协定)也不会再限制我们了。

12 、They studied together,and usually alpha helped Katherine with her studies.───他们一起学习,通常是阿尔法给凯瑟琳辅导功课。

13 、The AlphaCurrent mode is the preferred input mode value for text boxes used for alpha characters.───AlphaCurrent模式是用于字母字符的文本框的首选输入模式值。

14 、It is whether the 2nd sheet used the alpha channel.───2张眼睛使用了希腊字母首字频道啦啊?


16 、Oslash; The intervention of Alpha Secundi sends him into a time rift.───塞坤迪出手干预,将堕落金刚再次送进时空裂缝。

17 、At Alpha Beta students also benefit from learning about tolerance, acceptance and awareness of multicultural diversity.───在阿尔发倍塔学院,学生们可以学到如何坚韧、包容,并且能够领略到多元文化的神韵。

18 、The chocolate chips are the alpha and dense granules that contain a variety of mediators such as ADP.───巧克力碎片中有透明和致密颗粒,其中包括不同的介质,例如腺苷二**酸。

19 、I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.───13我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,我是首先的,我是末后的,我是初,我是终。

20 、Alpha, you're about to have a visitor.─── A队 有人朝你那边去了

21 、How to run Alpha effectively?───如何更有效地推行启发?

22 、Get the third alpha release of.───alpha发行版第三版。

23 、Once your level of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance.───一旦你的脑波活动层次达到阿尔法时你就会进入恍惚状态。

24 、Cronbach alpha and regression analysis confirmed the reliability and validity of the measures employed in this study.───后以一致性信度分析及迴归分析证实本研究之主客观评比指标具有良好信效度。

25 、Downregulation of alpha B-crystallin mRNA may be concerned with the development of human glioma.───Alpha B-crystallin基因表达下调可能与人胶质瘤的发生发展有关。

26 、Typically alpha males only attack other alphas.─── 一般强势男性只会攻击其他强势的人

27 、"It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me," he explains.───“它能用阿尔法射线通过心灵感应来和我交流。”他解释道。

28 、Study subjects were better able to focus after drinking tea, he said, because theanine lowered alpha wave activity.───他说,受试者在喝了茶之后比较能够专心,因为茶胺酸降低了阿尔法波的活动力。

29 、Everything seems to work fine on the alpha server so we will start upgrading the main server. Expect outtages today.───alpha服务器工作正常,今天我们将升级主服务器,期间服务暂停。

30 、Sirius, alpha star of Canis Major, traces the bright arc over the dome at the left.───大犬座的天狼星,阿尔法星的明亮轨迹弧线跨域了左边的穹顶。

31 、I am Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last ...And you shall be gods...───不知道香港这边会不会缺货俄...试玩之后兴奋死了,无论如何普通版也要弄一张来!

32 、If we are successful, the alpha will be positive: if not, it will be negative.───如果成功,alpha会是正数,否则是负数。

33 、Bernanke will want to show early on that he's the new alpha dog.───伯南克肯定也像尽早确立其新的领导地位。

34 、Type III collagen is one main type of IMC, which is encoded by Col3a1(collagen type III alpha 1 gene).───III型胶原是IMC的主要类型之一,其编码基因为Col3a1(Collagen type III alpha 1 gene)。

35 、Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for the alpha value, the value is limited to 8 bits.───尽管此方法允许为alpha值传递32位值,但该值仅限于8位。

36 、Hepatology Digest: In addition to alpha fetoprotein, are there any other useful markers for early detection of HCC?───国际肝病:除甲胎蛋白外,还有没有其它对肝癌的早期诊断有用的标志物?

37 、Unless they recognize me as their alpha.─── 除非他们认同我首领的地位

38 、Rev. 1:8 I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, He who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.───启一8主神说,我是阿拉法,我是俄梅嘎,是今是昔是以后永是的全能者。

39 、The isotope 212Bi decays through both alpha and beta processes that have similar time-scales for this nucleus.───同位素铀衰变通过阿尔法和贝塔过程中,类似的时间尺度这一核心.

40 、Alpha Blue: Wilco. We are going in to save the President.───小队:来电收悉,立刻执行解救总统的任务。

41 、Alpha blending is a pixel-by-pixel blending of source and background color data.───Alpha混合是源颜色数据和背景颜色数据之间逐个像素的混合。

42 、Being that you're so a dominant alpha male and all.─── 畢竟你是個這么陽剛威武的男人

43 、What You Can Do: Lodge a formal complaint at the local intergalactic planning office on Alpha Centuri.───你能做什么: 在半人马第一星系,对当地银河系规划署提交正式的抗议.

44 、However, the alpha input mode used (T9 or ABC) are retained by the AlphaCurrent input mode when set with the star key.───但是,使用星号键设置AlphaCurrent输入模式时,该模式将保留所使用的字母输入模式(T9或ABC)。

45 、The Alpha AXP PCI fixup code is also worth looking at in arch/alpha/kernel/bios32.c.───另外位于arch/alpha/kernel/bios32.(%)c中的AlphaAXPPCI补丁代码也值得一读。

46 、There are four types of breathing patterns going from high frequency to low frequency, alpha, beta, theta, and delta.───呼吸的模式可以根据呼吸频率而分为阿尔法,贝塔,森塔,和带尔塔。

47 、Alpha males generally move unhurriedly, as if they are in control of time itself.───一流男人的动作普遍显得从容不迫,好像他们控制住了时间一样。

48 、None of the other alphas know where it is either.─── 其他的阿尔法狼也不知道那地方在哪儿

49 、Other pack members often care for the pups while the alpha females hunts.───其他包成员经常照顾,为幼仔,而阿尔法女性的捕杀。

50 、Can the cardiovascular responses to alpha 2 agonists be reversed or treated?───2受体激动剂的心血管反应能否被逆转或治疗?

51 、I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, He who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.───8主神说,我是阿拉法,我是俄梅嘎,是今是昔是以后永是的全能者。

52 、I honestly think this is the best alpha game I? Ve ever played.───坦诚的说这款游戏是我玩过的最棒的alpha测试游戏。

53 、Value that represents the alpha value of the current color.───值,它表示当前颜色的alpha值。

54 、Level 28 Ghostpaw Alpha in Ashenvale has Furious Howl (rank 2).───在灰谷抓的28级狼带有嚎叫技能(2级)

55 、When alpha components are not supported, the alpha value of generated colors is implicitly 255.───如果alpha分量不受支持,则生成的颜色的alpha值隐式为255。

56 、I have been providing cards for Magic, L5R and other CCG players from the days of Alpha and Imperial.───为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。

57 、It took Kami a moment to realize that it was a Veritech, an armored Alpha in Battloid mode-white with red markings.───卡米过了一会儿才明白,这是架变形战机,战斗员模式下的装甲阿尔法,白色机身,红色标记。

58 、"You get this alpha male effect," Underhill says.───他说,“这样就会出现男性至上的效应。”

59 、The pixel data contains alpha values that are not premultiplied.───像素数据包含没有进行过自左乘的alpha值。

60 、From the alpha of the fertilised egg to the omega of a fully grown adult, cells develop distinctive character.───从受精卵开始,到完全长成的人为止,细胞会发展出截然不同的性质。

61 、At the core of the alpha electronic system is a unique personal monitoring and signal device called alphaSCOUT.───在电子系统叫alphaSCOUT的独一人工监测仪和显著设备的Alpha的核心。

62 、A. K. Basu. (2003) Introduction to Stochastic Process. Alpha Science International Ltd.───丘昌涛,(2000)现代工程数学及应用.中国电力出版社.

63 、The alpha demands unquestioned loyalty from the pack, and he gets it.───头儿要求并能得到所有组织成员毫无疑问的忠心。

64 、The code is six, alpha, nine, three, seven, alpha, three, zero, zero.─── 激活码是6α937 α300

65 、I know I'm not the alpha or the beta.─── 我知道我不是阿尔法[第一] 也不是贝它[第二]

66 、These dual-action deep cleansing towelettes with Alpha Hydroxy,Retinol and Vitamin C unfold to a full size.───含有充足的果酸、松香油和维生素C,具有深层洁肤、双重作用。

67 、"You say they will be choosing a crew to pilot the first Alpha up to the module?───“你说他们会选一队人去驾驶第一架与驱动舱接触的阿尔法战机?”

68 、The alpha component specifies the transparency of the color: 0 is fully transparent, and 255 is fully opaque.───alpha分量指定颜色的透明度:0表示完全透明,255表示完全不透明。

69 、CQ CQ CQ this is BRAVO GOLF THREE ROMEO ZULU ALPHA calling CQ and standing by.───300就是天线架设指挥部,到时候欢迎呼叫。

70 、What? I thought you were the alpha now.─── 怎么了 我以为你现在应该比我厉害了呢

71 、A subclass with explicit opacity components should override this method to return a color with the specified alpha.───一个拥有不透明通道的子类需要重写这个方法来返回指定了透明值的颜色对象。

72 、Tasty. Looks like you showed her who the alpha diva was.───不错嘛 看起来你已经向她表明。到底谁才是老大。

73 、Gnome-GPG is a work in progress that is in the pre-alpha stage at present. An alpha release is planned in mid-march.───地精GPG进展中的工作当前是在前阿尔法阶段。阿尔法释放计划在三月中旬。

74 、He said the game is Alpha right now and like 60% done.───他说游戏现在还是一个完成度接近60%的初级版本。

75 、The alpha SL provides all of these features by using just one single line.───AlphaSL透过使用仅仅一条单个的线提供所有这些特征。

76 、Stromasys concentrates on:Virtualization of PDP-11, VAX and Alpha systems.───Stromasys专注于:虚拟化 PDP-11, VAX和Alpha系统。

77 、KITT:My programmers delineated the difference between a big dog and an alpha male.───凯特:我的程序描绘了一下,大鱼和领导的区别。

78 、You can define separate images for the texture paint's Color, Bump, Shine and Alpha channels.───对于纹理绘制的彩色,凹凸,光照和阿尔法通道你能够定义分离的图象。

79 、Ortho Biotech, for example, recently changed one of the chemicals added to its erythropoietin alpha medicine as a stabilizer.───举例来说,美国奥多生物科技公司最近换了加在红血球生成素里头的一种安定剂。

80 、Rev. 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.───启二二13我是阿拉法,我是俄梅嘎;我是首先的,我是末后的;我是初,我是终。

81 、If the alpha helix is astretched the hydrogen bonds are broken but reform on relaxation.───如果螺旋中的氢键被破坏,螺旋的稳定就不能维持。

82 、Draws the surface stretched to the indicated region. color is the blending color and alpha indicates the transparency setting.───在指定的区域内延伸绘制表面,颜色是混合色和指定透明度设置的透明(度).

83 、Alpha Beta Colleges: has a complete system to help and take care of students.───学院拥有一套完整的学生咨询服务和深切关怀制度。

84 、David has been alpha for almost double what we've seen with other alphas.─── 大卫做头领的时间几乎是 我们看到的其它首领的两倍

85 、Alpha helices in biological materials, and design of alpha-helical structures.───在生物材料中的阿尔发螺旋,以及阿尔发螺旋结构的设计。

86 、But the Alpha got one forearm under the 'Cat's jaw, slowly levering it away.───但阿尔法一只前臂伸到大猫的爪下,缓慢地把利爪撬到一边。

87 、The MIT team found that to infect humans, flu viruses must bind to the umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptor.───MIT的研究组发现,流感病毒如果要感染人类,它们必须与伞形的alpha 2-6受体结合。

88 、Alpha reliability coefficients ranged from .84 to .90 for the PRQ85-Part 2 and from .86 to .92 for the ESCA.───个人资源问卷表第二部份内在一致性之(信度系数介于.84与.90之间,自我照顾能力执行量表介于.86与.92之间;

89 、I am the Alpha and the Omega.───就目前而言..我是会投第一个季节的..

90 、The installer can only be used to install on alpha systems which support the SRM console.───安装程式目前只能用于安装支援SRM主控台的alpha系统。


是希腊字母。希腊字母表的第一个字母,有第一个、开端、最初的含意。在字母解释法中,ALPHA 为字母A,通常情况下会缩写成abbr。











1. Alpha是ABO设定中的一种性别,分为Alpha男性和Alpha女性。在ABO世界中,Alpha性别位于权力顶峰,具有勇敢好斗的性格,无论男女都拥有极强的生殖能力,并集中了所有与“男子气概”相关的特质。

2. Alpha们从出生起就接受与男孩子相同的教育,无论在学习、技能还是体育等方面,她们都不亚于男孩子。

3. 在《AlphaGirl》一书中,作者指出,在美国,约有2%的女生感受不到自己是“女性”。这些女生在社会活动中的表现从未因她们的性别而受到限制,从而彻底打破了传统社会中女性处于不利地位的观念。

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