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09-11 投稿


unmitigated 发音

英:[?n'm?t?ge?t?d]  美:[?n'm?t?ɡet?d]

英:  美:

unmitigated 中文意思翻译



unmitigated 反义词


unmitigated 同义词

total | complete | unalloyed |pure | entire | unadulterated | sheer | utter | absolute

unmitigated 短语词组

1、unmitigated gaul meaning ─── 高卢意义

2、unmitigated disaster ─── 彻底的灾难

3、unmitigated cad ─── 未缓解的cad

4、unmitigated definition ─── 不缓和的定义

5、unmitigated synonym ─── 未修饰同义词

6、unmitigated temerity ─── 毫不掩饰的冒失

7、unmitigated pedantry ─── 十足的迂腐

8、unmitigated encouragement ─── 不屈 ─── 不挠的鼓励

unmitigated 词性/词形变化,unmitigated变形

名词: unmitigatedness |副词: unmitigatedly |

unmitigated 相似词语短语

1、unmitigatedly ─── 毫不掩饰地

2、initiated ─── v.开始,发起;开创(initiate的过去式)

3、unmotivated ─── adj.对(工作等)不感兴趣的;没有理由的

4、unvitiated ─── adj.未被污染的,未腐败的,未败坏的,纯洁的

5、unmutilated ─── 非残缺不全的

6、litigated ─── vt.在法庭相争;提出诉讼;vi.对簿法庭

7、mitigated ─── v.缓和,减轻(痛苦);减轻(罪行或过错)(mitigate的过去式及过去分词);adj.缓和的

8、unmitigatedness ─── 不折不扣

9、instigated ─── vt.唆使;煽动;教唆;怂恿

unmitigated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In my opinion, anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good. ─── 但这帮人蹬起自行车的那一刻,就不是那么回事儿了。

2、The evening was an unmitigated disaster. ─── 这一晚完全是一场灾难。

3、an unmitigated horror; ─── 十足的恐惧;

4、unmitigated suffering. ─── 丝毫未被减轻的折磨

5、But recessions don't bring unmitigated woe. ─── 但是,经济萧条所带给我们的并非都是不幸。

6、“It was an unmitigated disaster” explains David Farrin. ─── 大卫?法林表示:“这是一场无法缓和的灾难。”

7、his appetite for kinky filmmaking,unmitigated by any artistry(John Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(约翰·西蒙)

8、The Swiss system, for its part, seems to be an unmitigated success. ─── 瑞士的方案,由于分部推进,取得了绝对的成功。

9、Managers profess a higher tolerance for unmitigated risk than their audit counterparts. ─── 管理者对风险的容忍程度要高过相应的审计工作。

10、The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom. ─── 会议这个星期在一片愁云惨雾中开始。

11、an unmitigated lie. ─── 彻头彻尾的谎言

12、an unmitigated villain ─── 彻头彻尾的恶棍

13、unmitigated evil ─── 极端严重的罪恶

14、Lets be clear about this: losing to Olympiakos would be a complete, utter, absolute and unmitigated disaster for Chelsea Football Club. ─── 让我们清楚这一点:输给奥林匹亚克斯队与切尔西俱乐部将会是一个完全的,绝对的,无法容忍的灾难。

15、His married life has been an unmitigated hell, with the insane Mrs. ─── 她出身于一个满是疯子和弱智者的家庭。

16、For them, as for much of China, the Olympics was an unmitigated success. ─── 对他们,也更多的对中国来说,奥运会是一次完全的胜利。

17、Unmitigated harshness ─── 极端的冷酷

18、We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil ─── 我们太容易把自己教会中的分立看成是十恶不赦的。

19、And so, a quiet, humble, respectable Negro, who has had the unmitigated temerity to feel sorry for a white woman, has had to put his word against two white people. ─── 况且,一个谦逊,行为正派的黑人,内心却承受着巨大的煎熬,对一个白人女子心怀内疚,因为他的陈词有损两个白人的声誉。

20、9.The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom. ─── 会议这个星期在一片愁云惨雾中开始。

21、Regarded later as an unmitigated disaster even by diehard communists, this wasn’t the first time a Chinese leader had turned against Confucianism. ─── 文革后来甚至被死硬的共产主义者承认是彻头彻尾的灾难,这不是中国领袖第一次把矛头指向儒家学说。

22、But they do not value time, until they are senile, the waiting for their only pure, unmitigated grief. ─── 可他们不珍惜时间,等到他们老态龙钟时,等待他们的只有无怨无悔的忧伤。

23、His married life has been an unmitigated hell, with the insane Mrs. Rochester kept under lock and key in the care of Grace Poole. ─── 精神失常的罗切斯特太太被锁了起来,由格雷斯·普尔看管着,而罗切斯特的婚后生活则是不折不扣的一所地狱。

24、The joint venture has been an unmitigated disaster. ─── 这家合资企业的形成是一个彻头彻尾的灾难。

25、an unmitigated fool ─── 一个十足的傻瓜

26、Prof Luo Xianglin, a foremost authority on genealogy, lamented that China's cultural accumulation over several millennia was reduced substantially to ruins in a few months of unmitigated madness. ─── 系谱学权威罗香林教授语带悲伤地说,中国几千年所累积的文化遗产,就在那丧心病狂的几个月中毁于一旦。

27、New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel ─── 新英格兰习惯于在文学里说教,可是一味说教,小说就要完蛋。

28、aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery. ─── 大胆好斗而且厚颜无耻。

29、his appetite for kinky filmmaking, unmitigated by any artistry(John Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(约翰 西蒙)

30、The costs of unmitigated climate change are potentially enormous. ─── 未减缓的气候变化所造成的经济损失将是巨大的。

31、From China's point of view, WTO membership has been an almost unmitigated success. ─── 在中国看来,加入世贸组织几乎是一个完美的成功。

32、Too bad, for the Lakers' dreadnaught triangle offense is predicated upon swift and timely ball movement, slashing cuts hoopward and, most of all, upon unmitigated unselfishness. ─── 翻译:费尔,杰克逊曾公开说:湖人队在前七场比赛中可能只会赢得一场。

33、In the debate over the long-term outlook for China's economy, count Australian Ambassador to China Geoff Raby among the unmitigated bulls. ─── 有关中国经济长期前景的讨论中,澳大利亚驻华大使芮捷锐(GeoffRaby)可以说是铁杆唱多者之一。

34、New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel. ─── 新英格兰习惯于在文学里说教,可是一味说教,小说就要完蛋。

35、For owners of the obsolete businesses this is an unmitigated disaster. ─── 对那些从事过时产业的企业主来说,新技术将是十足的灾难。

36、1.The upshot was neither an unmitigated success nor an unmitigated failure. ─── 这一结果既非完全的成功也未彻底的失败。

37、Sadly, however, few child-rearers deserve the unmitigated trust babies invest in them. ─── 不过,令人悲伤的是,值得获得婴儿毫无保留的信任的养育者不多。

38、Over the past half-decade, the history of players who sign for the full midlevel exception has been an unmitigated disaster. ─── 在过去的5年里,那些签署了中产阶级合同的球员都遭受了十足的灾难。

39、We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil. ─── 我们很容易把自己教会中的分派看成是一种十恶不赦的罪恶。

40、his appetite for kinky filmmaking,unmitigated by any artistry(bJohn Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(b约翰·西蒙)

41、The evening was an unmitigated disaster. ─── 这一晚完全是一场灾难。

42、Even an untraveled child, sitting at home, can be transported by a book into any place or time.Fantasy and facts weave together, but the result is almost an unmitigated improvement. ─── 即便是个坐在家里没有出过远门的孩子,也能被书带进任何时空、地点,幻想和事实编织在一起,但结果往往十足地好。

43、Bush has been an unmitigated disaster. ─── 但对北京来说却并非如此。

44、unmitigated suffering ─── 未减轻的痛苦

45、If you don't know it and rashly enter the realm, you may suffer an unmitigated disaster. ─── 如果你没有搞清状况就贸然而入,很可能会一败涂地。

46、The congresswoman's husband was an unmitigated jerk : not only did he abandon her , but also he took her campaign funds ! ─── 那个国会女议员的丈夫是一个十足的卑鄙小人:他不仅抛弃了她,而且把她的竞选专款也拿走了!

47、The former Chelsea and Lyon midfielder had been an unmitigated flop in his first two seasons, but seems to be finding his feet since Claudio Ranieri's dismissal. ─── “我的重生得益于主教练对我的信任以及能最大限度展示我的能力的新阵型。

48、But from that, it does not follow that God's attitude toward those He did not elect must be unmitigated hatred. ─── 但那并不是说上帝对那些他没有选择的人是绝对的憎恶。

49、If companies, investors, and workers don't get completely spooked, this crisis can evolve into an opportunity rather than an unmitigated disaster. ─── 如果企业,投资者和雇员没有完全被吓倒,那么与其说这次危机是难以缓解的危机,不如说它会发展成成一次契机。

50、It is a most inscrutable and unmitigated staggerer! ─── 这倒是一个难以理解和无法弄清楚的难题。

51、With a poor squad, he is likely to be an unmitigated disaster, as he will ask his players to do things of which they are not capable. ─── 如果有很差的阵容,他很可能会是一个十足的灾难,因为他会要求他的球员们做他们做不到的事。

52、For the rich lamas and secular lords, the Communist intervention was an unmitigated calamity. ─── 对富裕的喇嘛以及领主来说,共产党的介入无异于一场无法化解的灾难。

53、unmitigated suffering; an unmitigated horror; an unmitigated lie. ─── 十足的痛苦;十足的恐惧;十足的谎言。

54、This makes them take damage in a more erratic manner than Warriors or Paladins as they are subject to occasional strings of large unmitigated hits. ─── 这使它们采取损害更不稳定的方式勇士或圣骑士,因为它们受到偶尔字符串大型减缓访问。

55、What makes news nowadays is the growing list of mainstream economists who are questioning globalization's supposedly unmitigated virtues. ─── 现在制造新闻的是不断增加的主流经济学家对全球化想象的十足的优点的质疑。

56、1. He is an unmitigated liar! ─── 他是个十足的撒谎精!

57、'It would be an unmitigated disaster' not to act, Mr. Wagoner told lawmakers. ─── 瓦格纳对国会议员们说,不采取行动无异于一场难以消除的灾难。

58、"his appetite for kinky filmmaking, unmitigated by any artistry" (John Simon) ─── “他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作”(约翰·西蒙)

59、It was an unmitigated disaster for him as a perfectionist! ─── 这是一个缓和的灾难,他是一个完美!

60、With unmitigated gall he crashed the partyand then criticized the food. ─── 他既傲慢又鲁莽地冲进晚会,然后把食品指责了一番

61、an unmitigated disaster, scoundrel ─── 十足的灾难、 坏蛋.

62、So perhaps our political obsession with thenext by-election results is not an unmitigated boon. ─── 所以,我们对于下一轮补缺选举的结果产生的政治迷惑或许也不是什么好事。

63、tell the unmitigated truth ─── 说出全部事实真相

64、For the people living near it, the new road has been an unmitigated disaster. ─── 对住在附近的人们来讲,新公路成为十足的灾难。

65、I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel . ─── 听你的言外之意,他是个不折不扣的恶棍。

66、MM:Your unmitigated greed led directly to the destruction of your tainted gold. ─── 十足的贪婪直接导致了你们那些肮脏金钱的毁灭。

67、His married life has been an unmitigated hell,with the insane Mrs. ─── 精神失常的罗切斯特太太被锁了起来,由格雷斯•

68、Responsiveness of each paper to its own social group was not an unmitigated advantage for society. ─── 各报对于它自己所属的社会集团的关心,对于整个社会而言却并不是十分有益的事情。

69、his appetite for kinky filmmaking, unmitigated by any artistry(bJohn Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(b约翰 西蒙)

70、In conclusion, it should be stated that heroin addiction may be an unmitigated evil, without any socially redeeming features. ─── 总之,应该说明的是,海洛因毒瘾或许十恶不赦,不具备任何可在社会上获得救赎的特色。

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