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07-02 投稿




英:['bɑ:t?(r)]  美:[?bɑrt?]

英:  美:


n.物物交换, 实物交易

v.物物交换, 以货易货


名词: barterer | 动词过去分词: bartered | 动词第三人称单数: barters | 动词过去式: bartered | 动词现在分词: bartering |


barter with sb. for sth.
barter away
-拿...作交易, 牺牲...以换取某种利益;
barter sth. for...


reciprocal barter
international barter
link barter


1 、They barter grains for cloth.───他们用谷物换布。

2 、The system of barter was superseded by the use of money.───以物易物的制度被金钱的使用取代了。

3 、In what way? Only ten years ago, you could barter for things, but now it's all cash.───哪些事儿变了?仅仅十年前,你还可以用东西换东西,可现在都是现金。

4 、A barter economy.───以物易物的经济形式

5 、BARTER, not only between you and me, but up to all of us.───易物不仅仅是两个人的事情,我们大家可以一起来,只要你愿意,只要你高兴。

6 、The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for items like writing paper and books.───囚犯们试着从看守那里换得稿纸和书之类的东西。

7 、Let me contact them right now. I'll ask them to consider our proposition of barter trade.───桂: 我马上就同他们联系,让他们考虑一下易货贸易的做法。

8 、Some countries had to resort to barter to obtain foreign goods.───一些国家不得不采取以货易货的方法以得到外国货物。

9 、You would even cast lots for the orphans And barter over your friend.───伯6:27你们想为孤儿拈阄、朋友当货物。

10 、Call me a fool, but for years I did not know you could barter with retail stores on major purchases.───叫我傻瓜吧,因为好几年来我一直都不知道在零售店里买东西的时候可以和店主杀价。

11 、Income terms of trade The net barter terms of trade weighted by the volume of exports. It gives an indication of the purchasing power of exports.───收入贸易条件即以出口额加权的净易货贸易条件,以此表明出口带来的购买力。

12 、I will not barter for the loyalty of your soldiers.─── 不会再用身体换取你士兵的忠诚

13 、If they have been distributed to the masses,we should persuade the masses to return them,or the government should barter with the masses for their return.───如果已分给群众,则应说服群众归还,或由政府用其他东西从群众手中换回发还。

14 、Will we be able to conduct a barter trade?───咱们能不能搞一笔以货易货的贸易呢?

15 、never barter away principles───决不拿原则做交易

16 、We will never barter away principles───我们决不拿原则做交易。

17 、In some places, animals are more important than money as a means of barter.───在一些地方,作为一种物物交易的手段,动物比货币更重要。

18 、Can we do a barter spxade?───咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?

19 、Shall we first sign a barter trade agreement stipulating the general terms and conditions?───我们先签一个易货贸易协议,规定一般性条款,行吗?

20 、barter away one's rights, honour, freedom───出卖自己的权利、 荣誉、 自由.

21 、While you still have something to barter with.─── 趁你还有筹码可以讨价还价

22 、So very early in every society some form of money takes the place of barter, at least for everyday transactions.───因此很早以前,在各个社会中,某种形式的货币代替了易货贸易,至少日常的交易是如此。

23 、Khelil told reporters after today's Cairo meeting that OPEC will " take any additional action" to " achieve barter market stability" at this time.───K在今天的开罗会议之后告诉记者们欧佩克将会采取任何额外行动来在此时取得市场稳定。

24 、As business went beyond the barter stage, records had to be kept.───当商业超越了以物易物阶段之后,就需要保存某些资料。

25 、Where the parties to the transaction agree, they can use whatever currency they like, or no currency at all and go back to barter.───只要交易各方同意,他们可以选用任何一种货币,甚或弃用货币,回到以物易物的交易方法。

26 、He wasn't as interested in bartering as I anticipated.─── 他没我预想得那么想换东西

27 、In 2008 the company introduced a new barter terms of trade, which increased sales revenue and profits, also strengthened the company's praseodymium neodymium oxide control of the market.───2008年公司实行新的易货贸易条件,此举在增加公司销售收入与利润的同时,还加强了公司对氧化镨钕的市场控制力。

28 、A typical PC owner might see the system as a barter economy in which he gets free services, such as file backup and Web hosting, in exchange for the use of his otherwise idle processor time and disk space.───一般个人电脑的所有者可能会将这个系统视为以物易物的经济架构,可用?置的处理器时间和硬碟空间换取免费的服务,像是档案备份以及网站代管。

29 、One farmer was able to barter wood to fuel the classrooms' potbellied stoves for his four children's tuition, thus enabling them to continue their education.───教室里的炉子需要木柴,所以一位农民可以用木柴来支付他4个孩子的学费,从而使他们继续学业。

30 、In a day or two, I'll to consider our proposition of barter trade. In a day or two, I'll call you up to meet again here and finalize the transaction.───桂:一、两天后我再给您打**,到时,我们见面再谈这笔生意。

31 、To solve cash income problem, collier OJ is obliged to carry barter transaction, raise debt, accept admeasure and allowance to live with hardship.───为解决现金收入问题,矿工OJ只得通过易货交易,举债,接受配给和补贴以艰难度日。

32 、The story of how money replaced barter is familiar to every schoolchild, but it is worth repetition for the light it throws on the nature of money.───对于货币如何替代易货贸易的故事,每个上学的孩子都很熟悉,不过在这里仍然值得重述一下,因为这个故事阐明了货币的性质。

33 、Will traders barter for him? Will they divide him up among the merchants?───搭伙的渔夫岂可拿它当货物吗?能把它分给商人吗?

34 、They agree a deal to barter tractor for barrel of wine.───他们同意以拖拉机换大桶酒的交易。

35 、They have arranged food imports on a barter basis.───他们以易货贸易的方式安排食品进口。

36 、To be clear, this isn't a gift, it's barter.─── 澄清一下 这不是礼物 这是交易

37 、to exchange sth. for; to barter for; to get in return───换取

38 、They arrived with new barter for the islanders.───他们带著给那岛民们的新交易品。

39 、exchange (or barter) furs for industrial products───以兽皮换工业品

40 、The islanders use a system of barter instead of money.───岛上的居民实行的是以物易物,而不是用货币。

41 、Essentially, people are able to download messaging units and trade or transfer them as part of what has become a lucrative barter system.───它的本质就是人们可以下载信息单位,然后交易或者转让,这其实也是当前盈利性的实物交易系统中的一种形式。

42 、Never barter away principles.───决不能拿原则做交易。

43 、Individual Asset Appraisal: This appraisal may in particular apply to fixed asset investment, barter, liquidation and mortgage loan purpose.───单项资产评估:适用于以固定资产、存货等非现金资产投资、交易、置换、清算和抵押等目的的评估。

44 、And you attempted to barter me off to the highest bidder.─── 你企图把我卖给 出价最高的人

45 、A Comparative Study of Barter Trade along the Border Areas───中国边民互市贸易比较

46 、I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.───我拒绝用刺激来换取施舍;我宁愿向生活挑战,而不愿过有保证的生活;宁愿要达到目的时的激动,而不愿要乌托邦式毫无生气的平静。

47 、The increasing use of barter and countertrade to support international transactions.───日益使用易货交易和对销贸易来支持国际交易。

48 、We will never barter away our honor.───我们决不拿荣誉作交易。

49 、Lisa is bartering with a very dangerous man.─── 丽萨在和一个很危险的人交易

50 、Barter The process of trading goods and services without the use of money.───以物易物不牵涉金钱的货品或服务交易。

51 、And by law, you can't barter with a terrorist.─── 而且根据法律 你们不能跟恐怖分子谈判

52 、The most distinguishing characteristic of Anhuili is the weekly original “Barter Trade”.───安惠里最具特色的,是每周展开一次的“以物易物”的原始交易。

53 、The first money or barter taken in,as by a new business or on the opening day of business,especially when considered a token of good luck.───利市新生意或生意开张的第一天所赚的第一笔钱或第一位顾客,尤其当这被视为好运的兆头时。

54 、I have bartered for your political advantage.─── 我已经用身体换得你的官位

55 、The Contractor shall not give, barter or otherwise dispose of to any person or persons, any arms or ammunition of any kind or permit or suffer the same as aforesaid.───承包方不应给予、易货或以其他方法让与任何武器或各种弹药给任何人;或者允许或负担如前所述的行为。

56 、Vendors often do their business by barter because the workers don't have space to keep much and adopt a throwaway culture.───小贩经常用易货方式做买卖,因为工人们没有许多地方保留这些东西,多采用用后丢弃的方式。

57 、A cursed videotape unleashes terror on its unsuspecting viewers who barter with their souls!───一盒被诅咒德录像带对愿意交易自己灵魂的观众放出恐惧。

58 、But he can act as the accusing witness for public prosecution to barter for the penalize exemption.───但可以转而为国家公诉机关担任控方证人,来换取其刑罚的豁免。

59 、This contract is for barter trade, i.e. Beggar export of furniture against chinese export of chinaware.───本合同是易货合同,即贝尔格莱德用出口家具换中国的出口瓷器。

60 、Today, hundreds of local businesses and thousands nationwide, use the ATX barter network as a tool to gain new customers, save cash and move excess inventory.───有成百上千的国内外公司把ATX作为获得客户,节约资金,减少过多库存的工具。

61 、The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.───囚犯们企图和看守做换取自由的交易。

62 、So we have got a number of collectives or groups of co-operatives where people come together barter and trade goods and services.───在人们来在一起买卖商品或各种服务的地方,我们就有了许多进行商业操作的集体或是合作团体。

63 、We need to consult the other department of our corporation if you decide to barter with cotton.───如果你们要用棉花易货,我们需要和我们公司的其它部门联系一下。

64 、is what happens when we barter with barbarians.─── 就是与那些野蛮人交涉的下场

65 、Etta taught her daughter that she ought to barter smarter.───埃塔教她的女儿说她应该变得更聪明。

66 、To abolish the examination and approval items concerning "down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade".───取消“边境易货项下支付定金或贸易从属费”的审批项目。

67 、I like Mr Barter, in a way.───我还是有点喜欢巴特先生的。

68 、Net Barter Terms of Trade (NBTT)───价格贸易条件

69 、I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.───我绝不为了一点施舍而放弃冒险的刺激。

70 、Barter away one's rights,honour, freedom───出卖自己的权利、荣誉、自由.

71 、to exchange goods; to barter───换货

72 、The first money or barter taken in, as by a new business or on the opening day of business, especially when considered a token of good luck.───利市新生意或生意开张的第一天所赚的第一笔钱或第一位顾客,尤其当这被视为好运的兆头时

73 、Barter terms of trade: The relationship Between the prices of exports and prices of imports in terms of the value of goods.───易货贸易条件:根据货物的价值确定的出口货物价格与进口货物价格之间的关系。。

74 、We cannot barter away our principles.───我们不能拿原则作交易。

75 、We need to consult the other department of our corporation if you decide to barter with cotton.───桂:如果你们要用棉花易货,我们需要和我们公司的其它部门联系一下。

76 、So click save even those who buy after you... perhaps a new form of barter with respect for all those that earn money are hard!───单击“保存甚至那些购买后你......,也许是一种新形式的易货以尊重所有这些,赚取金钱是很难!

77 、The prisoner tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.───囚犯企图跟看守做换取自由的交易。

78 、Could you accept barter trade?───你们可否接受易货贸易呢?

79 、barter away one's rights for wealth───为贪图财富而丧失 [出卖] 权利

80 、You would even cast lots for the fatherless and barter away your friend.───你们想为孤儿拈阄,以朋友当货物。

81 、According to general understanding, Tianjin and Russia are interlinked with convenient express air, sea, and land ports, and have historically had substantive barter trade and economic trade co-operation.───据了解,天津与俄罗斯有方便快捷的空、海、陆港相通,历来有大量的易货贸易及经贸合作。

82 、They therefore vary proportionately with the net barter terms of trade and with productivity in the export sector but inversely with productivity embodied in imports.───因此,它们的变化同净易货贸易条件和出口部门的生产率成正比,而同进口所包含的生产率成反比。

83 、In a day or two,I'll to consider our proposition of barter trade. In a day or two,I'll call you up to meet again here and finalize the transaction.───一、两天后我再给您打**,到时,我们见面再谈这笔生意。

84 、Huanxuan power, have you spent money togu bo on behalf of, the implementation of barter.───桓玄执政时,曾议废钱币,以谷帛代之,实行以物易物。

85 、By concealing the real prices and cost of transaction, says one U.S. trade representati, ve, the various forms of barter may conceal and help perpetuate economic inefficiencies in the marketplace.───以为美国贸易代表说,通过隐瞒真实价格和交易成本,各种各样的易货贸易可能会掩盖市场上的经济低效并使其长期存在。

86 、For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions.───对于中间交易或实物交易,受益方根据说明中的定义是免税的外国人。

87 、Two main trade groups serve the barter exchange industry.───两个主要的贸易企业服务于企业的易货交易。

88 、Let's come to the point, the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter trade with you.───咱们开门见山吧。我这次来的目的是探讨与你方进行易货贸易的可能性。

89 、international barter transaction───[经] 国际易货交易






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