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09-11 投稿



circumnavigated 发音

英:[?s??k?m?n?v?ɡe?t?d]  美:[?s??rk?m?n?v?ɡe?t?d]

英:  美:

circumnavigated 中文意思翻译



circumnavigated 短语词组

1、circumnavigated meaning ─── 绕行意义

2、circumnavigated def ─── 绕航定义

3、circumnavigated synonym ─── 绕行同义词

4、circumnavigated the earth ─── 绕地球航行

5、circumnavigated cardigan ─── 环行开衫

6、circumnavigated the globe ─── 环游全球

7、circumnavigated antarctica ─── 绕南极洲航行

circumnavigated 词性/词形变化,circumnavigated变形

动词过去式: circumnavigated |动词现在分词: circumnavigating |动词过去分词: circumnavigated |名词: circumnavigation |动词第三人称单数: circumnavigates |

circumnavigated 相似词语短语

1、circumnavigable ─── 可绕航的

2、circumnavigating ─── vt.环航

3、circumnavigates ─── vt.环航

4、circumnavigations ─── n.世界一周旅行;周游世界

5、circumnavigate ─── vt.环航

6、circumnavigation ─── n.世界一周旅行;周游世界

7、circumnavigator ─── n.世界一周旅行者;周游世界者

8、to circumnavigate ─── 绕行

9、circumnutated ─── vi.曲绕;曲卷

circumnavigated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They circumnavigated the danger zone and speeded along. ─── 他们绕过危险地带疾驶而去。

2、As in China, the walls erected to keep people in are easily circumnavigated. ─── 如同在中国,为了阻碍民众而筑起的高墙很容易就被绕过。

3、I had just circumnavigated the entire country. ─── 我刚可是绕行这个国家一大圈了。

4、6 weeks we spent together on this steamship and circumnavigated africa ─── 我们在船上呆了6个星期绕着非洲环航

5、Upon arrival, she will become the youngest person to have circumnavigated the globe solo and without help. ─── 到达后,她将成为历史上最年轻的无帮助独自环球航海者。

6、The current behaves exactly as if the metal disk was replaced by a big cavity in the semiconductor that had to be circumnavigated. ─── 电流表现的行为,就好像半导体中的金属圆盘被一个大洞所取代,因而必须绕路而行。

7、He circumnavigated the globe with his family. ─── 他与全家人一起环航世界。

8、How odd to think that while they circumnavigated the planet, Martin and I had moved only six miles into our local wilderness and had seen no other human for the two weeks we stayed there. ─── 卫星在我们的星球环行的时候,马丁和我仅仅是走动到六英里开外当地的旷野,两个星期逗留期间竟然看不到其他人影,想到这些顿觉的不可思议。

9、Roman soldier and politician who as governor of Britain(77-84) brought most of its inhabitants under Roman control. He also circumnavigated Britain, thereby discovering it to be an island. ─── 阿古利可拉,格纳尤斯·尤利乌斯罗马士兵和政治家,在其任英国总督期间(77-84年)把大部分居民置于罗马统治之下。他还曾环绕不列颠航行,由此发现它是一个岛屿

10、The current behaves exactly as if the metal disk was replaced by a big cavity in the semiconductor that had to be circumnavigated. ─── 电流表现的行为,就好像半导体中的金属圆盘被一个大洞所取代,因而必须绕路而行。

11、He circumnavigated the globe with his family. ─── 他与全家人一起环航世界。

12、According to Nicholson, the poet William Wordsworth circumnavigated the world seven times during his lifetime. ─── 根据尼克尔森的说法,诗人威廉姆·沃兹·华斯一生中环游世界七次。

13、Roman soldier and politician who as governor of Britain(77-84) brought most of its inhabitants under Roman control. He also circumnavigated Britain,thereby discovering it to be an island. ─── 阿古利可拉,格纳尤斯·尤利乌斯罗马士兵和政治家,在其任英国总督期间(77-84年)把大部分居民置于罗马统治之下。他还曾环绕不列颠航行,由此发现它是一个岛屿。

14、They circumnavigated the danger zone and speeded along. ─── 他们绕过危险地带疾驶而去。

15、They circumnavigated cape horn island in canoes. ─── 他们乘独木舟绕合恩角岛航行。

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