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07-01 投稿




英:[??elv??]  美:[???lv??]

英:  美:





名词: shelver | 动词第三人称单数: shelves | 动词过去式: shelved | 动词现在分词: shelving | 动词过去分词: shelved |


1 、Shelving enables you to set aside the pending changes in your workspace to work on a higher priority task or to share your code with another user for code review.───搁置功能可以保留工作区中的挂起的更改而执行更高优先级的任务,也可以与其他用户共享代码以进行代码评审。

2 、fuzzy library shelving───模糊排架

3 、Leen Chen shelving systems have gained recognition for their new concepts and innovative applications for each market segments need.You can trust us.───新颖的观念和革命性的运用已使我们的置物架系统大获好评,并赢得顾客的青睐,因此你可以绝对的信任我们。

4 、Also includes some homemade closet, shelving, drying racks.───另外包括一些自制壁橱、搁板、晒衣架等。

5 、Methods The multifunctional device for shelving medium slant was made out of aluminum sheets.───方法使用铝板制作多用培养基斜面搁置装置。

6 、Metal furniture, metal wardrobes PVC roll-top lockers, security cabinets, metal shelving...───分类标题:金属家具办公室家具与书架...

7 、You can retrieve pending changes from another workspace by shelving the changes in the source workspace and then unshelving them into the destination workspace.───您可以从另一个工作区中检索挂起的更改,方法是在源工作区中搁置这些更改,然后将它们取消搁置到目标工作区。

8 、The manufacture of the multifunctional device for shelving medium slant used in the microbiological experiment───微生物学实验中多用培养基斜面搁置器的制作

9 、For the foreign language readers, there are approximately three bays of shelving holding English books, with a very small smattering of other European languages.───对于外文阅读者,大概有三个书架是英文书,还有一小部分是其它欧洲语言书籍。

10 、You may kiss your hand towards that highest shelving roof.───你可以对那最高的一个斜屋顶飞一个吻去。”

11 、CAEM is a world group in manufacturing fixtures for shop fittings. We make our shelving in Italy, Uk, India and Australia. See www.caem.net We look fo...───区:多种国家-|专业领域:销售|行业部门:产品制造|实习开始时间:六月2009|实习种类职业工作

12 、Points out the shortages of classified shelving and the use of number shelving under computer management, and discusses the feasibility and specific practical methods of the latter.───分析分类排架法的不足之处,提出在计算机管理方式下,可以将目前单一的藏书分类排架法改为序号排架法,并探讨其可行性和具体实施办法。

13 、In response to the times, Mr. Trapani has embarked on broad cost-cutting that includes shelving plans for new stores, except in locations where leases have already been signed.───为因应歹年冬,特拉帕尼从多方面大砍成本,除了已经签租约的店面继续进行之外,暂停增设新店。

14 、Helping to provide books, shelving, computer equipment and office furniture to equip a mobile library vehicle in Hsinchu, Taiwan.───帮助提供水资源设施及储水设备,给桃园的新光部落。

15 、wooden shelving───木搁板

16 、Extensive use of mirrors on cabinetry, walls and shelving further reflects light around the interior and gives the impression of a larger space.───橱柜、墙面以及架子上镜子的广泛使用进一步反射了室内的光线,并给人留下更大空间的印象。

17 、Influences of Periodicals'Renaming on their Shelving and the Relevant Measures───期刊更名对期刊排架的影响及应对措施

18 、Shelving, store layout, supermarket layout, store counter spaces, cash register desks, pharmacies,...───分类标题:商店货架|办公室书架和分类系统...

19 、Coach Caso had expressed concern over Di Canio's notoriously volcanic temperament, but the 36-year-old moved to reassure Lazio that he was shelving his ego.───主教练卡索对迪卡尼奥众人皆知的火爆脾气表示嘞关注,但这名36岁的球员表示说他将努力收敛。

20 、classification-based shelving───分类排架

21 、The hopper front containers are perfect for carousels, flow racks, shelving, production, and storage.───前面的漏斗集装箱完美的传送带,流架,架子,生产和储存。

22 、Some large items can display characters in the crowd, back into the cabinet because not get regular use of the dead, it can be an effective solution to install rotary shelving or difficult issues.───一些大型器物可收纳于台下的橱柜,靠墙的橱柜因不易拿取常成为使用上的死角,所以加装旋转置物架可有效解决取放不易的问题。

23 、Shelving lets you set aside a batch of───搁置功能使您可以暂时保留一批

24 、Shelving: high-quality rolling steel be made ,the trip or bending steel laminates. The layer can be used fire or wood.───层板:采用优质冷轧钢板经轧制成行或折弯成形。

25 、The products of us including many series: Fryer, Griddle, Bain Marie,, Stainless Steel Worktable, Stainless Steel Trolley, Faucet, Wire Shelving.───您的支持就是我们前进的动力,无论业务大小,我们都会以饱满的热情为您服务!

26 、I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books───我给他讲图书上架的杜威十进分类法。

27 、And I could put some shelves on that wall.─── 我可以在那面墙上装几个架子

28 、They couldn't keep it on the shelves, which were themselves made of bronze.─── 人们趋之若鹜 脸架子都是青铜造的

29 、The stackable elements built a shelving unit that offers containers rather than trays for the items to be put there.───堆叠内容的架子建立了单位,而不是提供集装箱托盘的项目放在那里。

30 、Perform a Get Latest operation to synchronize your workspace with the latest server version, and then build your application to make sure that it compiles before shelving or checking in.───执行Get Latest操作将您的工作区与最新的服务器版本同步,然后生成应用程序,以确保在进行搁置或签入之前该应用程序得以编译。

31 、and have tried all the thing on the shelves.─── 又束手无策的妈妈们 我的建议是

32 、Our chromed shelving system are not limited to household needs, we have expanded to retailing, logistics and warehousing as well as institutional needs and project requirements.───成立九年馀来,我们一直采用最新的镀铬和环氧树脂粉的包覆技术来制作我们的产品,搭配上最有效率的设备和精准的审美观,到现在我们已发展出百馀种的置物架系统。

33 、Another shelving to Shenzhen, we arrived at one Jusco, on 4th floor of that building, there is one Korea restaurant.We would treat them there.I don'───又一路晃晃晃晃到了深圳某吉之岛,请他们去四楼的韩国餐厅吃饭,除了两位韩国领导吃得好外,我相信我们三都吃得不算太好。

34 、Classification, Recording and Shelving for Multireel-books───对多卷书分类、著录和排架的探讨

35 、I'm shelving my much loved shadow priest until they work this swath of problems out, and give us something not just practical but fun as an end talent.───如果你想让你的车看起来总像是赢得车展大奖归来,可能就需要选用优质车蜡,并加大抛光和打蜡的频率。

36 、If they are of ages (or temperaments) where that's not possible: keep the door of your library shut, shelve books out-of-easy-reach, and/or purchase enclosed shelving units that lock.───如果他们年龄太小(或耐心不够),这招不管用:那就把图书室的门关上,把架子上的书放到不易拿取的地方,或者买可以上锁的书柜。

37 、The three levels of open shelving above the pass contain plates, pastry cases and scores of small jugs and copper pans for the sauces.───在传菜区的上方,开放架上的三层用来放置盘子、糕点盒和一些盛放调料的小壶和铜制器皿。

38 、extraneous factors can intervene and cause the shelving of advertising campaigns───**活动会因外部因素影响而推迟进行。

39 、New Class Numbers and Shelving Arrangement for English Computer Books───中文电脑书籍分类和排架新安排

40 、I told him about the Dewey Decimal for Shelving Boo ks.───我给他讲了讲杜威图书分类法,他很快就搞明白了。

41 、Type A medium shelving, robust, hign bearing, easy reassembling, full joggling without bolt, widely applied in emporiums, supermarket, enterprise warehouse and so on.───中量A型货架,造型敦实坚固,承载力大,拆装方便,完全扦接,不用螺栓,可广泛用于商场、超市、企业仓库等到。

42 、Industrial, fitted metal shelving for warehouses, shops, supermarkets, archives Pallet holders,...───分类标题:办公室书架和分类系统|储存货架...

43 、We install metal shelving in the household goods department.───我们在日用部安装了成排的金属货架。

44 、1.Install coated wire shelving to add more storage space to a child's closet.───1、安装一层铁丝网可以为你孩子的壁橱增加更多的存储空间。

45 、suspension shelving───悬挂式书架

46 、As a result, storage space will increase the number and shelving lifetime will become more lively and interesting.───如此一来,储藏的空间会加大许多,并且置物架的造型也会变得比较活泼有趣。

47 、wall shelving───壁式案卷架, 靠墙案卷架

48 、Leen Chen shelving systems have gained recognition for their new concepts and innovative applications for each market segments need.───我们的置物架系统并不限于家用,我们更将他的实用性扩增至零售场,仓库或是其他机能性场所。

49 、The drawers are also arranged vertically and clamped together to create shelving.───抽屉也安排和纵向钳位共同创造的架子。

50 、working with unassembled metal shelving.───制造可拆装的金属架

51 、order of shelving the rolls───案卷排架顺序

52 、shelving structure workshop───排架厂房

53 、It's in there with you. It's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves.─── 就在里面 在一个瓶子里 就在一个架子上

54 、Product Information: Cedar Storage Products, Closet Accessories, Closet Racks Rods, Clothes Care Products, Clothes Hangers, Mailboxes, Necktie Holders, Shelving, Shoe Storage Organizers.───企业简介: 主营产品:主要经营贮藏器具产品,贮藏室附件,衣物衣架,领带架,鞋架等产品.

55 、They hired an upfitter to design a shelving and drawer arrangement to squeeze in the maximum amount of gear, as well as ensure that each item was within easy reach.───他们聘请了一名装修工设计了一套棚架隔断设备,使设备空间达到了最大化,并且保证所有的物品都触手可及。

56 、a wall with shelving that was built in; build stability into the economy───建造有架子的墙;建立经济的稳定性

57 、What, I gave you two shelves, and okay.─── 怎么 我给了你两个架子呢 好吧

58 、In recent days, small Wuguan sector in the area of pipe welded to the elderly can be escorted by a broad stretch its arm Titi legs, children can exercise climbing iron shelving.───最近几天,小区物管部门在空地上用铁管焊了一副老人可以扶着它抻抻胳膊踢踢腿,孩子可以攀爬锻炼的铁架子。

59 、Periodical Shelving───期刊排架

60 、Use shelving when you want to interrupt you work───当您想要中断工作时,可以使用搁置

61 、Plants and equipment for warehouses, cantilever shelving, pallet racking systems, mezzanines &...───分类标题:办公室书架和分类系统|仓库物流管理...

62 、Which Method of Periodical Shelving Is More Scientific?───关于期刊科学排架的探索?

63 、Shelving Modes───排架方式

64 、The walls received additional treatment with new artwork and shelving and her actual workspace got a solid cleaning and reorganization.───墙壁用艺术品和隔板做了额外处理,实际工作空间经过了实实在在的清理和重组。

65 、All the shelves, the computers in the back.─── 所有的架子 還有后面的電腦

66 、Shelving is an alternative to checking in pending changes that have not been tested sufficiently.───搁置是签入尚未经过充分测试的挂起的更改的替代方法。

67 、Start with that shelf. If it's not there, try all the other shelves.─── 先看那个架子 要是没有 就看别的

68 、books shelving───图书排架

69 、There's someone else in here, behind the shelves.─── 这里还有其他人 就在架子后面

70 、library shelving───图书馆排架法

71 、Conflicts are very important in CSCD.On the one hand, the existence of conflicts must results non-coordination of the product development plan, even shelving;───冲突问题在协同设计过程中起着重要的作用,一方面冲突的存在必然造成设计的不协调,甚至搁浅;

72 、supermarket supply, shopping carts, shelving, baskets.───供应超市购物推车,搁置、篮.

73 、quarto shelving 4───开本书架

74 、Well, I don't know about you, but I'm stacking shelves.─── 我不知道你 但是我要整理货架

75 、A leading manufacturer of consumer durables, including file cabinets, filing supplies, filing accessories, steel security boxes, metal shelving, and work support systems.───主要经营各种耐用消费品,包括文件抽屉,金属保险箱,金属架设棚架和工作支架系统等。

76 、IN-FIX shelving system. STAINLESS STEEL tiles. STAINLESS STEEL tiling. Kitchen design drawings....───分类标题:办公室书架和分类系统|方砖和方砖铺地...

77 、Any variation in the general shelving pattern should be indicated to the reader via the catalogue───对一般排架方式的任何变更应该通过目录向读者指明。

78 、The only problem is, all the good stuff is drowned out by shelves and shelves of nonsense.─── 然而唯一的问题是 好东西 都没埋没在满书架的胡说八道中

79 、DETECH warehouse solutions include industrial shelving systems, multi tier shelving solutions, pallet racking solutions, and mezzanine constructions and partitioning.───我们凭借专业的研发团队,优质的原材料,可靠的零部件,严谨的工艺标准铸就了产品的优势。

80 、Gillett and fellow co-owner Tom Hicks have come under fire from Liverpool supporters since taking charge for shelving plans for Liverpool's new stadium and restricting Benitez's transfer budget.───吉列和他的搭档希克斯已经备受利物浦球迷的职责,他们负责的新球场建设延迟后,然后又限制利物浦的转会资金预算。

81 、shelving method───排架方法

82 、storage shelving───储备书库

83 、I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books. He picked up the idea immediately.───我教他如何用杜威十进制方法整理图书,他很快就领会了。

84 、shelving operation───[医] 克尼格氏支架手术(先天性髋脱位手术)

85 、bracket shelving───图书支托排架法, 支托排架法

86 、Case goods furniture fits spray only.Disassembled parts such as drawer sides and some shelving have been done by other methods, but overall finish is spray applied.───存储式家具只适合喷涂,可拆卸部分如抽屉侧板,搁板可以用其它方式,但整体涂饰还是用喷涂。

87 、Coordinate all Third Party installations such as: carpet, drapery, office furnishings, shelving, lockers and Pay Per View systems.───协调所有的第三方安装,如:地毯、窗帘、办公室家具、架子、锁具、付费电视系统等。

88 、The multifunctional device for shelving medium slant is of great applicable value in the microbiological experiments.───多用培养基斜面搁置器在微生物学实验中有很好的实际应用价值。

89 、For more information about deciding whether to shelve or check in a set of pending changes and a general overview of shelving, see Working with Version Control Shelvesets.───有关决定是否搁置或签入一组挂起的更改以及搁置的总体概述的更多信息,请参见Working with Version Control Shelvesets。

90 、cantilever shelving───伸臂式排列法

关于how to keep a good relationship with parents的英语作文?

how to keep a good relationship with parents翻译为:如何与父母保持良好的关系


1, take the initiative to communicate. A chat with their parents more at ordinary times in the school thing the puzzle, and the study on and parents about the psychological words, let parents understand children's inner thoughts.

2, the perspective-taking. Don't easily to talk back to parents, stand in the perspective of parents, more considerate of parents' mood and difficulty.

3, respect, understanding. Have something to go out, should take the initiative to contact parents, so that parents worry, want to listen to parents' point of view, but also put forward their views. When differences of opinion, both sides should calm thinking over the cause and the solution countermeasure. To seek common ground while shelving differences communication results.

4, more tolerance. He doesn't have to haggle over every ounce, because their parents is the person who loves us, is our favorite people.

5, there is wrong. Not conceal their mistakes, let parents help us to correct our mistakes, parents are our best friends.

6, take the initiative to help. Help parents do some force and make them happy.




3、尊重理解。 有事外出,应主动与父母联系,免得父母担心,要多听听父母的观点,同时也要提出自己的观点。当观点发生分歧时,双方要冷静思考产生分歧的原因及解决的对策。达到求同存异的沟通结果。



6、主动帮助。帮父母做些力 所能及的事,让他们开心。






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