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07-01 投稿




英:[?m?nde?t]  美:[?m?n?det]

英:  美:



n.命令, 指令, 要求, 授权


动词过去式: mandated | 动词过去分词: mandated | 名词: mandator | 动词第三人称单数: mandates | 动词现在分词: mandating |


1 、"I think our nominee has a chance not just to win, but to win with a mandate," Casey said.───“我认为,我们的候选人不仅有机会获胜,而且会大胜。

2 、A person or nation receiving a mandate.───受命者接受某个委托的人或国家

3 、Industry is not mandated to do the science.─── 法律没有要求相关行业进行研究

4 、The investment mandate and re-balancing instruction given below will supersede all those recorded previously.───以下作出之投资委?及现有重组基金结馀将会取代以前递交之指示。

5 、Mr. Rambo received a new mandate, this is a strong opponent of helicopters.───兰博先生接到了新的任务,这次的对手是强大的直升机。

6 、As a policy, we will stick to that mandate and prioritise our service above all else.───做为一项承诺,我们将坚持服务质量高于一切。

7 、Therefore, each organization, within its mandate and competence, should support the development objectives of Member States.───因此,每一个组织都应在其各自的任务规定和权限范围之内,支持各成员国的发展目标。

8 、Because your protocol mandated that she be relegated to a desk.─── 因为你们的协议强制她去做文案工作

9 、Before beginning the process of ideation, it's important for designers to have a clear mandate for moving forward.───在构思过程开始之前,对于设计师来说,有一个对前进方向的清晰的要求是非常重要的。

10 、Each two years, a review was held by CARB of the ZEV mandate, and auto makers' progress toward their ZEV targets.───CARB每二年一次审查ZEV"强制要求",以及汽车制造商的ZEV进展。

11 、In Minnesota, a mandate to have 2% diesel made from soya was suspended last year when truckers began to complain of clogged filters.───在明尼苏达州,去年颁布了一项2%的柴油需要由大豆来生产的法令,而卡车司机们则开始抱怨这种燃料造成的机油滤清器堵塞。

12 、NATO is in the country under a UN mandate, operating in defence and at the behest of an elected government.───北约受联合国委托管理阿富汗,执行防务,同时应民选政府的请求清剿塔利班武装。

13 、In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action.───在患难中,他们以投票表示他们要的是直接果断的行动。

14 、One of those is the once controversial notion of an individual “mandate” to purchase insurance.───其中一项一度备受争议的观点是实行个体强制性购买保险。

15 、For example, a CIO may mandate that the accounting department receives network priority at the end of each month.───例如,信息主管(CIO)可以规定,在每个月的月底财务部可获得网络优先权。

16 、He drew back instantly as if obeying an Imperial decree or a mandate from Buddha.───"贾瑞如听纶音佛语一般,忙往后退."

17 、TTL circuits may mandate the addition of input pull-up resistors.───TTL电路可控制输入上拉式电阻器的增加。

18 、That your system has exceeded its mandate.─── 你的系统已经超出其授权了

19 、But since the expansion and evolution of the Order, the mandate of the Knights Templar grew bigger!───但是随著扩展和演变,圣殿骑士团不继扩大!

20 、"It's good for patients, but it's almost an unfunded mandate.───“它的良好的病人,但它的几乎是没有着落的任务” 。

21 、Therefore, it believed that the WIPO mandate should not be changed.───因此,代表团认为WIPO的授权不应改变。

22 、To amend WIPO Convention, bringing it in line with WIPO's mandate as an UN-specialized agency.───修正《WIPO公约》,使之符合WIPO作为联合国专门机构的任务规定。

23 、The security pact gives US forces a legal remain basis after UN mandate expires at the end of next month.───下个月底联合国授权期满后,这项安全协议给美国在伊拉克提供了一个合法驻军基地。

24 、Its comprehensive mandate, spanning social, economic and emergency needs.───任务范围广泛全面,涉及社会、经济和紧急情况下的需要。

25 、Holding a League of Nations mandate over a territory.───受委托的受国际联盟的委托而掌管统治某地区的

26 、I arrived in London fifteen months ago with a mandate to build an office from scratch.───个月前,我奉命于伦敦著手筹设办事处。

27 、No Child Left Behind has placed a restrictive, unfunded mandate on our teachers and students.───“不让一个孩子辍学”法案有效吗?,“不让一个孩子辍学”法案

28 、Our mandate was to turn soldiers against their own forces.─── 我们的任务是让士兵对自己人兵戎相见

29 、I'm not under the same mandate as the other staff.─── 我不像其他员工那样是强制要做的

30 、Similarly, in the Hearst case, the Court first considered whether the NLRB's understanding of its duty was consistent with the congressional mandate.───同样, 在“赫斯特”案里,法院首先考虑全国劳资关系委员会对其职权的理解是否与国会的指令相符。

31 、Those include a mandate that any 'nonemergency' spending increases be offset by equal spending cuts or tax increases.───其中要包括一项强制性条款,即非紧急情况下的支出增长必须要以同等规模的支出削减和加税来抵消。

32 、One was to renew the mandate of the IIM and the other proposal was that it should be done in the framework of the PCIPD.───一种建议是重订IIM的任务授权,另一种建议是在PCIPD框架的范围内处理这一问题。

33 、The country became the British mandate of Transjordan in 1923 and gained independence in 1946.───1923年这个国家成为英国托管地(外约旦),1946年获得独立。

34 、Capability and format of Payment Guarantee for the payment of commission to the Royalty and to the Seller Mandate.───卖方要求完全法人计划应依据银行的能力和支付形式保证给皇室卖方委托人支付佣金。

35 、But it should mandate these practices, not just encourage study of them.───但是它应该授权让这些付诸实践,而不是仅仅鼓励研究。

36 、I have no mandate, so I have no life.─── 没有得到任命 我就失去了生活

37 、The People's Daily commentary has virtually called for an expansion of Holbrooke's mandate to include the Indian-Pakistani problem .───人民日报的评论(已经)实际上呼吁扩大霍尔布鲁克的授权包括印巴问题.

38 、On the domestic front, say his advisers, Mr Sarkozy intends to use the five-year mandate in three phases.───关于国内的阵地,他的顾问表示,萨尔科齐先生打算把五年任期分为三个阶段。

39 、Therefore, it might be suitable for further work in a body like the PCIPD, which had a mandate to consider those types of matters.───因此,由诸如PCIPD之类的机构继续开展工作可能更为妥当,因为该机构有审议这些问题的权限。

40 、Others do not believe the start of his mandate, he cast doubt on the capacity.───别人开始对他不信认了,对他的能力产生怀疑。

41 、After protracted consideration the national government had decided to ask a mandate from the people.───国家政府经过长期考虑后,决定征求民意。

42 、He comes with a rough mandate to cool inflation, cut back Big Government and stand up to the Russians, with no clear consensus as to how.───他领受的艰难使命是:把通货膨胀冷却下来;压缩庞大的政府机构;并且迎击俄国人的挑战;然而,对于怎样作才好,却是意见纷纭的。

43 、Transjordan became an independent state in 1927, although the British mandate did not end until 1948.───1927年外约旦成为独立国家,虽然英国的讬管直到1948年才结束。

44 、The terms governing WIPO's mandate, functions, finances and procedures are set out in the WIPO Convention.───《建立世界知识产权组织公约》中的有关条款规定了世界知识产权组织的任务、职责、财务和各种程序。

45 、In 1994, they engaged a public relations firm run by Joe Cerrell to fight the ZEV mandate.───在1994年,他们聘请了一家由JoeCerrell管理的公关公司,抗击ZEV"强制要求"。

46 、The Delegation stated that it was an excellent document that could be usefully debated with the new mandate for the PCDA.───代表团表示,这是一份可以用于讨论PCDA授权的出色文件。

47 、It was crucial that WIPO programs did not de-jure or de-facto mandate any of these activities in favor of proprietary software.───WIPO的计划不在权利上或事实上把这些活动中的任何一项委托给所有权软件至关重要。

48 、"Go out of the room; return to the nursery," was her mandate.───“出去,回到保育室去,”她命令道。

49 、India's ambassador in Kathmandu says his government will accept the mandate given by Nepal's people.───印度驻加德满都大使说,印度政府将接受尼泊尔人民的选举结果。

50 、Suicide does not fall under our mandate.─── 自殺案不在我們的職責范圍內

51 、In their need, they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action.───他们在困难中表达了自己的委托,即要求采取直接而有力的行动。

52 、The Delegation thought that it would also be useful to clarify the specific mandate of this Committee, as already mentioned by Switzerland.───代表团认为澄清本委员会的特定使命也是有益的事,瑞士已提到了这一点。

53 、First, the economic growth of the Palestinian Arab society during the period of the British Mandate.───一、英国委任统治时期巴勒斯坦阿拉伯社团的经济发展。

54 、Where labourers declare to the peoples court the claim for salaries, they may mandate a representative for declaration.───劳动者向人民法院申报劳动工资请求权的,可以委托代表申报。

55 、Of, having the nature of, or containing a mandate.───命令的属于或拥有或具有训令特征的

56 、You tie the mandate, the Secretary will not ill-treat you, do not forget your brother also benefit.───你配合我把任务完成,局长不会亏待你,做哥哥的也忘不了你的好处。

57 、You had given them a mandate to assist the suffering Iraqi people, and to help Iraq recover its national sovereignty.───你们委任他们去帮助水深火热中的伊拉克人民,协助伊拉克恢复他的主权。

58 、Preparing an initial working document in accordance with the mandate of the 2006.───Manalo大使根据2006年大会的授权准备最初工作文件时所做的出色工作。

59 、Mandate, direct to sellers of Arab light crude oil, gasoil and LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas).───公司受中东石油化工生产厂商委托,主要从事石油、液化气贸易。

60 、The mandate was clarified and extended by resolution1997/50.───其任务由第1997/0号决议予以明确并扩大范围。

61 、Allows users to control class loading and mandate what class to load.───允许用户控制类加载并指定要加载的类。

62 、The mandate is to produce scientific evidence that screening can help prevent colorectal cancer and save lives.───其主要使命是为筛查提供科学证据,预防大肠癌并挽救生命。

63 、He was unrelenting in his pursuit of legal mandate.───他坚决要求得到合法的托管权。

64 、Go out of the room; return to the nursery," was her mandate.───出去,回到保育室去,”她命令道。

65 、After 40 years of Democratic control, the Republicans now have a mandate to change the way government works.───在民主党执政了40年之后,共和党现在要改变政府的工作方式。

66 、The country became the British mandate of Transjordan in 923 and gained independence in 94'.───923年这个国家成为英国托管地(外约旦),94'年获得独立。

67 、There are also suggestions to mandate building inspection by firstly targeting buildings above certain building age and in poor condition.───亦有建议指强制验楼可先集中处理某一楼以上和保养欠佳的楼宇。

68 、The Delegation was disappointed that the committee had not been able to achieve its mandate.───代表团对于委员会没有能够完成其使命感到失望。

69 、From the naissance of Galleria Continua Beijing in May 2005, the theme of cultural exchange has indeed been at the top of its mandate.───2005年5月常青画廊坐落北京后,注重文化交流的理念一直是被放在首位的。

70 、Their mandate was to complete discussions on proposals submitted at the time of that meeting, trying to reach concrete and practical results.───他们的任务是完成对本次会议提案的讨论,目的取得具体和实用的成果。

71 、Samaritan follows no mandate other than its own.─── 撒马利亚人只接受自己的授权

72 、The presence of alarm symptoms, though nonspecific, should mandate further investigations.───出现警示症状,即使是非特异的,也需要进一步的检查。

73 、It's a coach mandate and that is on me.─── 这是教练的命令 我负责这一部分

74 、It wants all countries to mandate large, grotesque pictorial warnings on cigarette packets.───世卫组织希望所有国家在香烟包装上强制性地使用显著且丑化的警告图示。

75 、A traveler told me that the Ironfists of Enroth have lost the mandate of heaven.───一位旅行者告诉我,恩洛思的铁拳王朝失去了天堂之令。

76 、Both got sovereignty from French mandate in 1947. Syria began to intervene Lebanon since the 1975 Civil War.───1947年,两国相继摆脱法国的委任统治,成为独立的主权国家。

77 、You should follow the doctor's mandate.───你该听从医师的要求。

78 、A stronger electoral mandate will let PiS finish the job.───一份更为强硬的选举委任状将促使法律公正党完成其治国使命。

79 、Next year, the mandate for the current five-year American program to combat AIDS abroad will expire.───到明年,美国现行的海外抗击艾滋病五年计划将期满。

80 、Problem descr iption : Suppose a mandate from the n-K parallel work can be completed machines.───假设有n个任务由K个可并行工作的机器完成。

81 、Rightfully been given the mandate by the people.─── 本不该我担任由人民亲自选出来的总统

82 、But at least they had some semblance of a popular mandate.───但至少表面上他们代表了大众的意愿。

83 、This proved fatal to the ZEV mandate.───事后证明,这对ZEV"强制要求"是致命的。

84 、"My mandate is to sell what people have, to get rid of what people want to get rid of, to serve the seller," he said.───“我的职责就是拍卖人们所拥有的东西,把他们不想要的东西甩出去,为卖主服务。”他说。

85 、QFII should mandate domestic commercial banks as custodians and domestic securities companies as brokers for their domestic securities trading.───合格投资者应当委托境内商业银行作为托管人托管资产,委托境内证券公司办理在境内的证券交易活动。

86 、Thus, the Court still plays an important role in assuring that the agency decision is consistent with the statutory mandate.───因此,法院仍在确保机构的决策与法定授权保持一致方面发挥重要作用。

87 、The Delegation went on to say that clusters had been discussed and the mandate of this body was now to produce concrete recommendations.───代表团继续说,各代表团已经讨论了若干提案集,而且本机构当前的任务就是产生具体的建议。

88 、QFII should mandate its custodian to open a RMB settlement account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution.───合格投资者应当委托托管人在证券登记结算机构代为开立人民币结算资金账户,用于与证券登记结算机构进行资金结算。

89 、On entering his house, he met Morrel, who wandered about like a ghost awaiting the heavenly mandate for return to the tomb.───一回到家,他就遇到莫雷尔正象一个幽灵似的在他的客厅里来回徘徊。

90 、But now he has a five-year mandate, after winning 58% of the vote.───但是现在,在他赢得了58%的选票之后,他接受了一个五年期的统治委任状。


Mandarin 并非满大人的音译。实际上,mandarin一词源自于对“行政**的语言”即“官话”的英语表达,与满族并无直接联系。观察相同词根的词汇,例如mandate代表政府权力或命令,mandation指行政权力,mandary描述官方或行政性质,而mandatory则表示命令性或强制性。满族在英语中称为Manchu,早期则用manzhu一词,与manda词根无关。



有着’神所赋予的任务’这样意义的’Mandate’中,在熙饰演的角色为20岁出头的驱魔师’崔强’.是个遗传到祖先历代追赶恶魔的血脉,而走上了驱魔师之路的角色.预计将以幽默和实力兼备的驱魔师,呈现那段时间所没呈现的武打和剑术演技.那段时间,在电视剧中呈现了可爱以及像少年的在熙,他将在这次的**中,在发型和服装等外貌上尝试破格的变身.曾执导过**’天使梦’,’Birth Of The Man’的朴熙准的第三部长篇**’Mandate’,是在述说和操纵世界上所有犯罪却看不到的势力作战,和强力犯罪对抗的人们的故事.






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