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07-01 投稿




英:['ta?tn]  美:['ta?tn]

英:  美:


n. [希神]泰坦(一个巨人家族的一位成员)

pref. 表示“钛”


n. 巨人(物)


1 、The presence of an underground ocean could help explain how Titan replenishes methane in its smoggy atmosphere.───存在一个地下海洋可以帮助解释土卫六是如何在烟雾弥漫的大气中补充甲烷的。

2 、For such a little man you speak as if a titan.─── 别看你人小 气势还挺足

3 、Titan is unusual, because it is covered by a thick atmosphere.───土卫六很不一般,因为它被厚厚的大气层所覆盖。

4 、Saturn's mysterious satellite Titan?───土星的神秘卫星土卫六??

5 、If we lost, it would an end to the golden age of the Titan rule.───倘若败北则意味着泰坦政权黄金时代的终结。

6 、The amount of ion release of Titan alloy were significantly lower than that of Ni-Cr alloy(P───Titan合金的离子溶出量显著低于Ni-Cr合金(P

7 、"Ye Li is now living with him. Anybody who has commonsense will not believe such a rumour," Yao's spokesman told Titan.───姚明的发言人向《体坛周报》透露,叶莉现在和姚明住在一起。有点常识的人都不会相信这是真的。 四六级千元奖学金,你也许就能得到!

8 、Whereas Galileo released a probe to investigate Jupiter's atmosphere, the Cassini orbiter will send the Huygens probe to Titan, not Saturn.───伽利略号释放了一枚探测器调查木星的大气,但卡西尼号轨道船则将惠更斯号探测器送往土卫六,而非土星本身。

9 、Thankfully, 2142 has a cool new feature in Titan mode to accompany the traditional conquest mode.───令人欣慰的是,配合传统的战斗模式,《2142》在泰坦模式上有很酷的新特点。

10 、Great goddess of mercy Titan encounter, and without fear of the powerful Pluto.───伟大的太阳神怜悯女神的遭遇,又无需畏惧冥王的权势。

11 、Clotho weaves thread of life for every mortal,god and titan.───克洛索为每个凡人、神灵和泰坦纺织生命线。

12 、Bhikkhus, Sakka the king of gods had a young Titan girl named Suja as his wife, so he is called Sujampati.───八诸比丘!天帝释称须阇者,乃有阿修罗女之妻,故称须阇之夫。

13 、He was a surprisingly unassuming man for such a titan among statesmen.───作为政治家中的巨人,邓小平是一个非常谦逊的人。

14 、Is the difference between Titan and Callisto a consequence of Callisto's losing its atmosphere, rather than of Titan having been born of airier stuff?───土卫六和木卫四的差异,是因为木卫四逐渐散失大气,而不是土卫六在最初形成时本来就有比较多大气?

15 、At the same time he ordered Hephaestus to lock the Titan's chains-in a cunning way that only Hephaestus knew.───同时他又命令赫菲斯托斯用一种只有赫菲斯托斯知道的巧妙方法锁牢铁链。

16 、There is liquid flowing on the surface of Titan.───土卫六的表面有液体流动。

17 、After this, Zeus sent Hercules to shoot the eagle and to break the Titan's chains.───局势平定后,宙斯派赫拉克勒斯把那只老鹰杀死并且解开铁链。

18 、NASA's Cassini spacecraft radar found lakes in Titan's north arctic latitudes on a flyby last July 22.───在7月22的一次飞越泰坦时卡西尼飞船的雷达发现了其北极圈中的湖泊。

19 、Titan is nothing like the Earth's moon.───土卫六一点都不像地球的卫星-月亮。

20 、However when upgraded and escorted the Titan can become a versatile platform for attacks throughout the game.───不过在升级和进驻后,泰坦会成为贯穿整个的通用战斗平台。

21 、From left to right are Enceladus and shadow, Dione and shadow, and Saturn's largest moon Titan.───从左至右分别是恩克拉多斯(土卫二)及其影子,狄俄涅(土卫二)及其影子,和土星最大的卫星泰坦(土卫六)。

22 、Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.───克洛诺斯:泰坦神,在被他独生子宙斯废黜前一直统治着宇宙。

23 、You get the titan's heart to safety.─── 你们把巨人的心带到安全的地方

24 、Once the shield is down, you have to assault the Titan, either by flying over on a transport or rocketing up in an assault pod.───一旦能量盾失去效力,玩家就要攻击泰坦,方式有驾驶运输机飞越其上,或是用以进攻集群方式的火箭进行攻击。

25 、They would not succumb to this Titan who was bent on undoing them.───他们不愿向这个专门要损害他们的“巨人”让步。

26 、On December 25 Cassini will release the Huygens probe, which will coast toward Titan for three weeks.───今年12月25日,卡西尼号将释放惠更斯号探测器,让它航向土卫六,历时三周。

27 、With unparalleled performance and scalability, Titan serves a variety of needs from the largest enterprise to the small workgroup.───可以满足从企业到小工作组的各种需求。提供一整套高级功能,赋予你灵活性和控制力。

28 、Methane is highly flammable on Earth, but It is not on Titan because it is freezing cold there.───在地球上,甲烷具有高度可燃性。由于土卫六非常冷,那里的甲烷失去了可燃性。

29 、God's world is ever renewed by death, a Titan's ever crushed by its own existence.───上帝的世界永远经由死亡而重生,巨魔的世界却总被自身的存在击跨.

30 、Explanation: Why would some regions on Titan reflect very little radar?───( 说明:为什麽泰坦上有些区域的雷达回波特别少呢?

31 、Clotho weaves thread of life for every mortal, god and titan.───克洛索为每个凡人、灵和泰坦纺织生命线。

32 、As was the case with the titan, there is much that remains unsaid.───上述业界大亨的情况就是如此,他还有很多事没有说。

33 、You may sacrifice three artifacts rather than pay Salvage Titan's mana cost.───你可以牺牲三个神器,而不支付废品泰坦的法术力费用。

34 、A Titan god of the outer sea encircling the earth and the father of the Oceanides and the river gods.───奥西娜斯环绕地球的外部海域的泰坦神,为所有海洋女神和河神之父

35 、Titan god of the outer sea encircling the earth and the father of the Oceanides and the river gods.───俄刻阿诺斯:泰坦神,所有海洋女神和河神之父。

36 、A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.───克罗诺斯希腊神话中的一个提坦,在被他的儿子宙斯废黜之前一直统治着宇宙

37 、At the same time he ordered Hephaestus to lock the Titan's chains-in a cunning way thatHephaestus knew.───他又命令赫菲斯托斯用一种只有赫菲斯托斯知道的巧妙方法锁牢铁链。

38 、Her paired lightsaber strike felled the titan, and also severed the chain holding his mace.───她用两把光剑击倒了这个巨人,同时也砍断了连在他钉头锤上的铁链。

39 、Tata Indicom will also market the Nano phone and Titan the Nano watch.───印度塔塔电信公司也将市场的纳米手机和土卫六的纳米观赏。

40 、In case you do not know anything about Uldum, it's a Titan complex in south Tanaris.───假如你对奥丹姆一无所知,那么我将告诉你那是位于塔纳里斯南部的一处泰坦遗迹。

41 、She loomed as a titan in my masturbatory dreams.───|在我的春梦里她占有很崇高的地位。

42 、God and Goddess Metis A Titan, the mother of Athena.───墨提斯:泰坦神,雅典娜的母亲。

43 、Amazingly, the long-lost Tomb of the Dark Titan Sargeras is also located on one of the islands.───令人惊异的是,暗黑泰坦萨格拉斯长期不为人知的墓葬也在其中的一个岛上。

44 、Comedy, you know you're a titan of comedy.─── 喜劇 你知道的 你是喜劇界的巨人

45 、Rather than being bolted to the floor like Titan, it can walk on two articulated legs.───不像泰坦那样被固定的地板上,机器人助手能用两条有关节的腿行走。

46 、Titan was so mysterious to us before we got there.─── 在卡西尼之前 土卫六对我们来说就是一个谜

47 、Saturn's two largest moons meet in the sky in a rare embrace. Smog-enshrouded Titan glows to the left of airless Rhea.───土星的两个最大的月亮在天空中“拥抱”在了一起。土卫六的浓雾在土卫五的左边发着亮光。

48 、Another exciting possibility is that Titan might be a cauldron for extraterrestrial life.───另一个让人兴奋的可能事件是提坦可能是外星生物的大锅炉。

49 、"It takes more than hour to send communications back and forth to a space probe at Saturn or Titan," said Fink.───“需要多小时传送通信设备返回,并提出了到一个空间探索在土星或土卫六,说: ”芬克。

50 、Oh, not just any flower, the titan arum.─── 不是普通的花 是泰坦魔芋

51 、Workaround for Cisco AC "payload length" bug. Thanks to Oliver Döring, Titan Networks.───如果这个软件总是不能下载的请点击报告错误,谢谢合作!!

52 、Titan was proving more mysterious than anyone imagined.─── 土卫六比所有人能想象到的还要神秘

53 、Titan(5,150 kilometers across) is surrounded by a thick photochemical haze which scatters the Sun's light.───土星环由于不是连续,有很多裂缝,因此泰坦在环后也能从环中看见。

54 、Remove three artifact cards in your graveyard from the game: Return Salvage Titan from your graveyard to your hand.───从你坟墓场中将三张神器牌移出对战:将废品泰坦从你的坟墓场移回你手上。

55 、IBM, the titan of the computing world at the time, quickly lost control of its own creation, allowing others to reap the benefits.───IBM,这个当时电脑世界中的巨人泰坦,很快就对自己的创造失去了控制,眼看着其他人获利。

56 、Material: Titan Uhrwerk: Automatik Zifferblattfarbe: grau Durchmesser: 48 mm Zustand: neuwertig Papi...───参考 Material;钛;自动发条;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 奥地利, Wien;

57 、The workers quickly moved another huge Titan rocket into place.───工作人员迅速将另一枚巨大的大力神火箭安排就位。

58 、The titan arum was discovered by botanists on Sumatra in 1878 and is considered by many to have the most spectacular blossom in the world.───大鬼芋是植物学家于1878年在印尼的苏门答腊岛发现的,很多人认为它的开花是世界上最壮观的花开景象。

59 、A Titan, the mother of Athena.───墨提斯:泰坦神,雅典娜的母亲。

60 、Oceanus A Titan god of the outer sea encircling the earth and the father of the Oceanides and the river gods.───俄刻阿诺斯:泰坦神,所有海洋女神和河神之父。

61 、"That may partially explain the lack of liquid ethane oceans and clouds at Titan's middle and lower latitudes.───“这或许能部分的解释泰坦中低纬度地区缺乏乙烷海洋和乙烷云。”

62 、But instead of water forming clouds, rain, and then evaporating to clouds again, Titan has two cycling substances: methane and ethane.───但代替水形成云、雨,然后再一次蒸发成云的过程,提坦有两种循环物质:甲烷和乙烷。

63 、In Cassini's planned 76 orbits around the Saturn system, 44 are to be plotted to provide close encounters with Titan.───它将环土星飞行76圈,44次飞过土卫六(土星最大的一颗卫星)。

64 、A titan of scientific thinking, he described the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, paving the way for modern physics.───他是科学冥想的巨人,他描绘了万有引力定律和三大运动定律,为现代物理学铺平了道路。

65 、Taiyanggong area have a temple, enshrines Titan (Ming dynasty God), the name of the resulting Taiyanggong.───太阳宫地区曾经有一座古庙,供奉着太阳神(大明神),太阳宫的名称由此而来。

66 、January 14, 2005, Cassini - Huygens probe into Titan in the dark atmosphere of two hours, were shot to a 1100 photo.───2005年1月14日,卡西尼-惠更斯号探测器在落入提坦黑暗大气下的2小时里,共拍摄到了1100张照片。

67 、A three-inch refractor will give an excellent view as well as showing Titan.───一架三英寸的折射望远镜就能看到极好的景象,还可以看出土卫六。

68 、His wife was Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan, Ocean.───他的太太是泰坦神大洋氏的孙女安屈蒂。

69 、Industry titans ?you don't want to cross.─── 你可不想和这些行业巨头为敌

70 、TITAN ion source is a new ion source which can produce strong metal and gas ion beam. Use .───TITAN离子源是一种新的能够同时产生强金属和气体离子束流的离子源。

71 、Their father and a number of Titan was taken to the bottom of hell.───他们的父亲和许多泰坦神被送进了地狱的最底层。

72 、Titan's Wall is the mountain's hardest rock climb.───“巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。

73 、The shadows of Titan and Mimas have both moved off the right side of the disk.───土卫六和土卫一的阴影都在盘面的右侧移动。

74 、It takes the equivalent of 8 highway lanes to make a U-turn in a Terex Titan.───TerexTitan做个U型转弯就要差不多8个高速公路车道那么宽的路面。

75 、Chrysler will also build a replacement for the Nissan Titan pick-up.───克莱斯勒公司也将建立一个取代日产泰坦回升。

76 、On Titan, this so-called antigreenhouse effect cools the surface by seven degrees C or so.───在土卫六上,这种所谓的反温室效应,使其表面温度降低7℃左右。

77 、Rhea spans 1,500 kilometers making it Saturn's second largest moon after Titan.───土卫五覆盖1,500公里,是继土卫六之后第二大土星卫星。

78 、That's all the more extraordinary because it could only be supported by absolutely titanic architecture.─── 这就更加的非同寻常了 因为只有巨大的建筑结构 才能支撑得住大型的穹顶石

79 、In basic solution magnesium may react with titan yellow to form red compound.───在表面活性剂聚乙烯醇存在下,于碱性介质中,镁与达旦黄作用生成红色化合物。

80 、Cronus A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.───克洛诺斯:泰坦神,在被他独生子宙斯废黜前一直统治着宇宙。

81 、On Titan, methane forms clouds and maybe even rain.───在泰坦星上,甲烷形成云层,甚至会产生降雨。

82 、The way you've passed these last three days might knock up a Titan.───你这三天来的生活方式会使任何人病倒的。

83 、Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Titan's favour towards men.───宙斯识破了这套把戏,普罗米修斯对人类的偏爱让他很不高兴。

84 、If the invaders can gain access to the reactor room by blowing up the four security terminals, they can blow up the Titan.───如果入侵者炸毁四个安全终端,就能进入到反应室,也就能炸毁泰坦。

85 、Astronomers were not sure if Titan's atmosphere contained the elements necessary for life.───天文学家无法断定土卫六的大气层中是否含有生命存在的必要元素。

86 、A Titan who was the father of Prometheus and Atlas and an ancestor of the human race.───伊阿珀托斯一个提坦巨人,是普罗米修斯和阿特拉斯的父亲,而且是人类的祖先

87 、The Titan Arum opens every one to three years.───大王花每1至三年才开一次花。

88 、We found the titan, but it wasn't what we expected.─── 我们找到了巨人 但和我们想的不一样

89 、Uldaman, Uldum, Ulduar... these were the names of the ancient Titan cities where the earthen first took shape and form.───奥达曼、奥丹姆和奥杜尔是土灵最先建造的以远古泰坦命名的城市。






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