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09-11 投稿


affreightment 发音

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affreightment 中文意思翻译



affreightment 短语词组

1、contract of affreightment ─── [经] 包运合同, 承运合同

affreightment 常用词组

contract of affreightment ─── 租船契约

affreightment 相似词语短语

1、affrightened ─── 惊骇

2、affrighted ─── v.吓唬,惊吓,恐吓(某人);n.惊吓,惊骇

3、affreight ─── vt.租船运货;租船

4、affreighter ─── n.租船运货

5、affrightment ─── n.惊吓;恐怖(affright的变形)

6、affrighten ─── v.使惊骇

7、affrightens ─── 阿富汗人

8、affreightments ─── n.租船运货;租船契约

9、affrightments ─── n.惊吓;恐怖(affright的变形)

affreightment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、determined according to the contract of affreightment and/or the governing law and practice, incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of loss from a risk covered under these clause. ─── 2本保险承保根据货物合同及/或管辖的法律和惯例理算或确定的,为避免根据这些条款承保的风险造成的损失或与避免该损失有关的共同海损和救助费用。

2、4.Subject to authorization, signing bill of lading, contracts of affreightment and ship’s dispatch/demurrage agreements. ─── 4.代签提单及运输契约,代签船舶速遣协议;

3、International Tanker Contract of Affreightment ─── 国际油轮船东包运合同

4、Entering into affreightment agreements with underlying shippers ─── 与大货主签订运输合同

5、International Tanker Contract of Affreightment ─── 国际油轮船东包运合同

6、As of March 10, China Shipping Development along the coast this year's dry bulk affreightment (COA contracts) that have signed the majority, 39.2 percent down year-on-year tariff. ─── 截至3月10日,中海发展今年度沿海干散货包运合同(COA合同)大部分已签署,运价同比下调39.2%。

7、affreightment contract ─── 运送合同

8、A contract of affreightment is common in charter transportation. ─── 包运租船合同,是租船运输中的一种常见方式。

9、A contract of affreightment is common in charter transportation. ─── 租船合同,是租船运输中的一种常见方式。

10、At present, voyage charter, time charter, dimise charter are the main affreightment businesses, and now finance charter is springing up. ─── 目前国际航运中常见的租船业务有航次租船、定期租船、光船租船,随着融资租赁业的发展又兴起了融资租船等。

11、11.2 Adjustment to be according to the law and practice obtaining at the place where the adventure ends, as if the contract of affreightment contained no special terms upon the subject; ─── 2共同海损的理算应按照航程终止地的法律和惯例办理,如同货运合同中,不含有适用法律的特殊条款;

12、5.Immediate notice should be given to the Company when the Cargo Owner’s actual responsibility under the contract of affreightment “Both to Blame Collision” clause becomes known. ─── (五)在获悉有关运输契约中“船舶互撞责任”条款的实际责任后,应及时通知保险人。

13、(8) Such proportion of losses sustained by the shipowners as is to be reimbursed by the Cargo Owner under the Contract of Affreightment “Both to Blame Collision” clause. ─── 8.运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款,根据该条款规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。

14、Entering into affreightment agreements with underlying shippers ─── 与大货主签订运输合同

15、Such proportion of losses sustained by the shipowners as is to be reimbursed by the Cargo Owner under the Contract of Affreightment Both to Blame Collision clause. ─── 运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款,根据该条款规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。

16、At present, voyage charter, time charter, dimise charter are the familiar affreightment businesses, and now finance lease is springing up. ─── 目前国际航运中常见的租船业务有航次租船、定期租船、光船租船,随着融资租赁业的发展又兴起了融资租船等。

17、The remaining 2 / 3 capacity to implement the main domestic coastal bulk COA affreightment not directly benefit from the BDI, the BDI is conducive to the strong implementation of the contract. ─── 余下2/3运力主要执行COA国内沿海散货包运合同,无法直接受益BDI,但BDI的坚挺有利于合同的执行。

18、Such proportion of losses sustained by the ship-owners as is to be reimbursed by the cargo owner under the contract of Affreightment “Both to blame collision” clause. ─── 运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款,按该条款规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。

19、contract of affreightment ─── 租船契约

20、Volume Contract; the Rotterdam Rules; Contract of Affreightment; Ocean Liner Service Agreement; Freedom of Contract. ─── 批量合同; 《鹿特丹规则》; 海上货物运输总合同; 远洋班轮服务协议; 合同自由。

21、Contract of Affreightment for Oil ─── 石油运输合同

22、5.Immediate notice should be given to the company when the cargo owner’s actual responsibility under the contract of affreightment “Both to Blame Collision” clauses becomes known. ─── (五)在获悉有关运输契约中“船舶互撞责任”条款的实际责任后,应及时通知保险人。

23、This paper is mostly researching the financial decision-making of these affreightment businesses. ─── 本文主要研究的是这几种租船业务的财务决策问题。

24、Furthermore, this thesis discusses the main components in the contract of affreightment as the parties, the contract period, the cargo, the vessels and the programme of shipments. ─── 接着,本文又分析了包运租船合同的主要条款如合同的当事人及其他有关方、合同期限、承运的货物、船舶和船期安排等在合同中的重要作用。

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