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06-28 投稿




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异体字: impotency |


paralysis | ineffectiveness | inability | helplessness | incapability | feebleness | weakness | impotency | powerlessness | incapacity




1 、The dictatorship of bureaucratic impotence fills in the lull before the battle, before the forces are openly matched.───在各种力量公开较量之前,虚弱无力的官僚专政填充着战斗前的空白。

2 、I didn't realize it was so impotent.─── 我沒想到那玩意兒如此"萎靡"

3 、Chong's Health Care Inc. - general information about traditional Chinese medicine and products for diabetes, impotence, pollen allergies, and weight problems.───介绍中医和治疗糖尿病,阳痿,花粉过敏等病的中药。

4 、Seeing the profits slip from Hugh's fingers, Scarlett became frenzied at her impotence and his stupidity.───利润从休的手上流走了,他这么愚蠢,思嘉自己又夫能为力,因此急得不得了。

5 、What can we call Impotence?───我们可以怎样呼吁阳痿?

6 、It's also high cure effective to the symptoms of impotence, spermatorrhea, sweating, cough, emptysis, long weakness after illness.───对于阳痿遗精,多汗盗汗,久咳咯血,安神养心,病后久虚不复等症状疗效显著,也是老年体弱者的滋补佳品。

7 、Physically, I wasn't impotent, but emotionally I was.─── 虽然我的身体并非性无能 但情感上却是

8 、The Value of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Impotence───彩色多普勒超声诊断阳痿的应用价值

9 、International Journal of Impotence Research───国际阳痿研究杂志

10 、Despite the hybrid’s unfortunate sexual impotence, shrewd would-be agriculturalists realised that the plants could be cultivated from suckering shoots and cuttings taken from the underground stem.───尽管这种杂交植物是不幸的“性无能”患者,精明的农学家们还是意识到可以通过**条法和嫁接来培育香蕉。

11 、The medicines say of the Honda long a Professor、 strange man Professorseses research and invent in palace.cure man's native function and fail specially,premature ejaculation,impotence.───功效]本药品由日本田中久一教授、宫奇本男教授研究发明,专治男子性功能减退、早泄、阳痿。

12 、Study of color Doppler flow imaging for the diagnosis of impotence grading───多普勒超声对阳萎分度诊断的研究

13 、The more we realize our minuteness and our impotence in the face of cosmic forces, the more astonishing becomes what human beings have achieved.───我们越是意识到我们在宇宙力量面前的渺小,人类取得的成就越是惊人。

14 、Charcter:slidenafil mesylate, cure ED, treat impotence, sex incentive, sex product, penile enlargeme...───发布者:陈鹏燕所在地:云南昆明市行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

15 、The external development agency, instead of acting as a catalyst or midwife to empower change, will only short-circuit people's learning activities and reinforce their impotence.───外部的发展机构,除了扮演促成改变的催生婆或助产妇的角色外,将仅仅短路人们的学习主动性并造成阳痿。

16 、Traditionally used for impotence, male or female infertility, premature ejaculation, frigidity in women, and irregular menstruation.───传统用于阳痿、男女不育、早泄、女性性冷淡、月经不规则。

17 、,discount oakley ski goggles;,Impotence drugs;───不要等到想要得到爱时才付出.

18 、His fists clench and unclench in leashed frustration at his impotence.───他的拳头握紧,然后又因为挫败感而松开。

19 、He can take a man or a nation, who has all the impotence of the worm, and by the invigoration of His own Spirit, He can endow with strength by which a noble mark is left upon the history of the time.───上帝能使个人或民族,藉著祂的灵,从虫的輭弱变到快齿器具的刚强,在历史上留著很深的痕迹。

20 、Sexually, this may manifest as frigidity or impotence, as if their subconscious is saying, “I'm not going to give anymore.───在性这方面,可能表现为冷淡或无力,正如他们的潜意识在说,“我不会再给了。”

21 、The overall question, then, is this: What profound intellectual and moral impotence will the nation suffer tomorrow, following the castration of its culture today?───因此,总的问题是:在今天这种文化阉割之后,明天这个民族将忍受多么深刻的智力上的和道德上的软弱无能?

22 、But, like a borrower whose insolvency would bring down a bank, he may calculate that much of his former backers' anger is bluster, covering a fear of their own impotence.───但是,就像一位借款人一样,无力偿还会让银行倒闭,穆萨拉夫可能盘算着,他以前的支持者的强烈的愤概只不过是恐吓,以掩盖他们自身的无能。

23 、Keywords Psychosocial impotence;Cavernosus;Reflex;Evoked potential;───心因性阳痿;海绵体肌;反射;诱发电位;

24 、Some while ago I read a newspaper story saying male cyclists who rode a lot risked impotence because of the damaging effect of the saddle on their reproductive organs.───不久前,有一篇报道说,自行车车座会对生殖器官造成损伤性影响,经常骑车的男性可能因此患上不育症。

25 、Xixiao woman that you are top you do not impotence, eunuchs, not a man, not a real man!───女的嘻笑到,你不顶你就是阳萎,太监,不是男子汉,不是真正的男人!

26 、These difficulties can include impotence, lack of sexual interest or frequency and sterility or infertility.───女性患者还可能出现月经失调,甚至一些更年期早期症状,如潮热、失眠和易怒。

27 、From our preliminary data, we concluded that it might be a feasibly simple and reliable method to differentiate diagnosis of organic impotence.───初期结果认为此法对于鑑别诊断质性阳萎相当有效且简便。

28 、Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence.───吸烟可减少血液流动,引起无力、虚弱。

29 、Doctor Ji Liangchen's Experience on Treatment of Sexual Impotence───吉良晨治疗阳痿的经验

30 、It does not take money long to make plain its impotence, providing the desires are in the realm of affection.───假如一个人的需求是属于感情方面的,金钱不久就会表明自己的无能。

31 、For impotence, spermatorrhea: ba ji tian, rou cong rong, tu si zi.───巴戟天温而不燥,补而不滞,能补肾阳、强筋骨。用于阳痿遗泄,常与肉苁蓉、菟丝子等同用;

32 、Today's results show that HIFU is not only an effective treatment option for prostate cancer, but that the side-effects such as incontinence and impotence are milder than those of other treatments.───当今的结果显示HIFU不仅是前列腺癌的有效治疗手段,而且象尿失禁和阳痿等副作用也较其他的方法轻。

33 、A bungled cabinet reshuffle is only the latest example of his impotence.───拙劣的内阁改组只是麻生无能的最新例子。

34 、"Apart from Me ye can do nothing": Complete impotence, deep humility, constant dependence.───五、“离了我你们就不能做什么”:完全的无能力,深深的谦卑,恒久的依靠。

35 、There is a link between Herge, this disappointing man, and Females s creation Tintin, who fights against despots so bravely.It lies in the rationalisation of impotence: a very European preoccupation.───在艾尔热这个令人失望的男人和他笔下的勇于与暴君抗争的丁丁之间有一条纽带,那就是把无能合理化:这个无能是欧洲人的一块心病。

36 、Men of various diseases, such as male dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, prostatitis and other sexually transmitted diseases have an in-depth research and insights.───对各种男性疾病,如男性功能障碍、阳痿、早泄、前列腺炎等性传播疾病有深入研究及见解。

37 、RUSSIA'S VIGOUR AND IMPOTENCE AFTER"9.11"EVENT───“9.11”事件之后俄罗斯的活力与乏力

38 、Clinical Research on Impotence treated by Pro. Lin Tiandong'Zhenwei Decoction───应用林天东教授经验方振痿汤治疗阳痿临床研究

39 、Take time to give Him your answer, and cast yourself in complete dependence and impotence on the word of His promise, and on His Almighty power at work within you.───圣灵何等迫切要管理我们的一切,花点时间将你的答案告诉他,将自己完全依靠在他的应许上,那他就会以大能在你心中运行。

40 、It Weigan, salt, and temperature, with Bushen impotence, Sanjie swelling, Shujin active, pain and bleeding oxytocin, and other functions.───它味甘、咸,性温,具有补肾壮阳、散结消肿、舒筋活络、止血止痛和催产等功能。

41 、All the patients regained normal urination with no complications such as incontinence and impotence.───12例患者采用逆行法,6例采取顺行法完成尿道会师,手术均获成功且排尿正常。

42 、His impotence to help made him despair.───他无力帮忙,感到很失望。

43 、How to dodge man block of wood sexual impotence premature ejaculation, give several kinds method more than normal?───您的位置:凡人谷知道>烦恼>两性难题>如何让男人不阳痿早泄,多给几种方法?

44 、Xu Xueyi's Experience in Treating Sexual Impotence───徐学义辨治阳瘘的经验

45 、Effect: kidney in Vigo-rating, loins-strengthening, suitable for lumbago, asthenia of kidney, drizzle ness and tinnitus, especially for the impotence and other deficiency of sexuality.───功效:补肾壮阳、益精、治劳损、腰膝酸痛、肾虚、耳聋、耳鸣,对阳痿及有性功能障碍者有特殊疗效.

46 、Such a demonstration of Soviet ruthlessness and American impotence would encourage accommodation to other Soviet demands from Japan to Western Europe.───在那种情况下,苏联冷酷无情,而美国软弱无力,那就会促使日本和西欧去迁就苏联的其它要求。


48 、But the most important function of the humble hippocampus is the treatment of impotence.───但海马的最重要功能是治疗阳痿。

49 、Impotence fundamental rationale for the use of premature ejaculation is effective?───使用理根对阳痿早泄有效果吗?

50 、Fonshan Huaning Metal Product Co.,Ltd product:market shelf,factory sorage and operate impot unsteel.Technique and equipment areexcellent.───广东省佛山市华宁金属制品有限公司是以生产商场货架、工厂仓库货架。

51 、And in this town, powerless means impotent.─── 在这座城市 无权就好比性无能

52 、Not only was there the same impotence against enemies from without, but there was almost the same social order or rather disorder within.───不仅从无力抵御外敌来说是这样,而且内部的社会秩序(不如说是社会的无秩序),差不多也是一样。

53 、Analysis and Solution for Eliminating Impotence of Tractors with Rototiller───拖拉机带旋耕机“无力”问题的分析与解决

54 、Keywords Yang wei (impotence);Nomenclature;Classification of diseases;───关键词阳痿;命名;疾病分类;

55 、From puberty we are preoccupied with sex; but our courts, our counselors, and our psychiatrists are dealing constantly with cases of sexual failure or charges of frigidity or impotence.───我们在青春期就对性特别注意,但我们的法官、学校辅导员和精神科医生们却没完没了地应付性功能障碍的情况及有关性冷淡或阳萎的诉讼。

56 、So, do not see impotence, disorderly shots of the aphrodisiac.───所以,切莫一见阳痿,便乱投壮阳之品。

57 、Well, I still don't know whether it's due to their impotence or misogynism or something else, and of course, those who do feel the pleasure from them (modern music) can call me misoneism too.───(看前面很简单,越到后面越难,可是已经做了一半又不想放手,555,我要补脑费。

58 、In the control group, there were 3 failure occoured, 2 with impotence, 1 with incontinence.───对照组中有3例因瘢痕切除不彻底而致手术失败,并发术后阳痿2例,尿失禁1例。

59 、There is strength in numbers, but impotence in singlehandedness.───人多势众,孤掌难鸣.

60 、Well, it takes impotence off the table.─── 这么说不明嫌犯不是性无能

61 、In science as in love, too much concentration on technique can often lead to impotence.───对待科学和对待爱情一样,过多关注技术只会导致失败。

62 、We have reduced the enemy to impotence.───我们已经使敌人丧失战斗力。

63 、The big hitters who had flown in from Sichuan could be heard cursing the impotence of their bulging wallets.───一个从四川乘飞机来的最大的中奖者,人们听到他在诅咒没有能使自己的钱包鼓起来。

64 、These include: anemia, arthritis, impotence, spermatorrhea, and menopausal complaints.───如贫血,关节炎,阳痿,精子缺乏症,和月经不调等。

65 、The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose, “once again made impotence a laughing matter”.───不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。

66 、Smoking Ups Impotence Risk in Younger Men───年轻男性吸烟者易患阳痿

67 、The author introduces how Doctor Duan Yatin treated the 208 cases of impotence with his own Busheng Decoction, Shuangbu Decoction and Chushi Decoction.───介绍了重庆市中医研究所主任医师段亚亭应用自拟补肾汤、双补汤和除湿汤治疗阳萎的经验和对阳萎患者208例的治疗结果。

68 、Impotence of doubte method in modern TCM teaching───怀疑法在当代中医教学中的重要性

69 、America seemed on the defensive, our impotence symbolized by the Iranian hostages.───在人们看来,美国似乎处于守势,伊朗人质问题成了我们软弱无能的象征。

70 、Th Biennial Asia-Pacific Meeting on Impotence───届亚太阳萎会议

71 、Until his impotence destroyed his ability to do that.─── 直到他失去了性行为的能力

72 、FOR centuries, the Chinese have prized African rhinoceros horn as a remedy for impotence.───几 个世纪以来,中国人一直视非洲的犀牛角为滋补极品。

73 、Massage therapy in treating sexual impotence and nocturnal emission───按摩治疗阳萎遗精的一点体会

74 、No significant difference in the rate of impotence and incontinence was noted between the two groups.───我们发现这两组病人,阳痿和尿失禁的比率没有明显差别。

75 、Since it seems unlikely that there is a legal way to avoid paying them, his protest will merely have served to highlight his impotence.───因为似乎不存在一个合法的方式可以避免支付它们,他的反对仅仅强调了它的重要性。

76 、Almost one in 10 reported an impotence problem lasting more than a month during the previous year.───将近十分之一的人说,在过去一年中曾有一个多月的时间持续存在此类性功能障碍。

77 、The philosophy of Christianity was to protect its belief and emphasize the impotence of reason and the omnipotence of God.───基督教的哲学是对其信仰的维护,总是突出理性的无力与上帝的全能。

78 、She did not even notice that his hands were jammed in his pockets in hard fists as if he were straining at his own impotence.───她甚至没有注意到他的两手捏着拳头**在衣袋里,似乎对自己的无能为力的竭力挣扎。

79 、That it's futile and we're impotent in this situation.─── 完全是白费力气 我们对这件事根本是无能为力

80 、As it does so, the Conservatives' uncontaminated impotence may become more an asset than a liability.───实际上,保守派不可救药的无能也许成了一种资产而非债务。

81 、Dole will address in TV commercials sexual impotence and general health education for men.───多尔将在电视**中大谈把重点放在性无能和男人一般健康的教育性**上。

82 、Therefore, the role of choosing a good coursebooks is of impotence in FLT, which not only meets the needs of English syllabus but also accord with the actual requirement of students.───因此,外语教学中至关重要的一环是选择一套既能满足教学大纲的要求又能符合学生实际需要的好教材。

83 、But impotence, obesity, runny noses and finicky palates among the crocodiles have made this dream difficult to realize.───但是,鳄鱼的生殖力低下,肥胖症,鼻水过多和对食物挑剔给这个目标增加了很多障碍。

84 、Benjamin was impotent because of the stressors.─── 本杰明因为压力源而无法勃起

85 、As he sloshed through the wet snow he wrestled with a rising feeling of impotence , self-pity and rebellion.───他在潮湿的雪地里转来转去,和一种逐渐高涨的无能、自怜以及反抗的情绪搏斗着。

86 、But the sad reality is that any finger-wagging by the Europeans might serve only to expose their impotence.───但现实的悲哀是,欧洲人的任何反对意见都可能只是暴露他们的虚弱与无能。

87 、Evaluation of the severally used therapies of impotence───对几种治疗阳萎方法的评价


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