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coccus 发音

英:[?kɑ?k?s]  美:[?k?k?s]

英:  美:

coccus 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 球菌


coccus 网络释义

n. [微] 球菌;小干果;分果爿

coccus 词性/词形变化,coccus变形


coccus 短语词组

1、coccus bacteriophage ─── 球菌噬菌体

2、Dactylopius coccus ─── [医] 胭脂虫

3、Class's coccus ─── [医] 克拉斯氏球菌(伤寒病人喉中发现)

4、Coccus viridis ─── 球虫

5、Coccus hesperidum ─── 球虫

6、Coccus pseudomagnoliarum ─── 假球菌

7、Neisser's coccus ─── [医] 奈瑟氏球菌(淋球菌)

8、Coccus acutissimus ─── 科

9、Coccus discrepans ─── 离散球菌

10、genus Coccus ─── [网络] 介壳虫属

11、coccus cacti ─── [建] 胭脂虫

12、Weichselbaum's coccus ─── [医] 魏克塞耳包姆氏球菌, 细胞内奈瑟氏菌

13、chain coccus ─── [建] 链球菌

14、Coccus cacti L. ─── [医] 胭脂虫

15、pus coccus ─── [医] 脓球菌

16、-coccus ─── 表示球菌[用于各种细菌名称]

17、Coccus acuminatus ─── 乌头球菌

18、Coccus elongatus ─── 球果

19、Coccus zigzag ─── [医] 锯齿状球菌

coccus 相似词语短语

1、coccous ─── 球虫的

2、coccoes ─── 球虫

3、accus ─── abbr.联合国教科文组织亚洲文化中心(AsianCulturalCenterofUNESCO)

4、coccids ─── n.介壳虫

5、cocas ─── n.古柯,古柯叶;n.(Coca)人名;(塞)措察;(英、西、意、罗)科卡

6、floccus ─── n.绒毛丛;[气象]絮状云;adj.絮状的

7、cockups ─── n.顶端翘起;前端翘起之帽;段落开头处特高大写字母

8、coccal ─── adj.球菌的

9、-coccus ─── n.[微]球菌;小干果;分果爿

coccus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of course, anti-bacterial, disinfection is not omnipotent Also, they can prevent bacteria counts and gold mainly Portuguese coccus. ─── 当然,抗菌、杀菌橱柜也不是万能的,他们可以防止的细菌主要是大肠杆菌和金葡球菌。

2、Development and research of Cactus planting, Coccus feeding and the process for preparation of cochineal color will bring more direct economic benefit to farmers. ─── 仙人掌种植、胭脂虫饲养和胭脂虫红色素的生产在我国有着很好的发展前景。

3、Coccus discrepans ─── n. 偏软蜡蚧

4、In group 2, Gram negative bacillus accounted for 58.8% and Gram positive coccus 29.4%. ─── 创面培养,铜绿假单孢菌上升至第一位,占19.5%,金黄色葡萄球菌退至第6位,其中第二组G(上标-)杆菌占73.5%,G(上标+)球菌占22.2%。

5、This paper compared several Fuling(Poria coccus)extracting techniques. ─── 本实验比较了茯苓多糖的几种提取工艺。

6、Study on Annual Happening Rule of Coccus viridis in Arid-hot River Valley of Nujiang ─── 云南怒江干热河谷区咖啡绿蚧周年发生规律研究

7、3. The gram positive coccus are revealed predominance of S aureus,S epidermidis and Enterococcus. ─── 其中革兰氏阳性球菌以金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌和肠球菌为主;

8、Neisser rs coccus ─── 奈瑟氏球菌

9、hot chain coccus ─── 嗜热链球菌

10、Isolation and identification of coccus strains from fermented milk ─── 发酵乳球菌菌株的分离鉴定

11、the quantities of spirochetes, and coccus of overhanging gro... ─── 临床治疗中要加强悬突的防治。

12、New-style concealed coccus can cause kidney tit necrotic and integrated proof, pyelonephritis and pyuria of similar kidney tubercular. ─── 新型隐球菌可引起肾乳头坏死综合征、肾盂肾炎和类似肾结核的脓尿。

13、Common pathogen is bacterium of generalization pus sex to wait like grape coccus, streptococcic , coliform organisms more. ─── 常见的病原体多为一般化脓性细菌如葡萄球菌、链球菌、大肠杆菌等。

14、class' coccus ─── 克拉斯(氏)球菌:在伤寒病人喉中发现的一种球菌

15、The bacteria that causes bromatoxism basically has toxin of mildew of coccus of grape of yellow of bacterium of Sramana family name, gold, coliform organisms, Huang Qu. ─── 引发食物中毒的病菌主要有沙门氏细菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、黄曲霉毒素。

16、The recurrence reads coccus vulva vaginitis ─── 复发性念球菌外阴阴道炎

17、Keywords Cactus;Coccus;Cochineal color; ─── 仙人掌;胭脂虫;胭脂虫红色素;

18、The significantly positive inhibitory activity of Aloe extractions had been reported against some coccus and bacillusin this paper. ─── 抑菌试验结果表明,芦荟提取物能有效抑制几种常见球菌和杆菌的生长。

19、Results There are 127 positive cases of the examination in the culture of bacteria in the 358 cases, in which gram positive coccus is 24, gram negative coccus is 56, epiphyte is 47. ─── 结果358例标本中培养阳性的有127例,其中革兰氏阳性球菌24例,革兰氏阴性杆菌56例,真菌47例。

20、Keywords children;gram negative bacilli;gram positive coccus;surveillance; ─── 儿童;革兰阴性杆菌;革兰阳性球菌;监测;

21、6.Below microscope, drench the appearance of coccus is egg circle or coffee beans form, arrange in couples, have bacterium hair; ─── 在显微镜下,淋球菌的外形为卵圆形或咖啡豆形,成对排列,有菌毛;

22、9.Drench coccus is a kind of bacterium. ─── 淋球菌是一种细菌。

23、Coccus cacti L. ─── [医] 胭脂虫

24、RESULTS: The extraction rates was affected by extract solvent, extract times, Coccus- solvent ratio and extract temperature. ─── 结果:乙醇浓度、提取次数、料液比和提取温度影响胭脂虫红酸提取效率。

25、The infant happens the most easily and more serious, coccus of pneumococcus of particularly easy infection, meningitis, coliform organisms, flu is bloodsucking bacillus. ─── 婴幼儿最易发生而且比较严重,特别容易感染肺炎球菌、脑膜炎球菌、大肠杆菌、流感嗜血杆菌等。

26、Keywords anthanide nitrates;disinfect activity;golden colour grape coccus; ─── 稀土硝酸盐;抑菌活性;金黄色葡萄球菌;

27、These are Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock, Coccus hesperidum L., Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood), P. psidii Maskell, Saissetia coffeae (Walker) and S. oleae (Oliver). ─── Pulvinariafloccifera(Westwood) ,P . psidiiMaskell,Saissetiacoffeae(Walker)以及S .

28、There was a 100% susceptibility to Vancomycin and Teicoplanin (peptide antibiotic), though G(superscript +) coccus had high resistance against most antibiotics. ─── G(上标+)菌对常用抗生素耐药,但对多肽类抗生素万古霉素和替考拉宁100%敏感。

29、pyogenic coccus ─── 化脓性球菌

30、Coccus elongatus ─── n. 长软蜡蚧

31、The significantly positive inhibitory activity of Aloe extractions had been reported against some coccus and bacillus in this paper. ─── 抑菌试验结果表明,芦荟提取物能有效抑制几种常见球菌和杆菌的生长。

32、Keywords G + coccus;Drug resistance;Antibiotic; ─── 关键词G+球菌;耐药性;抗生素;

33、Coccus zigzag ─── [医] 锯齿状球菌

34、They have a few basic shapes-spherical coccus (plural, cocci, meaning berries), rod-shaped bacillus (plural, bacilli, meaning little staffs), and spiral. ─── 细菌种类繁多,但外形不外乎以下3种,即球状、杆状和螺旋状。

35、Weichselbaum's coccus ─── [医] 魏克塞耳包姆氏球菌, 细胞内奈瑟氏菌

36、An investigation on grape coccus arthritis of breeder meet-type chickens on the chicken farm and its prevention ─── 某肉用种鸡场葡萄球菌性关节炎的调查及病因分析

37、Drench coccus is mixed by film of oar of karyoplasm, cell, cell cellular wall form. ─── 淋球菌由核质、细胞浆、细胞膜和细胞壁等构成。

38、Keywords separation and identification;L-lactic acid coccus;fermentation agent;inoculated fermentation;Chinese cabbage; ─── 分离鉴定;L-乳酸球菌;发酵剂;接种发酵;白菜;

39、27 gram positive coccus and 44 gram negative bacilus overall agreement rates within 1 dilution interval were 94.9% and 92.6% respectively. ─── 测定临床分离菌株的MIC革兰阳性球菌27株、革兰阴性杆菌44株,与微量肉汤稀释法相比在±1稀释度范围内符合率分别为94.9%和92.6%。

40、Clap drenchs coccus examination is masculine gender, urethritis of sex of gonococcus of and rather than drenchs coccus examination is negative. ─── 淋病淋球菌检查为阳性,而非淋菌性尿道炎淋球菌检查为阴性。

41、The atmospheric pollutant are mainly gram-positive coccus and bacillus.The dominant part is occupied by Penicillium for Martin's fungi and high osmotic pressure-resistant fungi. ─── 检出污染的细菌以革兰阳性球菌和芽孢杆菌为主,马丁霉菌和耐高渗透压霉菌均以青霉属为优势菌。

42、Among Gram-positive coccus, the sensitive rates of vancomycin, nitrofurantoin, teicoplanin against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Enterococcus faecalis were 100%. ─── 常见的阳性球菌为金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血葡萄球菌、粪肠球菌对万古霉素、呋喃妥因、替考拉宁的敏感性均为100%。

43、Coccus pseudomagnoliarum ─── n. 橘软蜡蚧

44、Class's coccus ─── [医] 克拉斯氏球菌(伤寒病人喉中发现)

45、The commonest pathogenic bacteria is streptococcic, it is grape coccus and pneumonic diplococcus and coliform organisms next. ─── 最常见的致病菌为链球菌,其次为葡萄球菌和肺炎双球菌及大肠杆菌。

46、coccus, cocci ─── 球菌

47、coccus forms ─── 球菌状

48、PCR-based Methods for Identification of Coccus Strains from Fermented Milk ─── 发酵乳球菌菌株的PCR鉴定

49、Inhibition to Gram's stain possitive coccus is 36, inhibition to Gram's stain negetive bacilli is 24. ─── 对阳性球菌显示有抑菌作用的有36种;对阴性杆菌显示有抑菌作用的有24种。

50、spherical; like a coccus. ─── 球形的;象球菌一样。

51、Most of 9 morderately halophilies were Gram-positive and rod and did’t produce any pigment. 3 archaean halophiles were Gram-negative and coccus, and produced red pigment. ─── 9株中度嗜盐菌多为革兰氏阳性菌,呈杆状,不产生色素。3株嗜盐古细菌均为革兰氏阴性菌,呈球状,能产生红色素。

52、The gram positive coccus are revealed predominance of S aureus,S epidermidis and Enterococcus. ─── 其中革兰氏阳性球菌以金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌和肠球菌为主 ;

53、E120 cochineal produced by extracting the red body material from pregnant scale insects of the species Dactilopius Coccus is used as a colorant in a small number of red wines, soft drinks and Campari. ─── E120生产的胭脂虫提取红体材料从怀孕介壳虫的物种Dactilopius蚧作为一种著色剂在少数红葡萄酒,软饮料和巴利。

54、Keywords carminic acid;orthogonal experiment;coccus; ─── 关键词胭脂虫红酸;正交试验;

55、Keywords Gram positive coccus;infection;vancomycin;clinical response;bacteriologic response;nephrotoxicity; ─── 关键词革兰阳性球菌;感染;万古霉素;临床疗效;细菌学疗效;肾毒性;

56、Coccus P proteinase ─── 球菌属P蛋白酶

57、The commonnest pathogenic bacteria is streptococcic, it is grape coccus and pneumonic diplococcus and coliform organisms next. ─── 最常见的致病菌为链球菌,其次为葡萄球菌和肺炎双球菌及大肠杆菌。

58、Gentamicin: Mix to grape coccus bacili of negative of change orchid family name (include all sorts of is out of shape bacillus) infection curative effect is better. ─── 庆大霉素:对葡萄球菌和革兰氏阴性杆菌(包括各种变形杆菌)感染疗效较好。

59、Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of coccus disease in rabbits ─── 兔球虫病诊断及综合防制

60、Coccus viridis ─── n. 咖啡绿软蜡蚧

61、Dry condition also does not suit to drench coccus grows. ─── 干燥条件也不适合淋球菌生长。

62、Bacterium of alleged gonococcus sex, drench coccus enters blood namely, breed in great quantities in blood. ─── 所谓淋菌性菌血症,即淋球菌进入血液,并在血液中大量繁殖。

63、Shaped like or resembling a coccus;spherical. ─── 球菌的形状像或类似于球菌的;

64、Shaped like or resembling a coccus; spherical. ─── 球菌的形状像或类似于球菌的;球形的

65、Drench coccus is a kind of bacterium. ─── 淋球菌是一种细菌。

66、It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus especially coagulase-positive S.aureus which is Gram-positive coccus and may not be penicillin sensitive.It is lethal human pathogens. ─── 由葡萄球菌特别凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌所致,为革兰氏阳性球菌,对青霉素耐药。

67、This paper compared several Fuling( Poria coccus)extracting techniques. ─── 本实验比较了茯苓多糖的几种提取工艺。

68、Coccus acutissimus ─── n. 锐软蜡蚧

69、Coccus acuminatus ─── n. 尖软蜡蚧

70、In this test, 15 strains were isolated from the filtrate of kefir grains which can reduce cholesterol level, identified by physiological and biochemistry reaction and other indexes, 7 were coccus sp. ─── 摘要本文从开菲尔粒中分离出15株能降低胆固醇的菌,通过生理生化反应以及其他指标对这15株菌株进行鉴定,其中7株为球菌,8株为杆菌。

71、The results showed coliform bacterica was the most superiority strain,and white grope coccus was the second. ─── 研究表明,大肠杆菌为最优菌、白色葡萄球菌次之。

72、New-style concealed coccus can cause kidney tit necrotic and integrated proof, pyelonephritis and pyuria of similar kidney tubercular. ─── 新型隐球菌可引起肾乳头坏死综合征、肾盂肾炎和类似肾结核的脓尿。

73、In wound culture, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ranked the top (19.5%) while Staphylococcus aureous fell to the sixth, Gram negative bacillus accounted for 73.5%, Gram positive coccus 22.2%. ─── 5年内重要菌群G(上标-)杆菌居首位,近3年常用抗菌药物如头孢他啶等耐药性较前2年明显增加。

74、The results indicate that they are bacillus and coccus. ─── 结果表明,为杆菌属和球菌属。

75、coccus, Class' ─── 克拉斯(氏)球菌:可在伤寒病人咽喉部发现

76、1.Bacterium of positive of orchid family name has common remove from office: Bacili of grape coccus, streptococcic, pneumonic diplococcus, anthrax, diphtheria bacili, tetanic bacili; ─── 常见的革兰氏阳性菌有:葡萄球菌、链球菌、肺炎双球菌、炭疽杆菌、白喉杆菌、破伤风杆菌等;

77、Keywords Fermentation Pentose piece coccus I9 Fermentation sausage; ─── 发酵剂;戊糖片球菌I9;发酵香肠;


79、Objective The in vitro antibacterial activity of cefathiamidine(CTM), cefazolin(CEZ), cefuroxime (CXM), ceftriaxone(CRO), oxacillin(MPIPC) and vancomycin (VCM) against 99 clinical strains of Gram-positive coccus was studied. ─── 目的 对比研究头孢硫脒 (CTM )、头孢唑林 (CEZ)、头孢呋辛 (CXM )、头孢曲松 (CRO )、苯唑西林 (MPIPC)、万古霉素 (VCM )对 99株临床分离革兰氏阳性球菌的抗菌活性。

80、In animal's large intestine, the bile acid can suppress the backwoods coli, the chain coccus and other harmful bacterium's multiplication. ─── 在动物的大肠中,胆汁酸能够抑制大肠杆菌,链球菌及其它有害细菌的增殖。

81、Gram-negative becillus. fungi, gram-positive bacillus, escherichia coli, candida albicans, guam-positive coccus accounted for 56.1%,29.3%,14.6%,26.8%,22.0%,12.7%, respectively. ─── 培养出革兰氏阴性杆菌56.1%,真菌29.3%,革兰氏阳性球菌14.6%。 其中大肠埃希菌26.8%,白假丝酵母22.0%,阴沟肠杆菌12.7%。

82、True fungus (mycosis of disease of bacterium of oar of afterbirth of infection of white beads bacterium, concealed coccus infection, organization, wool, music mycosis) ; ─── 真菌类(白色念珠菌感染、隐球菌感染、组织胞浆菌病、毛霉菌病、曲霉菌病);

83、If expression is above circumstance, preliminary decide to drench coccus is electropositive, but decide further, require oxidation enzymatic test, or candy ferments experiment. ─── 如表现为以上情况,初步判定为淋球菌阳性,但进一步确定,需作氧化酶试验,或糖发酵试验。

84、Early fertile spore cabbage is a vegetable of leaflet coccus form. ─── 早生子持”孢子甘蓝是一种以小叶球供食用的特菜。

85、Lanthanide nitrates for golden color grape coccus restrain bacterium active experiment ─── 稀土硝酸盐对金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌活性实验

86、G+ coccus is resistant to azithromycin, clarithromycin and roxithromycin. ─── 假单胞菌对头孢吡胺、链霉素、左氧氟沙星、氧氟沙星敏感;

87、Coccus hesperidum ─── n. 褐软蜡蚧, 褐软蜡蚧

88、Common pathogen is bacterium of generalization pus sex to wait like grape coccus, streptococcic, coliform organisms more. ─── 常见的病原体多为一般化脓性细菌如葡萄球菌、链球菌、大肠杆菌等。

89、6.Children bronchopneumonia is by coccus of pneumonic diplococcus, grape, second model streptococcic cause, these bacteria are very sensitive to penicillin, hit penicillin so effective. ─── 小儿支气管肺炎是由肺炎双球菌、葡萄球菌、乙型链球菌引起的,这些细菌对青霉素都很敏感,所以打青霉素有效。

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