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07-01 投稿




英:  美:




1 、Bobbie Lohse───罗塞

2 、Bobbie Ann Mason───鲍比·安·梅森

3 、Forty years haven't dimmed the thrill of those moments spent shivering,beside my grandma,in Bobbie Decker's bushes.───我记得小时候和奶奶一起过的第一次圣诞晚会。我当时还只是个孩子。

4 、She's got ants in her pants(Bobbie Ann Mason)───她焦躁不安(鲍比 安 梅森)

5 、Bobby, it's a pleasure to have you here.─── 波比 欢迎你来到演播室

6 、Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie's house,and she and I crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front walk.───奶奶把车停在离博比家不远处的街边。我们悄悄地挨近他家,躲在房前过道的矮树丛里。

7 、He got fragged. Blown away(Bobbie Ann Mason)───他被蓄意谋杀了。被射杀了(鲍比 安 梅森)

8 、Portrait Lighting Techniques with Bobbi Lane───人物拍摄灯光设置技巧

9 、His mother said, "you will be able to do so some day, bobbie."───他妈妈说道,“你总有一天可以办到到的,宝贝。”

10 、Then she drove me over to Bobbie Decker's house,explaining as we went that I was now forever officially one of Santa's helps.───然后在开车送我去博比家的路上,她告诉我今后我将永远正式成为圣诞老人的助手之一了。

11 、That evening,Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons,and write,“To Bobbie,From Santa Claus” on it.───那天晚上,奶奶帮我用彩纸和缎带把大衣包装起来,并题上了字:“给博比,圣诞老人赠。”

12 、Dear Bobbie, do you remember when you were very young and pretty? I do, I remember pleated skirts, black and white settled shoes...───很难形容这种感受,但凡是听过的人应该无一不会掉泪...

13 、comment5, crazypix.com, 8D, cordpro.com, 639503, little virgin incest, clgy, playboy bobbi billard naked, 171, gas-web.com, >:-((,───您如需购买药品请点击“付款方式”或拨打**:0531-86690691咨询。

14 、She said, "Bobbie, you come from a generation of fighters on both sides, but I hope that you will be a minister and preach against war.───她说:“博比,你出生在一个军人世家里,但我希望你能成为一个牧师,倡导反战。

15 、Bobby is here to argue with me, not you.─── 鮑比是來跟我爭論的 不是跟你

16 、Bobbie: If you were a good pimp you would've hit me by now!───鲍比:如果你是一个不错的皮条客,那么你现在就不会打我!

17 、Bobbi Brown, Chanel, Clarins, Clinique, Estee Lauder, Jo Malone, La Mer, MAC, origins, Prescriptives, Rodan+Fields, Stila。───无论是想了解这些品牌,还是想买这些品牌,都一定要去看看。

18 、He got fragged.Blown away(Bobbie Ann Mason)───他被蓄意谋杀了。被射杀了(鲍比·安·梅森)

19 、His mother was very proud of him and said“Bobbie, one day your dream of becoming a great inventor will he realized.───他妈妈无不为他感到骄傲,对他说道:“博比,总有一天你会实现当一个伟大发明家的梦想。

20 、Using Bobbi brown corrector in peach is a great concealer for intense, dark circles.───对于极度暗沉的黑眼圈,桃色的波比布朗眼部专业遮瑕膏绝对是个很棒的选择。

21 、And then they used bobby's own momentum to kill him.─── 然后他们用博比自身动能杀掉他

22 、Bobby, this whole thing is turning me on.─── 鲍比 你这样把我情欲都挑起来了

23 、Bobbie reproached me for my lack of patience.───波比责怪我缺乏耐心。

24 、Emmett, that skirt is a hoot(Bobbie Ann Mason)───爱米特,那条裙子真是滑稽(鲍比 安 梅森)

25 、Finally it did,and there stood Bobbie.───门终于开了,博比出现在门口。

26 、Granite Ink featured paired with the NEW Stonewashed Nudes Palette in Bobbi's Stonewashed Nudes Look.───防水,持久不脱落.浓妆淡抹总相宜,可以创造出意想不到的效果!

27 、Bobby, you've been working here your whole life.─── 鲍鲍 你打出生就在这里工作

28 、Could I leave a message for Bobbie to meet me at noon tomorrow?───我可以留个话,请巴比明天中午与我碰面吗?

29 、Lauren seriously dying from boredom at work with bobbie.───going to jesicas later(: 6 小时前发布。

30 、Bobbie always found a willing listener in his mother.───博比的妈妈是他最好的听众。

31 、Bobbie: Oh no! I'm enjoying this. (Saying to herself) This game isn't won withhands or feet. It's won with the head!───才不呢!我很享受这比赛。(自言自语道)网球重要的是动脑子,而不是比力气

32 、Bobbi Brown Chanel Dior Lancome Shiseido ...───曾经参加其他品牌的化妆班? 有.

33 、Oxford Green series.Three children: Bobbie, Peter, and Phyllis, have to move from their big and nice house to a small one near the track with their mother.───芭比、彼得和绯丽丝必须和妈妈起搬离她们原来的豪华大房子到一栋靠近铁路旁的小房子里。

34 、Bobby, you leave now, and I'm done with you.─── 波比 你现在离开 我们就此绝交

35 、It is said that Ron is coming to Huston which only costs HOU Bobbie and a first round pick of 2009.───这种战术要求掩护球员有较好的中远距离投篮能力,被掩护球员有很好的控球能力、传球意识。

36 、His legacy still lives on with me and my close ties wit Bobbie Smith, his breeder, and I use the Ice Way kennel name with Bobbie's blessing.───它的传奇经历一直流传至今以至于用它的名字命名了一个犬社。

37 、Dribble off those Bobbie Brooks───脱掉你这胸罩

38 、"Mother," said Bobbie, "when I get to be a man, I will be a preacher and tell the people to be peaceful and stop fighting, but why doesn't God stop the war?───“妈妈”博比说,“当我长大成人,我要做一名牧师,劝人和善,阻止争端,但为什么神不阻止战争?”

39 、The project is Bobbie's baby.───该项工程是巴比负责的。

40 、Bobby, pour some of my sauce on everything.─── 博比 在所有的菜上淋一些我做的酱汁

41 、"She's got ants in her pants" (Bobbie Ann Mason)───“她焦躁不安”(鲍比·安·梅森)

42 、The cowboy mellowed out when they read him a sweet letter from his wife(Bobbie Ann Mason)───当他们给他念了他妻子的来信后,这个牛仔变得乐陶陶的(鲍比 安 梅森)

43 、Once there, she makes good friends with the ascerbic Bobbie Markowitz, a jewish writer who's also a recovering alcoholic.───但一天她突然遭解雇、婚姻出现问题。

44 、”His brother,Ralph,continued to call him“Fool Bobbie”and“Mother's dream”;said he would never amount to anything because he wouldn't work on the farm like the rest of them.───他哥哥,拉尔夫,继续称他为“傻瓜博比”和“妈妈的美梦”,说他终究一事无成,因为他不像其他人那样老老实实在地里干活。

45 、Bobbie was greatly impressed with his mother's dream and her hopes and ambitions for him, but his brother would quarrel and try to fight with him.───他妈妈的梦与对他的期望与抱负给博比留下了很深的印象,但他的哥哥总是与他争吵并挑衅他。

46 、Bobbie was in Sunday School again and heard them read from 1Tim 2:11-14: "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.───孩子在主日学校又听到关于提摩太前书第2章11到14节的布道:“女人要沉静学道,一味的顺服。

47 、Mccaughtry, Jeffrey Martin, Bobbie, J.───作者: Bo Shen, Nathan A.

48 、Bobby, the one thing you and I have now is each other.─── 博比 我们所共同拥有的就是对方了

49 、Let's invite Bobbie and John to our party, Ok? B: You can never do that. A: Why? B: There's been bad blook between them since Bobbie took away John's girlfriend.───咱们邀请鲍比和约翰来参加我们的晚会,好吗?乙:你可别那们做。甲:为什么?乙:自从鲍比抢走了约翰的女朋友,他们之间就恨得咬牙切齿。

50 、"Emmett, that skirt is a hoot!" (Bobbie Ann Mason)───“爱米特,那条裙子真是滑稽”(鲍比·安·梅森)

51 、Bobbie was not the kind to be discouraged by obstacles and later his ingenuity overcame the difficulties.───博比没有因困阻而气馁,不久之后他就克服了困难。

52 、"If Emmett drives, I could set up front" (Bobbie Ann Mason)───“如果艾米特开车,我就坐前排”(鲍比·安·梅森)

53 、"The cowboy mellowed out when they read him a sweet letter from his wife" (Bobbie Ann Mason)───“当他们给他念了他妻子的来信后,这个牛仔变得乐陶陶的”(鲍比·安·梅森)

54 、Bobby interviewed her here, and then again and again.─── 波比在这里采访了她一次 之后又多次采访了她

55 、"He got fragged. Blown away" (Bobbie Ann Mason)───“他被蓄意谋杀了。被射杀了”(鲍比·安·梅森)

56 、Jason: Your mum got all tanked up and set off Uncle Bobbie's flares.───杰森:你妈妈喝得烂醉,打开了博比叔叔的警报灯,哈哈哈哈。

57 、Bobby, we have to get him upright. Into the van.─── 博比 我们要扶他起来 扶他上车

bobbie burns怎么读

bobbie burns : [ˈbɔbi] [bɜ:ns] ,音译为: 波比 伯恩斯。






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