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07-02 投稿




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abbr. 国际奥委员会(=International Olympic Committee)


1 、Following her confession, the IOC stripped her of her medals.───供认后,国际奥委会随即没收了她的奖牌。

2 、The bean factory concept is the foundation of Spring as an IOC container.───bean工厂的概念是Spring作为IOC容器的基础。

3 、Doping analysis is based on the prohibited drug list which is given by International Olympic Committee (IOC).───体育运动中,兴奋剂检测的依据是国际奥委会(Imemational Olympic Committee,IOC)制定的禁用药物表。

4 、ZC or IOC take a wrong decision, potentially dangerous.───ZC或IOC做出具有潜在危险性的错误决定。

5 、There are significant difference between LUS and IOC (P ───LUS和IOC在操作时间上差异有显著性(P

6 、Diuretics is a kind of dopings which have been forbidden by the Medical Commission of the IOC.───利尿剂是国际奥委会医学委员会禁止使用的一类兴奋剂。

7 、How many Chinese have been elected as IOC members?───共有多少位中国人被选为国际奥委会成员?

8 、But he protested so diplomatically that even Taiwan's IOC member can't hold a grudge.───但他抗议的方式极富策略性,连台湾的IOC委员也无话可说。

9 、He said, according to US laws, IOC had no right to view the evidences collected by FBI.───他说,依据美国法律,国际奥会无权过目联调局所搜集的证据。

10 、However, apart from using technology illicitly, the technique could actually rebound on the athlete, the IOC warns.───但是,IOC警告说,应用这种技术不仅不合法,而且实际上对运动员有意想不到的影响。

11 、Rogge and the IOC have continuouing the Athens that it was not full speed in its settlement of the security.───但是罗格和国际奥委会依然在继续督促雅典,他们那现在的安全工作还没有全部展开。

12 、IOC team encountered Waterloo is extremely good news?───国奥队遭遇惨败其实是天大的好事?

13 、Our athletes have been doing quite well in the sports events organized by the IOC.───另外中国运动员在国际奥委会主持的体育赛事中表现得很出色。

14 、This was also the year the IOC threw open the gates to professional athletes after 96 years of high minded opposition.───也是在这一年,国际奥委会在坚决禁止职业运动员参赛长达96年后首次向他们敞开了大门。

15 、The Chinese government respects and appreciates the conclusion reached by the IOC Evaluation Commission.───中国政府尊重并赞赏国际奥委会评估团所做的结论。

16 、IOC Giselle Davies announced the decision in Athens.───国际奥委会的吉塞拉-戴维斯在雅典公布了这个决定。

17 、"We can't give you an immediate reaction," IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies said.───国际奥委会发言人戴维斯表示“我们不能对于此事立刻给予回答。

18 、Several cities, including Salt Lake City, Utah, and Sydney, had bribed IOC officials to vote for their bids.───几个城市,包括犹他州的盐湖城和悉尼都曾向国际奥委会员行贿。

19 、The IOC has to think carefully about many factors before deciding which bid will be successful.───国际奥委会必须仔细考虑许多因素,才能决定哪个国家获得胜利。

20 、China embraces the Olympic spirit and has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives.───中国崇尚奥林匹克精神,一贯坚定地支持国际奥委会各项动议。

21 、"For once,we want to be ahead,not behind," said Dr Patrick Schmasch,the IOC's medical director.───“就此一次,我们想未雨绸缪,而不是亡羊补牢。”IOC的医务主任帕特里克·施马斯克医生说。

22 、From January 18 to mid June,the related sectors of the IOC and the appraisal committee will study the application reports of the candidate cities.───1月18日至6月中旬,国际奥委会有关部门和评估委员会分析研究候选城市的《申办报告》。

23 、The IOC later announced on Wednesday that the athletes have turned in the Olympic accreditation.───周三下午,国际奥委会宣布,肯特利斯和塔努已向奥委会递交了鉴定报告。

24 、The IOC approved China to take part in the ninth Olympic Games in Amsterdam in Holland in 1928.───1928年,国际奥委会批准我国派团参加在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行的第九届奥运会。

25 、The executive board of the IOC declared the host city election procedures for the 2008 Olympic Games in Lausanne from April 18 to 20.───2000年4月18日至20日,国际奥委会执委会在洛桑召开会议,公布了2008年奥运会的正式申办程序。

26 、Hibernate is an object-relation mapping tool and Spring is an AOP framework and IOC container.───Hibernate是一个对象关系映射工具,而Spring是一个AOP框架和IOC容器。

27 、IOC officials fear that gene therapy could allow athletes to insert the HGH gene in their DNA and avoid detection.───IOC的官员担心,基因疗法使得运动员能够将HGH基因注入自身的DNA而躲过检测。

28 、Nonetheless, neither the host nation nor the IOC can have it both ways.───即便如此,无论主办国还是国际奥组委都不能选边站。

29 、The official languages of the IOC are English and French.───国际奥委会的官方语言是英语和法语。

30 、Doping is strictly forbidden. The IOC Rules on doping shall apply.───严禁服用兴奋剂,大赛将严格遵守国际反兴奋剂条例。

31 、IOC Communications Manager Giselle Davies told reporters on Sunday in Athens that they were continue to convene a disciplinary hearing on Monday.───国际奥委会外联负责人戴维斯在星期天的一个新闻发布会上表示,他们依然就会就此事来召开一个纪律听靡会。

32 、"Too businesslike," Holm said."It can be that some IOC members see it as a lack of respect.───他说:"此举生意味太浓了,可能会让一些奥委会委员认为这是对他们缺乏尊重的表现。"

33 、IOC and FISU shared with the same history mission to promote world peace and sports value towards the mankind. 2.───两组织同藉运动赛会来完成冀求世界和平和宣扬运动价值的历史使命。

34 、In 1912, the IOC decided to allow women to compete in the Games.───1912年,国际奥委会决定允许妇女参加奥运会的竞赛。

35 、The IOC also set up some new rules for the bid cities.───国际奥委会也对申办城市明确提出了一些新的规定。

36 、The Chinese Sports Promotion Committee became Chinese national Olympic Committee with its membership being acknowledged by the IOC in 1931.───1931年,中华全国体育协进会被国际奥委会正式承认为其团体会员后,中华全国体育协进会就成为中国的国家奥委会。

37 、On July 13,2001, the IOC chose Beijing as the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games.───2001年7月13日,国际奥委会选择北京为2008年奥运会的主办城市。

38 、It held the IO database mutex (IOC$GQ_MUTEX) at the time thus preventing other processes from acquiring it.───同时进程要保证 IO 数据库互斥 (IOC$GQ_MUTEX),以防止其他进程在同一时刻也访问同一信息。

39 、They will then submit the application report to the IOC before January 17,2001.───他们应于2001年1月17日以前向国际奥委会递交《申办报告》。

40 、The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is hoist on its own petard.───国际奥委会是多么作茧自缚。

41 、Spring is both an AOP framework and an IOC container.───Spring既是一个AOP框架、也是一个IOC容器。

42 、The IOC's big sponsors, like Coca-Cola, Eastman Kodak and McDonald's, also stand to gain from a Beijing Olympics.───可口可乐、柯达和麦当劳这些国际奥委会的大赞助也一定会在北京奥运中获益。

43 、A: Do you know when IOC put forward the i ue of environmental protection?───你知道国际奥委会在哪一年提出环保课题的吗?

44 、He said aneventual tribute would have to be agreed to by the IOC and local organizers.───他说,国际奥委会和地方组织者最后可能同意通过一份悼词。

45 、But what if the IOC rejects our applications?───不过万一国际奥委会不考虑我们的申请怎么办?

46 、IOC marketingdirector Michael Payne says the unveiling of the logo is key to the success of the Olympic Marketing Program.───国际奥委会市场主管迈克尔·佩尼说,奥运会徽的揭幕,是成功举办奥运会的一个重要环节。

47 、The IOC and the organizing committees of every Olympic Games require high quality of the mascot design .───国际奥委会和历届奥运会组委会对奥运会吉祥物的设计要求都很高。

48 、Today on behalf of IOC He awarded the first three rowers winningthe Women's Lightweight Double Sculls.───何振梁今天代表国际奥委会给获得女子轻量级双人双桨前三名的运动员颁发奖牌。

49 、What is the relation between a national Olympic committee and the IOC?───国家奥委会和国际奥委会是什么关系?

50 、In 1922, the headquarters of IOC and the Museum collections were moved to the Villa Mon Repos in Lausanne and stayed there for the next years.───1922年,国际奥委会的总部和博物馆的收藏品被转移到洛桑的蒙雷珀别墅,并从此在那里安顿下来。

51 、IOC allows me to create an application context where I can construct objects, and then pass to those objects their collaborating objects.───IOC允许创建一个可以构造对象的应用环境,然后向这些对象传递它们的协作对象。

52 、But IOC officials have said they will consider postponing athletic events if the air is too dirty on competition day.───但国际奥委会官员表示,如果比赛当天空气太脏,他们将考虑推迟田径赛事。

53 、After 1970s,four Chinese from the sport world elected as IOC members.───70年代以后,中国先后又有4名体育界人士当选为国际奥委会委员。

54 、IOC Spokesperson, Giselle Davies announced the decision on Wednesday.───国际奥委会的新闻发言人吉赛拉-戴维斯在昨天公布了这一决定。

55 、The opening report was given by IOC's Executive Secretary Dr. Bernal .───国际奥委会的执行秘书长伯纳作了开题报告。

56 、Secondly, the thesis is launched an in-depth discussion on the core mechanism IoC and AOP of lightweight containers.───其次,本文就轻量级容器的核心机制控制反转和面向切面编程,展开了深入的探讨。

57 、However, IOC finally decided to sanction an "International Winter Sports Week" at Chamonix, France, in 1924.───1924年在法国的沙莫尼,国际奥委会最终决定批准一个“国际冬季体育周”。

58 、Hibernate is a leading OR mapping tool and Spring is an AOP framework and IOC container.───Hibernate是一种先进的OR映射工具,而Spring是一个AOP框架和IOC容器。

59 、The official languages of the IOC are French and English.───国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。

60 、Since the 1970s,the sale of Olympic Games broadcasting rights has been the main source of IOC's revenue.───从70年代以来,出售奥运会电视转播权已经成为国际奥委会最主要的经济来源,最高的时候达到总收入的95%。

61 、A major investigation ensued in an attempt to clean up the bidding process and to restore the good name of the IOC.───于是,国际奥委会开始了大规模的调查,力图整治申办程序恢复国际奥委会的声誉。

62 、But only recognized by the IOC,the national Olympic Committee can be qualified to attend the Winter Olympic Game and the Summer Olympic Game.───不过,只有获得国际奥委会承认的国家奥委会,才有权派队参加冬季和夏季奥运会的比赛。

63 、Spring is a new MVC framework and lightweight framework after Struts and is based on the theoretics of IoC and AOP.───Spring是继Struts后又一新的MVC模式技术,是以控制反转和面向方面编程为基础的轻量级框架。

64 、IOC Headquarters is set up in Switzerland Lausanne fitting of having the world "garden city ".───国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。

65 、B:Oh, yes, we have already made an arrangement according to the IOC Nagoya resolution. This is the program of this tournament. Please have a look.───噢,是的。我们已经根据国际奥委会的名古屋决议做了安排。这是本次比赛的秩序册。请您过目。

66 、The IOC Executive Board determines the agenda of the Olympic Congress after consultation with the IFs and the NOCs.───国际奥委会执行委员会经与国际单项体育运动联合会和国家奥委会协商后决定奥林匹克大会的日程。

67 、The vote by all the IOC members will be taken in Singapore on July.───今年7月,国际奥委会委员将在新加坡投票决定(2012年奥运会的主办城市)。

68 、The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) was established in 1992 by WMO, IOC (UNESCO), UNEP and ICSU.───世界气象组织、联合国教科文组织的政府间海洋委员会(IOC(UNESCO))、联合国发展署以及国际科学联盟理事会于1992年建立了全球气候观测系统。

69 、The IOC oversees such function as determining the site of the Olympic Games.───国际奥委会有权决定奥运会的举办地。

70 、In 1999, the IOC took a major step by founding the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).───1999年,国际奥委会采取了一个重大措施,成立世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)。

71 、The condition for belonging to the Olympic Movement is recognition by the IOC.───加入奥林匹克运动的条件是获得国际奥委会的认可。

72 、I therefore hope,from the bottom of my heart,that you,distinguished IOC members,will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations.───因此,我从心底希望你们,尊敬的国际奥委会委员们,帮助他们实现这一长期的愿望。

73 、IOC moves the responsibility for making things happen into the framework and away from application code.───IOC将处理事情的责任从应用程序代码转移到框架。

74 、The headquarters of IOC is located in Switzerland; the headquarters of aNOC is in France; The headquarters of aIO is in Greece.───国际奥委会总部在瑞士;各国奥林匹克委员会协会总部在法国;国际奥林匹克学会总部在希腊。

75 、The rest is distributed to NOCs and the IOC.───另外一半给各国奥委会和国际奥委会。

76 、The accuracy diagnosing of LUS and IOC for the CBD stone exploration is above 97.5%.───LUS联合IOC对胆总管结石的诊断率97.5%以上。

77 、IOC spokesperson Emmanuelle Moreau says the Olympic Games are already so big that many cities can't accommodate them.───国际奥委会发言人艾曼纽儿. 莫罗说奥运会的规模已经大到使很多的城市难以容纳的地步了。

78 、The Taiwan flag issue proves once again that the IOC is made up of a bunch of pandering wimps.───台湾旗帜的问题再次证明国际奥组委的人都是迎合中国的懦夫。

79 、The offical languages of the IOC are French and English.───国际奥委会的官方语言是法语与英语。

80 、The International Olympic Committee or IOC is the governing body of the world's largest comprehensive sports Games: International Olympic Games.───国际奥委会(缩写IOC)是世界最大规模综合体育运动会--奥运会的管理机构。


IOC(Inverse of Control):控制反转。


2、本来类的实例化需要通过new XX() 来实例化一个对象,现在通过spring容器来帮忙实例化类的对象



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