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07-01 投稿




英:[f?:z]  美:[f?:z]

英:  美:


n. 四人舞, 灯笼裤



1 、She seemed somehow to have consumed four glasses of pernod to the tune of several hundred frances.───不知怎的,她好像喝下了四杯波诺得,价值达几百法朗。

2 、A stadium with four tiers of seats.───一个有四层座位的体育馆

3 、With your permission, let's go four by four.─── 你要是允许的话 我们查16个街区

4 、He is capable of running a mile in four minutes.───他能用四分钟跑一英里。

5 、You must be back by four o'clock.───你务必在4点前回来。

6 、Four people got on.───四个人上了车。

7 、Twenty can be divided by four.───20能被4除。

8 、A group of four persons or things, especially two couples.───四人一组四人或物一组,尤指两对

9 、He lay back and hit the ball for four.───他向后弯身击中球,得了4分。

10 、A compartment on a European passenger train equipped with four to six berths for sleeping.───卧铺车厢欧洲客列车的一种车厢,装有四到六个睡觉用的铺位

11 、Four years of college gave her considerable polish.───四年的大学教育使她更加完美。

12 、He jammed four apples in his pocket.───他在自己的衣服兜里塞了4个苹果。

13 、He'd had French shoved down his throat for four hours a day. No wonder he grew to hate it.───他每天强迫自己学四个小时的法语。难怪他对法语变得讨厌起来了。

14 、He thought he heard a mouse under the bed, and got down on all fours to have a look.───他好象听见床底下有老鼠的声音,就趴在地上看了一下。

15 、Four teams are going to battle it out tonight in the semifinals.───四个队将在今晚的半决赛中决一胜负。

16 、Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner.───在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱。

17 、The subaudible electron-magnetic radiation has been detected by four Canadian scientists.───刚刚听见的电磁辐射已过四位加拿大科学家测出了。

18 、He wove four plots together into a novel.───他把四条情节编成一部**。

19 、Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin.───四个士兵守卫灵柩。

20 、The date of the meeting was advanced by four days.───会议提前四天召开。

21 、Having four feet with opposable first digits, as primates other than human beings.───四足如手的有四足和与其他脚趾相对的第一个足趾的; 如除人类以外的灵长类动物

22 、He earned four A's in the final examinations.───他期末考试四门功课得优。

23 、He has brought up four children.───他带大了四个孩子。

24 、Four american student wish stay september12-15 preferably double with if unavailable any room okay.───四位美国学生欲从9月12日住至15日,最好是带浴室的双人房间,如没有,其他房间也可。

25 、If you take four away from ten, that leaves six/Ten take away four is/leaves six.───十减去四得[剩下]六。

26 、Four cubed is sixty-four.───四的立方是六十四。

27 、You inhale for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, and then let it out for four seconds.─── 你吸气4秒钟 憋气4秒钟 然后吐气4秒钟

28 、The meeting dragged on for nearly four hours.───会议单调乏味地持续了近4个小时。

29 、A game, especially a golf match, played by four persons, two on each side.───四人对抗赛四人玩的游戏,尤指高尔夫球赛中的双打,每边两人

30 、He missed four meals in succession.───他一连4顿没有吃上饭。

31 、During my four academic years. I made good grades on all courses.───在校4年学习期间,各门功课均为优良。

32 、It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours.───一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。

33 、The convocation held at four o'clock had passed a regulation.───四点举行的会议通过了一项规章制度。

34 、He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls.───他给我们看了4位精神失常姑娘的病历。

35 、Four bones, four volunteers, four different locations.─── 四个骨头 四个自愿的人 四个不同地点

36 、Four multiplied by five is twenty.───五乘四得二十。

37 、One of four equal periods of playing time into which some games, such as football and basketball, are divided.───一节在一些比赛中,如橄榄球和篮球,被平分成四等份的比赛时间中的一份

38 、It's not easy to make a simile go on all fours.───作一个丝毫不差的明喻可不是那么容易的。

39 、He listed four dependents on his income-tax form.───他在所得税申报表上填写家属四人。

40 、One of four offspring born in a single birth.───四胞胎之一一胎出生的四个孩子中的一个

41 、A fugue for four voices; string voices carrying the melody.───四声部的赋格曲; 弦乐声部演奏旋律

42 、An archaeologist, an odd bird of passage who turns up there every three or four years or so.───一个考古学家,他是一个性情古怪、漂泊无定的人,每隔三四年左右就会来这里一次。

43 、He came with his wife, six children, four dogs and various other impedimenta.───他来时携妻子、 六个孩子、 四条狗以及各式各样的累赘什物。

44 、It took four men to wrestle the heavy rock into place.───4个人费尽力气才把那块很重的岩石搬到合适的地方。

45 、The page size obtained by folding a whole sheet into four leaves.───四开将一张纸折叠成四页而获得的纸张尺寸

46 、One fifth of a gallon or four fifths of a quart of liquor.───五分之一加仑或一夸脱酒的五分之四

47 、Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight.───7乘4等于28。

48 、The fir the last four digits: three, zero, four, four.─── 最前...最后四位数是 3044

49 、He is only thirty, and already he has four films to his credit.───他才三十岁,却已拍过四部影片了。

50 、Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest.───在所有四季当中,夏天最热。

51 、Oh, nine, four, three, eight, four... four, one, six.─── 94384... 416

52 、Measuring two units by four units, especially inches.───2个单位乘以4个单位的,尤其是以英寸单位

53 、He went on all fours like a baby.───他像小孩子一样在地上爬行。

54 、The four and a half per cent bonds are in request.───利息四厘五的债券需求量大。

55 、Six minus two equals four.───六减去二等于四。

56 、It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four.───二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。

57 、Liverpool are chasing their third league title in four years.───利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年後第三次赢获联赛冠军。

58 、They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy.───他们为海军徵募了四百名新兵。

59 、A plane figure with four sides and four angles.───四边形有四个边和四个角的平面图形

60 、Four huge crates within the compass of the elevator.───四个巨大的板条箱在起卸机的范围内

61 、The students of these four classes got together for an English evening.───四个班的学生在一起开了一次英语晚会。

62 、A stanza or poem of four lines.───四行诗四行的诗节或诗歌

63 、He arranged his speech under four main heads.───他把发言内容归纳成四个主要方面。

64 、No prophecy can be expected to go on all fours.───凡预言皆不能指望其完全应验。

65 、He sent me four fifty-dollar notes.───他寄给我四张五十圆面额的钞票。

66 、They usually have four lessons in the morning.───上午他们通常有四堂课。

67 、He wooed four girls before finally marrying one.───他在结婚之前曾向四个姑娘求过婚。

68 、Seven minus three equals four.───七减三等于四。

69 、No, this is a four and I wear a four.─── 不用 这是4码 我穿的就是4码

70 、It was getting on to four in die morning when he finished die article.───他写完这篇文章时,已接近凌晨四点了。

71 、He bought four tickets, which was one too many.───他买了四张票,多了一张。

72 、Leap-year day(every four years) and year-end day(every year) would be counted as extra Saturdays.───人们把闰年日(每四年一天)和年末日(每年一天)视为外加的星期六。

73 、There are four wheels in a car.───一辆汽车有四只轮子。

74 、North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass.───东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。

75 、Four years of prep school should polish those children.───四年的预科学习应该让这些孩子变得温文尔雅。

76 、How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year.───一年有几个季节? 一年有四季。

77 、Four avenues radiate from the square.───四条林荫大道从那广场向四方延伸。

78 、Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions, especially the three spatial dimensions and single temporal dimension of the relativity theory.───四维的,四度空间的由四维确定或表现的,尤指三个空间维度和相对理论中的时间维度

79 、I was clean broke in less than four days.───不到四天我就一个钱也没有了。

80 、Four of them... I knew four of them.─── 认识四个...我认识其中四个

81 、A carriage and four was passing by.───一辆由四匹马拖的马车通过。

82 、The land is to be sold with outline plan permission for four houses.───因有四栋住宅规划许可草案这块地将被出售。

83 、An expression that is the sum of a real number and a vector and that contains four terms, one real and three imaginary.───四元数一实数和一矢量的和的表达式,有四个项,一个为实数项,另外三个为虚数项

84 、He come with his wife, six children, four dog and various other impedimenta.───他来时携妻子、六个孩子、四条狗以及各式各样的累赘什物。

85 、Choose four out of the total number.───从全部数目中选出四个。

86 、Four fifths of the perjury in the world is expended on tombstone, women, and competitor.───世上的伪证,有五分之四花费于墓碑、女人以及竞争对手之上。

87 、There are four kingdoms with four kings.─── 有四个国王 统治四个王国

88 、It's really not easy for a widowed mother to rear up four children.───一个寡母要抚养4个孩子成人确实不易。


: in threes and fours的意思是:三五成群


一、老鼠mouse的读音英[ma?s] 美[ma?s]


n. 鼠标; 老鼠; 羞怯[胆小]的人; [非正式用语] 眼部青肿;

vi. 捕鼠; 窥探,偷偷地寻找;


He thought he heard a mouse under the bed, and got down on all fours to have a look.


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