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07-01 投稿




英:  美:


adj. 局部的


1 、The selected cases are all well reprehensive, practical with localised features.───本课程精选的案例均具有极强的代表性和实用性,体现中国商业的特色。

2 、" "No," said Carrie, whose feelings were already localised in the great Western city.───“不喜欢,”嘉莉答道,她的喜好厌恶早已受到那个伟大的美国西部城市的局限了。

3 、0.1 localised builds: won't install!───上一个信息: [releases] 1.

4 、alopecia localis───[医] 局部脱发, 神经炎性脱发

5 、” Yet, Mr Morduch concludes, although today there may be localised bubbles in microfinance, “I don't see any evidence at all for something like a global bubble.───最后,默多克先生总结说,虽然目前的小额信贷只是有局部的泡沫现象发生,但“我没有发现任何会出现世界性金融泡沫的迹象”。

6 、Despite localised prices high, exceeding 20%, but there are a lot of real growth in a region, such as Beijing, the average real growth in the first three quarters of only 2.9%.───虽然有局部地区的价格上涨过快,超过了20%,但也有大量地区的房价增长平稳,如北京市,前三个季度的平均房价增长仅为2.9%。

7 、Conclusion Arterio-venous fistula aneurysm is related to localised puncture site, post dialysis haemostasis, atherosclerosis and so on.───结论内瘘动脉瘤形成与血管局部方法穿刺、止血方式及动脉硬化基础等因素有关,采取预防措施可保护内瘘。

8 、It is often localised to the back, buttocks, and anterior and posterior aspects of the thighs.───格林-巴利综合征患者的疼痛常位于背部、臀部、大腿的前方及后方;

9 、To compete with local rivals, the Danish company has localised 90 per cent of its supply chain.───为了与本土竞争对手相抗衡,这家丹麦公司已将其90%的供应链本土化。

10 、It describes a congfiguration with energy localised in time as well as in space.───给出了它的拓扑本质,杨-米尔斯真空是无穷度简并的。

11 、As a result there are localised gluts.───因此出现了供过于求的现象。

12 、localised abscess───[医] 局限性脓肿

13 、Final list of local languages is approved: Game will be localised into───最终支持语种,将在下列语种地区发行

14 、Even when the economy was growing strongly, China witnessed a stream of localised 局部的protests.───就算经济增长强势,中国也出现了一些地方性的抗议。

15 、He warned MPs that "at some point, we will need to move our focus away from limiting the spread of a localised virus, towards mitigating the effects of a widespread virus".───安迪.伯纳姆表示政府从一开始就知道要“无限期防止一场**的爆发”是不可能的。

16 、6. Is it those localised, regionalised or otherwise appropriated varieties of English whose speakers creatively conduct pragmatic and cultural shifts? (Para.7───是指那些地方化、区域化或换句话说指那些借用英语而产生的变体吗?这些变体的使用者对英语的语用和文化功能进行富有创新的转移。

17 、Based on analysis and computation results, the slope is currently overall stable despite the possibility of occurring localised rockfall or rock collapses.───经分析及计算得,该边坡整体处于基本稳定状态,但存在崩塌掉块现象。

18 、The animal outbreaks then gradually spread to Russia and some parts of Europe, while human cases remained localised in Asia and South East Asia.───其后动物爆发续渐**到俄罗斯和欧洲某些国家,而人类感染个案在亚洲及东南亚地区持续发生。

19 、Vestas is trying to work around that. To compete with local rivals, the Danish company has localised 90 per cent of its supply chain.───维斯塔斯正试图解决这一问题。为了与本土竞争对手相抗衡,这家丹麦公司已将其90%的供应链本土化。

20 、Even more immediately, Riau, for example, is suffering a localised haze at the moment.───例如,最近廖内正遭受本地化雾霾困扰。

21 、Aperitivo bresciano - Portale con database di locali, bar, birrerie, pirlifici, pub, vinerie di brescia e provincia.───易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

22 、God said: “I did not want this merging of My healing streams of medicine and prayer localised in Tulsa.───上帝说:“我不希望这种药物和祷告的治疗力量联合在塔尔萨本地化。”

23 、"Slate roofs are arranged to allow for localised replacement, so if there was a general paint finish it could cause them to bond together causing a maintenance issue.───“石板瓦屋顶的设计就是为了能够方便局部更换,因而如果进行一般的油漆粉刷反而会令它们粘合在一块,从而产生维修问题。

24 、CD15 immunoreactivity in normal breast tissue was mainly localised at the border of gland, but in breast cancer tissues it was mainly localised in the membrane and cytoplasm.───结果: CD15表达**物质在正常乳腺中很有极性地位于腺上皮游离面,而在乳腺癌中主要分布于浆膜;

25 、Locally, it was mainly fine today apart from localised relatively strong convection that led to the formation of showers and the waterspout.───本港今日大致天晴,但局部地区有较强对流发展,形成骤雨及水龙捲。

26 、The United Kingdom Outer Space Act 1986 (Hong Kong) Order 1990 was localised to become the Outer Space Ordinance.───《1986年宇宙空间法令1990年(香港)令》已予本地化,成为《外层空间条例》。

27 、It is not uncommon, especially during summertime, that localised parts of the territory are having heavy downpour while the other parts are enjoying abundant sunshine.───在本港,尤其是在夏季出现局部地区下著倾盆大雨,而其他地区却享受著充沛的阳光的情况并不罕见。

28 、Then he realised the stroke was localised to the exact part of the brain he had been studying experimentally in his sleep research with cats.───把这当成理想的惩罚也好,当成纯粹的厄运也行,豪布森教授开始以科学家的态度研究并记录这段经历。

29 、You need a localised, mental opening effect in a chakra to stimulate it; this tearing open action, with your imaginary HANDS, provides it.───你需要一个脉轮上的局部的、意念的打开的效果以刺激它;这个用你想象之手撕开的动作提供了这种刺激。

30 、"If we still hold dearly to our localised English or localised Chinese, revelling in their vivacity, intimacy and local flavour, how then are we able to keep abreast with the times?"───要是我们还紧紧抱住本土英语或本土华语不放,念念不忘本土英语或本土华语怎么传神,怎么亲切,怎么富有地方特色,又怎样跟上时代的潮流呢?

31 、Oltre l'elenco delle sezioni locali, presenta le news, articoli e fotografie su piloti e velivoli storici。───GAVS - Gruppo Amici Velivoli Storici - Associazione che歌剧每la conservazione del patrimonio storico-aeronautico italiano。

32 、Indeed, I would say it is an ideal treatment option for men with localised prostate cancer and it should be part of a doctor's armoury when treating the disease.───的确,我将说这对局限性前列腺癌患者来说是个理想的选择,而它也将成为医生治疗此疾病的武器。

33 、It has not localised its China menu as much as its rivals have, however.───但它中国菜单的本地化水平却不如对手。

34 、hypertrichosis localis───局限性多毛症

35 、Have a look at the localised version of this wiki-page in order to get hints on which servers you can use in your area.───看一看这个wiki页面的本地版本,也许能找到您所有地区的服务器。

36 、In hyditidiform mole, LN was localised in the basement membrane of chorion villi and matrices of decidual tissue.───在葡萄胎,层粘连蛋白分布于绒毛上皮基膜和蜕膜组织,在基膜中表达强度有所不同;

37 、Attivisti locali, come la porta a vedere un bello vestiti sul disco per me per visualizzare famiglia Jin Efan macchina ah!───如门口看见活动家地方好看一就衣服艰苦对于我看法户斤可饿饭机是啊!

38 、localised chemisorption───定点化学吸着

39 、locali detection methods───损伤识别

40 、Existing bus-only lanes are mostly localised and do not facilitate the movement of buses between districts and/or regions.───现时的巴士专用线大部分位于个别地区内,未能改善地区与地区之间的巴士服务。

41 、Conclusion: The results indicated that the effect s of the whole Angelica Sinesis Diels. from Zhifangxiang Min County of Gans u province were better than from other locali...───结论:当归原产地甘肃岷县纸坊乡全当归有效部位在抗血小板聚集及抗凝血方面优于其他产地及部位。

42 、Sars infected more than 8,000 people and killed more than 900, but had relatively localised economic effects.───SARS当时感染了8000多人,并导致900多人死亡,但只造成了相对局部的经济影响。

43 、HIFU is a minimally-invasive treatment for localised prostate cancer in which precisely targeted ultrasound waves are focused within the prostate and instantly destroy cancerous cells.───HIFU对局限性前列腺癌患者来说是个侵害性最小的治疗方法,因为精确**的超声波可以聚焦在前列腺内立即杀死癌症细胞。

44 、A viable business model in these hyper-competitive markets must address the need for localised product development to meet the diverse and rising expectations of increasingly critical consumers.───在这些过度竞争的市场中,可行的业务模式是必须解决本地化产品的开发问题,从而满足日益增长的关键消费者的多样的和高涨的期望。

45 、Both versions will be fully localised into English, French and German, and will also be available with a Spanish or Italian box and manual.───每个版本都翻译为英语、法语和德语。意大利语和西班牙语版的游戏和用户手册也即将上市。

46 、Research on Reinforced Concrete Beams with Localised Unbonding,───张晓亮,局部无粘结钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能分析研究

47 、the onset of crisis is sudden and localised.───危机的攻击是迅猛的,且集中在小块地区。

48 、Furthermore, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate features such as fibrosis and subtle localised hypertrophy if the athlete has a cardiomyopathy.───而且,如果,运动员有心肌病,心脏磁共振能描述纤维症和局限性肥厚。

49 、Global warming is not a localised problem.───全球气候变暖不是某个地方的问题。

50 、Some of these walls eventually became of greater strategic importance when the localised defences were gradually joined to form the Great Wall of China.───当局部的防伪作用逐渐的加入到一些地方时,中国的长城最终在战略上变得重要起来。

51 、Tactile imaging is a perception or FEELING of localised bodily awareness.───触觉想象是身体局部知觉的一个知觉或感觉。

52 、localised chemisorption bond───定域化学吸着键

53 、There are localised skill shortages, but it is hard to believe that China's labour surplus is exhausted when almost 60% of the population still lives in rural areas.───(见表三)技术本地化的匮乏是存在的,但中国将近60%的人口仍然居住在乡村地区,因此很难说中国过剩的劳动力出现了枯竭。

54 、The Study has found that while there were localised congestion problems, the average peak hour travelling speed in 1997 was at a reasonable level.───研究发现,虽然局部地区在1997年有挤塞问题,但繁忙时间的平均车速尚能维持在合理水平。

55 、Applying various statistical techniques to the 2.8m SNPs so far catalogued by HapMap, Dr Quintana-Murci found 55 genes that showed evidence of having undergone significant localised evolution.───通过不同的数据技术分析目前为止HapMap所归类出的280万个SNP,Quintana-Murci博士找出了55个基因,这些基因可作为证据,显示出了基因经历重要的区域化进化。

56 、Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced that World of Warcraft , its award-winning, subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game, is to be fully localised in Russian for release in 2008.───巴黎,法国-暴雪娱乐公司今天宣布魔兽世界,这款大型多人线上角色扮演游戏,是要充分发挥局部性的,将于2008年在俄罗斯。

57 、“We are the canary in the mine,” says Josette Sheeran, the head of the UN's World Food Programme, the largest distributor of food aid.Usually, a food crisis is clear and localised.───“我们是矿井里的金丝雀(为春江水暖鸭先知之意),”联合国世界粮食计划署--最大的粮食救助分发机构的负责人JosetteSheeran说。

58 、Enna Online - Versione digitale stampabile del quindicinale con notizie e cultura locali.───各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

59 、In a progressive society to meet our common economic, social and cultural needs we must move from globalisation to localisation.─── 在这个不断进步的社会里 为了满足我们共同的经济社会文化需要 我们需要从全球化转向本土化

60 、Localised disease may be treated at first with relatively inexpensive drugs such as nystatin, miconazole or clotrimazole.───治疗局部感染可先使用较为便宜的药物,如制霉菌素、咪康唑或克霉唑等。

61 、A second blind spot is caused by the localised structure of the police.───.另一个盲点是由警局的地方结构造成的。

62 、All were nationals, so there's no localising information.─── 都是国内新闻 推断不出地点信息

63 、You may feel a slight tickling or localised dizziness inside your arm or leg, as you do this.───你会感到你的胳膊或腿部有一种轻微的刺痒或局部的晕眩,当你这么做时。

64 、An aneurysm is a localised widening of an artery.───大约5%到10%的年龄在65岁至79岁的男性患有腹主动脉瘤,但是他们不知道。

65 、Many foreign luxury brands keen to cater to this growing market, have long localised their products and established research and development centres within China.───许多国外奢侈品牌热衷于迎合这个不断增长的市场,在很早以前,它们就已经将产品本地化,并在中国建立了研发中心。

66 、Sectors with exposure to foreign finance and more risky and speculative economic activity have taken a hit, and there have been outbreaks of localised panic from spasms of unfocused fear.───存在外资风险的部门和风险较高、投机性较强的经济活动已经遭到冲击,而一阵阵没有特定原因的忧虑也引发了本土化恐慌。

67 、cv. Localis───n. 紫蒲头灰竹

68 、localised adsorption───定点吸附

69 、Loro sono piu' o meno uguali come Houhai o Sanlitun a Pechino.A un posto stesso, ci sono molti tipi locali, tutti i giovani di questa citta' vengono insieme.───都灵的酒吧恐怕也差不多和北京的后海或三里屯一样,也是一块地儿,密密麻麻长起来各式夜场,然后全城不着四六的年轻人都聚在此。

70 、localised rain in the cemeteries has resulted in what can only be described as "disturbances" to the soil.─── 墓地的局部降雨导致土地产生了 只能称之为"扰动"的现象

71 、Are data structures belonging to every module localised suitably so that they are accessed/modified by well-defined access routines ?───模块中所有的数据结构是否都定义为局部的,并且通过定义好的函数进行访问?

72 、Leautonomie_it Edito dal consorzio Asmez, si rivolge a dirigenti, amministratori ed operatori degli enti locali offrendo notizie, approfondimenti e rassegna stampa.───绵阳煤航现代测绘工程公司提供航空摄影测量、工程测量和空间地理信息系统开发等综合测绘高新技术。

73 、localised orbital (LO)───[化] 定域轨道

74 、Through a joint-venture arrangement, Hong Kong companies can develop localised products and build up their distribution channel in the Chinese Mainland.───通过设立合营企业,港商就可以开发适合当地应用的产品,在内地建立**网络。

75 、have localised demand may not be able to keep up with supply.───也有局部地区的需求未必能够跟上供应。

76 、localised lilghting───分区一般照明

77 、localised orbital───定域轨道

78 、You need a localised, mental opening effect in a chakra to stimulate it;───你需要一个脉轮上的局部的、意念的打开的效果以刺激它;

79 、Localised protection on eroding undercuts could be installed, but these too may be a catalyst for erosion elsewhere.───两个被成功填实的支流冲沟,有可能在将来会再次冲蚀。


In western Europe the collapse of Roman imperial authority led to a halt to the development of organised medical practice. Medicine became localised, with folk-medicine augmenting what remained of the medical knowledge of antiquity. Medical knowledge was preserved and practised in many monastic institutions, which often had a hospital attached. Organised professional medicine re-emerged, with the foundation of the medical college of Salerno in Italy in the 11th century, which in co-operation with the monastery of Monte Cassino, translated many Byzantine and Arabic works. In the twelfth century universities were founded in Italy and elsewhere, which soon developed schools of medicine. Gradually the reliance on the masters of the ancient world was augmented by the results of individual observation and experience. Surgical practice improved greatly during the medieval period. With the renaissance came an increase in experimental investigation, principally in dissection and examining bodies. The work of individuals like Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey challenged accepted folklore with scientific evidence. Understanding and diagnosis improved but with little direct benefit to health. Few effective drugs existed, beyond opium and quinine, folklore cures and potentially poisonous metal-based compounds were popular treatments.





到了19世纪中叶,德国病理学家微尔啸(Virchow)倡导细胞病理学,将疾病的原因解释为细胞形式和构造的改变。细胞病理学确认了疾病的微细物质基础,充实和发展了形态病理学,开辟了病理学的新阶段。19世纪下半叶巴斯德证明发酵及传染病都是微生物引起的,德国人科赫(Koch R.)发现霍乱弧菌、结核杆菌及炭疽杆菌等,并改进了培养细菌的方法和细菌染色方法,大多数主要致病菌在此时期内先后发现。巴斯德还用减弱微生物毒力的方法首先进行疫苗的研究,从而创立经典免疫学,以后,在巴斯德研究所工作的俄国人梅契尼科夫(Mechnikovl I.)系统阐述了吞筮现象及某些传染病的免疫现象。

在临床医学上,19世纪诊断学有了很大的进步,叩诊法在临床上**应用;雷奈克(Laennec R.)发明听诊器;许多临床诊断辅助手段,如血压测量、体温测量、体腔镜检查都是在19世纪开始应用的。19世纪中叶以后,解剖学的发展和**法、防腐法和无菌法的应用,对外科学的发展,起了决定性的作用,从此外科学开始迅速发展。19世纪末期,体腔外科普遍发达,这样许多临床专业(如妇科、泌尿科、眼科等)中除进行内科处置外,外科方法也获得重要地位。药物学方面,19世纪初期,一些植物药的有效成分先后被提取出来。到19世纪末合成阿斯匹林,其后各种药物的合成精制不断得到发展。

19世纪,预防医学和保障健康的医学对策已逐渐成为立法和行政的问题。劳动卫生学、营养和食品卫生学、学校卫生学相继产生。19世纪末叶和20世纪初,卫生学中又划分出社会卫生学,它的目的是研究人民的健康情况,患病率和死亡率的原因以及与它们斗争的方法。此外,英国南丁格尔(Nightingale F.)1860年创立护士学校,传播其护理学思想,提高护理地位,使护理学成为一门科学。




广州是近代中国最早与西方世界接触的前沿,也是西方医学最早输入和最先繁荣的城市。早在1835年广州就有了传教士建立的第一所眼科医院,1838年“中国医学传教协会”在广州组成。鸦片战争后,1842年11月伯驾从美国回到广州于旧址重开医院,在1845年以前,教会医院的外科切割手术都是在无**下进行。1846年伯驾引入乙醚**法在他的医院第一次试用,使医院在实施外科手术上有重大进步。同年10月,伯驾又从波士顿买到杰克逊(Jackson CT.)医师研制的**仪和一批乙醚,随同附来的一封信介绍有使用这种仪器和药物的方法。这种仪器的安全性显然更好。时隔两年伯驾很快又引进氯仿麻药,1849年11月24日,他首次对一例膀胱结石病人用氯仿**,结果十分成功。**药引入教会医院,使教会医生外科手术的选择范围大大扩展。以伯驾为代表的教会医生在引进**剂方面是迅速的。1846年美国医生摩顿(Morton WTG.)首先使用乙醚拔牙。在英国1846年12月,伦敦外科医生也开始应用乙醚于外科手术,1847年11月15日辛普森医生在爱丁堡**医院首先用氯仿于外科手术。这两种**药为西医外科发生根本性变化起到了重要作用。由于教会医生和他们本国教会组织保持着密切联系,使他们能即时地输入一些新技术,为教会医院在中国的发展保持技术优势。1842年后广州教会医院的治疗范围逐渐扩大,眼病虽然是医院的治疗重点,但是疾病的种类已涉及到内外科、骨科、皮科和牙科方面,手术包括肿瘤、膀胱结石、乳腺疾病、坏死性骨骼切除等。

广州眼科医局是当时规模最大、影响也最大的教会医院,除此之外还有几个小诊所。例如,1848年美国公理会鲍尔(Ball D.)医生在城内公理会教堂里开有一个诊所,1851年美国长老会医生哈珀(Happer AP.)在广州开办惠济诊所。



在上海从事医药事业的教会仍然是英美的基督教差会和法国天主教会。1847年美国浸信会曾派遣詹姆斯(James JS.)来上海开诊所。1848年美国美以美会传教士泰勒(Taylor G.)到上海办诊所持续了5年,1854年由凯利医生接替直到1856年。美国圣公会的菲什(Fish MW.)医师1856年到上海,在城里圣公会教堂附近设有一个诊所直到1858年。法国天主教会于1849年在上海建天主教堂,教堂里兼开诊所,神父勒麦特里(lemaitre)和法国两名外科医生法勒(Fallier)和休巴克(Hubac)在这个天主教诊所负责医务工作,诊所维持到1867年。

宁波、厦门、福州三个同时新辟的口岸,传教士当然不会放弃。这三个口岸医药传教的情形与上海、广州没有根本区别,不过规模较小。1843年11月浸礼会的麦高恩(Macgowan DJ.)就在宁波城内商业区利用一个中国商人提供的房屋办起诊所,主要收治眼病患者。次年,美国长老会的麦卡特夫妇(McCartee DB.)到宁波传教,在住宅里看病,他们在这里收养中国女孩金韵梅并给予教育,然后送到美国纽约学习医学,学成回国后一直为教会作医疗工作,是中国第一个在国外留学医科的女医生。1841年厦门被英军占领。1842年6月,英国传教士卡明(Cumming WH.)医生在靠近厦门的鼓浪屿开办诊所,1843年11月,美国长老会赫伯恩(Hepburn JC.)也来到鼓浪屿在卡明的诊所工作。但是,根据教会的指示,他们很快从鼓浪屿转到厦门市区内。1848年伦敦会医生希斯洛普(Hyslop J.)到厦门开始医药传教工作。1850年美国长老会扬(Young JH.)医生到厦门开办诊所。1853年赫希伯尔格(Hirschberg HJ.)从香港来到厦门接替扬,直到1858年。福州教会更晚,1848年秋季,美以美会怀特(White MC.)首先到福州开诊所,1851年威尔纳(Wiley)来继续这里的工作直到1854年回国。1850年英国圣公会的韦尔顿到福州,在一个佛教庙宇办诊所到1856年。

1842年后香港变成英国殖民地香港有大量英国驻军和外国商人,当内地发生战争时大部分传教士和侨民便选择香港作暂栖地,这个狭小的港岛成为出入中国的重要门户。港岛因此变得拥挤,加之气候炎热和潮湿,经常流行疟疾、痢疾和黄疸病。病人不仅有原岛上的中国居民,还有英军士兵。英军舰船上的军医院无法适应病人大量增加的治疗需要,军医院从船上搬到岛上。1843年军医院全部迁入港岛上一幢新建的楼房里,同年,香港成立公共卫生和清洁委员会,1844年3月,香港颁布“维持香港殖民地秩序和清洁”的公告,1845年香港成立“中国内外科学会”,由英国海军医生塔克(Tocker A.)任会长,合信(Hobsen B.)任秘书,成员共7人。学会下面设一所图书馆,他们和内地教会医生有密切的关系,定期召开医学讨论会,与内地医生共同研究中国常见的流行病和中国植物药物等问题。由塔克代表该医学会提议在香港建立一所教会医院和医学校,教会医院计划很快得到实现,但关于香港医学校的计划后来因为经费来源出现了困难和香港内外科医学会的悄灰解体没有得到实施。


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