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09-11 投稿


pharmaceutical 发音

英:[?fɑ?m??su?t?kl]  美:[,fɑrm?'sut?kl]

英:  美:

pharmaceutical 中文意思翻译



pharmaceutical 短语词组

1、pharmaceutical botany ─── 药用植物学

2、pharmaceutical gelatin ─── 药物明胶

3、pharmaceutical incompatibility ─── [医]药物配伍禁忌

4、pharmaceutical agent ─── 药剂制剂

5、pharmaceutical chemist ─── 药物化学家

6、Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited ─── 山东新华药业有限公司

7、pharmaceutical company n. ─── 制药公司 [网络] ─── 制药企业;医药公司;药厂

8、pharmaceutical waste ─── [医]制药废料

9、pharmaceutical phage ─── 制药噬菌体

10、pharmaceutical agents ─── 药物制剂

11、china pharmaceutical ─── 中国制药

12、Pharmaceutical drug ─── 药物

13、pharmaceutical industry ─── [医]医药工业,制药工业

14、bio-pharmaceutical ─── 生物制药

15、pharmaceutical yeast ─── 制药酵母

16、pharmaceutical preparation ─── 药物制剂

17、pharmaceutical chemistry ─── [化] 制药化学; 药物化学 ─── [医] 药物化学

18、pharmaceutical product ─── 药, ─── 药剂

19、Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Comp ─── 山东新华制药公司

pharmaceutical 词性/词形变化,pharmaceutical变形

副词: pharmaceutically |异体字: pharmaceutic |

pharmaceutical 相似词语短语

1、pharmaceutic ─── adj.调药的;配药学的

2、pharmaceutist ─── n.药剂师;药商;调剂员

3、pharmaceutists ─── n.药剂师;药商;调剂员

4、radiopharmaceutical ─── n.(供诊断或治疗用的)放射性药物;adj.(供诊断或治疗用的)放射性药物的

5、pharmaceutically ─── 药学地;配药地

6、biopharmaceutical ─── adj.生物制药学(biopharmaceutics的变形)

7、pharmaceutics ─── n.制药学;配药学

8、pharmaceuticals ─── n.药物(pharmaceutical的复数)

9、biopharmaceuticals ─── n.生技药品

pharmaceutical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Huake Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Consultative Center. ─── 华科医药知识产权咨询中心。

2、The number of alliances between the pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology groups is increasing. ─── 制药公司和生物技术公司的结盟日益增加。

3、They're all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. ─── 他们都在抱怨飞速上涨的医疗预算,其中增长最快的部分是药品成本。

4、Baoji City Rock Pharmaceutical Chemical. ─── 宝鸡市瑞科医药化工有限公司。

5、Pharmacology laboratory was established in Hubei Pharmaceutical Industry Research Institute. ─── 1958年-湖北省医药工业研究所组建药理研究室。

6、Widely uesd in food,chemical,pharmaceutical and nuclear power industries. ─── 使用广泛,适用于食品、化工、医药、原子能工业。

7、Chemical Engineers (Chef) are well placed to be of use in the biological (BL) and pharmaceutical (PC) industries. ─── 化学工程师们在生物(BI)和制药(pc)工业中具有很重要的地位。

8、Mannitol is usually used as a cryoprotectant and an excipient during pharmaceutical freeze-drying. ─── 甘露醇是药品冷冻干燥中常用的低温保护剂和赋形剂。

9、It shall be staffed with legally certified pharmaceutical technical personnel. ─── 具有依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员;

10、The Logistics System of Beijing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 北药股份物流系统概况。

11、Beijing Jude Sun Pharmaceutical Science And Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 北京聚德阳光医药科技有限公司。

12、Dalian Tianwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is one of the first hi-tech enterprises settled down in Dalian D-D Port. ─── 大连天维药业股份有限公司位于大连双D港生物制药园。

13、NM Union Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. ─── 北医联合药业有限公司。

14、She's a research biologist for a pharmaceutical company. ─── 她是一家制药公司的研究生物学家。

15、How does the pharmaceutical grade Interferon make? ─── 医疗用的干扰素是如何制成的?

16、The future of pharmaceutical research may be unfolding in an unfashionable neighbourhood in West London. ─── 也许在伦敦西区的欠发达地区正上演着药品研发的未来。

17、Examples: Sony, Intel, Lucent, every pharmaceutical development com pany. ─── 例:索尼、英特尔、朗讯、每一个药品研发公司。

18、Beijing hua'ao electronics pharmaceutical appliance co. ─── 华奥电子医疗仪器有限公司。

19、Yadong Pharmaceutical Company of Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry. ─── 上海医药工业研究院亚东药业公司。

20、Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are investing heavily in both of these approaches. ─── 医药和生物技术公司,正在对这两种方法进行大量的投资。

21、Sichuan Yangtian Pharmaceutical Company Limited. ─── 四川杨天生物药业股份有限公司。

22、Anhui New Star Pharmaceutical Development Co., Ltd. ─── 安徽省新星药物开发有限责任公司。

23、China Pharmaceutical University Library Web Site. ─── 中国药科大学图书馆网站

24、Reports about side effects of drugs, including adverse effects, came to pharmaceutical companies from several sources. ─── 制药公司通过好几个渠道得到有关药物副作用--包括有害副作用的报告。

25、They're all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. ─── 他们都在抱怨飞涨的医疗预算,其中增长最快的部分是药品成本。

26、ExxonMobil is the largest private sector donor, outside of the pharmaceutical industry, to malaria research activities. ─── 埃克森美孚公司是制药行业以外针对疟疾研究活动的最大的私人部门捐赠企业。

27、Beijing Jianli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 北京健力药业有限公司

28、He is interested in pharmaceutical botany. ─── 他对药草感兴趣。

29、Major: Pharmaceutical or related majors such as logistics and supply chain. ─── 专业:制药或其他相关专业,如物流和供应链管理。

30、Meanwhile,it has high value of pharmaceutical and ecology. ─── 同时,还具有很高的药用和生态价值。

31、Global pharmaceutical companies have a clear interest in medicalising life's problems. ─── 全球的制药公司当然更致力于将生活问题医学化。

32、Pharmaceutical Factory of Tongrentang Technology Development Stock Co., Ltd. ─── 同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司制药厂。

33、"It is still a grey area, " he added. "One could argue that as you're replacing something that should be there, it's not pharmaceutical. " ─── 这仍然是一个灰色区域。有人可能说,当你将某种东西重归原位,它就不属于药物范畴。

34、The pharmaceutical equipment industry has burgeoned since 1978. ─── 制药装备行业从1978年始建至今,规模不断地发展壮大。

35、Formerly Cardinal Health’s Pharmaceutical Technologies and Services Div. ─── 原红衣主教卫生医药技术和服务股利。

36、Pharmaceutical manufacturer Glaxo - Smith Kline (GSK) shares rose 0.7%. ─── 制药商葛兰素-史克(GSK)的股票上涨0.7%。

37、Wellcome is one of the largest pharmaceutical enterprises in the world. ─── 威康公司是世界最大的药剂企业之一。


39、Raw materials for pharmaceutical factories which provide medicines fighting against cancer. ─── 属医药业的制药行业,为各抗癌原料药生产厂家提供最基本的原料。

40、As a new developing subject,pharmaceutical engineering started in cross of pharmacy and engineering. ─── 制药工程是药学和工程学交叉之后产生的一门新兴学科。

41、She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory. ─── 她捐款成立了一个药剂实验室。

42、The subject of drugs and the pharmaceutical industry was on other minds elsewhere. ─── 在别处,关注药物和制药工业的人大有人在。

43、Ningbo Pharmaceutical Technology and Research Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波市医药技术研究有限公司。

44、What doctors want from reps An exclusive Pharmaceutical Representative survey? ─── 医生想从代表哪里获知什么?

45、Her brother is interested in pharmaceutical botany. ─── 她的哥哥对药草感兴趣。

46、Even old-line pharmaceutical houses are offering their versions of brain boosters. ─── 就连老字号的药店也开始推出自制的健脑产品。

47、More than 1 year final inspection experience in cosmetics, pharmaceutical company or related field. ─── 1年以上化妆品、制药企业成品检验相关工作经验;

48、Bio-products prescribed by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department of the State Council. ─── 国务院药品监督管理部门规定的生物制品;

49、Established in 1996,North China Pharmaceutical Group Aino Co.,Ltd. ─── 华北制药集团爱诺有限公司始建于1996年,是华北制药集团与台湾茂业集团合资创建。

50、Product development, distribution and brand building of pharmaceutical products. ─── 医药产品的开发、分销和品牌建立。

51、Minimum 3 years experience in regulatory affairs function in pharmaceutical industry. ─── 3年以上制药行业注册及法规事务经验。

52、Experience in pharmaceutical industry will be a plus. ─── 具有药厂行业经验者优先考虑.

53、Pharmaceutical researches showed that the Impatiens balsamina L. ─── 具有较好的抗过敏、抗炎、抗真菌等作用。

54、Today many pharmaceutical companies are competing to develop capsaicin receptor antagonists. ─── 今日,许多制药公司正争相发展辣椒素受体的拮抗剂。

55、Andrew jabbed a finger, pointing to a collection of pharmaceutical bottles and packages on a side table. ─── 安德鲁猛地伸出手指,指着墙边小桌上的一大堆药瓶和盒子。

56、She called on pharmaceutical companies to put life saving before patent and profit. ─── 她要求药物生产商把人民生存的权利放在产品专利和利润之上。

57、Pharmaceutical factory, hospital, Office, restaurant, school, fitness club, gym, residential house so forth. ─── 制药厂,医院,办公室、宾馆、餐厅、学校、健身房、体育场、家庭等等。

58、Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to be import. ─── 不合格的药品禁止进口。

59、It was merged by two big pharmaceutical companies, Glaxo Wellcome and Smith Kline Beecham, in December of 2000. ─── 公司由两大制药企业葛兰素威康和史克必成于2000年12月合并成立。

60、They're all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. ─── 他们所有人都在抱怨高涨的医疗预算,其中增长最快的部分是药品费用。

61、Winatech is a process engineering company providing service for pharmaceutical industry. ─── 上海净泽是一家领先的制药厂工艺工程技术及安装公司。

62、Cinda Corporation, Hefei Representative Office v. China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, et al. ─── 信达公司合肥办事处诉中国医药集团总公司等借款担保合同纠纷案。

63、Pharmaceutical factory, hospital, office, restaurant, school, fitness club, gym, residential house and so forth. ─── 制药厂、医院、写字楼、宾馆、餐厅、学校、健身房、体育场、家庭等等。

64、Q:Are you going to sell the results of this project to large pharmaceutical companies? ─── 你们会把这个计画的结果卖给大型的制药公司吗?

65、Pharmaceutical industry: Medicine, biological and blood plasma product filtration. ─── 医药工业:医药、生物和血浆产品的过滤。

66、"There used to be 13 major pharmaceutical companies with full-blown programmes of contraceptive R&D. Now there are none, " she said. ─── 她表示:“从前有13家拥有全面方案的制药公司参与皮云产品的研发,但现在连一家也没有了。”

67、A Nigerian judge rejects the inclusion of more cases in a$7 bn Nigerian lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. ─── 奈及利亚人法官在对抗制药大厂辉瑞药厂的一个十亿元的奈及利亚人诉讼中拒绝更多的案例的内含物。

68、The bottom line is that pharmaceutical companies as a whole invest more in marketing than they do in research and development. ─── 底线是,制药公司整体上在市场营销上的投资要多于在研发上的投资。

69、Air conditioning design for injection workshop in Beijing Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 北京双鹤药业输液车间空调工程设计。


71、Anhui Red Star Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 安徽红星药业有限责任公司。

72、Beijing SSK Pharmaceutical Technology De. ─── 北京艾斯克医药技术开发有限公司。

73、"The theme was that pharmaceutical prescriptions are more of a necessity [even in an economic downturn], " says Prof Levich. ─── 列维奇教授表示:“投资理由是,药物更多的是一种必需品(即便是在经济低迷期)。”

74、Pharmaceutical manufacturers AstraZeneca (AZN) shares fell 0.3%. ─── 制药商阿斯利康(AZN)的股票下滑0.3%。

75、Shanghai Syn the all Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 上海合全药业有限公司。

76、The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state. ─── 环境扫描电子显微镜(环境扫描电镜)已用于分析一些制药样本在其自然状态。

77、Dispensary TCM should establish perfect consulting service system to improve the quality of pharmaceutical service. ─── 中药房应建立完善的中药咨询服务体系,以提高药学服务质量。

78、Analysis of the pharmaceutical action of EBB. ─── 小檗胺药理作用分析

79、Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 上海恒寿堂药业有限公司。

80、Pitavastatin has been thought as “super-tatin” in the pharmaceutical world. ─── 匹伐他汀已被药界誉为是“超级他汀”。

81、Lijun International Pharmaceutical (Holding) Co., Ltd. ─── 利君国际医药(控股)有限公司,简称利君国际

82、Northeastern Pharmaceutical dealt with several other significant issues. ─── 东北药物公司处理过好几次其他重要问题。

83、Taiji Group Sichuan Taiji Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 太极集团四川太极制药有限公司。


85、If there were something wrong with it, don't you think the pharmaceutical company would have taken out full-page ads in the papers? ─── 如果真有什么问题,难道药品生产商不会在报纸上登上了广告昭告天下?

86、Manufacturing : High disinfection disinfection pharmaceutical, advertising design production plate. ─── 制造:高级消毒杀菌药剂,设计制作字牌广告。

87、He travelled in the north of the country for a pharmaceutical company. ─── 他在该国北部旅行推销一家制药公司的产品。

88、College degree above major in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical etc. ─── 大专或大专以上学历,化学,生物化学,药剂学专业。

89、It must employ pharmaceutical technicians appropriate to the medicines handled. ─── 具有与所经营药品相适应的药学技术人员。

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