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07-02 投稿




英:['k?r?ns?]  美:[?k?r?ns?, ?k?r-]

英:  美:


n.货币, 流通


名词复数: currencies |


find currency among
gain currency with
-流行开, 流通开, 得到...信任
in common currency
acquire currency
-开始广泛传播; (词或成语等)为群众所习用
gain currency
-开始广泛传播; (词或成语等)为群众所习用
obtain currency
-开始广泛传播; (词或成语等)为群众所习用
give currency to


currency in circulation
weak currency
-弱货币, 疲软货币
leading currency
deposit currency
cash currency
free convertible currency
currency of money
sound currency
settlement currency
labour currency
counterfeit currency
postal currency
-邮花辅币, 邮政通货
metallic currency
-金属货币, 硬币
hand-to-hand currency
monometallic currency
"snake " currency
-"蛇形"货币, 参加"地洞中的蛇"体系的货币
paper currency
elastic currency
external currency
gold currency
universal currency
high power currency
exotic currency
-金融市场上交易很少的外币; 外来货币
basic currency
hard currency
-硬币; 可兑换的外汇
forced currency
purely fiduciary currency
bull currency
trade currency
people's currency
vehicle currency
-交易通货, 周转货币
credit currency
national currency
appreciated currency
inflated currency
soft currency
-软通货, 弱币, 准备金不足的货币
original currency
adjustable currency
domestic currency
continental currency
-欧陆的通货, 大陆币
standard currency
-本位货币, 主币
preferred currency
foreign currency
-外汇, 外币
blocked currency
acceptable currency
international reserve currency
reserved foreign currency
least currency weight
strong currency
recall currency
fractional currency
offshore currency
depreciated currency
fiduciary currency
main currency
secure currency
less favourable currency
mixed currency
managed currency
forged paper currency
undervalued currency
overvalued currency
-估值过高的货币, 偏高货币
currency of accounts
-记帐货币; 计算通货
emergency currency
-非常时期通货; 金融危机时发行的支付手段
world currency
key currency
non-interest-bearing currency
reserve currency
underpreciated currency
bank currency
invalid currency
Border Region C-
floating currency
blanket currency
assets currency
principal currency
much sought-after currency
surrender foreign currency
currency of payment


1 、It is a currency I do not know how to spend.─── 我不知道要如何使用这货币

2 、And your good reputation is your currency.─── 你的好名聲就是你的通用貨幣

3 、The term 'post-industrial' now has wide currency.───“后工业化”这个术语现已广为使用。

4 、He paid the bill with a paper currency.───他用一张纸币付了帐。

5 、A basic unit of currency in Romania.───列伊罗马尼亚货币的基本单位

6 、How much foreign currency are you carrying?───你带有多少外币?

7 、In England the &(pound)is the unit of currency.───在英国,镑是货币单位。

8 、Where can I exchange some foreign currency?───什么地方可以兑换外币?

9 、Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970.───1970年,英国已改用公制货币。

10 、At GE, there is only one currency: GE stock.───在通用电气,只有一种货币:通用电气股票。

11 、When will the single currency be operable?───什么时候实行单一货币?

12 、A basic unit of currency in Nigeria.───奈拉尼日利亚基本的货币单位

13 、Displays numeric values in currency format.───以货币格式显示数值。

14 、"你最棒了" to make the player feel good about themselves, train the players to spend your fake currency, offer the players way to spend real currency for your fake currency so they'll forget their spending money.─── 奖赏 来让玩家自我感觉良好 训练玩家使用虚拟货币 邀请玩家使用真实货币 买进虚拟货币 他们就会忘记自己在花钱了

15 、A basic unit of currency in Malawi and Zambia.───克瓦查马拉维和赞比亚的基本货币单位

16 、In short, their currency is in jeopardy.─── 总之 他们的货币形势极其严峻

17 、What currency of loan do you want?───你们想贷哪种外汇呢?

18 、A basic unit of currency in Venezuela.───博利瓦委内瑞拉货币的基本单位

19 、Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes.───外汇基金则享有铸币收益。

20 、A basic unit of currency in Peru.───印锑秘鲁一基本货币单位

21 、LANGUAGE is usually used for currency conversion.───LANGUAGE通常用于进行货币转换。

22 、A basic unit of currency in Denmark.───丹麦克朗丹麦的一种基本货币单位

23 、A unit of currency in Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City.───分意大利、圣马力诺和梵蒂冈城所用的货币单位

24 、He was arrested for smuggling out currency .───他因携带货币出境而被捕。

25 、There are currency restrictions on the sums allowed for foreign travel.───到国外旅行允许携带的款额有所限制。

26 、A basic unit of currency in Sierra Leone.───利昂塞拉利昂的基本货币单位

27 、Dimes and pennies are fractional currency.───一角银币和分币都是辅币。

28 、A basic unit of currency in Albania.───列克阿尔巴尼亚的基本货币单位

29 、What kind of currency would you like?───你要哪种货币?

30 、Could you exchange foreign currency?───你们可以兑换外币吗?

31 、In what currency will payments be made?───付款将使用什么货币?

32 、What Moves the Currency Market in the Long-Term.───什么影响货币市场的长期波动。

33 、He is arrested trying to take currency out of the country.───他因试图将本国货币携带出境而被拘捕。

34 、So, here are the programmers working on your currency.─── 這些程序員正在開發虛擬貨幣

35 、It's like any other currency, but it's digital.─── 和其它货币一样 只不过是电子化的

36 、What kind of currency do you want to change?───你想换什么货币?

37 、He united the written language and currency.───他统一了文字和货币。

38 、A basic unit of currency in Brazil.───克鲁赛罗巴西的一种基本货币单位

39 、It is the law that this government currency be money.─── 这是让政府货币成为钱的法律

40 、They don't have access to a convertible currency.───他们无法得到可兑换货币。

41 、Schilling: A basic unit of currency in Austria.───先令,奥地利基本货币单位。

42 、Do not give currency to idle gossip.───不要传播闲言。

43 、See: currency A coin or note worth one dollar.───一元钱面值一元的硬币或纸币。

44 、But what about the risk of currency fluctuation?───不过对于币值波动的风险你怎么处理?

45 、What Moves the Currency Market in the Short-Term.───什么影响货币市场的短期波动。

46 、A basic unit of currency in Honduras.───伦皮拉洪都拉斯的基本货币单位

47 、A flood of currency issued last year.───去年发行了大量货币。

48 、The pound have fall-en against a basket of European currency.───与一揽子欧洲货币相比英镑以下跌。

49 、Is making the currency decision for you.───在幕后为您作出货币决策。

50 、A basic unit of currency in Czechoslovakia.───克朗捷克斯洛伐克的一种基本货币单位

51 、Foreign currency and gold reserves were drained.───外汇和黄金储备日益枯竭。

52 、It is wicked to give currency to lying scandals.───传播无根据的谣言是不对的。

53 、A unit of currency in Chile, Panama, and Uruguay.───分智利、巴拿马和乌拉圭的货币单位

54 、A basic unit of currency in Guatemala.───克札危地马拉的一种基本货币单位

55 、What kind of currency have you got?───你有哪国货币?

56 、Issuable currency;issuable securities.───可发行的货币;可发行的债券

57 、What kind of foreign currency do you handle here?───哪些外币可以在此办理?

58 、A basic unit of currency in Bhutan.───不丹通用货币的基本单位

59 、A basic unit of currency in Ghana.───塞地加纳货币的基本单位

60 、Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency issuance.───另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是纸币与硬币的发行。

61 、They found a Citibank vault, full of currency.───他们发现了花旗银行的一个装满钞票的保险库。

62 、Does the margin change with currency traded?───保证金交易是否改变货币?

63 、Have you got any foreign currency with you?───你随身带外汇没有?

64 、She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.───她把一些外币换成本国货币。

65 、Do you have any foreign currency?───你带有外币吗?

66 、Price is fas Eastern Canadian port in U.S. currency.───上述价格均为加拿大东岸港口船边交货价,以美元计价。

67 、How much will it be in Chinese currency?───兑换成中国的货币是多少?

68 、Bullets may not be used as currency.───子弹不可用作货币。

69 、Few more of those, you'll be able to start your own currency.─── 再多幾塊 你就能發行自己的貨幣了

70 、Do you have any foreign currency to delare?───你有外币要申报吗?

71 、Backed by bullion rather than by credit. Used of currency.───以金银为凭的以金银储备而不是银行存款为凭证的。用于货币流通

72 、Most countries have a decimal currency .───大多数国家使用十进制货币。

73 、A basic unit of currency in Argentina.───奥斯特拉尔阿根廷货币基本单位

74 、Excuse me, where can I exchange foreign currency?───劳驾,请问我能在哪兑换外币?

75 、Besides,have you got any foreign currency with you?───另外,您随身带有外汇吗?

76 、Keep this exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency.───保存好这张兑换水单以便兑换回外币。

77 、A currency they could call their own.─── 一种他们可以视为己有的货币

78 、Blaine, I am putting the most valuable currency I have into this event, and that currency is my reputation.─── 布莱恩 我把我最有价值的东西 都赌在这事上了 那就是我的名誉

79 、Contains data in USD and tracks original currency.───包含以USD为单位的数据,并跟踪原币。

80 、How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?───你出国时带多少外币?

81 、What (kind of)currency have you got?───你持有的是什么货币?

82 、A basic unit of currency in Haiti.───古德海地的基本货币单位

83 、Most slang has short currency.───大多数俚语只通用一时。

84 、By not degrade Chinese currency.───坚持人民币不贬值

85 、A basic unit of currency in Iceland.───冰岛克朗冰岛的一种基本货币单位

86 、A basic unit of currency in Laos.───基普老挝货币基本单位

87 、A unit of currency in Angola.───勒韦安哥拉一货币单位

88 、Yes, you can.For RMB or for foreign currency?───人民币还是外币?

89 、They had an informal discussion on currency.───他们就货币问题进行了座谈。

90 、Certainly. What kind of currency have you got?───出当然,您有哪种货币?



monetary 英 [ˈmʌnɪtri] 美 [ˈmʌnɪteri] adj.货币的,金钱的;钱的(尤指一国的金融);金融的;财政的,财政(上)的

例句:Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation


currency 英 [ˈkʌrənsi] 美 [ˈkɜ:rənsi] n.货币;通用,流通,流传,传播;市价,行情;流通时间

例句:Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency




请问currency 与 monetary有什么区别 比如货币贬值应该用哪个呢谢谢


货币贬值currency devaluation

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