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09-11 投稿



detonated 发音

英:[?det?ne?t?d]  美:[?det?ne?t?d]

英:  美:

detonated 中文意思翻译



detonated 词性/词形变化,detonated变形

动词现在分词: detonating |形容词: detonatable |动词过去式: detonated |动词过去分词: detonated |动词第三人称单数: detonates |

detonated 短语词组

1、detonated wam ─── 引爆wam

2、detonated ram ─── 雷管

3、detonated bomb ─── 引爆炸弹

4、detonated means ─── 引爆方式

5、detonated meaning ─── 引爆的意义

6、detonated wham ─── 引爆重击

detonated 相似词语短语

1、detoxicated ─── v.为(病人)解毒

2、detorted ─── 堕落的

3、resonated ─── vt.共鸣;共振;vi.共鸣;共振

4、denominated ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

5、detonate ─── vt.使爆炸;vi.引爆,爆炸

6、intonated ─── 语调

7、detonates ─── vt.使爆炸;vi.引爆,爆炸

8、detonator ─── n.雷管;炸药;导火索

9、donated ─── adj.捐赠的;v.捐赠(donate的过去分词形式)

detonated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、DETON and HOUS are two main acting trademarks of our company, we take charge of selling and extending them. ─── DETON及HOUS是公司目前代理的二大品牌,并负责其在中国的销售与推广。

2、Electric Armed Impact Detonated ─── 电着发引信

3、Reports said the attacker walked into a restaurant during the busy lunch hour and detonated a belt packed with explosives . ─── 报道称,袭击者在午餐繁忙时间走进一家餐馆,引爆绑在腰间的炸药。

4、After the listing, was detonated by the enthusiasm of consumers, is also expected be pursued in the matter. ─── 上市后,更是引爆了消费者的热情,受到追捧也是意料中的事。

5、They called to creak, the shaggy fur, lovely eyes sliding laughter of happy detonated. ─── 他们吱吱地叫,毛茸茸的毛皮,可爱的眼球滑动引爆开心的笑。

6、World's first atomic bomb is detonated in Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA. ─── 世界首枚在美国新墨西哥州的阿拉莫戈多县试爆成功。

7、Command Detonated Mine ─── 指令起爆雷

8、After she detonated her suicide belt, the other two bombers entered the mosque in the confusion. ─── 在她引爆自己后,其他两名肉弹乘乱进入清真寺。

9、A Research on Stress Field of Column and Strip-shaped Charge in Different Detonated Points ─── 延长药包不同位置起爆时的应力场

10、In 2003, five people died when a husband who had been arguing with his wife about divorce detonated explosives. ─── 2003年,一男子和妻子争吵閙离婚时引爆炸药,造成五人死亡。

11、26 The bomb has been rigged to explode。 Once detonated, it will surely destroy the entire town of Megaton。 ─── 你是从外面世界来的,我生命中的大部分时间都住在外面(废土中),所以我是不会信任在曾废土里漫无边际游荡的傻子的

12、Uranium supplies were banned three decades ago, after India test-detonated nuclear bombs "for peaceful purposes." ─── 在印度宣布为“和平目的”而进行的核爆实验之前,铀供应已经被禁止了三十年。

13、The composition of the fallout can also be changed by "salting" the weapon to be detonated. ─── 如果在起爆武器中另“加了料”,那么沉降物的成分也就会有所改变。

14、In strong demand are technology and systems to counter and defeat an unconventional enemy using unconventional weapons such as electronically detonated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) . ─── 为了对抗和击败使用非常规武器的非常规敌人,对相关的技术和系统有着强烈的需求。

15、By the Sixties, it has detonated two nuclear devices and sent a satellite to space. The speed of the development was nothing short of a miracle. ─── 到了1960年代竟造出“两弹一星”,这个发展速度是真正的奇迹。

16、After the listing, was detonated by the enthusiasm of consumers, is also expected be pursued in the matter. ─── 上市后,更是引爆了消费者的热情,受到追捧也是意料中的事。

17、Experimental Study on Gas Explosion Detonated by the Tensile Failure Sparks of Anchor Rope ─── 锚索拉断火花引爆瓦斯的实验研究

18、By the 1960s, it has detonated two nuclear devices and sent a satellite to space. The speed of the development was nothing short of a miracle. ─── 到了20世纪60年代竟造出了“两弹一星”,中国发展速度是真正的奇迹。

19、Detonated Southeast financial crisis's hot money to the same year to flow out massively directly vigilantly, really so laughable? ─── 对当年直接引爆东南亚金融危机的热钱大规模流出加以警惕,真的如此可笑吗?

20、Experimental study on gas explosion detonated by the rock friction sparks ─── 岩石撞击摩擦火花引爆瓦斯的实验研究

21、Jinpei flung his bolo - it wrapped itself around a Thing's arm and detonated. ─── Jinpei 投了他的大刀 -它在事物的手臂周围包装它本身并且引爆。

22、When the warhead detonated that evening at an altitude of 400 kilometers, it produced a brilliant white flash that momentarily lit up sea and sky like a noonday sun. ─── 弹头在海拔400公里的高空引爆时,耀眼的白色闪光如正午的太阳般瞬间照亮了天空与海洋。

23、The star should not speak for the products responsible for this subject, like a time bomb, detonated almost every year. ─── 明星该不该为代言产品负责这一议题,就像定时炸弹,几乎每年都会引爆。

24、The bomb was detonated by remote control. ─── 炸弹通过遥控引爆。

25、Black soot from the detonated Black Hawk charred the wall of the animal pen. ─── 黑鹰爆炸的黑烟烧焦了畜栏的墙。

26、A woman, disguised in an Arab man's robes and headdress, slipped into a line of Army recruits and detonated explosives strapped to her body. ─── 用阿拉伯男子长袍和头巾伪装起来的一名妇女混在应征的新兵队伍中,引爆了绑在自己身上的炸药。

27、Video footage showed the children in one of the keys pressed a cell phone, a toy police car detonated cheered. ─── 视频画面显示,这些孩子在其中一人摁下一部手机的按键,引爆了一辆玩具警车后发出欢呼。

28、As, or because it is highly compressed, the air-fuel is also detonated by the intense heat of the shockwave. ─── 正如,或因为它是高度压缩的空气和燃料,也引爆了冲击波酷暑。

29、The [[wikipedia:Little_Boy#The_bombing_of_Hiroshima|Hiroshima Bomb]] was detonated at 8:15 a.m. (JST). ─── 15是一战是德国军队使用的标准机械枪的型号。

30、Now humans have developed enough nuclear armament to assure an extinction cycle if they were detonated when this was not so in 1944. ─── 当今人类已发展了足够多核武器,如果它们被点爆的话就能确保一个绝灭周期,而1944年时却还并不如此。

31、In fact, the Livermore design triumphed because it is based on a former design, one detonated during the more than 1,000 nuclear tests conducted before the U. ─── 事实上,利佛摩实验室设计胜出的原因,就是它以先前的设计为基础。

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