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07-02 投稿




英:['?pl]  美:[??p?l]

英:  美:


n.苹果, 珍宝, 家伙


the apple of sb.'s eye

1. 掌上明珠; 珍爱物

Her daughter is the apple of her eye.



apple of discord
-不和的种子, 祸根(据希腊神话, 三女神因争金苹果而导致特洛伊战争)
upset sb.'s apple cart
apple of the eye
-瞳孔, 瞳仁
-掌上明珠; 心爱的宝贝
as like as an apple to an oyster
apple of one's eye
-瞳孔, 瞳仁
-掌上明珠; 心爱的宝贝
polish the apple
-[美俚]拍马屁, 讨好
rotten apple
apple of Sodom (=Dead Sea apple)
-索多姆地方的果子(古代传说中产于死海附近的果子, 外表好看但摘下来便化成灰烬)
-华而不实东西; 虚有其表的事物
Adam's apple
Throw away the apple because of the core.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
-[谚] 一天一个苹果, 医生不上门(比喻不生病)。
bad apple
love apple
-[古]西红柿, 番茄
The rotten apple injures its neighbours.
-[谚]一只烂, 烂一筐; 一个坏朋友可以影响一群好人。
golden apple
-西红柿, 番茄


Chinese flowering apple
rose apple
oak apple
preserved apple
thorn apple
baked apple
custard apple
carthaginian apple
cedar apple
dehydrocanned apple
haw apple
candied apple
sugar apple
mad apple


1 、He bit off a large piece of the apple.───他咬下一大块苹果。

2 、"He's taken my apple, mummy," she wailed.───"妈妈,他抢走了我的苹果,"她哭著说。

3 、A variety of red, late-ripening apple.───乔纳森苹果多种红色、晚熟的苹果

4 、Now that is a proper pork and apple cider pie, with sage and apple verjus.─── 这就是一个美味的猪肉苹果果汁派 加入了鼠尾草和苹果酸果汁

5 、Her tooth came out when she bit into the apple.───她咬苹果的时候牙掉了下来。

6 、She is munching at an apple.───她正用力咀嚼苹果。

7 、He climbed the tree in order to get the apple.───他爬树为了摘苹果。

8 、Why don't you guys just whip up an alternate launch plan with a big public rollout, and then we can compare apples to apples.─── 你们再起草一个大规模投入使用的 备选计划 我们来把两个对比一下

9 、An apple dropped down from the tree.───从树上掉下一个苹果。

10 、His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.───他的喉结在喉咙里上下滚动。

11 、Around here apple trees began to be planted extensively in1953.───从1953年起,这一带开始大规模种植苹果树。

12 、He likes to peel an apple before he eats it .───吃苹果前,他喜欢削皮。

13 、The girls had got on well together until the apple of discord in the person of a handsome young man arrived in their midst.───姑娘们一直相处很好,后来一个英俊的小伙子来到她们中间,引起了她们之间的不和。

14 、For example, a red delicious apple is a part of the classification apple, which in turn is a part of the fruit class, which is under the larger class food.───例如,一个美味可口的红苹果是苹果类的一员,而苹果又是水果类的一部分,再进一步,水果又是食物这更高一级类的一部分。

15 、They tamped down the earth around the apple tree.───他们把苹果树周围的泥土夯实。

16 、They are mucking the apple trees.───他们正在给苹果树施粪肥。

17 、Her daughter is the apple of her eye.───她女儿是她的掌上明珠。

18 、She bit into the apple.───她咬了一口苹果。

19 、She is the apple of her father's eye.───她是她父亲的掌上明珠。

20 、Pork and apple is a match made in heaven, so I'm making a scrumptious pork and apple pie but with a very special and a very ancient ingredient called verjus.─── 猪肉和苹果是天作之合 因此我要做一道美味的猪肉苹果派 但要在里面加入一种十分特殊而古老的 名叫酸果汁的原料

21 、Our apple trees will bear well this year.───今年我们的苹果树会结许多果实。

22 、One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.───一个烂苹果坏了一桶苹果。

23 、She kept the largest apple for herself.───她把最大的苹果留给自己。

24 、One rotten apple spoil the whole barrel.───一只烂苹果,糟蹋一整箩。

25 、She pared the apple with a sharp knife.───她用快刀削苹果。

26 、Just give her some apple and she blisses out.───只要给她一苹果,她就很开心。

27 、The apple trees are fruiting early this year.───今年苹果树很早结果。

28 、He opened his bag and took therefrom an apple.───他打开包,从里面拿出一只苹果。

29 、He reached up and got the apple on the high branch.───他伸手拿到了那根高技上的苹果。

30 、Would you like to order some apple pies?───你想点一些苹果派吗?

31 、He climbed up a ladder to pick apple .───他爬上梯子去摘苹果。

32 、He grafted the branch onto the apple tree.───他将这根树枝嫁接到了苹果树上。

33 、He's a rotten apple.───他是一个讨厌的家伙。

34 、The SND (Sound) was developed by Apple.───SND(声音)是苹果公司开发的。

35 、He hemisected an apple and gave it to me.───他把一个苹果切成了两半,把一半给了我。

36 、Dennis has always been an apple polisher.───丹尼斯一直就是一个马屁精。

37 、She set aside the book and began to eat the apple.───她把书放在一边,开始吃起苹果来。

38 、By Golly! Look at that big apple.───哎呀!你看那苹果多大!

39 、His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye.───他的小女儿是他的掌上明珠。

40 、There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden.───在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。

41 、She set the book by and began to eat the apple.───她把书放在一边吃起苹果来。

42 、You know what, I'll have the apple pie.─── 这样吧 给我来份苹果派

43 、Man, that's like a caramel apple, except your hand's the apple, the tar's the caramel, and no one finds this delicious.─── 兄弟 你的手就像焦糖苹果似的 不过你的手是苹果 焦油是焦糖 而且看着不好吃

44 、He spread some apple jam on the bread.───他在面包上涂上苹果酱。

45 、Which one do you prefer,an apple or an orange?───你想要哪个,苹果还是橘子?

46 、He eats an apple a day.───他每天吃一个苹果。

47 、He cultivated many apple trees in the orchard.───他在果园里栽培了许多苹果树。

48 、No, you you were the apple of his eye.─── 不 你一直是他的心头肉

49 、He has always been an apple polisher.───他一直都是个马屁精。

50 、He tricked the little boy out of his apple .───他骗去了那个小男孩的苹果。

51 、"You've taken my apple, " he wailed.───"你抢走了我的苹果", 他哭喊道。

52 、Have you ever been to the Big Apple?───你去过纽约吗?

53 、The apple trees gave a high yield last quarter.───上个季度苹果产量很高。

54 、She pasted the apple jam upon the bread.───她把苹果酱抹在面包上。

55 、It will fall into our laps like a ripe apple.───它完全像一个熟透的苹果自己掉进我们的怀里。

56 、Adam fell when he ate the apple.───亚当吃了苹果之后堕落了。

57 、Apple polishers are a pain in the neck to conscientious teachers.───对于有良心的教师,拍马屁的学生实在讨厌极了。

58 、She made a rule of eating an apple a day.───她每天一定要吃一个苹果。

59 、She thrust the knife into the apple.───她把刀子扎进了苹果里面。

60 、There was a crunch as he bit the apple.───在他咬苹果时,发出嘎扎一响。

61 、It's like comparing apples to apple pie.─── 这就像拿苹果和苹果派做比较

62 、He went into the kitchen in search of food and wolfed down an apple pie.───他走进厨房去找吃的,狼吞虎咽一般吃了个苹果馅饼。

63 、Go and pick an apple from the nearest tree.───到最近的一棵树上去摘个苹果。

64 、"He has taken my apple, mummy, " she wailed.───"妈妈,他抢走了我的苹果,"她哭着说。

65 、She read a poem entitled The Apple Tree'.───她读了一首题为《苹果树》的诗。

66 、He pushed the plate towards me and asked me to have an apple.───他把水果盘推过来,并请我吃苹果。

67 、Snacks on granola doused with apple juice.───他喜欢将格兰诺拉麦片蘸上苹果汁来吃。

68 、He cleaved an apple with a knife.───他用一把刀子将苹果切开。

69 、Munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements.───他虽然啃着苹果,但却很留神地监视着她的每一个动作。

70 、Which one do you prefer, an apple or an orange?───你想要哪个,苹果还是橘子?

71 、Serve with apple compote or vanilla sauce.───可以和苹果泥或是拌以香草汁食用。

72 、"Apple polishing"is as old as human society.───“擦苹果”这种事情自有人类社会以来就存在于世。

73 、The word "apple" is a concrete noun.───"苹果"是个具体名词。

74 、He likes to peel an apple before he eats it.───吃苹果前,他喜欢削皮。

75 、The child reached out a hand towards the apple .───小孩伸出手去够苹果。

76 、This is pork and apple in there and there's some mash too.─── 这里面有猪肉和苹果 还有些糊糊

77 、She said she had an apple complexion.───她说她有象苹果一样的肤色。

78 、Good,an iced fruit jelly and a caramelized apple.───好的,一份冰镇果羹,一份拔丝苹果。

79 、He can get that apple on the high branch if the reaches up.───他若踮起脚尖,伸长手可以摘到高技上的那只苹果。

80 、They reclamated the land to grow more apple trees.───他们开垦荒地,以便栽种更多的苹果树。

81 、Not just a flower, an apple blossom, ghost apple, to be exact.─── 不仅是一朵花 是一朵苹果花 确切得说 是鬼果

82 、She is paring the apple.───她正在削苹果皮。

83 、All the makings for an apple pie.───做苹果馅饼的材料

84 、He chopped down an old apple tree.───他砍倒了一棵老苹果树。

85 、She quartered the apple.───她把苹果切成四份。

86 、Would you like some more apple pies?───再来点苹果馅饼好吗?

87 、He often hacks at branches for his apple trees.───他常给他的苹果树剪枝。

88 、A hailstorm hurt the apple crop.───一场风暴损坏了种植的苹果。

89 、And she loves apples but hates apple sauce.─── 她喜欢苹果但不喜欢苹果酱

90 、An apple a day keep the doctor away.───天天一苹果,医生远离我。



n. 苹果, 似苹果的果实



(1) 苹果树:欧亚大陆一种落叶乔木(苹果) ,有互生的单叶及白色或粉色的花朵


(3) 苹果属植物:其它几种这样的植物,尤指苹果状果实的,如酸苹果树或番荔枝树

(4) 苹果果实


apple of (one's) eye 宠物, 珍爱物

例如,Her grandson is the apple of her eye. 孙子是她的掌上明珠



(1) 苹果, 苹果树

(2) 苹果似的东西

(3) [美俚]炸弹, 手榴弹, (棒球的)球

(4) [美俚]人, 家伙

apple blossom 苹果树的花

apple butter 苹果酱


applejack n. 苹果白兰地[烧酒]

apple-knocker n. (1) 乡下佬, 庄稼汉(2) 采苹果[水果]者(3) 新手, 生手

apple-polish vt., vi. 逢迎, 讨好

applesauce n. (1) 苹果酱 (2) [美俚]胡说, 假意的恭维

applewife,applewoman n. 卖苹果的女人


Adam's apple 喉结

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. [谚] 一天一个苹果, 医生不上门(比喻不生病)。

apple of discord 不和的种子, 祸根(据希腊神话, 三女神因争金苹果而导致特洛伊战争)

apple of one's eye (1) 瞳孔, 瞳仁 (2) 掌上明珠; 心爱的宝贝

apple of the eye (1) 瞳孔, 瞳仁 (2) 掌上明珠; 心爱的宝贝

apple of Sodom (=Dead Sea apple) (1) 索多姆地方的果子(古代传说中产于死海附近的果子, 外表好看但摘下来便化成灰烬) (2) 华而不实东西; 虚有其表的事物

as like as an apple to an oyster 毫无相同之处

bad apple [美俚]坏家伙

rotten apple [美俚]坏家伙

golden apple (1) (导致希腊三女神争夺的)金苹果(2) 西红柿, 番茄

love apple [古]西红柿, 番茄

polish the apple [美俚]拍马屁, 讨好

The rotten apple injures its neighbours. [谚]一只烂, 烂一筐; 一个坏朋友可以影响一群好人。

Throw away the apple because of the core. 因噎废食。

upset sb.'s apple cart 破坏某人计划


baked apple 烤苹果

candied apple 苹果蜜饯

carthaginian apple 石榴

cedar apple 胶锈菌瘿

Chinese flowering apple 海棠花

custard apple 南美番荔枝

dehydrocanned apple 罐装脱水苹果

haw apple 山楂果

mad apple 茄子

oak apple 栎子

preserved apple 苹果脯

rose apple 蒲桃

sugar apple 番荔枝

thorn apple 曼陀罗



A range of popular microcomputers manufactured by Apple Computers.

由Apple 计算机公司制造的各种普及型微型计算机。






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