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07-01 投稿




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英:  美:




异体字: antigene | 副词: antigenically | 名词: antigenicity | 形容词: antigenic |


1 、An antibody produced by or derived from the same species as the antigen with which it reacts.───同种抗体; 同族抗体由与抗原相同的种类产生的或衍生的抗体,由它对该抗原作出反应

2 、An antibody that causes precipitation when it unites with its antigen.───与特定抗原反应以产生沉淀物的抗体。

3 、The positive wells were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with purified GDH as antigen.───gdh基因在猪链球菌大部分血清型中保守存在,重组表达的蛋白具有免疫原性。

4 、Relating to the correspondence between an antigen and the antibody produced in response to it.───同源的与抗原和对其反应产生的抗体同的对应现象有关的

5 、The rearrangement genes of antigen acceptorsof every lymphocyte are completely different.───因此每个淋巴细胞的抗原受体基因编码完全不同。

6 、Unresponsiveness to an antigen that normally produces an immunological reaction.───免疫耐受性对一般会产生免疫性反应的抗原不作任何反应

7 、It appears the antigen produced by Isobel's brain isn't a vaccine.─── 看来伊泽贝尔的脑子 产生的抗原不是疫苗

8 、The other is that Wistar rats are injected with adjuvant antigen to lead to auto-immune method.───二是注射佐剂抗原引起自身免疫法。

9 、Thirdly, it can stimulate secondary immune respond efficiently and speedily for the inbreak of similar antigen.───三是能对类似抗原入侵产生迅速高效的二次免疫应答。

10 、The strains which lack Pgm and VW antigen are related to the ecological types and foci.───VW-和Pgm-菌株与生态型及疫源地有一定的关系。

11 、Determinate titer of tuberculosis antibody with cy-tomembrane antigen.───以胞膜抗原测定结核抗体滴度探讨

12 、Blood group antigen Don E. W.───Don E. W.血型抗原

13 、Hepatitis B virus surface antigen kit, double antibody sandwich ELISA.───乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原诊断试剂盒,双抗体夹心法。

14 、Is antigen of second liver surface electropositive how Mo cure? How deceive pass a barrier?───**表面抗原**怎麽治疗?怎样蒙混过关?

15 、Whether the 51KD antigen is a new sperm antigen related to infertility deserves to be confirmed by further study.───51KD抗原是否为一种新的与不育相关的精子抗原,有待进一步研究证实。

16 、Send off a urine antigen and check if he's joined the Elks.Next?───|送一份尿原体样本,看看他是否加入了麋鹿的队伍. 下一个?

17 、An antigen that stimulates the production of a particular agglutinin,such as an antibody.───凝集原促使凝集素产生的抗原,如抗体。

18 、The optimal conjugation ratios of immunogen and coating antigen were 13 and 10.───人工免疫原及包被原的最适结合比为13和10。

19 、The attraction between an antigen and an antibody.───化合力抗原和抗体之间的相互吸引

20 、Send off a urine antigen and check if he's joined the elks.─── 查军团菌尿抗原 看他是否曾与麋鹿共处

21 、There was positive correlation between the expression of Fas antigen and activity of caspase-8 (r=0.873, P───Fas抗原的表达与caspase-8活性变化呈显著正相关(r=0.873,P

22 、This study provided a precursor of N-propionyl-D-mannosamine for the tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen.───为肿瘤相关糖抗原提供了N-丙酰甘露糖胺前体。

23 、ELISA proved the specific binding capacity of expressed product to the corresponding antigen.───elisa法检测证实其具有与相应抗原特异性结合的活性。

24 、It will become a tumor antigen.───它会变成一种肿瘤抗原。

25 、Incubation for 60 minutes guarantees antibody or antigen responding well with the corresponding antigen or antibody.───60分钟的样品温育时间,保证了标本中的抗体或抗原能否与相应的抗原或抗体充分反应。

26 、To make(an individual) nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen.───使减感使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应

27 、But not all semen, just the prostate antigens of one particular male.─── 但不是所有的* 只是某一个特定男性的前列腺抗原

28 、The antigen of A.fumigatus in tissue was detected by immunochemistry.───以免疫酶组织化学方法检测兔肺、肝、脾、肾组织中烟曲霉抗原。

29 、Human hepatitis B virus surface antigen,HBsA...───人乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)试剂盒;

30 、Hepatitis B virus surface antibody kit, double antigen sandwich ELISA.───乙型肝炎病毒表面抗体诊断试剂盒,双抗原夹心法。

31 、Particular antigen Only humoral immunity is a function of lymphocytes.───只有体液性免疫有淋巴球的参与。

32 、One of the exactly questions to treat CHB is how to enhance the antigen presentation function of DC.───如何恢复或加强DC的抗原提呈能力,充分发挥机体免疫功能已成为治疗CHB急需解决的问题之一。

33 、A study on Fas antigen and neurons apotosis in the brains of the patients with Alzheimers Disease.───Fas抗原与阿尔茨海默病神经细胞凋亡的研究。

34 、Modified or camouflaged red blood cells surface antigen in vitro -- universal donor blood?───体外化学修饰红细胞--通用型血?

35 、In Taiwan, nearly 100% of HCC children were hepatitis B surface antigen seropositive.───台湾的肝细胞癌儿童几近百分之百为B型肝炎表面抗原之带原者。

36 、Fas Antigen Expression and Significance in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Buccal Mucosa.───Fas抗原在颊粘膜鳞癌中的表达及意义

37 、She has a very rare mix of blood antigens so she struck out on the general donor population.─── 她血液里的抗原配比非常罕见 所以一般的器官捐献对她没有用

38 、Leptospira antigen protein can be effectively expressed in BCG.───卡介菌能有效表达钩体抗原蛋白

39 、Because if you achieve the E antigen seroconversion, you can stop the drugs in 70-80% of the patients.───因为如果你获取了E抗原的血清转化后,你就能在70-80%的患者中停止药物治疗。

40 、Is antigen of second liver surface electropositive what meaning?───**表面抗原**什么意思?

41 、ALCs of MMH expressed not only T-cell markers(CD3),but also NK-associated antigen (CD57).───ALC除表达CD3免疫表型外,还表达CD57的免疫标记。

42 、Cultured tet+ B cells produced antibodies specific for epitopes of the tetramer antigen.───培养的四聚物**B细胞产生大量针对四聚物抗原的表位抗体。

43 、It waves a piece of antigen that acts as a signal so that T cells can rush in and dispatch the interloper.───它挥舞著这一小块抗原充当信号,于是T细胞迅速赶来,把入侵者给除去。

44 、It appears the antigens produced by Isobel's brain isn't a vaccine.─── 看来伊泽贝尔的脑子 产生的抗原不是疫苗

45 、Specific IgG antibody was tested by ELISA,the sonicated B.pertussis bacteria was used as coating antigen.───取血清应用酶联免疫吸附试验 (elisa)测定百日咳特异性IgG抗体。

46 、We haven't found antigenic foreign substances, but the full tox report could take weeks.─── 我们没发现外来抗原性物质 但完整毒性报告得要好几周才能出来

47 、CD45RA and CD45RO are two isoforns of leukocyte common antigen(LCA).───CD45RA和CD45RO是白细胞共同抗原的两种异型.

48 、Is antigen of hepatitis B surface carried serious? Is the impact big?───乙型肝炎表面抗原携带都严重么?影响大么?

49 、Immumodominant antigen bind- ing of MAb 10C7 was located at molecular weight about 46kD via Western Blot.───Western blot分析显示,MAb 10C7可特异识别相对分子量为46kD的人肝脏微粒体蛋白。

50 、You are antibody positive or antigen positive certainly.───你确定是抗体**还是抗原**。

51 、Hepatitis B virus e antigen kit, double antibody sandwich ELISA.───乙型肝炎病毒e抗原诊断试剂盒,双抗体夹心法。

52 、Antigen of second liver surface why is somebody electropositive somebody be electronegative? Which had been planted?───**表面抗原为什么有人是**有人是阴性啊?哪种好呢?

53 、Oral tolerance refers to the state of specific immunological hyporesponsiveness induced by feeding antigen.───口服耐受是机体对口服抗原产生的特异性无应答或低应答状态。

54 、Because I have to match not only the blood type, but six surface antigens.─── 因为不但要血型匹配 还要匹配六个表面抗原

55 、Research began by ferreting out an antigen that could be displayed by a dendritic cell.───一开始,他们四处找寻能够让树突细胞表现的抗原;

56 、What is antigen of second liver surface, if what masculine gender expresses?───什么是**表面抗原,假如**表示什么?

57 、The expression of Fas antigen in hemangioma and vascular malformation.───Fas抗原在血管瘤及血管畸形中的表达及意义。

58 、It was the only target we could find, and it had a lot of common antigens.─── 我们只能找到那一种 而且还有很多相似的抗原

59 、PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen, a substance produced only by the prostate gland and found in the ejaculate.───PSA是前列腺特异抗原的英文缩写,该蛋白只产生于前列腺,在前列腺液中就能检测到。

60 、The antigen on the cell surface was detected with immunocytochemistry.───免疫细胞化学检测细胞表面抗原。

61 、The significance of expression of Fas antigen and bcl 2 protein in benign and malignant lesions of thyroid gland.───凋亡相关基因产物Fas抗原及bcl-2蛋白在甲状腺肿瘤组织中的表达

62 、Acting against or interacting with more than one kind of antigen, antibody, toxin, or microorganism.───多价的与一种以上的抗原、抗体、有毒物质或微生物反应或相互作用的

63 、The antigens and the cure she took created glycoproteins that essentially awaken dormant cells in her brain.─── 她服用的解药里的抗原 产生了一些糖蛋白 在根本上唤醒了 她大脑里休眠的细胞

64 、The chemistry of immunologic phenomena,as of antigen - antibody reactions.───免疫化学有关免疫学现象的化学,如有关抗原-抗体反应的化学

65 、Antigen of second liver surface is electropositive, liver function is normal, need treatment?───**表面抗原**,肝功能正常,需要治疗吗?

66 、The standards prepared from CA15-3 antigen are corrected against the standards of CIS ELSA CA15-3 IRMA kit.───CA15-3标准品以CIS公司免疫放射分析药盒标准品校正。

67 、The use of HEP-2 cell lysate as antigen in CIE yielded a low detection rate for SS-B antibody(2/20).───以 HEP-2细胞为抗原作 CIE,SS-B 抗体的检出很低(2/20).

68 、Negative results were also obtained in antigen antibody cross test with 12 strains of FluA and FluB viruses.───它们的血凝素抗原及血清与 12株甲和乙型流感病毒株无免疫血抑交互反应。

69 、The breast cancer antigen specifically combined with M4G3 McAb has 48,000 dalton molecule weight.───与M4G3单抗结合的乳腺癌抗原分子量约为48,000 dalton。

70 、So HPV type 16 E7 antigen is a very promising target for cancer immunotherapy.───因此,HPV16E7是HPV相关肿瘤免疫治疗中非常有前途的靶抗原。

71 、Immunology To make (an individual) nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen.───使减感:使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应

72 、Fas antigen was weakly expressed on HL-60 cells.───HL?60细胞Fas弱表达。

73 、When she was cured, dormant cells in her brain were revitalized, thanks to glycoproteins produced by reinvigorated antigens.─── 她被治愈以后 她大脑里的休眠细胞复活了 多亏了复活抗体生成的糖蛋白

74 、By comparison,the increase of HLA ABC antigen was slow,while the raise of HLA DR antigen was fast.───且两种细胞的HLA-ABC抗原表达量增高幅度较小,而HLA-DR抗原增高幅度较大。

75 、The endothelial cells are immunoreactive for CD34 and Factor VIII related antigen.───内皮细胞呈CD34+和VIII因子相关抗原+。

76 、Analysis of correlation among HBV DNA, HBV preS1 antigen and HBV markers.───**病毒DNA和前S1抗原及其标记物三者相关性分析

77 、The immune complex of CPV antigen and CPV antibody have been made.───以犬细小病毒(CPV)做为示范性抗原,以抗犬细小病毒血清(Anti- CPV) 做为示范性抗体,制成抗原抗体免疫复合物。

78 、Having only one site of attachment. Used of an antibody or antigen.───仅有一个附着地点的。用于抗体或抗原

79 、There was no significant difference of apoptosis index between Fas antigen positive and negative group.───Fas抗原**与阴性组间凋亡程度无显著差异。

80 、The N protein is the major antigen of SARS-CoV. Antibody in human can last more than 3 years.───SARS-CoV的N蛋白是免疫原性较强的抗原,感染3年后仍存在高滴度抗体;

81 、RD1 region will act on an ideal target antigen in diagnosis and prevention of MTB because of its good immunogenicity.───RD1区蛋白有较强的免疫原性,在MTB的预防和诊断中将可能发挥巨大作用,并有可能成为筛选抗MTB药物的理想靶抗原。

82 、Title: The expression of Fas antigen in hemangioma and vascular malformation.───关键词:血管瘤;基因表达;抗原类;免疫组织化学

83 、Another method of maintaining antigen persistence is through use of an adjuvant.───使用佐剂是保持抗原持续存留的另一方法。

84 、SHP-2 mainly acts on the downstream of the cytokine, antigen, and extracellular matrix.───SHP-2主要作用于细胞因子、抗原、细胞外基质等的下游,通过特异性识别SH2结构域的**酸化酪氨酸位点与多种R-PTKs(R-protein tyrosine kinase)相互作用。

85 、Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test.───型肝炎表面抗原检查。

86 、What meaning is positive of antigen of second liver surface?───**表面抗原**是什么意思啊?

87 、The two strains has common antigen of the OMP which has good immunogenicity.───外膜蛋白是部分供试菌株的共同抗原,具有免疫性。

88 、The microwave antigen repair technique was used to improve ICA positive detection rate.───为了提高ICA的**检出率,本研究应用了微波抗原修复术。

89 、Andino has also caused melanoma tumors in mice to regress with a YF17D vaccine carrying a tumor-specific antigen.───安迪诺也让YF17D疫苗携带针对肿瘤的抗原,成功减少了小鼠身上的黑色素瘤。

90 、The ELISA result using ORF2 protein as antigen showed good accuracy.───以ORF2蛋白为抗原的ELISA检测结果具有较好的准确性。






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