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07-02 投稿




英:[?we?r?bl]  美:[?w?r?b?l]

英:  美:


adj. 可以穿戴、佩带的

n. (复)wearables: 衣服


habiliment | vesture | wear | clothing




1 、Through the analysis of the ablation phenomenon, some new techniques to improve the crafts to gain the wearable oxidation film and logical film's thickness and rigidity are put forward.───为提高氧化膜的耐磨性,得到符合要求的氧化膜厚度和硬度,提出了新的工艺改进方案。

2 、Keywords Lower Artificial Limb;EMG Signal;Exoskeleton;Wearable Device;Walking;Assistance;Pheumatic;───下肢;肌电信号;外骨骼;阈值控制;可穿戴式;步行;助力;

3 、Coating hard surface, xylitol, chewing gum and other soft candy be more wearable and pressure-resistance.───增白、增亮,还可包上各种颜色,表面光洁、发亮,美观、诱人;

4 、Sturdy and wearaBle shoes are welcomed to the puBlic.───坚固耐磨的鞋子,众人欢迎。

5 、Advantage: Strong intensity, antifriction, wearable, anti-rotten, acid and alkali resistant, simple and portable, safety and applicable.───优点:强度大、耐磨、耐用、耐腐烂、耐酸碱,简易轻便,安全适用。

6 、Her collection of pencil skirts of a fabriclike crinkly paper was typically avant-garde but also fit the times:seasonless, wearable and, yes, investment-grade.───她的铅笔裙系列使用了一种类似褶皱纸的面料,再次引领了时尚,不过也符合当下的潮流:四季皆宜、经久耐穿,还有,属于“投资”级别。

7 、” Thus far Demron has gone a long way toward proving that a thin, highly flexible and wearable radiation shield is not a technical impossibility after all.───因此底米龙已迈出一大步,证明轻薄、柔韧又耐用的辐射护具终究不是不可能的任务。

8 、Development of a wearable gesture recognition system───佩戴式手势识别系统的开发

9 、Our rubber yarn are major used for gloves,socks,cuffs,garments,sweaters to increase the elastic of the special parts,and also has the advantages such as excellent elastic,ametabolic,wearable,low-cost.───我公司专业生产各规格的氨纶双包纱。同样提供白纱及色纱。

10 、Nanjing Weite Wearable Alloy Factory consists of wearable alloy materials factory and engineering mechanism factory.───南京威特耐磨合金厂下设耐磨合金材料厂和工程机械厂。

11 、A Study on the Technique Dealing with Multimedia Task of Wearable Computer───可穿戴计算机多媒体任务处理技术研究

12 、Design of Wearable Psychology Respond Recording Instrument───佩带式心理应激反应记录仪的研制

13 、Techniques of Speech Processing for Wearable Computer───可穿戴计算机中的语音处理技术

14 、Wearable TV Hang Sony's slim wearable television set around your neck and catch the news as you wait for the bus.───可穿戴电视你可以将索尼公司推出的超薄型可穿戴电视挂在脖子上,在等公共汽车时收看电视新闻。

15 、The feed conveyor netting is made of nylon mesh grid,which is anticor-rosion and wearable;and it is removable,so that it's convenient to replace and grind the blades.───传送网选用尼龙编织网抗腐蚀及耐磨,传送台能够随意推动,刀片的更换及研磨非常便利。

16 、wearable antenna───可穿戴天线

17 、Natural rubber soles, soft and wearable, used together with special freely breath insoles, take good care of your feet doubly!───天然橡胶鞋底,柔软耐磨,配合特制透气鞋垫,加倍呵护您的脚。

18 、Ant Algorithms for Power Management of Wearable Computer───基于可穿戴计算机电源管理的蚁群算法

19 、the wearable power assist walking legs───下肢可穿戴助力机器人

20 、Recreation of wearable textile art is a trend in the course of fashion development.It can enrich dress styles and connotations.Inspiration is a basis of wearable textile art recreation.───对普通的可穿性面料进行艺术再创造是现今服装发展潮流中的时尚趋势之一,它是丰富服装形式和内涵的重要手段,而寻求灵感是进行可穿性面料艺术再创造的基础。

21 、The paper introduces the design and application of a fixed wearable alloy roller ring to replace a traditional one,and analyses and compares it with foreign similar equipment.───介绍了用一种固定耐磨合金辊环代替传统轧辊的装置进行设计和应用,并对该装置与国外类似装置进行比较分析。

22 、wearable exoskeleton man-machine system───可穿戴式柔性外骨骼人机智能系统

23 、GPRS Technology and It's Application in the Wearable Computers───GPRS及其在可穿戴计算机中的应用

24 、To the cognoscenti, contemporary jewellery is wearable sculpture, and the wearability of a piece and the way it moves on the body are of critical importance to the artists who create it.───对于鉴赏家,当代首饰是可以佩戴的艺术。对于当代首饰的艺术创作者,作品的耐穿性,和作品随着佩戴者动起来的方式,是至关重要的。

25 、So this wearable composite can use as common wearable composite, the friction coefficient is bigger if it is used as antifriction and wearable composite.───因此该材料可以用作一般的耐磨复合材料使用,若用作减摩耐磨复合材料则摩擦系数偏高。

26 、Wearables are huge in the aging market.─── 可穿戴设备在老年市场很受欢迎

27 、Experience in Repairing machine guideway with wearable soft band is introduced.───介绍应用耐磨软带维修机床导轨的经验。

28 、Context Aware Technology and Application Based on Wearable Computer───基于可穿戴计算平台的文境感知技术及其应用

29 、An abrasion resistant distribution chute besed on a combined design of milling materiels by themselves and overlapping wearable plates was developed.Practice showed that,the service lif...───并设计制造了一种将料磨料结构与耐磨衬板叠装结构有机结合的抗磨损布料溜槽,实践表明,研制的布料溜槽使用寿命可提高到原来的3倍以上。

30 、A wardrobe full of clothes that are no longer wearable───充斥著不能再穿的衣物的衣柜

31 、Screen printing, printing, bronzing advanced equipment and exquisite appearance of the printed products, wearable.───丝印、移印、烫金设备先进,印出的产品外观精美、耐磨。

32 、Um, yeah, like aa piece of, like, wearable tech that uses a pinsize camera and facialrecognition software.─── 比如做一个 可携带的设备 利用针形摄像头和面部识别软件

33 、Explanation: The fabric is waterproof, breathable, and wearable, and it has inner lining which keeps warm.───产品说明:此款专为滑雪设计。面料具有卓越的防水透湿性能,且耐磨性佳;

34 、Alcoa CSI can provide spares for wearable capping machine parts for bottlers'routine in-plant maintenance as well as emergencies.───Alcoa CSI可为破损的封盖机部件提供备件,以便灌装厂定期进行现场维护及紧急维护。

35 、Wearable Computer and Its Application in Agriculture───可穿戴计算机及其在农业中的应用

36 、Concerning the spring/summer collection this means: track suits, sailing shirts, tennis skirts, boxers blousons, surfing and judo suits are modified into everyday wearable fashion.───对于春夏服装它意味着:径赛服、航行衫、网球裙、拳击夹克衫、冲浪服、柔道服都被修改成适宜日常穿戴的时髦服装。

37 、A Software Reliability Model Based on Failure Cost Partition for Wearable Computers───一种基于失效费用划分的穿戴计算机软件可靠性模型

38 、Says Donald: “If I have something which becomes worn out and so is unusable, Nancy will put her outfit in the same style aside, even if her clothes are still wearable.───唐纳德说:“要是我有套衣服旧得不能穿了,南希也会把她配对的那一套搁到一边去,即便她的那身还没穿旧。

39 、Software reliability growth model for wearable computer───可穿戴计算机软件系统可靠性增长模型研究

40 、sturdy and wearaBle───坚固耐磨

41 、ISWC: International Symposium on Wearable Computers───国际研讨会

42 、To Repair Machine Guideway with Wearable Soft Band───应用耐磨软带修复机床导轨

43 、Properly drawn and woven into normal fabric, the mirrored fibers could lead to wearable radiation barriers, optical bar-code tags for clothing and flexible filters for telecommunications.───在一般的纤维里适当混入光晶纤维,就能得出穿戴式的辐射屏蔽、衣服内的光学条码标签与柔韧的电讯过滤器。

44 、The Plank Wood: It's make of the Over-Hundred Wood to get an advanced over-thick wearable board, even you can retread to use it with many times.───取优质百年以上树种,制成高级经久耐用超厚表板,可历经多次翻新使用。

45 、Well, guess I don't need this wearable art anymore.─── 看来我不再需要戴着这个项链了

46 、Wearable computer has its special working environments, and the special wear form will take direct and indirect effect on the ruggedization problems.───可穿戴计算机拥有特殊的使用环境,不同的应用所面临的恶劣环境也不尽相同,可穿戴计算机特殊的穿戴形式会对其抗恶劣环境问题产生直接和间接的影响。

47 、Distinctively elegant, the newest jacket shapes are highly defined and highly wearable───与众不同的优雅,最新式的茄克衫,线条流畅,穿着极其舒适。

48 、The bonded warehouse is flooring with carborundum which is wearable, dustproof, and anti-statics.───仓库地面采用耐磨金刚砂,耐磨、防尘、防静电。

49 、Band-electrode surfacing of heat-resistant and wearable alloy used in the continuous cast roll of large continuous cast machine───大板坯连铸机的连铸辊耐热耐磨合金带极堆焊

50 、Now, I'm bidding online for a wearable bass drum as we speak.─── 我正在网上投标买个可穿戴式的低音鼓

51 、High technology、wearable、never rust, show the apotheosis of the modern urbanism: freedom、 romantic、fashion、individuality.───产品科技含量高、耐磨损、耐腐蚀、永不生锈,体现了“自由、浪漫、时尚、个性”的现代都市生活典范。

52 、Study on the Wearable Casting Stell of Low Alloy and High Strength in pedrail Plate───履带板用铸造低合金高强度耐磨钢的研究

53 、Still, I haven't given up on wearable computers.───不过,我还没放弃穿戴型电脑。

54 、The lace bolero would make it a very wearable two piece for a ceremony or a blessing.───带花边的前开襟短上衣使这套两件式套装非常适合典礼或者庆典。

55 、I mean, the idea of magnifying an image using a convex lens, that goes way back, but the poor guy who created the first, like, wearable pair, gets no credit.─── 我是说 用凸透镜来放大事物的想法 这有迹可循 但那个发明了第一副佩戴式眼镜的人 却没人知道 真是可怜

56 、We like to call them *art wearables.─── 我们喜欢称之为智能穿戴设备

57 、One must always have wearable mourning in the wardrobe.─── 衣柜里一定要有能穿的丧服

58 、Wearable and anti-eroding coat is added after renewing the shape and dimensions to insure the life of mixer blade.───修复后的搅拌桨叶是在恢复原有的形状后,表面再施加抗磨抗腐蚀耐磨涂层,确保搅拌桨的使用寿命。

59 、In this passage, the use of GPRS in the wearable computer is introduced, this makes the computer has stronger operation and facility.───介绍将GPRS技术应用于可穿戴计算机中,使其具有更强操作性、灵活性的设计情况。


61 、There, she learned how to operate various machines and saw how cotton fibers were weaved into wearable materials.───在那里她学会了操作各种机器,了解了怎样将棉花纺成布料。

62 、IMD has products and display kits for (1) wearable displays, (2) portable projectors and (3) optical engines for rear projectors.───亚高光电系列的微型显示器适用于(1)接目显示器,(2)手提投影机和(3)背投电视机光机等三种产品。

63 、Just down the hill from Galeria Marges-U, 35-year-old Gemma Ridameya runs a very different type of gallery, filled with wearable creations hewn from silver and rock.───就在马基斯-U画廊下来不远的山下,35岁的杰马-瑞达梅亚经营着一家展览馆,它的风格别具一格,富藏各种各样的服饰,不但有银质的,而且有石质的。

64 、Corundum wearable plastic refractory YG───刚玉质耐磨可塑料

65 、The university has tinkered with several iterations of wearable computers over the years.───大学用了几年的时间已经对几项可穿电脑的迭代次数做了笨拙的修补。

66 、Work table adopts water proof and wearable material,and can dismount easily.───工作台面为防水材料,可拆卸安装。

67 、Explanation: The windproof and wearable material keeps warm;meanwhile it makes the body feel soft and comfortable.───产品说明:此款面料手感柔软舒适,穿着后轻便随意、防风耐磨、保暖性佳;

68 、Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition Method Based on Wearable Vision───基于穿戴视觉的人手跟踪与手势识别方法

69 、Each Lip Pencil pairs luxurious lip colour with a coordinating liner for a wide variety of subtle, wearable hues, suitable for every occasion.───两用唇笔可同时作口红和唇笔,触感幼滑细致,3款最新色调,任何场合或妆容都可大派用场!

70 、The machine adopted hot aluminum model and wearable hot silica-gel model to exactly form the instep curve.───成型后鞋面内衬贴合紧密,不起皱、不变形、不起泡,并可减小破损。

71 、Keywords wearable technology;concurrent monitoring;non-intrusive;respiratory inductive plethysmography;───可穿戴技术;协同监测;无创性;呼吸感应体积描记术;

72 、Research and development of high-chrome alloy vane and wearable compound cast larger of pump overflow chute in YJC oil slurry───YJC油浆泵中高铬合金叶轮、泵过流通道耐磨复合铸造层研制

73 、Says Donald: "If I have something which becomes worn out and so is unusable, Nancy will put her outfit in the same style aside, even if her clothes are still wearable.───唐纳德说:“要是我有套衣服旧得不能穿了,南希也会把她配对的那一套搁到一边去,即便她的那身还没穿旧。

74 、wearable heart monitoring───可佩戴心脏监护装置

75 、IMD has products and display kits for (1) wearable displays, (2) mini or pico projectors and (3) optical engines for these projectors.───亚高光电系列的微型显示器适用于(1)接目显示器,(2)微型投影机和(3)投影机的光机等三种产品。

76 、The Design of a Wearable ECG and Respiration Sensor Vest and its Monitoring System───可穿戴式心电、呼吸传感器与检测系统的研制

77 、Keywords bimetal material;high temperature abrasion resistance;wearable liner;service life;───双金属材料;高温耐磨性;耐磨衬板;使用寿命;

78 、Wearable computers will soon be popular.───可配带的电脑很快会流行。

79 、The children who participated in this project, first constructed their skyscraper sculpture out of wooden blocks, then they transformed their sculptures into wearable architectural clothing by using foam boards and paper.───参与此工作坊的小朋友首先用木头做出他们心中的大厦雕塑,然后再把大厦雕塑转化为可穿在身上的大厦形衣服。

80 、2)Non-sew roll,which is warped with wearable rubber, with dynamitic balance adjustment .───2)无缝管,包裹耐磨橡胶,并做动平衡校正。

81 、1)Non-sew roller, with dynamitic balance adjustment, is warped with wearable rubble.───1)无缝管,包裹耐磨橡胶,并做动平衡校正。

82 、The host machine adopts highly wearable cast with rational design and good stability.───主机采用高耐磨铸件,设计合理,稳定性好。

83 、There were also a few of the boys' lined cotton tunics. A close scrutiny showed that they were still wearable.───又有孩子的几件布夹衫,仔细看时还可以穿穿;

84 、Keywords daily temperature mulriple blueness oxidation;wearable capability;resist cauterization;───常温复合发蓝;耐磨性;耐蚀性;

85 、Concerning the spring/ summer collection this means: track suits, sailing shirts, tennis skirts, boxers blousons, surfing and judo suits are modified into everyday wearable fashion.───对于春夏服装它意味著:径赛服、行衫、网球裙、击夹克衫、浪服、柔道服都被修改成适宜日常穿戴的时髦服装。

86 、Wearable technology is an innovative technology which can provide noninvasive monitoring for personal status.───可穿戴技术是一种对人体状态进行无创监测的新技术。

87 、wearable computer───可穿戴的计算机


wearable这个英语单词的意思是:可穿戴,穿戴舒适的,可穿戴的,适于穿戴的意思。作名词时,是可穿戴计算机,衣服。作形容词时,是可穿戴的,穿戴舒适的。同根词有:worn,作形容词时(意思是疲倦的),作动词时,意思是穿。同义词是:clothes(衣服)。相关的短语有:wearable computer(嵌入式计算机)。wearable 的反义词是:拔出。



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