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07-01 投稿




英:[kre?n]  美:[kren]

英:  美:


v.起吊, 伸长(脖子), 犹豫

n.鹤, 起重机


动词过去式: craned | 动词现在分词: craning | 动词第三人称单数: cranes | 动词过去分词: craned |


1 、They will have to be moved by crane.───它们得用起重机吊运。

2 、The crane at hatch No.1 Is out of order. Please have it repaired.───1号舱的起重机坏了,请给予修理。

3 、Mr. Crane removed the family to London.───克兰先生把全家迁移到了伦敦。

4 、No job is too big for the Mobile Crane!───对巨型起重机来说,没什么工作是困难的!

5 、Luckily for him, he was stationed at Camp Crane.───他运气不错,他的基地就是克兰营。

6 、Is the crane on the location?───吊车在井场吗?

7 、In the lane the planer saw a planet airplane under the crane.───在巷道里,刨工看见了起重机下的行星飞机。

8 、He crane his nck to get a glimpse of the parade.───他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。

9 、Do not move the truck when the crane is with load.───不要将起重机吊着重物行走。

10 、They built a crane capable of lifting 150 tons.───他们造了一台能吊起150吨重量的吊车。

11 、Design of Crane Moment Limiter by Sing.───单片机力矩限制器的研制。

12 、The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last.───上星期天,来访的客人和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。

13 、Includes 2 crane operators and accessories.───包括2名起重机操作员及配件。

14 、She was there right after the crane fell.─── 起重机吊索坠落时 她在场

15 、A crane had to be used to haul the elephant out of the trap.───人们不得不动用一辆吊车来拉出落在陷阱里的大象。

16 、Walling under the rotation radius of crane boom is prohibited.───吊臂旋转半径下,禁止人行走。

17 、They hoist cargo with a crane .───他们用起重机吊起货物。

18 、They used a crane to haul the weighty beams into place.───他们使用吊车把沉重的大梁拉到合适的位置。

19 、Two-color metal cutting plotter is a small crane.───双色金属刻字机是小型起重机械的一种。

20 、They hoist cargo with a locomobile crane.───他们用自动推进的起重机吊起货物。

21 、AGENT GENE CRANE: Yeah, he lives at the school.───吉恩克雷恩探员:是的,他住在学校。

22 、Crane was a prolific writer throughout his short life.───作家克雷恩在其短暂的一生中创作了许多作品。

23 、Sir Peter Crane is a paleobotanist at the University of Chicago.───CRANE是芝加哥大学的古植物学家。

24 、The huge travelling crane has not yet been put up.───巨大的龙门吊车还没有安装起来。

25 、Would you let me know the lifting capacity of your ship's crane.───你能否告诉我,你船克令吊的负荷量?

26 、In the lane,the planer saw a planet airplane under the crane.───在巷道里,刨工看见了在起重机下的行星飞机。

27 、Clip-rail is a device for crane accessories equipment.───夹轨器是一种用于起重机的配件设备。

28 、If the site is small, it may be commanded by a gantry crane.───假如场地小,则可采用龙门式吊车进行操作。

29 、Wall jib crane with adjustable hoist. Swing range can be shown.───带有可调节绞车的下支撑悬臂起重机。可显示旋转范围。

30 、Crane, you and I can't have lunch without peril.─── 克兰 我和你吃个午餐都会遇到险境

31 、The crane uplifted the car and moved it to a safer place.───吊车吊起小汽车放到安全的地方。

32 、It is a track travelling small and medium-sized crane.───其适用起重量3-16吨,适用跨度为6-28米。

33 、The ultimate test, for him as for Stephen Crane, is death.───对于他,一如对于史蒂芬·克莱恩,最后的考验在于死亡。

34 、Dr. Jonathan Crane: The Bat-man.───乔纳森·克莱恩医生:蝙蝠侠。

35 、Why does the little crane eat small stones?───哎呀,这只小丹顶鹤正在吃石头子呢。

36 、Frenzen's Car is lifted by crane.───弗伦岑的车被吊车吊了起来。

37 、Running test and hoisting test for 4t provision crane.───4吨食物吊运转试验和吊重试验。

38 、You'd need a crane to hang a picture of her on a wall!───她如此胖,你要用起重机才能把她的照片挂到墙上。

39 、He's pinned under a crane at a quarry.─── 他被压在一台采石场的起重机下面

40 、A cat, a peacock, a turkey, a crane, a giraffe and two geese!───一只猫,一只孔雀,一只火鸡,一只鹤,一只长颈鹿和两只鹅!

41 、Screw shield is a kind of crane accessories.───丝杠防护罩是起重机的一种配件。

42 、In the lanem the planer saw a planet airplane under the crane.───在巷道里,刨工看见了起重机下??星飞机.

43 、Crane, you really should have called me sooner.─── 克兰 你真该早点打**给我的

44 、Crane hasn't been to a dentist since he's been here.─── 克兰来了这里之后还没有去看过牙医

45 、The band hired a crane to lift the piano into the theatre.───乐队组用上台起重机把钢琴搬进剧场。

46 、Crane, I can't hit a target that *all.─── 克兰 目标太小我没法击中

47 、They are taking down a crane [ the scaffolding ].───他们正在拆吊车[脚手架]。

48 、Crane, that coin anyone could have it by now.─── 克兰 那枚硬币 现在可能在任何人的手上

49 、Erection of the pylon required a crane of 1000 ton capacity.───塔架安装需用起重量达1000吨的吊机。

50 、Why is it titled Yellow Crane Tower?───它为什么被叫做黄鹤楼呢?

51 、They crane their necks to see the dancer.───他们伸长脖子看那个跳舞的人。

52 、The first small crane which clipping on the balcony arm appeared.───年第一台夹在阳台臂上的小吊机诞生。

53 、The crane made rumbling sound.───吊车发出隆隆的响声。

54 、You ought to visit the Yellow Crane Tower.───你应该参观一下黄鹤楼。

55 、Crane, you don't need to prove anything to me.─── 克兰 你不必向我证明任何事

56 、The crane was not happy with the peacock.───对于孔雀的炫耀,鹤不太高兴。

57 、It is also the natural nesting place of the whooping crane.───公园里栖息着北美数量最多的野牛,同时这里还是美洲鹤的天然巢穴。

58 、When she finished, she bit another white crane's throat.───她练完功后,又将一头白鹤的喉管咬开。

59 、Crane, be careful she could still be dangerous.─── 克兰 小心 她可能仍然危险

60 、Boyd tried to palm off a secondhand radio as a new one on Crane.───博伊德企图把一架用过的收音机冒充新的卖给克兰。

61 、Quayside container crane is a crane.───岸边集装箱起重机是起重机的一种。

62 、A grey crane flew onto the tree.───一只灰鹤飞到树上。

63 、One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with a "Shanghai" sedan.───一架起重机的吊杆伸入二号舱,吊出一辆上海牌轿车。

64 、AGENT CRANE runs after them.───克雷恩探员追上他们。

65 、Work as crane operator at least 2-3 years.───从事行车操作工或相关工作2-3年以上。

66 、Swinging off a crane does a number on your back.─── 刚刚那么惊险 腰酸背疼

67 、Bull: Crane! Stop! Now, step out slowly.───仙鹤!别动!现在,慢慢地走出来。

68 、AGENT GENE CRANE: How do you want this handled?───吉恩克雷恩探员:你想怎么处理这个?

69 、A crane flew past, with its neck outstretched in flight.───一只鹤飞了过去,飞行的时候脖子伸得长长的。

70 、They crane up building material.───他们以起重机举起建筑材料。

71 、To raise or lower(the boom of a crane or derrick).───升降使起重机的吊臂上升或下降

72 、Denny Crane: Pull a rabbit out of your hat.───从帽子里变出只兔子来(寓意另辟蹊径,出其不意,无中生有)

73 、Single-girder gantry crane is a gantry crane.───单主梁门式起重机是门式起重机的一种。

74 、Crane one's neck to see sth.───伸长脖子看什么东西。

75 、The crane lifted/raised the whole house.───吊车把整幢房屋吊起。

76 、The first small crane used for storage appeared.───年第一台解决仓库用小吊机诞生可安装于各种楼房小型仓库。

77 、Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane.───不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。

78 、Dr Crane's specialism is tropical diseases.───克莱恩博士的研究领域是热带病。

79 、I am looking for a tipper truck with crane, left-hand drive.───寻找卡车起重机,左手驾驭,请厂家联系我们.

80 、Basket is used as a crane lifting gear.───吊篮是用于起重机的一种起重工具。

81 、The driver slewed his crane round.───司机转动吊车。

82 、The driver slewed the crane round.───司机把吊车转了过来。

83 、Crane, Wheel Loader, Dozer,Excavator, Grader.───主营业务:Construction Machinery.

84 、Crane control box is an electric lifting.───大车控制箱是起重电气的一种。

85 、Losing all his money forced Mr. Crane to come down.───失去了所有的钱财,克兰先生被迫入了窘境。

86 、Keywords: crane, rail clips, design standard.───关键词:起重机、轨道压板、设计规范。

87 、There is a crane ahead that is hanging a large concrete pipe.───前面有一台吊车正在吊着一只大水泥管。

88 、Beijing Crane Factory Tai Hu Division No.───北京起重机器厂台湖分厂。

89 、You want the Yellow Crane Tower in the picture?───你想将黄鹤楼照进相片吗?

90 、They used crane to lift the container from the ship.───他们用起重机从船上把货柜吊起来。









以上内容参考 百度百科-仙鹤



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