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06-29 投稿




英:[d?sp'ju:t?d]  美:[d?sp'ju:t?d]

英:  美:



adj. 争议


动词现在分词: disputing | 名词: disputer | 动词第三人称单数: disputes | 动词过去分词: disputed | 动词过去式: disputed |


clash | canvass | spat | bicker | fight | difference | discussion | doubt | mistrust | wrangle | refute | argue | talk | debate | impugn | row | differ | difference of opinion | controversy | conflict | oppose | strife | question | protest | gainsay | controvert | resist | scrap | disagreement | jangle | discord | contradict | contest | contention | disagree | contravention | argument | quarrel | altercate | reason | feud | discuss | argufy | deny | challenge | squabble




1 、They disputed over how to get the best results.───他们争论着如何能得到最好的结果。

2 、They disputed about what to do next.───他们讨论下一步要做的事。

3 、Britain has no dispute with you or your people.─── 英国和你或你的国家不存在任何纷争

4 、The rebels disputed the troops behind the street barricades.───叛乱者在路障后面抵抗军队。

5 、They disputed how to bring into full play the potential of the staff.───他们争论如何才能充分发挥全体员工的潜力。

6 、But Mr Sargsyan, whose image was marred by a disputed presidential election in April 2008, is unlikely to bend further.───但形象受到2008年4月有争议的总统选举影响的萨尔基相总统恐怕不会再做出更大让步。

7 、The couple disputed where to spend the holiday.───夫妻俩为上哪儿度假而发生争论。

8 、The territory of Kashmir has been disputed since the partitioning of British India in 1947.───喀什米尔地区在1947年从英属印度分裂出来后,就一直争执不断。

9 、In 1982, Argentine forces surrendered to British troops on the disputed Falkland Islands.───1982年,阿根廷军队在备受争议的福克兰群岛向英军投降。

10 、They disputed the election results.───他们对选举结果提出异议。

11 、Everybody put forward his opinion on the disputed case.───大家都对这个疑案提出自己的见解。

12 、In the coming months, Congress and the administration are likely to hammer out compromises on many disputed items.───在接下来的几个月里,国会和美国政府很有可能就那些有争议的条款拿出一个折中方案。

13 、They disputed how to get a best result.───他们争论怎样得到最好的结果。

14 、Iran seizes 15 British sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf.It happened in disputed waters.───在波斯海湾,伊朗抓走了15名英国海军,发生在具有争议的水域地区。

15 、He disputed like a devil on these two points.───在这两点上,他争得非常激烈。

16 、He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.───他被要求就自己文章中那些有争议的观点作出解释。

17 、There's no dispute about the date. It was the 9th.─── 日期没有争议 就是9号

18 、The chiefs of the victory Powers debated and disputed the future in Paris.───各战胜国的**在巴黎讨论和争辩未来的措施。

19 、The phenomenon that some low cost carriers (LCCs) operated in China in 2005 has been disputed widely.───2005年低成本航空公司在中国航空市场上正式运营,引起了广泛争议。

20 、They warred over disputed territory.───他们因有争议的领土而进行战争。

21 、The rightists are demanding Moscow return the disputed islands.───右端分子要求莫斯科归还那些有争议的领土。

22 、I left because of a workplacemisconduct dispute.─── 因为一个工作场合不端行为纠纷

23 、But how to affirm the unit act of itself has to be disputed in criminal theories and judicatory practice.───但如何认定单位自身行为,在刑法理论和司法实践中颇有争议。

24 、They disputed whether an international loan was possible.───他们辩论国际借款一事是否可能。

25 、Even the simplest points were disputed.───哪怕是最简单的事情,也是有争议的。

26 、They disputed for hours whether to build a new school.───他们就是否要新建一所学校辩论了好几个小时。

27 、TSG reserves the right to be the final arbiter as related to disputed Orders.───TSG保留对相关争议的最后仲裁权利。

28 、They disputed at great length what they should do.───他们对应该做什麽这一问题进行了长时间的争论。

29 、The right to communicate privately and interpersonally is hardly disputed.───人们私下的和公开的通讯权利是几乎是无可争辩的。

30 、Significant facts are in dispute here and continue to be in dispute.─── 现在重要线索还有争议 而且未来也持续会有很多争议

31 、A team of French and Chinese scientists has disputed this idea.───一个由法国和中国科学家组成的小组对这种观点提出了异议。

32 、The disputed area between eastern China and Japan's southern island chain of Okinawa is rich in gas deposits.───中国东部和日本南部冲绳列岛之间有争议的海域蕴藏着丰富的天然气资源。

33 、The circumstances of her death have been hotly disputed.───人们激烈争论她是怎么死的。

34 、Her methods and conclusions were disputed by others.───别人对她的方法和结论有争议。

35 、No disputes in the absence of judges.─── 在没裁判的情况下也能让双方心服口服

36 、WSDFX ?reserves the right to be the final arbiter as related to disputed Orders.───WSDFX保留对相关争议的最后仲裁权利。

37 、He disputed the truth of my statement.───他对我那些话的真实性提出了怀疑。

38 、They disputed how to get the best results.───他们讨论如何获得最佳结果。

39 、They disputed for hours where to go.───他们就到何处去的问题争执了好几个小时。

40 、For this reason,how to treat this limit is always a question in disputed.───如何对待运行中这一限制一直是一个有争议的问题。

41 、The two countries have disputed over that stretch of land for years.───两国为那片领土已争执多年。

42 、But I'm debated disputed hated and viewed in America as a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn't experiment?───但我在国家的形象是一个被辩论,被争执,被仇恨的瘾君子,好象你们年轻的时候没有尝试?

43 、He constantly disputed points with the hard-pressed lady teacher and seemed to do everything possible to embarrass her.───他不断的与那位辛苦的女老师争吵,似乎要作出任何足以使她尴尬的事情。

44 、Widely accepted by modern people, but he must be a disputed one in his times.───不用说must了,他在当时就是个有争议的人。

45 、The soldiers disputed every inch of ground.───士兵们力争夺取每一寸土地。

46 、SNC ?reserves the right to be the final arbiter as related to disputed Orders.───SNC保留对相关争议的最后仲裁权利。

47 、It's a personal dispute, just not with me.─── 这是个人恩怨 与我无关

48 、I guess I just I wanted it to be a workplace dispute, because I thought if you knew it was a roommate dispute, you might kick me out.─── 我想我只是希望这是办公室纠纷 因为如果你发现这是室友纠纷 我怕你会把我赶走

49 、This sage conclave disputed high and drank deep.───在这次雅集中,这批仁人君子争得面红耳赤,喝得醉意淋漓。

50 、They disputed for hours where to go for their picnic.───他们为去哪里野餐争论了好几个小时。

51 、Stories in the press about lawsuits between family members over disputed properties are not news anymore.───为了争夺家产而闹上法庭的报道已不是什么大新闻了。

52 、And he will give in to his opponent's claim, even though it is wrong, rather than wrangle over a disputed point.───他会向对方的要求让步,即使对方的要求是错的,也不会因争议之点与对方大声争论。

53 、He disputed with others, whether right or wrong on his side Forever.───他与别人有争议时,不管对错永远站在他这边。

54 、Nowhere is this truer than along the disputed sections of India's border with Pakistan and China.───印度的边境线上有着最真实的例子,该国与中国和巴基斯坦接壤的部分仍在争夺中。

55 、They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat.───他们为谁先喝,彼此争斗得你死我活。

56 、His succession was disputed between his sons Bayezid and Cem.───他的儿子们巴耶济德与杰姆为了继承问题闹的不可开交。

57 、He left after losing to Mr Museveni in a disputed election.───在有争议的选举中失利之后,他离开了乌干达。

58 、The defendant was in a dispute with the victim.─── 被告人曾经和被害人有过激烈的争吵

59 、It is not to be disputed that she should inherit his estate .───她该继承他的财产这件事是不容易争辩的。

60 、At the same time,they disputed each other on ferment theory and fermentative mechanism in almost one century.───同时,它们围绕着酵素学说和发酵机理展开了长达1个世纪的大论战。

61 、We're not disputing where it happened, how it happened, who did it.─── 我们要辩论的不是案件发生的地点 起因和凶手

62 、Tt has been disputed for years that if chopsticks should be used continuously.───一次性筷子是否继续使用的争论已经持续多年了.

63 、He will give in to his opponent's claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point.───他会向对手的要求让步,而不会因争议点而大声争论。

64 、A brash newcomer disputed the age - old rules for admission to the club.───一个莽撞的新来者竟对存在已久的加入俱乐部的规定表示异议。

65 、His views were hotly disputed.───他的观点引起激烈的争论。

66 、How to treat the disputed medical records in malpractice identification?───如何处理医疗事故技术鉴定中的争议病历?

67 、One chosen or appointed to judge or decide a disputed issue;an arbitrator.───仲裁人,公断人选择或指定判决或裁决争议事务的人;

68 、The expert disputed the authenticity of the document.───专家怀疑这文件的真实性。

69 、Israeli security forces have forcibly evicted Jewish settlers from a disputed house in the West Bank city of Hebron.───以色列安全部队在西岸城市希伯伦驱赶非法占据一有争议房子的犹太殖民。

70 、He disputed Athens with Minerva.───他和密涅瓦争夺雅典。

71 、A Jewish settler stood at the entrance to a disputed house in the West Bank town of Hebron.───以色列, 希伯伦: 一名犹太定居者正站在约旦河西岸城镇希伯伦的一处有争议的房屋的入口处.

72 、The problem of untranslatability is always a disputed issue.───不可译问题一直是翻译界争论的焦点之一。

73 、A poem of disputed authorship.───出处有争议的诗篇

74 、On Monday morning, lawyers for Bush and Gore laid out their oral arguments on Florida's disputed ballot recount.───周一早晨,布什和戈尔的律师就佛罗里达州是否重新计票这个有争议的问题进行了口头辩论。

75 、He disputed the truth of the statement.───他就供词的真实性提出质疑。

76 、The issue was hotly disputed in the committee.───委员会对这个问题进行了激烈辩论。

77 、Her friends disputed her intentions.───她的朋友怀疑她的意图

78 、Perino disputed reports that Pakistan's fleet of F-16 fighter jets have not been used in counter-terrorism operations.───佩里诺否认有关巴基斯坦的F-16战斗机从未用于反恐行动的报导。

79 、One chosen or appointed to judge or decide a disputed issue; an arbitrator.───仲裁人,公断人选择或指定判决或裁决争议事务的人; 仲裁者

80 、Iran's top leader has demanded a stop to protests over the disputed presidential election.───伊朗高级**要求停止对有争议的总统选举结果的抗议活动。

81 、It happened in disputed waters.───它发生在具有争议的水域内。

82 、And (Lut) did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed about the Warning.───他确已将我的惩治警告他们,但他们以怀疑的态度否认警告。

83 、The problem of " keys " is much disputed.───关于“标志”问题是有很多争议的。

84 、A member disputed the martyr's palm with me, and, on a division defeated me by two votes, to my secret relief.───一位成员和我争着去当光荣的殉道者,表决的时候,他以两票得胜,我暗自庆幸。

85 、John disputed like a deil on these three points.───在这3点上,约翰争得非常激烈。

86 、This dispute between you both must end.─── 你们双方对于王权的质疑必须要结束

87 、They disputed drasiticly on the meeting,while he watched the scene of bustle.───大伙儿在会上争得不可开交,他却在一旁看热闹.

88 、Kublai's fight to the succession was disputed throughout his reign by members of his family.───在忽必烈统治的整个时期,他的继承权受到了家属成员的质疑。

89 、It has always been disputed.───历来就有争议。

90 、Yanzhou dialects and Southern Wu have two disputed questions.───严州方言与南部吴语有纠葛的问题有两个。


1. The manager threatened to sack him and other cashiers for refusing orders to work longer than their agreed hours.


2. A few steps on from the cigarette shop is the city's job center, where a manager with little else to do points to a screen that tallies 98,678 unfilled vacancies across Wisconsin.


3. Fewer unauthorized immigrants arriving in America may contribute the squeeze, though this is disputed. 



4. Wages have been rising fastest for African-Americans, but poorer blacks, especially those with felony convictions, are also likelier to have fallen out of the formal labour market, so are not counted in unemployment figures. 



5. In neither case, however, do the increases amount to much better long-term prospects for the worst-off.



6. One study in Wisconsin suggests that caretakers, for example, took home over $12 an hour by last year, so were only just getting back to their (real) average earnings achieved in 2010.


7. Many crave a reduction in the income volatility that afflicts them,since sudden swings in earnings are associated with poor mental health, high stress and worry over losing access to financial assistance or food stamps. 



8. Lots of jobs that are being created are in or near flourishing cities like Madison, where low-paid workers are squeezed by high housing costs. 



请问这个几单词有什么区别 argue controversy dispute debate altercate


Argue implies presenting one's reasons: The scientists argued for a safer testing procedure; it may also imply disputing in an angry or excited way: His parents argue all the time.

To debate is to interchange formal (usually opposing) arguments, esp. on public questions: to debate a proposed amendment.

A controversy or a dispute may involve two or more persons.

A dispute is an oral contention, usually brief, and often of a heated, angry, or undignified character: a violent dispute over a purchase.

A controversy is an oral or written expression of contrary opinions, and may be dignified and of some duration: a political controversy.

altercate is to quarrel, argue

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