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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


n.神话, 虚构的故事


动词过去式: mystified | 动词过去分词: mystified | 动词现在分词: mystifying | 动词第三人称单数: mystifies | 名词: mystifier | 副词: mystifyingly |


stupefy | floor | puzzle | gravel | flummox | muddy | beat | perplex | dumbfound | stymie | bewilder | bamboozle | stump | pose | addle | nonplus | amaze | vex | stick | muddle | confound | confuse | baffle | cloud | get




1 、To convert into myth; mythicize.───使神话化使转变成神话;使神话化

2 、That was their theory, or belief, or myth.─── 那是他们的理论 信念 或者说神话

3 、I did this because 'security' is a myth.─── 我这么做是因为"安全"只是个传说

4 、His story about being very wealthy was a complete myth.───关于他非常富有的说法完全是捏造出来的。

5 、Myth - To play tennis properly you must have the correct form.───传统观点:想打好网球就得有正确的动作!

6 、I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person, that the myth that ?you'd held onto for so long of a better life, a life where she lived, was just that, a myth.─── 我想让你看到 *妈也只是个人 你执着于的那个神话 有她在的更好的人生 只是个神话

7 、Most people agree the prep is the worst part (see Myth 3).───大多数人都同意,准备工作是让人最难受的部分了。

8 、Are a myth and a legend the same ?───一个神话和一个传奇是相同吗?

9 、But, as I learned just recently, true multitasking is a myth.───但我最近了解到,真正的一心多用其实并不存在。

10 、The “nuclear renaissance” is a myth.───“核电复兴”只是一个神话。

11 、History become legend , legend become myth.───历史成为传说,传说成为神话。

12 、Privacy in today's civilization is a delusion, a myth.───在今天的文明中要想隐居,那是一种欺骗,是一种神话。

13 、Henry Ford himself: The man, the myth, the legend.───亨利福特本人:这名男子的神话,传说。

14 、The unobtainable, Shes a myth that I have to believe in.........───只不过是虚构的,很难获得,我必须相信这些........

15 、A star whose fame turned her into a myth,the pioneer myth of suburbia.───名星的声誉使她变得神秘,郊区拓荒者的传奇。

16 、Myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena.───但神话与现实至少在一个竞技场上。

17 、The myth behind China as a high-tech Goliath?───中国将成为高科技巨人?

18 、Maybe I am too steeped in the myth of the founding to reject it entirely.───也许我太过于投入这个创建宪法的神话中,而不能完全地否定它。

19 、But it is a myth that what we do is all science.─── 但我们所做的是否都是科学仍是个谜

20 、What is the myth concerning giant dams?───关于大坝的神话是什么?

21 、One Tang Dynasty myth holds that the Earth once had 10 suns circling it.───一个是唐朝的神话故事,说的是当时地球被10个太阳包围着。

22 、Myth - Keeping your eye on the ball to hit the sweet spot of your racket.───传统观点:盯紧球才能保证击球点在甜区上。

23 、The Fascination of Myth Characters in China in Animation CreationYangJiajing?───中国神话人物在动画创作中的魅力?

24 、The myth of Medusa is about a woman who turned men into stone.───墨杜萨的神话是关于一个女人把男人变成石头的故事。

25 、Analysis on the Currency Myth of China and Causes of Capital Liquidity Surplus.───中国货币之谜与资金流动性过剩成因分析。

26 、To counter this myth, we explained that we're really an amalgam of little guys.───为了打破这个神话,我们解释说,我们确实是由一群小小的老百姓所组成的混合体。

27 、The myth that aliens are responsible for the geoglyphs there it's not a myth at all.─── 传说中那里的地质印痕 是外星人造成的 那并不是传说

28 、O'Neil thinks his design can become the myth of real city trend.───奥尼尔认为他的设计会成为真正的都市潮流的神话。

29 、Privacy in today's civilization was a delusion, a myth.───在今天的文明中要想隐居,那是一种欺骗,是一种神话。

30 、You know about this myth, right? I've heard about this myth.─── 你知道这个说法吧 我听说过

31 、Legend, myth, and faith often conspire to confuse rather than clarify.───传说、神话和信仰时常会造成迷惑而非明辨。

32 、Again contrary to popular myth, men and women are equally good at navigating.───与流行的观点相反的是,男性和女性的驾驶能力是一样好的。

33 、So back and forth we go, myth to myth, pulsating.─── 所以我们来回地从神祗到神祗间脉动着

34 、Nanjie Village myth is perhaps the last “Animal Farm”.───南街神话或许只是最后的“动物庄园”。

35 、He has peddled the myth that he is supporting the local population.───他散布说他支持当地群众。

36 、A star whose fame turned her into a myth;the pioneer myth of suburbia.───名星的声誉使她变得神秘;郊区拓荒者的传奇

37 、In Indian myth there is the Garuda.───印度神话里有揭路荼。

38 、Myth - Bring the racket back as soon as you see the ball coming toward you.───传统观点:一旦看到球飞向自己的时候就开始引拍动作。

39 、He was a myth that had been created out of desperation and poverty and despair.───他是从绝境、贫困和失望中创造出来的一个神话般的人物。

40 、Another myth involved Hercules, the mythical strong man.───另一个神话是有关赫尔克里斯的,一个神话中的大力士。

41 、A further comment on the myth of globalization By: Rugman, Alan M.───再论全球一体化神话。

42 、"It is symbolism and myth and story and much richer things.───“它是象征和神话及故事与更加富有的东西。

43 、The myth of the Japanese sniper is exploded by returning officers.───从前线回来的军官揭露了日本狙击手的神话。

44 、In our myth, immortals can't descend to the world freely.───在我国神话中,神仙是不能随便下凡的。

45 、The popular myth Many people scoff at organised dating events.───一些人可能会不屑于参加有组织的集体约会。

46 、Totem: Is it the ancient myth or the modern myth?───图腾:古代神话还是现代神话?

47 、To construct or relate a myth.───创作神话;讲。述神话

48 、By midcentury, the myth was entrenched.───到本世纪中期,渴望金发的说法愈发深入人心。

49 、But contrary to popular myth, a black hole is not a cosmic vacuum cleaner.───与流行的神话相反,黑洞并不是宇宙中的真空吸尘器。

50 、It is no longer a myth that an individual person can be as rich as a country.───“富可敌国”不再是神话。

51 、Other accounts of Celtic history debunk these stories as myth.───凯尔特语的历史其它帐户揭穿这些故事作为神话。

52 、To convert into myth;mythicize.───使神话化使转变成神话;使神话化

53 、Right now, such a computer is still a myth.───可是,现在这样的电脑还只是个神话。

54 、Sports medicine, not advertising, that was to blame for the myth, he said.───他说道,跑鞋神话应归咎于运动医学,而不是**。

55 、Why Have We Chosen to Keep the Reduced Protein Myth?───为何我们选择相信降低蛋白质的神话呢?

56 、The reason is very simple: Contracted often can creat unfailing myth!───原因很简单:简约往往会缔造经久不衰的神话!

57 、Could it be that the myth of the only child persists?───会不会是独生子女的谜团仍继续笼罩呢?

58 、They didn't think it through and it's time to debunk this myth.───他们没能透彻地考虑这个问题,现在是时候揭开这个迷题了。

59 、The rich uncle of whom he boasts is only a myth .───他吹嘘的那个有钱的叔叔只是个乌有翁。

60 、In many ways, science is the critique of myth (W.B.───从多方面来看,科学是神话的批评性分析所产生的。

61 、"Polarization" of American Politics: Myth or Reality?───"极化"的美国政治:神话还是现实?

62 、He is more vicious than the fierce beasts in an ancient myth.───他这个人真是比梼杌还要凶恶!

63 、In the 19th century, the Atlantis myth became conflated with Mu and Lemuria.───十九世纪,亚特兰蒂斯的神话变得与姆大陆和利莫里亚合并起来。

64 、The TSA calls CNN's numbers a myth, but refuses to release its own data.───交通安全管理局声称CNN的数据太夸张,但他们却拒绝提供数据资料。

65 、The myth is... if it's a myth, is that, uh, everyone in the world has, uh, an identical double.─── 传说... 如果这算传说的话 世界上每个人都有个一模一样的分身

66 、Just another day in the maze of a myth.───在迷宫中的另一天。

67 、And because there was so much at stake in promoting this great fairy tale myth.───也因为有这么多的利益在推动这一伟大的童话神话。

68 、That 17year myth, that $400,000 myth that you throw in my face every time you get on your little high horse.─── 十七年 四十萬的故事 每次你洋洋得意盛氣凌人的時候 都會拿來羞辱我的故事

69 、Is the Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet Mantra a Myth?───低脂肪高碳水化合物的饮食模式只是一个神话?

70 、Corporate Sustainability: Myth, Smokescreen or Goodwill?───企业可持续发展:神话,烟幕或愿望?

71 、People's faith in the Emperor was based on the myth that he was infallible.───人们效忠君主是基于他永无过失的神话。

72 、The melting pot myth is never true.───关于融炉的说话是不正确的。

73 、Only love is an eternal myth.───只有爱是一个永恒的神话。

74 、It's a crazy festival based on a nutty myth about two lunatics.───两个疯子的愚蠢神话引出来的疯狂节日。

75 、Totem: an Ancient Myth or a Modern Prophesy?───图腾:古代神话还是现代预言?

76 、For in truth, all is myth, myth is all.───因为在真理里,全部是神话,神话是全部。

77 、A star whose fame turned her into a myth; the pioneer myth of suburbia.───名星的声誉使她变得神秘;郊区拓荒者的传奇

78 、Jingxian natural texture of marble, "Mermaid" the outcome of the myth!───天然大理石纹理惊现“海的女儿”神话结局!

79 、Trip to Earth Core: Myth or Reality?───地心旅游:神话还是现实?

80 、Myth - You should contact the ball waist high on all of your shots.───传统观点:你应该在腰部的高度击球。

81 、Long-delayed seroconversion is urban myth!───(长期延后的血清阳转是一个神话!

82 、Creative thinking is a mere myth, but thinking itself can be disciplined.───创意思考是个神话,而思考方法的锻鍊则是人间事实。

83 、You mean centrifugal force? I thought that was a myth.───你的意思是离心力?我认为这是一个迷。

84 、He has a special appearance bringing up the image of Adonis from Greek myth.───他特别的外貌就像希腊神话中阿多尼斯的形象。

85 、"We're debunking that myth as well with these findings.───“研究正是要推翻这一误解。”

86 、It's a myth, and I've heard it before.─── 那是个神话 我以前听过

87 、In the beginning God created the Shaka Myth.───1起初,神创造沙加神话!

88 、You not only broke the myth of BSB, but our hearts as well!───你不只断掉了 BSB 的神话, 但是我们的心恐怕最好!

89 、The history of Sacagawea's life is shrouded in mystery and myth.───关于萨卡加维亚的生平记述充满了神秘感和神话色彩。

90 、The writer feigns many a myth.───作者想象出许多神话。


myth 神话 可数名词

There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun.







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