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08-18 投稿


nautical 发音

英:[?n??t?k(?)l]  美:[?n??t?k(?)l]

英:  美:

nautical 中文意思翻译



nautical 词性/词形变化,nautical变形

副词: nautically |

nautical 短语词组

1、nautical assessor ( ─── 法庭的)航海顾问

2、nautical day ─── [航海学]航海日(以每天中午至次日中午计算)

3、nautical term ─── [水运] 航海用语

4、international nautical mile ─── 国际海里

5、nautical astronomy ─── 航海天文学

6、nautical mile ─── [经] 海里

7、Nautical Mile per Second ─── 每秒航行里程

8、nautical linear unit ─── [网络] 航海线性单位

9、nautical mark ─── 航海标记

10、nautical almanac ─── 航海天文年历

11、nautical chart ─── [经] 海图

12、Nautical Miles per Hour ─── 每小时航行里程

13、nautical chain ─── 航海测链

14、nautical telegraph ─── [电] 海洋电报

15、radar nautical mile ─── [电] 雷达海里

16、nautical marks ─── 航海标记

17、nautical signal flag ─── [网络] 航海信号标志

18、nautical sport ─── 航海运动

19、Nautical Almanac Office ─── 航海年鉴办公室

nautical 常用词组

nautical mile ─── n. 海里(合1.852公里)

nautical chart ─── 海图;航海图

nautical almanac ─── n. 航海天文历,航海历

nautical 相似词语短语

1、dynastical ─── 皇朝的;朝代的

2、nauticality ─── 恶心

3、analytical ─── adj.分析的;解析的;善于分析的

4、nonnautical ─── 非航海

5、tactical ─── adj.战术的;策略的;善于策略的

6、vatical ─── 梵蒂冈的

7、nautically ─── 在航海方面

8、antical ─── adj.位于另一个部分之上的

9、caustical ─── adj.腐蚀性的;苛性的;刻薄的;焦散的(caustic的变形)

nautical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nautical To fill (a ship or boat) with water to the point of sinking it. ─── 使船沉没:给(船)和小艇灌水直至其下沉

2、The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. ─── “节”是表示每小时航行1海里的一个速度单位。

3、Nautical To change the course of (a ship) by turning the stern windward. ─── 使顺风:通过把船尾转向风改变(船)的航向

4、the international nautical [ air ] mile ─── 国际海[空]里(=1852米)

5、Dr. Kroo points out that the aircraft could be separated by several nautical miles, and would not be in the unnervingly easy groupings favored by display teams like the Red Arrows. ─── 博士指出,这种飞机可以相隔几海里,而且不会呈现出像红箭队这样的展示队伍所青睐的那种令人不安的简单组合。

6、Nautical A device, such as a gyroscopically controlled fin, that prevents excessive rolling of a ship in heavy seas. ─── 减摇装置:控制鳍板的一种装置,如回转仪,用于防止轮船在深海中过于摇晃

7、The nautical activities described in this paper iuclude both the mercantile marine activites o... ─── 二、越王勾践令范蠡、舌庸率兵沿海、沂、淮以绝吴国退路,为浙东下海至淮上之路;

8、"We went about two nautical miles off the coast, " he said. "There were still oil sheens there. " ─── “我们沿着海岸线走了大约两海里”他说。“仍然可以看见闪闪发光的石油。”

9、The Hydrographic Office has taken over provision to the shipping community of nautical services which were provided by the British Admiralty before the reversion of sovereignty on July 1,1997. ─── 为航运界提供航海服务,在七月一日回归前原本是英国海军的职责。回归后,这项工作已由海道测量部接手负责。

10、Nautical To brace (a yard) fore and aft. ─── 使船转向:向首尾拉紧(横桅杆)

11、Chapman Quick Reference Captain's Guide: Nautical Facts at a Glance ─── 商人快速参考船长指南:航海实例一瞥

12、Nautical Of, relating to, or being the mast above the topmast, its sails, or its rigging. ─── 上桅的:高过中桅的桅杆的,上桅帆的,上桅索具的;与上桅及其帆或索具有关的

13、To drive up the Maine coast is to head “downeast”, a nautical term referring to ships sailing downwind from Boston to points north. ─── 开车沿着海因海岸将前往“下东”,一个关于关于乘船顺风从波斯顿到北部海口的海事术语。

14、Ships transiting U.S. waters are required to carry nautical charts, which they use to plan their routes for intended voyages. ─── 途经美国水域的船舶必须携带海图,以用于计划预定航路。

15、The outer limit of the contiguous zone of the People's Republic of China is the line every point of which is at a distance equal to twenty-four nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline of the territorial sea. ─── 中华人民共和国毗连区的外部界限为一条其每一条其每一点与领海基线的最近点距离等于二十四海里的线。

16、After 1946, she was loaned by the government to the City of New York, where she became a floating nautical high school, the only one in the United States. ─── 1946年以后,她被政府租借到了纽约市,她成为一所浮动的的海运学校,也是美国唯一的一个。

17、Tai Chi of the design idea can be traced back to an ancient legend: a nautical miles east of Penglai, Yingzhou, the abbot three Senzan, in the mountains of the gods have Changshengbulao Xiandan. ─── 太液池的设计思想可以追溯到一个古老的传说:东方海里有蓬莱、瀛州、方丈三座仙山,山中的神仙拥有长生不老的仙丹。

18、Nautical A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast. ─── 双桅横帆船:有两根桅杆的帆船,每个桅杆上都有横帆,载有两个或更多的前帆和一个四边形的斜桁帆或在后桅的尾部装有后樯纵帆

19、It is a registered charity which maintains the 27.5-metreChinese sailing junk,Huan,providing nautical training programmes for underprivileged and handicapped children. ─── 乘风航是一个注册慈善机构,拥有一艘长27.5米的中国式帆船“欢”号,接载清贫和伤残青少年出海,为他们提供航海训练。

20、Nautical To turn or cause to turn (a vessel) to leeward. ─── 使(船首)转向下风:转向或使(船)转向下风

21、Besides, the people are starting to be interested in outdoor sports, nautical sports and extreme sports. ─── 另外中国人开始走向户外,水上运动,极限运动吸引了越来越多的参与者。

22、Flint Island, a speck of land 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) long and 0.5 miles (0.8 kilometers) wide at its widest point, is some 400 nautical miles (740 kilometers) northwest of Tahiti. ─── 意译:现在海洋图片画廊。火石岛,一点点的土地2.5英里(4公里)长和0.5英里(0.8公里)宽在它的最宽点,是约400海里(740公里)西北塔希提岛。

23、Nautical To raise (a gaff) above the horizontal. ─── 升起斜桁:把(桅斜桁)升过水平面

24、Judicial-economical value gaming on mandatory feature of nautical transportation laws has been constantly performed for long within circle of international nautical transportation. ─── 国际海运界在“海上货物运输法强制性”的价值上不断地进行法经济学价值博弈。

25、Italian original intention is sheepwalk, it is an old and beautiful country, have " European garden " , " European refinery " , " the country of travel " , " nautical country " wait for good name. ─── 意大利原意为牧羊场,是个古老而漂亮的国家,有“欧洲花园”、“欧洲炼油厂”、“旅游之国”、“航海之国”等美称。

26、Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the top mast rigging is attached. ─── 帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上。

27、Two 23-meter yachts race over 20 nautical miles up and down a sausage-shaped course marked out by two buoys. ─── 两艘长23米的帆船沿着一条用两个浮标标出的香肠状水道竞技20海里。

28、In fact, the third signal flag (from left to right as you face the front door) does not exist in international nautical code. ─── 事实上,第三面信号旗(当你面朝蟹堡王时从左到右数)在国际航海代码中并不存在。

29、Nautical To bring (a vessel) into the wind in order to change course or direction. ─── 使(船)抢风转变航向:使(一艘船)驶入风中以便改变航线或方向

30、For the lady who loves that nautical look: Our 14K yellow and white gold bracelet is an elegant yet sporty design. ─── 专为热爱大海的女士所设计:此款14K黄金,14K白金手链的设计优雅又不失动感。

31、Dr. Kroo points out that the aircraft could be separated by several nautical miles, and would not be in the unnervingly cosy groupings favoured by display teams like the Red Arrows. ─── 博士指出,这两架飞机之间可能相隔数海里,不会像“红箭”这样的展队般有着令人不安、舒适的分组。

32、The story between landlady and nautical hero ─── 客栈老板娘和航海勇士不打不相识

33、From May to September 2002,Chinese naval ships undertook their first round-the-world navigation,visiting 10 countries,covering a total of over 30,000 nautical miles. ─── 2002年5月至9月,中国海军舰艇编队首次进行环球航行访问,航行3万余海里,访问了10个国家。

34、In the second sentence the words ""the pilot ladders, mechanical pilot hoists,"" are replaced by the words ""means of embarkation of pilots, nautical publications"". ─── 将第二句中的文字“引航员软梯、引航员机械升降器、”改为“引航员登船装置、航海出版物、”。

35、Complete work, I went to the ocean, traveling, and my father said that I like a small bee tirelessly in the book nautical miles greedily sucking knowledge of the Regent! ─── 做完作业后,我就到书的海洋里遨游,爸爸说我就好像一只不知疲倦的小蜜蜂在书海里贪婪地吮吸着知识的晶华!

36、The Law of the Sea provides for EEZs - sea zones generally extending 200 nautical miles (370km) from a nation's coast, giving it special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources. ─── 根据联合国海洋公约,各沿海国家的专属经济区范围为:其海岸向外延伸200海里(370公里)处以内均属该国的专属经济区,该国有权利开发利用其专属经济区内的海洋资源。

37、A catastrophe that has helped nautical archeologists was the earthquake that destroyed part of the city of Port Royal, Jamaica. ─── 一场灾难,帮助海里考古学家是地震摧毁部分城市的皇家港,牙买加。

38、Nautical To make (a boat) watertight by packing seams with a waterproof material, such as oakum or pitch. ─── 堵缝:使用防水材料,如麻絮或沥青堵漏缝以使(船)不漏水

39、Nautical A small piece of wood placed at the top of a mast or flagpole, usually having holes through which halyards can be passed. ─── 桅(旗)杆帽:放在桅杆或旗杆顶端的一小木片,通常带有小孔,可让旗绳或扬帆绳穿过

40、After all his nautical adventures, our hero finds out that he's no longer such a little boat. ─── 在他的航海探险后,我们的英雄发现,他不再是一个小渔船了。

41、Nautical Almanac for the Year 2001 ─── 2001年航海年鉴

42、Nautical To join (two ropes) end to end by interweaving their strands. ─── 插接(绳端):通过编织绳股而将(两根绳子)的尾端连在一起

43、Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the topmast rigging is attached. ─── 桅楼,桅盘:帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上

44、Nautical Something seized by force or taken as booty, especially an enemy ship and its cargo captured at sea during wartime. ─── 捕获品,战利品:有时以武力取得的或作为战利品而取得的东西,尤指战时在海上被捕获的敌船及其货物

45、Thus the Genoese, subtle as he was, was duped by Edmond, in whose favor his mild demeanor, his nautical skill, and his admirable dissimulation, pleaded. ─── 所以那个热那亚人虽然精明,却被唐太斯用温和的态度和熟练的航海技术蒙骗了过去。

46、The Hydrographic Office has taken over provision to the shipping community of nautical services which were provided by the British Admiralty before the reversion of sovereignty on July 1, 1997. ─── 为航运界提供航海服务,在七月一日回归前原本是英国海军的职责。 回归后,这项工作已由海道测量部接手负责。

47、Last December the maxi yacht Wild Oats XI won the 2008 Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, sailing 630 nautical miles (1,170 km) in one day, 20 hours and 34 minutes. ─── 去年12月,大型游艇“野燕麦十一号”在一天20小时34分里航行了630海里(1170公里),赢得了2008年悉尼霍巴特帆船赛。

48、If you have a nautical look, tie the candle with jute cording and sprinkle the plate with sand and/or sea shells. ─── 如果你喜欢海洋气息,可以在托盘中放上细纱,鹅卵石和贝壳等。

49、Nautical A small piece of wood placed at the top of a mast or flagpole, usually having holes through which halyards can be passed. ─── 桅(旗)杆帽:放在桅杆或旗杆顶端的一小木片,通常带有小孔,可让旗绳或扬帆绳穿过。

50、It may well have a nautical origin. ─── 多数人认为它与航海有关。

51、Nautical To roll up and secure (a sail); furl. ─── 收卷(风帆);卷紧

52、Located at the north coast of Hangzhou Bay, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (hereinafter as SCIP) is 60km from downtown of Shanghai, 12km from SPC to its west, and 40 nautical miles from deep port jetty under construction in the east. ─── 上海化学工业区位于杭州湾北岸,距上海市中心60公里,四邻上海石化12公里,东临建设中的深水港货运码头40海里。

53、The sorceress tells the small manatee, so long as kills the prince, and causes prince's blood stream to oneself leg on, the small manatee may return to the nautical mile, spends the carefree life. ─── 巫婆告诉小人鱼,只要杀死王子,并使王子的血流到自己腿上,小人鱼就可回到海里,重新过无忧无虑的生活。

54、Captain Gulliver was a middle class, nautical man. ─── 格列佛船长是一个中产阶级的海员。

55、The EEZ has been established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the 1982 UN Convention has also stipulated that the coastal states have the stipulated sovereign rights and jurisdictions in 200 nautical miles EEZ. ─── 摘要1982年《联合国海洋法公约》确立了专属经济区制度,规定了沿海国对200海里专属经济区享有公约规定的主权权利和管辖权。

56、The distance between Constanta and Sevastopol was 220 nautical miles and the crossing lasted an average 24 hours. ─── 康斯坦萨与萨瓦斯托波尔之间的距离超过220海里,平均穿越时间为24个小时。同时。


58、A nautical mile is 1,852 meters. ─── 一海里等于1852米。

59、Nautical ascension to the firmament ─── 从海洋到苍穹

60、China " nautical day " establish, it is China nautical history go up the major issue that has milepost sense, also will be engrave of for generations of Chinese nautical person. ─── 中国“航海日”的设立,是中国航海史上具有里程碑意义的大事,也将为中国航海人世代铭记。

61、Manufacturers of braids, ropes, string. Polypropylene, hemp, jute, sisal for nautical sector,... ─── 分类标题:钓鱼器具|丝线、细绳...

62、My new purchase from the internet. love the color of this blouse, navy and red. kinda nautical like, don't you think? ─── 最新网上淘来的宝贝。喜欢这衣服的颜色,藏蓝和红色。有点海军风的呢。

63、It is actually a small island of the zhoushan Archipelago, located in the lotus Sea about 100 nautical miles east of the Hangzhou Bay. ─── 位于杭州湾以东 约100海里的莲花洋中,是浙江省舟山群岛的一个小岛。

64、Nautical To put (a ship) in dock, as for repairs. ─── 使(船)进入船坞,如进行修理

65、It is a nautical term, I suppose ─── 我想,那是航海术语。

66、It is a registered charity which maintains the 27.5-metreChinese sailing junk, Huan, providing nautical training programmes for underprivileged and handicapped children. ─── 乘风航是一个注册慈善机构,拥有一艘长27.5米的中国式帆船"欢"号,接载清贫和伤残青少年出海,为他们提供航海训练。

67、Speed measured in nautical miles per hour is referred to as knots. ─── 依据测量每小时多少海浬的速度称之为节。

68、The relation between mandatory feature of nautical law and nautical fault exemption ought to be dynamic subordination. ─── “国际海上货物运输法的强制性”与“航海过失免责”两者之间应是动态的“从属”关系。

69、In order to assure the Iawful right of the casualties on the sea,the study of forensic nautical medicine is important. ─── 应重视航海法医学的特征研究,保障海上伤亡人员的法律权利。

70、chart, nautical, hand-drawn (or photographic reproductions thereof) ─── 手工绘制航海图(或者其照相复制品)

71、A study of seamless connection in digital nautical charts ─── 数字海图无缝拼接的实现及相关问题研究

72、China's territorial waters, is from the baseline to the sea extended to 12 nautical miles from the sea. ─── 我国的领海,是指从海岸基线向海上延伸到12海里的海域。

73、A nautical mile is one minute of latitude or 1.852 kilometers. ─── 一个海浬是一个纬度的一分或1.852公里。

74、The second officer should correct sharts and nautical publlcations in time to ensure a safe sailing. ─── 二副要及时对海图及图书资料进行改正以确保航行安全。

75、A distance of one nautical mile. ─── 一海里的距离

76、Mapping offers a comprehensive study of all areas of cartography from nautical charts to subway systems, from web sites to calendars. ─── 映射提供了各方面的综合研究海图制图从地铁系统 从网站历法。

77、Nautical To secure or be secured to a shore or pier; dock. ─── 束紧,缚牢:固定或被固定到海岸或码头上;停泊

78、The postwar cathode lighting was replaced by replicas of the original chandeliers which had a nautical theme. ─── ) ,另一个是乾宾的东西 (只要你往下压就会有一层白色的乾宾圈从里面跑出来) 。

79、the international nautical [air] mile ─── 国际海[空]里(=1852 米)

80、Close to the wind Nautical As close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing. ─── 尽可能地接近风向。

81、The aim of the thesis is to discuss DMU nautical English reading textbook vocabulary. ─── 本文旨在讨论大连海事大学航海英语阅读教程中的词汇问题。

82、The word "knots" is a seagoing speed term meaning nautical miles per hour. ─── “节”这个词是海航速度的术语,意思是海里每小时。

83、A Few Problems of Study of Nautical Science History ─── 关于航海技术史研究的若干问题

84、Dr Kroo points out that the aircraft could be separated by several nautical miles, and would not be in the unnervingly cosy groupings favoured by display teams like the Red Arrows. ─── 克鲁教授指出飞机间会相隔几海里,不会像红箭表演队(英国皇家空军特技表演队)那样间距小到令人窒息。

85、Saudi Arabian supertanker, the Sirius Star, was seized by Somali pirates about 450 nautical miles off the Kenyan coast on November 15th. ─── 11月15日,沙特阿拉伯的“天狼星”号巨型油轮在距肯尼亚海岸450海里的地方被索马里海盗劫持。

86、This measures how much it costs to move a ton - one nautical mile. ─── 这项措施需要多少成本动议一吨-一海里。

87、large heavy rope for nautical use. ─── 一种粗壮的船用绳索。

88、This paper is to set focus on NRRCs and make an analysis upon the constituents of NRRCs in NEC (nautical English). ─── 摘要就航海英语中一些非限制性定语从句的要素进行了分析。

89、The fishing grounds that have been developed in China's sea areas cover 818,000 square nautical miles. ─── 中国海域已经开发的渔场面积达81.8万平方海里。

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