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07-01 投稿




英:[?m?sf?t]  美:[?m?s?f?t, m?s?f?t]

英:  美:


n.不能适应社会或工作环境的人, 不适合


动词过去式: misfired | 动词现在分词: misfiring | 动词第三人称单数: misfires | 动词过去分词: misfired |


nonconformist | oddity | crank | eccentric | loner




1 、That includes an Italian, so over the past few days Milan have come out into the open with their interest in Real Madrid misfit Cassano.───这包括一名意大利球员,米兰在过去几天里逐渐表现出了他们对于在皇马并不如意的卡萨诺的兴趣。

2 、Si and Si1-xGex is assigned in different thermal-expansion coefficients such that the misfit across the interface is met.───应变矽的产生方式主要有两种,可分为矽/矽锗异质结构与氮化矽应力层。

3 、Keywords composites;misfit stress;X-ray diffraction;peak location method;───复合材料;错配应力;X-射线衍射;定峰方法;


5 、a social misfit───与社会格格不入的人

6 、The relations between electronic structure,chemical bond and thermoelectric property of misfit layered cobaltite of Ca_3Co_(4)O_9 and La-doped series are studied using density function and discrete variation method (DFT-DVM).───用离散变分密度泛函方法(DFT DVM)计算了失配层钴酸盐Ca3Co4O9及其掺La系列,讨论了电子结构、化学键等与热电性能之间的关系。

7 、05 Manchester City misfit Jo has reportedly joined Everton on loan until the end of the season.───曼城前锋若确定租借**埃弗顿,租期到本赛季结束。

8 、And a group of misfits became unlikely friends.─── 一群问题少年不可思议地成了朋友

9 、10 MisFit (Say HellO To MY Little FRIEND!───我反正忍受不了说谎话给爱人。

10 、lattice misfit───点阵错合晶格错配

11 、The net stress is a driving force of misfit dislocation multiplication and is a very important factor for strained MQWs stability.───净应力是失配位错增殖的驱动力,是应变多量子阱稳定的重要判据。

12 、A:That nerd is a total social misfit.───那个呆子对人情世故一窍不通。

13 、19 MisFit (Say HellO To MY Little FRIEND!───我要说你们之间有危机了!

14 、56 MisFit (Say HellO To MY Little FRIEND!───这种人。。。。钱不钱的先不说这种人不能要的。

15 、The results appear a relation between the formation of misfit dislocation and dynamics conditions.───模拟结果表现了失配位错的形成现象与动力学条件的关系。

16 、Meet Bliss Cavendar, a blue haired, indie-rock loving misfit stuck in the tiny town of Bodeen, Texas.───故事发生在德克萨斯州的一个小镇上。

17 、A simple model is presented to discuss the effect of ultra-thin buffer layer on the generation of misfit dislocations and strain relaxation in strained heterostructures.───摘要用一个简单模型讨论了应变异质结构中嵌入中间层对界面失配位错产生和应变释放的影响。

18 、Misfit strain───失配应变

19 、root-mean-square misfit───均方根拟合差

20 、Yet he made his name playing rebels and misfit s.───然而他的名字同时成为戏弄坏人的代名词。

21 、Some old garments had been given him--a cheap brown coat and misfit pair of trousers.───有人给了他一些旧衣服--一件廉价的棕色上衣和一条不合身的裤子。

22 、Here was the compleat modern misfit:the very air appeared to poison him;───这正是现代错位的一个典型例子:这里的环境在毒害他;

23 、Three categories of misfit have been identified in the software package implementation context.They are Data, Functional, and Output misfits.───中文摘要套装软体导入的过程中,会产生三种不同的差异:资料差异、功能差异以及输出差异。

24 、At the real life School of Rock a group of misfit kids get in touch with their inner rock star.───现实生活中的《摇滚学校》,一群装束不合时宜的小子与心目中的摇滚明星接触。

25 、This coat is a misfit.───这件上衣不合适。

26 、And I had a feeling one of those misfits was you.─── 然后我就感觉其中肯定有你

27 、Trapping is a very complicated issue, which is restricted for use in solid color correction for CMYK images misfit between.───补漏不黑是件格外啰嗦的事,它只限用于订正CMYK图像洋不杂色间的错位本体。

28 、It's a bunch of misfits that somehow... fit.─── 一群看似格格不入的人搁一起...居然很搭

29 、Compared with other superalloys, the alloy 4 with the less lattice misfit possesses the bigger internal frictional stress and activate energy during creep, so has a better creep resistance and longer the rupture lifetime.───与其它合金比较,具有较小晶格错配度的合金4蠕变期间具有最大的内摩擦应力和蠕变激活能,因此,具有较高的蠕变抗力和较长的持久寿命。

30 、Among the three configurations analyzed, dynamics simulation results show that a pairs of edge misfit dislocations appeared at all the relaxed interfaces.───能量学计算发现,存在最优构型,动力学模拟显示不同构型的界面弛豫后,在相界面上都“成对”出现刃型错配位错。

31 、ERP Misfit: Country of Origin and Organizational Factors By: Wang, Eric T. G.; Klein, Gary; Jiang, James J.───不适配:原产国与组织因素。

32 、Someone to help lead all of these wonderful misfits.─── 一个能带领这些不合群却有才华的孩子的人

33 、But in his memoirs, Obama described feeling like a misfit in his Indonesian sandals and old-fashioned clothes when he started at the school.───但是在奥巴马回忆录写到,在印尼刚开始上学时穿着当地的拖鞋和过时的衣服,感觉不能适应。

34 、But it is now Russia, with its depressed, oil-dependent economy, that looks like the misfit.───但如今,由于经济低迷、依赖石油,俄罗斯看起来才是不相称的那个。

35 、The band of misfits who fight back against the bullies.─── 一帮不合群的人在反抗欺凌

36 、My goal is not to turn you into a monk or a cabin-dwelling misfit.───我的目标并不是把你变成一个和尚或隐士。

37 、Their misfit coats were heavy with melted snow and turned up at the collars.───不合身的上衣,被融雪湿透,变得沉甸甸的,衣领都朝上翻起。

38 、Your hu*and and his band of immigrant misfits are all over the footage.─── 你丈夫还有他那一伙移民另类 录像中都是他们的身影

39 、Complete online help is included and Misfit Model 3D is designed to be easy to use and easy to extend with plugins and scripts.───本站提供的一些商业软件是供学习研究之用,如用于商业用途,请购买正版。

40 、Conditions for formation of misfit dislocation in epitaxial films-a molecular dynamics study───外延生长薄膜中失配位错形成条件的分子动力学模拟研究

41 、Even though I was a misfit in high school, I can't believe 5 years later I'm the president of my own PR firm.───在读书时代他跟任何人都不能融洽相处,估不到五年后的今天他成为公关公司的总裁。

42 、This coat misfit me.───这件外衣不适合我。

43 、Z. Zhang and W. Geng, "Direct observation of misfit dislocations at the interface between a decagonal quasicrystal and its epitaxial crystalline layers", Phil. Mag. Lett., 65 (1992) 211-218.───“十面体准晶与其表面晶体之间界面失配位错的直接观察”,,(英国).

44 、Keywords FCC/BCC interface structure;misfit dislocation;bainite growth mechanism;───BCC相界结构;错配位错;贝氏体长大机制;

45 、I weep, I am depressed. I deplore I am a misfit!───哀朕时之不当。

46 、PATRICK VIEIRA has told Arsenal misfit Mathieu Flamini: Come and join me in Italy.───维埃拉告诉阿森纳对环境不适合的中场费拉米尼:和我一起来意大利吧!

47 、Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs.───汤姆萨维耶似乎是先导和模板错配的孩子,如丹尼斯的威胁,马尔科姆在中间,与卡尔文与霍布斯。

48 、Both nucleation and growth are affected by the external stress by two-step aging simulation, but the effect degree depends on lattice misfit.───采用双级时效模拟方式时,外加应力场对析出相的成核及生长阶段均有影响,只是影响程度与析出相自身的点阵错配度有关。

49 、Far from being contented, the poor misfit has but to go back to his place and eat some more stuff he himself cooks according to his own preference.───回到住处,免不了另起炉灶,依照原有的口味私自加餐。

50 、They were a band of ragtag misfits from all corners of town.─── 有一队怎么看都不协调的乌合之众

51 、misfit river───不相称河

52 、An approach of calculating the initial stress and deformation in tension winding according to misfit is advanced.───基于过盈配合的思想建立了计算张紧力缠绕导致的复合材料飞轮内部预应力和变形的简化模型和方法。

53 、Keywords Thin film;Misfit dislocation;Twin;Texture;Molecular dynamics;───薄膜;失配位错;孪晶;织构;分子动力学;

54 、A molecular dynamics simulation of the enhancement of adatom incidence of formation of misfit dislocations in epitaxial aluminum films has been carried out.───摘要运用分子动力学方法模拟研究了沉积原子的不同落点对外延铝薄膜中失配位错的诱发作用。

55 、Additionally, they argue that a misfit penalty is likely to exist for organizations that deviate from the preferred configurational design.───另外,他们认为,偏离了更受欢迎结构模式的组织可能会受到不相应的惩罚。

56 、initial misfit strain───初始失配应变

57 、That computer nerd is a total social misfit.───那个只会玩电脑的呆子对人情世故一窍不通。

58 、misfit symbol───失配度符号

59 、He always feel a bit of a misfit in the business world.───他总觉得自己在商业界有些不适应。

60 、Nothing is more unnerving to the truly conventional than the unashamed misfit!"───对于想法传统的人来说,那些有悖于惯例却还不知羞耻的人最让他们懊恼。”

61 、But please know that you are not a social misfit just because some company has not decided to bring you on board.───但是请了解仅仅某公司没有决定让你成为他们的一员并不表示是一位社会中的“另类”。

62 、The merry band of misfits don't worry about it.─── 怪人们的欢庆队伍 别担心

63 、On the Misfit of Rehabilitation-through-labor and the Absence of Validity of Punishment───论劳动教养的错位与刑罚的效能缺失

64 、Dynamics Conditions for Formation of Misfit Dislocation in Epitaxial FCC Films───FCC晶体外延薄膜中失配位错形成的动力学条件

65 、interfacial misfit strain───界面错配应变

66 、Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Misfit Layered Cobaltite and La-doped Series───失配层钴酸盐与掺镧系列的电子结构与热电性能

67 、Find out how this misfit saves Christmas and becomes the most famous reindeer in history in this cheery retelling of the TV classic.───读这本书你会发现,这个与他不匹配的红鼻子是如何拯救了圣诞节,最后成为历史上最有名的驯鹿。

68 、Misfit Characters Effect on the Dislocation Structure and Nucleation Mechanism in FCC Epitaxial Crystals───失配性质对面心立方外延晶体失配位错结构及其形核机制的影响

69 、Nobody wants to be one of the herd, but nobody wants to be a misfit or a loner either.───没人希望自己是完全从众、没有个性的人,但也没人希望自己不合时宜或者不合群。

70 、Designs that fit early strategic contingencies tend to misfit later ones.───适合早期战略偶然事件的设计倾向于不适合晚期的偶然事件。

71 、In either case, the person such as herself was a misfit───不论怎样说,象她那样的人,总是不合时宜的人。

72 、He always felt a bit of a misfit in the business world.───他总觉得自己在商业界有些不适应.

73 、He always feels a bit of a misfit in the business world───他总觉得自己在商业界有些不适应

74 、Misfit and Its Countermeasures in the Application of CAI Higher Education───CAI课件在教学应用中的错位现象与对策

75 、What help can she desire from a cursed buffoon, a misfit condemned by the color of his eyes to have false dreams, false hopes?───像我这种被诅咒的小丑,这种因为眼睛的颜色而注定只能怀有错误梦想和希望的人又能给她什麽帮助?

76 、Here was the compleat modern misfit:the very air appeared to poison him;his every step looked treacherous and hard won(Stephen Schiff)───这正是现代错位的一个典型例子:这里的环境在毒害他;他的每一步都象是跋涉但还是艰难取胜(斯蒂芬 希夫)

77 、Liverpool misfit Robbie Keane looks set for a Tottenham return after the Reds gave him permission to have a Tottenham medical.───利物浦失意人罗比基恩看来要回到热刺报道了,因为利物浦已经同意给他接受热刺的体检。

78 、The trousers misfit her.───裤子尺码对她不合适。

79 、Compared to conventional error analytic methods, time-frequency representation can reflect the amplitude misfit and phase misfit of seismic signal.───摘要时频误差分析法与常规的误差分析法相比,既能反映地震信号的振幅误差,也能区分其相位误差。

80 、Even if I wasn't in your league of misfits, I'd steer clear.─── 就算我不是你們超能英雄聯盟成員 也寧可避遠點兒

81 、misfit structure───不匹配结构

82 、The M 23 C 6, with M 6C as its nucleus and colatticed with M 6C, is on the grain boundary and grows in the form of thin lamellar and filmy single crystal. The misfit between M 23 C 6 and M 6C obtained from the moire pattern is about 3%.───而晶界上是以M6C为核并与之保持共格的M23C6,以薄片或薄膜单晶形式长大,从波纹图样上测得它们之间的错配度为3%。

83 、“I'm sure that the misfit exists in states across the country and the underreporting exists,” he said.───"我相信,称职的国家存在全国和漏报存在,"他说.

84 、You were the only one who never treated me like a misfit.─── 你是所有兄妹里唯一一个 从不把我当作异类的人

85 、"Here was the compleat modern misfit: the very air appeared to poison him; his every step looked treacherous and hard won" (Stephen Schiff)───“这正是现代错位的一个典型例子:这里的环境在毒害他;他的每一步都象是跋涉但还是艰难取胜”(斯蒂芬·希夫)

86 、But soon I was drifting back again.I asked if they had a misfit suit on their hands.───因此我迟迟疑疑地说:“要是你们能等两天再结账,就帮了我的忙了。

87 、54 MisFit (Say HellO To MY Little FRIEND!───貌似总要有个人牺牲1点的。

88 、He applied for a transfer due to a misfit of the current job.───由于不适应目前的工作,他提出了调任申请。

89 、Director of CCTV Sports Center Jiang Heping told the media the suspension was due to the misfit of NBA games in China's current atmosphere.───央视体育中心主任江和平在接受媒体采访时说,NBA比赛与目前国内的氛围不吻合,现在暂缓播出。

90 、misfit stream───不适应河


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