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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


adj. 烦扰的, 担心的, 令人不安的


1 、The idea is that you stop your friend, who is a disturbing kid, from becoming a disturbing *, because one day he may start being mean to people.─── 这是为了阻止你的朋友从令人不安的孩子 长成令人不安的大人 因为有一天 他可能会开始对人不友好

2 、Your children are disturbing my wife; can you speak to them,please?───你的孩子吵得我妻子不得安宁,请说说他们好吗?

3 、The faces he catches are extraordinary, often disturbing.───他捕捉的面孔与众不同,常常让人感到不安。

4 、Sorry perhaps I'm disturbing you! - No bother.───不好意思打扰您了!--没关系。

5 、Because the similarities between them are disturbing.─── 因为两者的相似之处令人不安

6 、He was charged with disturbing the public peace.───他的罪名是扰乱治安。

7 、But the Federation is like a house of cards: disturb one and the whole structure wobbles.───但是这个联合会就像纸牌搭的房子,只要动一动某一方,整个机构就会跟着颤动起来。

8 、He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing.───他异样地望着她,令她局促不安。

9 、Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees.───别摇晃瓶子,要不沉淀就都搅起来了。

10 、To cause to leave a tranquil condition; disturb.───使不安宁,使不稳定使离开平静状态;干扰

11 、George turned over a new leaf and stopped disturbing the class.───乔治已改过自新,不再在课堂上捣乱了。

12 、He scooped out a little of the earth, being careful not to disturb anything that was underneath.───他铲起了一点土,非常小心,不去扰乱底下的任何东西。

13 、He held me to a promise not to disturb him again.───"他要我信守承诺,别再打扰他。"

14 、Others considered him to be disturbed, but what they saw as a disturbance of the mind was, in fact, an exceptional gift.─── 别人觉得他精神不正常 但他们所认为不正常的头脑 实际上却是了不起的天赋

15 、They may get hauled up for disturbing the peace.───他们可能因破坏和平而受到传讯。

16 、It is disturbing to think a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.───一想到有一头危险的野兽还没有被捕获,仍在这僻静的乡村,就让人忧虑不安。

17 、Don't disturb her. She is learning her lessons.───不要打扰她,她在做功课。

18 、I hate disturbing people when they are busy.───人们忙的时候,我不愿意打扰。

19 、He's constantly disturbing me.───他老是打扰我。

20 、You were considerate not to disturb us.───你不打扰我们真是考虑周到。

21 、He trod quietly so as not to disturb the sleepers.───他轻移脚步,以免吵醒睡着的人。

22 、"Darao" means to bother or disturb.───“打扰”意思是烦扰或扰乱。

23 、To disturb the composure or calm of; perturb.───使不安;使心乱;使烦恼

24 、He told us to keep quiet for fear that we might disturb others.───他让我们保持安静,以免打扰别人。

25 、They keep on disturbing me with their problems.───他们老拿难题来烦我。

26 、He looked tired, and I did not like to disturb him.───他看来很疲倦,我不想打扰他了。

27 、If they disturb me, they lose a good tenant.───如果他们扰乱我,他们会丢掉一位很好的租户的。

28 、She continued to beseech him not to disturb her.───她仍旧求他不要打搅她。

29 、On looking at it closely, I came to the disturbing conclusion.───仔细观察一番以后,我得到了一个令人毛发倒竖的结论。

30 、You are not disturbing me in the least.───你一点也没有打扰到我。

31 、He told his servant to stop the strangers from disturbing him.───他告诉仆人要拒绝陌生人的打扰。

32 、By the decided and do not disturb the calm.───坚持已经做出的决策,且勿打破安宁。

33 、Mei knit her brows. She was still the same disturbing personality.───她说话时把眉毛紧皱着,跟从前并没有两样,不过如今显得更动人了。

34 、But the code does not disturb the profits.───但这种审查法规既不影响影片的利润。

35 、He had a novel and disturbing experience last year.───去年他有一次新奇而又令人不安的经历。

36 、It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.───在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。

37 、They are able to disturb the enemy's battle plan.───可以扰乱敌人的作战计划。

38 、Don't disturb Jane, she's studying for her exams.───不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

39 、To disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious.───使非常烦恼;使不安,使忧虑

40 、They disturb our peace and now we will disturb theirs.─── 他们侵扰了我们的宁静 现在我们也让他们不得安宁

41 、Ella had a dream which was unpleasant and disturbing.───埃拉做了一个噩梦。

42 、No hunting allowed, and no disturbing of nests.───如果仍然被视为濒临灭绝物种,这种鸟还会继续受到保护。

43 、Don't disturb her for she is in a bad skin.───别去打搅她,她在发脾气。

44 、They disturb me at all hours of the day and night.───他们日夜不断地打扰我。

45 、She suffered a disturbing sense of duty.───她体验到一种烦人的责任感。

46 、You are putting me out of patience by disturbing me.───你快把我弄得失去耐心了,如果再这样打扰的话。

47 、I'm not disturbed by him. I'm disturbed by us.─── 让我糟心的不是他 而是我们自己

48 、He's having a rest. Don't disturb him.───他正在休息, 别去打搅他。

49 、It would be disturbing if they didn't.─── 要是不的话就太令人不安了

50 、To disturb mentally; make insane.───使精神错乱;使疯狂

51 、I find your insolence disturbing.───你的傲慢让人恶心。

52 、He has had some disturbing experience.───他有过一些使他很不安的经历。

53 、Stop shouting or you will disturb the baby.───不要喊了,你会吵到孩子的。

54 、You can come as long as you don't disturb me.───只要你不打扰我,你就尽管来好了。

55 、She's working. Don't disturb her.───她在工作, 别搅她。

56 、Don't disturb her; she is puzzling over something important.───别打扰她,她正在专心考虑一件重要的事。

57 、Don't disturb him----he has flaked out.───别惊动他,他睡着了。

58 、You must not disturb a person's privacy.───你不可打扰他人的私生活。

59 、The sight of his composure had a disturbing effect on Lily.───他这泰然自若的神情倒使丽莉有些心慌。

60 、They were charged with disturbing the peace.───他们被指控犯扰乱治安罪。

61 、A disturbing thought crossed his mind.───他突然想起一件心烦的事。

62 、Don't mind me! I promise not to disturb you.───别管我! 我答应不打扰你.

63 、That is disturbing that you deny it.─── 你还否认 真让人担心啊

64 、Therefore Admiral Standley's outburst is most disturbing.───因此斯坦德莱将军这次大动肝火是非常令人不安的。

65 、Could I just disturb you for a moment?───可否打扰你一会?

66 、Don't disturb the paper on my desk.───别乱动我桌上的文件。

67 、I'm not disturbing you,i hope not at all.─── 我希望没有打扰到你 没有

68 、My disturbing images disturbed her already disturbed mind.─── 我这让人心烦的画搅乱了她本就有问题的脑子

69 、Kong: Chitty is a creepy and disturbing bird!───(尊儿真是一只奇怪及烦人的鸟鸟!

70 、He had flung a leg of lamb at some indelicate disturbing tutor.───他曾经在那儿把一只羊腿扔到一个粗鄙惹人的导师的身上。

71 、She told her boy not to stamp on the floor and disturb the sleeping baby.───她叫她的男孩不要在地板上走得太响,以免惊扰睡着的婴孩。

72 、Was arrested for disturbing the peace.───因扰乱社会秩序被捕

73 、I told you. I'm not to be disturbed.─── 我跟你说过了 不要打扰我

74 、They might think you are rude for disturbing their meal.───他们可能会认为你很粗鲁,打搅了他们进餐。

75 、Don't disturb him, he's frothing with rage.───别惹他,他正在大发雷霆,气得嘴角起白沫。

76 、They were charged with disturbing public peace.───他们被指控扰乱社会治安。

77 、Don' t disturb the papers on my desk.───别把我写字台上的文件弄乱了.

78 、He trod quietly so as not to disturb the sleepers .───他轻移脚步,以免吵醒睡着的人。

79 、For fear of disturbing others she spoke with bated breath.───因为怕打扰别人, 她低声说话。

80 、Don't disturb the sleeping child.───不要弄醒睡觉的孩子。

81 、To refrain from disturbing or interfering.───不打扰防止打搅或干扰

82 、They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them.───他们摘下**听筒,以免**打扰他们。

83 、Don't disturb the books on my desk.───别动我桌上的书。

84 、He is sleeping in his room.Don't disturb him.───他在房间里睡觉。不要惊扰他。

85 、They were charged with disturbing the public peace.───他们被指控扰乱公共治安。

86 、Should disturb the sleep of the butterflies.───也会惊扰了许多蝴蝶的梦。

87 、Without disturbing clouds in the western sky.───作别西天的云彩

88 、Well,if you do that,you'll disturb your neighbors.───噢,如果你这么做,你会妨碍邻居的。

89 、She dislikes you to disturb her so often.───她不喜欢你经常去打扰她。

90 、I'm sorry to disturb you with this question.───"对不起,打扰你了,我有个问题请教。"



please ignore my message,sorry for disturbing u,什么意思

please ignore my message,sorry for disturbing u




英 [dɪˈstɜ:b] 美 [dɪˈstɜ:rb]



第三人称单数: disturbs 现在分词: disturbing 过去式: disturbed 过去分词: disturbed 形近词: perturb mistura misture discard discuss


I hope I'm not disturbing you.


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