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07-01 投稿




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英:  美:





动词现在分词: castling | 动词过去式: castled | 动词第三人称单数: castles | 动词过去分词: castled |


castle in the air

1. 空中楼阁

What he is talking about is just a castle in the air.

他所谈论的一切, 只不过是空中楼阁。


build castles in Spain
-抱幻想, 存梦想
cloud castle
-空想; 不切实际的计划
build castles in the air
-抱幻想, 存梦想
castles in Spain
-空想, 白日梦; 架空的计划
built like a castle
a castle in the air
-空中楼阁, 空[梦, 幻]想
a castle in Spain
-空中楼阁, 空[梦, 幻]想


1 、Here in your castle while you were away.─── 在您离宫期间被人谋杀在这城堡里

2 、They built a moat to encompass the castle.───他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。

3 、The castle domineers the town.───古堡高耸于城市之上。

4 、The house of ever one is to him as his castle!───家对于每个人来说都是城堡吧!

5 、The castle defenders were borne down.───城堡的守军被制服了。

6 、The castle is above this cliff. Come on, let's go!───城堡就在悬崖上面。上吧,出发了!

7 、"Whose castle is that?" he asked of a boy.───“这是谁的城堡?”他问一个孩子。

8 、A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.───一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。

9 、Wing of the castle was destroyed in a fire.───古堡的北翼毁于一场大火。

10 、The old castle walls are crumbling.───古城堡的墙在碎裂。

11 、The castle gate was shut,the bridge was drawn up.───城堡大门已闭,桥已吊起。

12 、He conducted us on a tour of the castle.───他带我们游览了那座城堡。

13 、Inside the castle, there was a very sick boy.───在城堡里,有一个非常虚弱的男孩。

14 、They held the castle against the enemy.───他们坚守城堡,不使沦于敌手。

15 、Castle Square is the symbol of Warsaw.───城堡广场。华沙的标志。

16 、The castle receives a steady stream of visitors.───前来参观城堡的游客流量保持稳定。

17 、She guided the tourists around tha castle.───她引导旅游者参观了这座城堡。

18 、The castle seems to be under attack.───城堡看起来正遭到攻击。

19 、The castle was bathed in moonlight.───城堡沐浴在月光里。

20 、The soldiers kept watch and ward over the castle.───士兵们守卫这个城堡。

21 、You have thought is merely a castle in the air.───你所想的只是空中楼阁而已。

22 、The castle was buried in the forest.───城堡隐藏在密林深处。

23 、I saw a... I think it was a castle or used to be a castle.─── 我看見 一處可能是城堡或曾經是城堡的地方

24 、The castle is as gloomy as may be.───古堡十分阴森。

25 、The fortified main tower of a castle; a keep.───城堡防御主塔;看护者

26 、He was forced to yield the castle.───他被迫放弃城堡。

27 、Castle's a terrorist any more than I do.─── 也不相信卡塞尔是个恐怖分子

28 、The soldiers reduced the castle by fire.───士兵们用炮火攻下城堡。

29 、I think it was a castle or used to be a castle.─── 一处可能是城堡或曾经是城堡的地方

30 、The fisherman goes into the castle.───哎,His wife is riding a horse.

31 、Castle, this is getting out of hand.─── 卡塞尔 你简直是失控了

32 、The King built this castle as a gift to his wife.───国王建造了这座城堡,作为送给妻子的礼物。

33 、A swarm of tourists were passing through the gates of the castle.───一群游客正在通过城堡的大门。

34 、The guide showed us over the old castle.───向导带我们去参观那古堡。

35 、What he talk about is just a castle in the air.───他所谈论的一切,只不过是空中楼阁。

36 、The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke.───城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。

37 、The top of the castle tower has been shot off.───城堡塔楼的顶部已被炸掉了。

38 、The hill was surmounted with a large castle.───小山上有一座巨大的城堡。

39 、There are even monsters in the castle.───城堡中还有怪物。

40 、There is a moat round the castle.───城堡外环绕着一条护城河。

41 、Chip: Momma. There's a girl in the castle!───契普:大家伙。城堡里有个女孩!

42 、A headless man haunts the castle.───一个无头幽灵常在城堡出现。

43 、He traced out the site of an old castle.───他勾划出一座城堡的遗址。

44 、Parties of soldiers mined the walls of the castle.───几队士兵在城堡的墙下挖坑道。

45 、The four grey horses took them back to the castle.───四匹灰马把他们拉回城堡。

46 、The woods between here and the castle are wellpatrolled.─── 从这里到城堡的路上有很多巡逻兵

47 、They painted the outer wall of that castle green.───他们把城堡的外墙漆成绿色。

48 、They took the castle by a surprise attack.───他们突袭攻占了城堡。

49 、The castle commanded the whole town.───城堡俯瞰全镇。

50 、The castle frowned down upon the field.───城堡呈威压之势俯视原野。

51 、The keeper or governor of a castle.───城堡守护人一个城堡的守护者或管理者

52 、An old castle marks the town.───一个古堡使这个市镇著称。

53 、An atmosphere of gloom ran through the castle.───城堡里充满了阴郁的气氛。

54 、The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble.───宅邸中世纪王公、贵族的城堡或房宇

55 、The castle walls are very thick.───城堡的墙很厚。

56 、From the castle, now, are you? I am.─── 你是从城堡来的吧 没错

57 、He is building castle in spain among his book.───他埋头于书本中想地天花乱坠。

58 、The only access to that ancient castle is along a muddy track.───到那座古老城堡去的唯一通道是一条泥泞小路。

59 、At length they came within sight of the castle.───他们终于看见城堡了。

60 、The castle was built in a dominant position on a hill.───城堡筑在小山上俯瞰四周的位置上。

61 、The earl lives in a castle.───伯爵住在一座古堡里。

62 、I understand that, as a child, I fantasised about a castle, a place of safety, security, cosy, a castle with a great tower which I could draw.─── 我很理解那有点 我小时候 也幻想过城堡 一个安全舒适的地方 一座带有高塔的城堡 我可以练习画画

63 、What overshadows everything else is the castle.───城堡使其他一切都相形见绌。

64 、A thick forest girdled the castle about.───一片浓密的森林包围着城堡。

65 、The king hight them to attack the castle.───国王命令他们向城堡发起进攻。

66 、Your plan is nearly a castle in the sky.───你的计划简直就是空想。

67 、She was very much taken with the castle.───她非常喜欢这座城堡。

68 、The castle has a lovely situation on a hill.───城堡座落在山上,环境优美。

69 、He looked significantly at Castle's briefcase.───他下意识地瞥了一下卡斯尔的公文包。

70 、The prison of Lancaster Castle it stays cold.───兰开丝特城堡的监狱寒冷依旧。

71 、He stood in front of the castle.───他站在城堡前。

72 、A castle or palace in northern Africa.───卡斯巴非洲北部一座城堡或宫殿

73 、THINGS: TO BE the KING of your CASTLE!───六月真新鲜事物:你是国王城堡!

74 、He led an assault against the castle.───他率领士兵袭击城堡。

75 、How dare you approach the ogre's castle?───你怎么敢到魔宫来?

76 、The city is dominated by the castle.───古堡俯视着城市。

77 、"My watch is always a little fast," Castle said.───“我的表常常有点快,”卡斯尔说。

78 、A castle and a palace is not in size.───城堡与宫殿之间的差异并不在大小。

79 、Stop and visit the medieval castle.───停下来游览这个中世纪的古堡。

80 、To take the castle, you had to take that.─── 要占领堡垒 必须攻下此处

81 、We're not sure who's more excited about the castle, you or me.─── 我们不知道是你还是我 更期待与那座城堡相会

82 、The castle was full of sightseers.───城堡里到处都是观光者。

83 、He got into the castle by a trick.───他耍了个花招混进了城堡。

84 、The visitors were shown round [ over ] the castle.───客人被带领走遍了古堡。

85 、An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle.───一道神秘的光像是从古堡中射出的。

86 、The dining room in the castle is grand and stately.───城堡里的餐厅辉煌而庄严。

87 、He returned to his lodging with his head full of castle in the air.───他脑袋里装载着空中楼阁回到了寄宿处。

88 、He surrounded the castle with a high wall.───他用高墙把城堡围住。

89 、Do you like the castle built in the medieval time?───你喜欢那些中世纪建成的城堡吗?

90 、The boy told the broom to fill a tub in the castle.───小伙子要扫帚把城堡里一个浴缸的水加满,



KK: []

DJ: []


1. 城堡

The baron lived in a strong castle.


2. 城堡式建筑,巨宅

3. (西洋棋的)城形棋子


1. 置...于城堡中;筑城堡防御



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