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07-01 投稿




英:['h??mta?n]  美:[?hom?ta?n]

英:  美:


n.家乡, 故乡


1 、What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?───你的家乡周围有什么景点?

2 、There is a leafy forest in our hometown.───在我们的家乡有一片树叶茂密的森林。

3 、She got married to a man from her hometown.───她与一个同乡结婚了。

4 、Back to her hometown, she feels she still inhabits her old days.───回到家乡,她觉得自己仍然生活在旧日时光中。

5 、His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer.───他的家乡在北回归线的北面。

6 、What is the population of your hometown?───你家乡的人口是多少?

7 、He is keeping on the house in his hometown.───他把家乡的那所房屋保留着。

8 、The hail has played the bear with the crops of our hometown.───冰雹损坏了我们家乡的庄稼。

9 、He tried hard to recollect the old scenes of his hometown.───他翻来覆去地用心回忆他家乡旧时的情景。

10 、What 's winter like in your hometown?───你家乡的冬天怎么样?

11 、Well, that really happened to a girl in my hometown.─── 我们家那边真有个姑娘出了这事

12 、She left her hometown in 1980 to join Clannad.───1980年,恩雅离开家乡加入了这支乐队。

13 、He is always boosting his hometown.───他总是吹嘘自己的家乡。

14 、She never tires of talking about her hometown.───她总是津津乐道地谈论自己的故乡。

15 、The buses can get you anywhere in our hometown.───在我们家乡公共汽车可以带你去任何地方。

16 、She should do her bit to help build upher hometown.───她将在建设家园中贡献自己的一份力量。

17 、How is the weather in your hometown?───你的家乡天气怎么样?

18 、Because of what they did to my hometown.─── 因为他们对我家乡所做的一切

19 、His hometown was razed to the ground during the war.───他的家乡在战争中被夷为平地。

20 、Be the weather different in your hometown?───你们家乡的天气是不是和这里不同?

21 、He nixed out his hometown in his childhood.───他童年时就离开故乡。

22 、But they don't, even in my hometown.─── 但是他们不喜欢我 甚至在我的家乡也是这样

23 、He feels nostalgic about his hometown.───他非常眷念家乡。

24 、And I know you, 'cause you're from my hometown.─── 我认识你 因为你来自我的家乡

25 、She has a great affection for her hometown.───她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。

26 、No, it's really *all. It reminds me of my hometown.─── 不 挺小的 会让我想起我的家乡

27 、A new factory will be opened up in my hometown.───在我的家乡将开设一所新的工厂。

28 、He wants to take a bus to his hometown.───他想乘公汽去家乡一趟。

29 、Where are you from? 2. Where is your hometown?───你是从哪儿来的?2.你的家乡在哪里?

30 、Be autumn the best season in your hometown?───你家乡秋天是不是最好的季节?

31 、He poses for photos in his hometown of Tainan.───他在台南老家拍照

32 、It is two years since he left his hometown.───他离开家已两年了。

33 、How long is the way from your hometown?───从你家乡来这里的路程有多长?

34 、What does your hometown produce?───你的家乡都产什么?

35 、It's easy to get anywhere in our hometown by bus.───在我们家乡乘公共汽车到某个地方很方便。

36 、What is the main crop in your hometown?───你的家乡种什么庄稼?

37 、It was my hometown, where I grew up, only better, brighter.─── 那是我的故乡 我生长的地方 但是更加明亮

38 、Is your hometown in North China?───你的家乡在华北吗

39 、Is your hometown famous for anything?───你的故乡是不是因为什么很有名?

40 、He lived to see the liberation of his hometown.───他活到了看见家乡的解放。

41 、Steve: What do you miss most in your hometown?───史蒂夫:在你的故乡,你最怀念的是什么?

42 、I. Writing goal: write about your hometown.───写作目标:描写你的家乡。

43 、Be it very hot in summer in your hometown?───你家乡夏天很热吗?

44 、He returned to his hometown in the spring of 1969.───他在1969年春天回到了故乡。

45 、A: I see. So this is your hometown?───啊,这么说这儿是您老家了?

46 、A male friend or acquaintance from one's hometown or neighborhood.───同乡来自某人家乡或近邻的男性朋友或熟人

47 、They could still see their hometown as it once was.───他们依然记得他家乡从前的情形。

48 、What are the scenic spots in your hometown?───你的家乡的风景区有哪些?

49 、Are there many historic interests in your hometown?───你家乡有许多名胜古迹吗?

50 、When is the best time to come to your hometown?───去你的家乡什么时候最好?

51 、I can't wait for you to see my hometown.─── 迫不及待想让你看看我的家乡了

52 、In his hometown Naples, Caruso loves Musetta.───于家乡那不勒斯,卡罗素玛赛塔青梅竹马。

53 、What is the worst thing about your hometown?───你家乡最差的东西是什么?

54 、He enjoyed the fair land scape of his hometown.───他喜欢家乡的美丽风光。

55 、I can't forgive you for destroying our hometown.─── 我不能原谅你要摧毁我们的家乡

56 、Can you name other places in your hometown?───你能说出你家乡的其他地方吗?

57 、Your hometown is very beautiful.───你的家乡很优美。

58 、He began to talk of his hometown.───他开始谈起他家乡。

59 、His hometown is an insignificant city on the map.───他的家乡只是地图上一个不起眼的小城。

60 、He opened a vegetarian restaurant in his hometown.───他在家乡开了个素菜馆。

61 、He returned to his hometown in glory.───他衣锦还乡。

62 、He left his hometown and looked for a job in town.───他离开家乡到城里找工作。

63 、C: How do you like your hometown?───你的家乡怎么样呢?

64 、Steve: In other words, Tainan is your hometown.───史蒂夫:换句话说,台南就是你的故乡??

65 、You said you had just come from my hometown.───君自故乡来

66 、July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown.───在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月。

67 、Can you give a description of your hometown?───你能描述一下你的故乡吗?

68 、He clings to his memories of hometown.───他怀念着家乡。

69 、What is your hometown known for?───你的家乡什么最有名。

70 、He returned to his hometown many times in his dreams.───多少次在梦里他回到了家乡。

71 、What do you miss most in your hometown?───在你的故乡,你最怀念的是什么?

72 、I bought him and my mom a house here in my hometown.─── 我给他和我妈在这买了房子

73 、Showing him that, even in his hometown, he wasn't safe.─── 让他知道 即便是他的家乡也不安全

74 、His hometown is in an outlying mountain area.───他的家乡地处边远山区。

75 、How about weather in your hometown?───你家乡的天气怎么样?

76 、He left his hometown with all his fortune.───他带着他所有的财产离开了他的家乡。

77 、His body was buried in his hometown.───他的遗体被安葬在他的故乡。

78 、What is the average temperature in his hometown?───他们家乡的平均气温是多少度?

79 、How do you like the weather in my hometown?───你觉得我家乡的天气怎样?

80 、He remarked the changes of his hometown.───他看到了故乡的变化。

81 、Which is the cold month of the year in your hometown?───你家乡一年中哪几个月最冷?

82 、How large is the population of your hometown?───你们家乡有多少人口?

83 、He thinks of Shanghai as his hometown.───他把上海看成自己的家乡.

84 、What is the best season in your hometown?───你家乡最好的季节是哪个?

85 、After being relieved of his office, he went back to his hometown.───卸任后,他回到了家乡。

86 、What's the weather like in spring in your hometown?───你家乡春天的天气怎么样?

87 、Is your hometown very beautiful?───你家乡很美吗?

88 、They began to talk of their hometown.───他们开始谈起他们的家乡。

89 、Don't tell me you are going back to your hometown.───你不至于要回到你的故乡吧。

90 、Does anyone famous come from your hometown?───你的故乡出过名人没有?






homeland是更大的地方。所以一般不会用my homeland is某村,my hometown is China

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